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Thread: Achievements broke or what?

  1. Smoker
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    Achievements broke or what?

    I spent 4 hours trying to beat Dark Carnival on expert and finally was able to do it but it didn't give me the achievement. I've beaten this campaign on expert in many mutations and nothing. Are expert achievements really broken?

    We beat it mostly by luck. First thanks to Infectedredneck, Minczgamer, Dragonsgomoo, and a few others for helping me with this. We made it through most of the campaign at a good pace until we got to the dreaded gate at the end of part 4. We were stuck there for two hours, restarting over and over. Finally it was just Mincz and me and I was about to give up when something strange happened. I went to pull the switch for the gate and got charged at the exact same time. This caused some kind of glitch and no infected game until the gate opened. We ran straight down the pathway and I tossed a pipe. I didn't see the witch right in front of the door and got killed instantly but Mincz made it in the saferoom. THANK YOU MINCZ!!!! We beat the finale on the first try but I didn't get the achievement and was so ticked afterwards.

    I give up on this game and it's broken achievements.

  2. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    What achievement are you referring to? There is no achievement for beating just DaC (at least on the PC). There is an achievement for beating one expert campaign and another achievement for beating all expert campaigns.

    Also, why are you putting so much emphasis on achievements? They're meant to be personal marks and, more specifically, are meant to be for fun. If you've beaten this campaign on expert multiple times before then that is the achievement you should be proud of.
    I'm trying to beat all the campaigns on expert. I need Dark Carnival and Swamp Fever and then I get the main achievement of conquering them all on expert difficulty. It said I've beaten 3 of 5 and those numbers do not change. I beat it last night and it still says 3 of 5.

    Normally I play games and hit the achievements naturally but I've gotten pretty bored with playing L4D2 so I'm now working on getting all the achievements to keep things interesting but none of them are registering. I've completed 3 achievements the past two days and my 42 of 60 has not changed.

  3. Banned
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    Wait for an easy mutation.

  4. Witch
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    That sucks pretty much. I would've been pissed off too.

    Sorry for ditching last night, I had to get started on my math and English homework. It went smoothly until we got to the gate. That's the farthest I've ever gotten, but only because it would disconnect us right before we got to the gate.

    Does the gate ever stop with its crescendo, or does it just keep on going? That was a lot of zombies.

    If we play again, we gotta keep a few pipe bombs or bile jars.

    I think Minc has control over the witch :[ He startled it and I thought it was going after him, but I didn't see where the witch was because of all the zombies, then before I knew it, the witch kills me.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  5. Join Date
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    Have you tried local servers? And also, have you pondered that maybe you are overlooking a campaign you didnt finish? One reason the PC is better is you can click the unfinished achievement and see what you have and havent done.

  6. Smoker
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    I have a post-it note on the case of L4D2 that tells me which campaigns I've beaten so far. Dark Carnival and Swamp Fever are all that's left because I could never get past the gate or beat the finale on Swamp Fever. I did beat them both using a few of the mutations on expert but those did not register either for some reason. It's like the achievement progress on my system is stuck and won't change.

    Last night we used the local server and finally was not disconnected. I'm sticking with local from now on.

  7. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragonsGoMOO View Post
    That sucks pretty much. I would've been pissed off too.

    Sorry for ditching last night, I had to get started on my math and English homework. It went smoothly until we got to the gate. That's the farthest I've ever gotten, but only because it would disconnect us right before we got to the gate.

    Does the gate ever stop with its crescendo, or does it just keep on going? That was a lot of zombies.

    If we play again, we gotta keep a few pipe bombs or bile jars.

    I think Minc has control over the witch :[ He startled it and I thought it was going after him, but I didn't see where the witch was because of all the zombies, then before I knew it, the witch kills me.
    Homework comes first.

    There is one or two moments where the infected stop just for a few seconds, enough time for you to heal or start running.

    You could probably see how terrible I am at watching out for the witch. Once at the steps near the gates I walked right into her and didn't even noticed. Bam I was dead. Then after we got past the gate I ran into the left lane to the saferoom and all I could see were infected running out there and a witch was hidden behind them. Bam I was dead again but Mincz made it in the room.......alone.

    If we do it again, we'll use a local server cuz that's what I was using last night and no issues with disconnecting the entire four hours.

  8. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Why not try to beat Swamp Fever and see if it gives you credit for all 5 then? It could very well be a bug. Either way, it wouldn't be a waste of time since you need SF too! But don't fret over DaC so much.
    Been trying to, without glitching. Most people gitch back to the saferoom and then run for the gates once the tanks are dead but I want to beat it normally. I'll keep trying.

  9. Just getting started
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    This has not happened to me yet, thankfully, ive made it through 3 of 5 as well.

  10. Witch
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    Been trying to, without glitching. Most people gitch back to the saferoom and then run for the gates once the tanks are dead but I want to beat it normally. I'll keep trying.
    >.> *shifty eyes*

    I guess I'll redeem my manhood of video games by playing with you on Swamp Fever, since that's how I beat that one..........

    Only because the other 3 guys wanted me to do it, and they would've kicked me. Ah well. I always have the option of playing it again, right?!
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

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