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Thread: accuracy fubar?

  1. Smoker
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    accuracy fubar?

    I find this strange. Before the DLC, I could hit 60-80 in shooting percentage pretty easily but after the DLC it's been pretty difficult. The most i've been able to get was 55 today. I went through the entire no mercy map on a local server and shot only what I could hit. I knew at the end that I had a very high accuracy but it only showed 55%. It felt more like a 75-80 percent game.

    I'm betting the lagging servers are causing this?

  2. Smoker
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    I guess I gotta aim better then.

    The week before the DLC, I had about 4 or 5 games where I shot 60-75 percent and was either 1st or 2nd in kills. (campaign) I haven't been able to do it since. It's not really difficult to get though, especially with the sniper rifle.

  3. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Weapon of choice on those campaigns? Check out NotLim's videos over on the uh...modded map forum.

    He posted some videos of his City 17 run and runs with the military sniper for most of the game. I usually don't pay attention to accuracy but when I use the military I hit around 45-55%. The AK-47 (most common choice for me) nets me around 30-40%. Assist has higher accuracy than me usually. And he's a pretty good shot by my is NotLim.

    But if you watch those videos, you'll see he ends up with 51% accuracy at the end? I'd say that his gameplay was above the average players on the PC so that's what I'm basing my conclusions on (and the fact that I've never seen above 60% accuracy).
    50% or higher IMO, is excellent shooting. It's rare to see people shoot that high. 40-50 is great shooting as well and it's not done often by most.

    It's either the sniper rifle or the SCAR. I got my highest 82% game with the SCAR which surprised me lol. I've played with Mincz and Dragon with some of those 60-70 percent games but I dunno if they were paying any attention to the stats at the end. I'm usually the only one who doesn't vote to proceed during the stats cuz I want to see the accuracy which is near the bottom.

    I used to play the game just to get the most kills but that got old after a while so since then I've played for accuracy and saves just for the challenge.

    I'll check out those vids after I get a couple drinks.

  4. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Hm I'm more wary of the SCAR ACC readout because of its inability to control amount of shots. High ACC with the military sniper is usually understandable.

    I don't even want to go there tonight so I won't mention it. Your accuracy is probably as high as most PC players but the algorithm calculating it probably wasn't correct (until it was fixed as you noticed) up until now. To get 80% of your shots in on ~500ish average zombies is...very improbable.

    I don't focus on accuracy in L4D but I do in CS (yes you knew this was going there!). Ok so I'm not going to rant about the mouse but I actually do have some statistics for you.

    I am not the most accurate player nor the most reflexive player on the [TG] server but I do have my moments where I dominate either side of the score board. Here's my lifetime stats:

    Steam Community :: Counter-Strike: Source Stats :: Rob[Music]

    Take a note of the AK-47. It's my weapon of choice and I am freaking deadly with it (not going to even dance around this). Yet, my overall accuracy is only 17.5% with it out of 400ish kills in all the games I've played on this account.

    Likewise take a look at the CT counterpart: M4A1 carbine. This gun is inherently less accurate than the AK-47 and it does show on my stats. But I use it the most out of any gun on the CT side yet only obtained a mere 15.1% accuracy rating out of 400ish kills.

    I'm not saying L4D weapon stats are the same...but they do have a page for them.

    Steam Community :: Left 4 Dead 2 Stats :: Rob[Music]

    Now, looking at those stats I can definitely tell you something is wrong. 58% with a magnum? Ok maybe. 81% ACC with the AK-47 on the other hand? Uh...ok but bordering on ridiculous. Military sniper? 69% with my piddly 15-30 FPS while scoped? No way in hell. Now take a look at the grenade launcher. 148% accuracy. Damn I'm really accurate with grenades! SPAS is only at 16% too which is my favorite shotgun.

    I have a feeling that Valve was using some really obscure form of accuracy calculation for the Xbox until the recent update similar to how they are calculating my weapon stats on the Steam page.

