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Thread: done with regular versus

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    done with regular versus

    ever since Realism Versus came out, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've played a regular versus. Realism took a while to get used to / get good at, but now I can't imagine going back to playing regular ON the regular. it seems too easy now.

    has anyone else made the switch?
    I'm calling zombie bullshit on that

  2. Zombie Cat
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    No, because there is no realism versus in l4d1. Seriously, though, I don't play realism versus because people are just too bad. The "difficulty" goes up, but the pub's skill level stays as low as ever. If I wanted to babysit morons, I'd work at a school for special kids.

  3. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    No, because there is no realism versus in l4d1. Seriously, though, I don't play realism versus because people are just too bad. The "difficulty" goes up, but the pub's skill level stays as low as ever. If I wanted to babysit morons, I'd work at a school for special kids.
    Lol true that.

    I keep an eye on everybody, but some people just don't listen to others.
    "I'm down! I'M DOWN!!!"
    And they're (and by they're, I mean all of them) off killing one zombie off a 80 health teammate while I'm incapacitated by a damn hunter.
    It's pathetic how they play.

    From a distance, they actually run to me (with a hunter on me) to push him off me instead of trying to shoot him and trying to give me a little more life if possible. You know what I mean?

    Even though I'm hard of hearing, I can still play better than them.
    When someone starts screaming, obviously something is going down.

    And on realism vs, I just can't imagine playing with a Public group. With friends, I will. But not with random people. They're just too unreliable.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  4. Banned
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    you'd hope that modes like versus would filter out the morons. then again, I hoped that expert and advanced would... but no. lol.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  5. Been around a bit
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    I only play normal versus with my friend who can't download the passing. I think normal verses is too easy for the survivors. If I happened to get on a team with 2 or 3 decent players in a pub game, we'd be all but unstoppable on the survivors' side. This just doesn't happen or realism. Even with a mic downed survivors can be hard to find. In fact, I often find people by listening to their in games yells, rather then them saying "I'm in the bushes near the tree!" over their mics. Things like the cane field on hard rain and the growth on the sides of swamp fever now have the intended effect.

    Now, I've still been pub stomped on realism but it happens alot less. Turns are shorter and games are generally closer. The other day we were behind the whole campaign and came back to win it on the last chapter.

  6. Smoker
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    I don't play realism vs because I can't hear so I'm always finding myself lost or unable to locate anyone then I get kicked.

  7. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    I don't play realism vs because I can't hear so I'm always finding myself lost or unable to locate anyone then I get kicked.
    Yeah, it's nearly impossible to play, if you can't hear. Like I said, a good %75 of the time, when someone is down and not immediately visible, I have to use my stereo speaks and the in game yelling to locate them

    I just had another come from behind win. We were a good bit behind coming into the second to last chapter on hard rain. Naturally we were infected first. The tank spawned in the first area. He downed two people with cars. The remaining two were obviously friends because the had similar gamertags. They decided to run back and camp the saferoom, which worked well, until a boomer and a spitter spawned.


    When it was our turned, I got smoked going back to help someone, and the rest of my team rushed rather well, managing to close the gap to 20 points.

    On the finale, we Jockeyed the last guy over the fence, and the remaining 3 decided to active the sign and then camp inside the restaurant. Again, a spitter and boomer did them in. (Me thinks these guys haven't adjusted well from LFD to LFD2). They died before the 1st tanks even showed up, and all we had to do was make it to the 1st tank to win, which we did.

    My point is this: If it had been regular VS, I'm fairly certain that the score would have been out of hand before we had time to catch up. Because they probably would have made it all the way on some of the earlier chapters

  8. Zombie Cat
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    I joined a realism versus lobby last night on swamp fever to get warmed up for a gb, my first time playing l4d2 in a long time. The game begins with me as infected, my team seems decent enough, communicating and working together. They spawn early and don't use the specials properly and complain about surround sound but I thought whatever it's not my place to teach every fool. So the bad guys die outside of the ferry and our survivor turn comes.

    One dude on our team is like serious sam, this is risky business, he's telling us, we MUST stick together and watch each other's backs, and I was kind of relieved that maybe they wouldn't suck at survivor like they did as infected. Their first attack is a failure and we're moving along at a fair pace. A smoker and jockey and spitter spawned behind us and I called it out. Me and the other two turn to kill them as smoker tries to pull nick and rochelle gets jocked. I hear a hunter pounce in the distance and think "no problem we're all right here". I kill the smoker before he constricts nick after which the jockey and spitter were easily dispatched. Time for a quick head check. I notice serious sam is nowhere to be found and is losing health VERY fast. WTF sam where are you didn't you say stick together. "I'm in the house right next to you". It sure doesn't sound right next to me. I think you mean around the fence and across the field and through the door, sam, with a hunter and about 35 commons pounding on you. I got there just in time to see him die in a pile of zombies.

    It's good to know my initial post is still accurate.

  9. Hi, my name is...
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    I guess I've just become extremely tuned in and I'm able to 95% of the time see someone getting smoked/hunted [I've become used to looking for the blood gushing out from the attack].. I've also come to understand a lot more the most popular areas to attack from.
    I'm calling zombie bullshit on that

  10. Rob Zombie
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    Versus overall is boring in my opinion

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