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Thread: Funniest Way You Died?

  1. Chicago Ted
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    Funniest Way You Died?

    I remember just walking into a fence and dropping dead for some reason. Was on Dead Air 3. To this day I have no clue wtf happened.

    Was running from a Tank in No Mercy finale and he was throwing a rock at me. I jumped backwards to dodge it but in doing so, I jumped off a building. OWNED!

    One person fell off the ledge in Dead Center 1, went to go pick him up with the group covering me, and a Charger got one of us, knocked me and some other dude off the building and I landed right through the glass.

    Lucky Jockey kill. He walked me over the ledge in Swamp Fever just seconds before the boat arrived and the boat crushed me before anyone could react.

    I didn't think it was possible but you CAN close the elevator on someone. I know this because it happened to me. Little did I know, all I had to do was go idle and I'd appear back up. Got smokered eventually.

    Threw a pipebomb during the infinite horde in Dark Carnival, which is nuts. There was no sign of a witch or anything. Nothing on my subtitles, didn't see her straight ahead, didn't hear her. But I threw my pipebomb to clear the zombies and next thing I know I hear her scream and I yell out "WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKK" and I'm dead in a split second.

    Was playing on Expert, was the last person alive, in black in white, running from a Tank. I supposedly gave it a slip. But then I look over a portion of the sugar mill to see a rock fly over the building to hit me. PWNED OVER NINE THOUSAND!

    I recall being incapped, seeing my teammates on the other side of the sewer walking toward me to pick me up. I was counting down my health, was sure they'd make it in time because my health was only declining 2 health per second and I had 19 left before I died. Then it went by 5's rapidly all the sudden and right when they picked me up, I just dropped dead. Louis' lines were "BILL! NOOOO!"

    It doesn't count as a funny death but we fought a Tank before climbing the ladder to the finale to No Mercy. Louis and Zoey are dead from it (Tank knocked them down the elevator shaft and he actually jumped down there with them) so I climb the ladder to atop the hospital and Louis was talking even when he was dead. "We;re almost out of here!" I'm like, WTF?! Is he talking from the elevator shaft? Ghost Louis?
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    I remember just walking into a fence and dropping dead for some reason. Was on Dead Air 3. To this day I have no clue wtf happened.
    Haha wow. It's really the most strange death.

    I do not remember really funny deaths. It is quite commonplace in fact, my life was not very high and Smoker caught me. I died just before my teammates were able to push me.
    Dylan & Baez.

  3. Banned
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    Having a Heart Attack in the safe room and a hunter ragdoll landed on me when I was black and white.

  4. Been around a bit
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    The first time I played Swamp Fever, my team camped on the edge of the river to wait for the ferry. One charger knocked us all into the river.

  5. Banned
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    On the first level of No Mercy, I have occasionally been a victim of the 'instakill car' as a hunter. It's the army vehicle that is partly crashed through the ground floor hall of the apartments, and whenever a hunter (and possibly other SI) touches it, they instantly die.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  6. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xavious View Post
    The first time I played Swamp Fever, my team camped on the edge of the river to wait for the ferry. One charger knocked us all into the river.
    It's really shit when it happens.The most shameful death. u_u'
    Dylan & Baez.

  7. Junior Member
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    The whole team was at 60-80% health, although low amo playing the bridge, we were all at the heli, but a tank ran up and blocked the entrance. He killed us all within 45 seconds. I was punched and thrown off the platform, my brother was cornered in the chopper, and Ellis and Rochelle were pounded to dust. It was only on normal, I haven't the foggiest why it happend so quickly. We were all killed.

    - Justin

  8. Banned
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    Teammate shot a boomer next to me on BH1, sent me over a ledge and to my death.

  9. I've done my time
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    I love doing the Dark Carnival finale, even better now on Hard Eight, when you have to fight so hard just to get to the stage.
    Me and my partner, in a coop mission tried all day to do it, even on easy but it kicked our ass time and time again. But finally we got a break. We downed the first tank, survived the second hoarde and managed to kill the second. We waited for the heli, which landed on the other side of the venue. I flung my bile to the stage, injected my adrenaline and RAN, shot gun blasting everything in my way. About half way the team was down and left me alone. I got hooked by a smoker but flipped and shot him in one quick motion. Clear to the Heli and so releaved to finally do this level, I jumped in to the Heli....and went straight thru! :rofl: I didnt even know it was possible until I found myself incapped on the floor.

  10. The Subjugator
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    On The Parish finale. My team were winning by a long shot, the only way the other guys were ever going to get close was if they killed us all on the bridge and made it themselves, that had an unlikely chance of happening, but they were cool and didn't rage or anything, they were just there to have fun.

    But this isn't the thread for warm-hearted fun, let's jump straight into the anger-inducing but at the same time funny death of mine.

    So, we'd fought through the enemy team and their sprinting minions of punches-that-slow-you-down doom and found ourselves at the end of the bridge with only a few yards of pavement and steps standing in our way. However, a Horde jumps out from fate's butthole and decides to swamp me out of a choice of three other douches that were obviously not as important as yours truly. So, being slowed down by this flock of 'tards is not good, my teammates abandon me to my fate and run for da choppa, and I'm sure I just heard the roar of a Tank creeping up on me. Being resourceful, I whip out my trusty chainsaw I saved and buzz my way out of this Horde, being followed closely by Tootsie the Tank and another Horde full of madmen.

    Soon, I reach the first set of stairs, and while my teammates are boarding the chopper at that very second, I'm just starting my trek to it with the Hordes breathing down my neck, I get slown down AGAIN by this lot as they punch me to death. With no way out, I try to whip out the chainsaw again, but Tootsie is still mad at me for stealing his muffin, and so smacks me all the way to the helicopter platform, halfway there, I die. The Tank hit me so hard he actually flung me into the helicopter's rotors on top of it, killing me instantly.
    Whilst playing Penumbra...

    Parlock: I CAN HEAR IT.
    Dead Prodigy: HIDE.
    Parlock: I AM.

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