    I have never achieved higher than 55% personal accuracy or seen someone achieve higher than 60%. And I've killed a lot of zombies along side many a talented individual. :|
    The way I achieve such high accuracy scores (before) was with patience and only shootin what I can hit and I'm kneeling practically the entire map. I'm the complete opposite of Rambo, basically. :rofl: Like if the zombie is moving or running, I don't shoot till it stops or is running directly towards me. Guarantee hit. I also wait till they are close to me to shoot em instead of getting em at the distance where I risk missing. It's a real-life military tactic style shooting of preserving ammo and I apply that to my FPS games all the time. I'm a military guy who sat and listened to countless stories of my stepfather's sniper missions in vietnam. One shot kills too many and make every bullet count were the keys to his survival.

    I completely agree that the mouse/keyboard combo nets the best accuracy in gaming, no doubt, but there are ways to shoot very accurate in xbox games. It's just that it's not done this way by many because alot of people don't employ military tactics to their gaming.

    Now that you mentioned they fixed it, or modified the way they count accuracy, I have to try even harder to get high accuracy scores, which is a bonus cuz I like the challenge. This can only do one thing: improve my accuracy even more. But it was quite strange today cuz I swear I had the best shooting in a long time on no mercy but got a low score. I was in that "zone" where you could instantly turn and shoot and hit and then immediately turn snipe the zombie that's about to attack your teammate.

    I wish xbox l4d had a system that keeps track of your percentages. That would be epic.

    I'm gonna give it another go on no mercy with bots and see if I can acquire a high 60, 70, or even 80 and I'll be sure to snap a pix of the stats. I don't know how to make vids of the games or record stuff yet.

  5. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Ah ok. Then 80% accuracy is very plausible if you aim like that. Have you played a few more games to test for consistency?

    Anyways, I'm the complete opposite. I'm rambo, nice to meet you. L4D1 and take a look at the auto-shotgun.

    Steam Community :: Left 4 Dead Stats :: Rob[Music]

    12% ACC LOL

    Oh lordy.
    LOL If a zombie outbreak ever happened where I teamed up with you while you had a auto shotgun , I'll be damn sure to stay BEHIND YOU.

    Today's game was one of the first games I was able to complete cuz most of the games since the DLC kept getting disconnected before I could get to the finale. It's just god-awful laggy. I'm hoping to play a game or two tonight and get some more results.

  6. Hunter
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    Kagato,Your grenade launcher accuracy disappoints me, i have 258 % accuracy with it :P
    yoloswagkush420 banging chicks cause its all bout da money.

  7. Hunter
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    Nope, it's just those 2 times we played helms deep
    yoloswagkush420 banging chicks cause its all bout da money.

  8. Smoker
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    Ok I played a friends-only game and this was on no mercy map. I used my usual shooting tactics. i started with the pistol and machine gun and then switched to the magnum and scout. About half way through I found the sniper rifle and it was sniper/magnum the rest of the way through. We encountered 8 tanks throughout the map. They only offered the m16, ak, and shotguns throughout the level. I was hoping for the SCAR again.

    Only one or two friends joined my game and then quit after a while. My saves are low cuz the damn bots always stand behind me so there's nothing to save but my own arse.

    Here's the stats:

    Sorry for the lousy quality. My tv blurs the numbers for some reason.

    I managed to shoot 70 percent this time and i felt good with the aim, but wasn't in the zone like I was earlier today. I could probably beat my record high if I had 3 human players since the bots get in my way from time to time and distract my shot.

    Looks like it's still do-able but my end-game stat predictions are off maybe.

  9. Smoker
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    Well I think the reason the bots shot so well was because I wasn't moving much when shooting so they were right behind me doing most of their shooting at a standstill, which is more accurate. Also when the friends came and left, the replacement bot stats are reset to 0 so their stats aren't exactly for an entire no mercy campaign. zoey was not chosen by those who joined so she was the only full time bot and her 39 is just about normal. I barely saw the bots with a shotgun so I think that may have netted better results too. I've had bots shoot around the 50's before. It's not common but it happens. I know my 70 is pretty accurate because I couldn't recall missing any shots on the zombies but I did miss a few on the SI and tank, due to them moving so fast. Some of my missed shots were from the bots downing my target right before I pulled the trigger so my shot ended up missing as the zombie started to drop to the ground.

    I would be amazed to see the other three players with similar accuracy after completing a map. Probably will never experience that though cuz I haven't played with anyone who can shoot above 60, let alone try for it intentionally. I have seen some shoot 55's or so with me but only a number of times.

    I played another match shortly after posting that video above, this time while severely intoxicated lol, and it was a public match cuz none of my friends were playing and I wanted to try without bots. Two people joined right off the bat and we played through the entire map of no mercy together. These were split screeners BUT were actually good. They would fall back and kneel next to me, watching my back and picking off zombies from afar. I had the m16 and magnum this time, and they had the sniper and m16 as well. Since no one was rushing, which is usually what happens on public, we took our time and completed it in 1 hour and 3 minutes. I had the most kills at 620 and shot 64%, the other guy shot 42% and his split partner shot 39. Not too shabby there.

  10. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    That's the problem: shooting accurately like you do is often more detrimental than helpful. Yeah, planning out your shots is great but the ability to keep moving and make use of your large clip size (on most weapons) is extremely important.

    In versus, you often don't have the time to plan out shots either. In survival, you do. So I'd expect high numbers there. But keep in mind that the longer the game proceeds, the lower your accuracy should be. Scavenge...same issue.

    See, there's another problem. Are you one that is prone to shoot through walls and the like? I am a guy who blasts through walls knowing that the SI are on the other side. I pre-fire all the time knowing that the SI are just around the corner.

    Sometimes (most of the times), my guesses are a little off. This lowers my overall accuracy but I'd prefer shooting a SI through a wall rather than waiting for it to do damage to a teammate and then shoot it.

    That's why precision isn't L4D's main focus and it shows. A healthy balance between precision, reflexes, communication, and intuition are what embodies good L4D players. This is the main reason I believe the controller has the ability to function up there with the mouse in L4D. Can most players pull it off? No. Can it be done? Sure. This is also why I do not like using L4D to assess pure precision and reflexes.

    Like I said, I could go through an entire campaign and only shoot when I am absolutely sure I will make the shot. In fact, I might just do that for fun and post some numbers. :P

    But that just isn't practical.
    That's why I do it cuz it's fun and gives me a challenge to tackle since i'm bored as hell with campaign games. Shooting with precision accuracy preserves my ammo so I never have to worry about running out and it also cuts down on friendly fire since i'm not trigger happy with the gun. This brings a feel of realism to my FPS games too. The ability to hit your targets without missing and quickly can save your team from taking damage. I usually lead in least damage taken because I kill em before they get close and being able to do it requires hitting them on the first shot.

    I agree that have a balance is the key and just having superhero accuracy won't do you wonders in L4D. The only problem with your four key areas for balance (for me) is that I don't have the communication balance, cuz ya know I can't use a mic but I'm pretty fluent in the other three.

    I don't shoot through walls much unless I know for sure there's a SI waiting there or when I can see the shadow coming through the wall. Normally I kneel down and crawl into the doorway and blast anything that moves. Sometimes I just close all the doors and wait for the caption that says someone is breaking down a door and I'll know someone's in there lol. But if the situation was there where blasting through the wall would prevent attacks on us then i would do it, yeah.

    You are right about versus and scavenge. It's much harder to apply this shooting technique in versus or scavenge since the human players are not very predictable and you have to spread out your fire to make sure you hit him enough. I don't play versus much at all these days but when I do, my average is pretty much average, in the 30-45 range.

    I went through it again just for kicks, trying to beat my highest and got 75% this time. I played single player with bots so I could see if their average is....average, and it was. This time I progressed through the levels much quicker than before and didn't use the scope on the sniper much at all. I think i'm getting better with aiming without the scope. I still suck against the SI. It's not that I can't hit em, it's just I don't know where they are cuz I can't hear the audio clues so I'm constantly looking back and forth and bam it shows up. Sometimes I can predict where they spawn and get em that way.

    Go ahead and see what kind of accuracy you can pull off and post it up here if you want. If anything, it'll be fun and challenging.

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