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Thread: Sacrifizzle fixed!

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Still no special infected bots in versus either, unless they forgot to mention that in the update.

    We'd be lucky to get another update after this one though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  2. Banned
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    There aren't. Personally I think they've gone far enough; if I wanted L4D1 to look, feel and play like L4D2, I'd just play L4D2.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  3. Smoker
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    Quote Originally Posted by gosteelers826 View Post
    I think he's bashing the people who depend on the auto shottie and abuse it, not you.
    How do you abuse the auto shottie? I don't understand this concept.

    A little off topic:

    I was once called out for abusing the shot gun (pump) in a campaign game because I used it from the very beginning and shot 72% during the entire campaign. I do the same with the sniper rifle too. Not sure how that's considered abusing and not just "skill".

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    How do you abuse the auto shottie? I don't understand this concept.
    If I would hazard a guess, an entire team using nothing but auto shotties would fall under abuse. I honestly don't know really.
    Parlock: I'm sorry, I'm an idiot who can't read XD.
    Teenracer6: I hate salt, it's too salty.
    Parlock: Taking in TP's sweet, sweet buttsweat didn't make me gag

  5. Banned
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    Well, for starters the auto shotgun takes absolutely no skill to use whatsoever. It holds 10 rounds, is very powerful and can be fired repeatedly. All you do is point it in the general direction of your target and mash the RT button. Four players taking auto shotguns on every level possible and just spamming the fuck out of it are not skilled players - they are simply abusing the fact that the auto shottie holds a lot of ammo and has a fast rate of fire, as well as a large ammo reserve.

    This is a reason that a lot of skilled players tend to stick with the tier 1 weapon until a little later, or indeed throughout the whole campaign. Everything that you can do with an auto shotgun - cr0wning, clearing, dispatching SI and taking down tanks - can be done just as well with a pump, it just takes a little longer, and in the case of the witch and one-shotting hunters, takes practice and precise timing. All you need to do to skeet a hunter or cr0wn a witch with an auto shottie is mash the trigger - that isn't skill guys, sorry.

    When I play I might not take a tier 2 weapon until the starting saferoom of the fourth map where we are given them - this is a rule called starting weapons only. Most of the time I'll advise my team to have a balance of shotguns and rifles, or at the very least one rifle on the team. There are certain maps, that I'd like to refer to as "rush maps", that I advise all shotgun rounds, such as Dead Air 4, where you basically just run and shoot. Never though am I happy to go through a whole game with all four players using nothing but shotguns - it only works until someone gets pinned out of range, and I take great pleasure in catching out teams who think they are "teh 0wnz0r" because they took four auto shotties.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
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  6. Smoker
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    You have valid points in your opinion and I want to share mine:

    Quote Originally Posted by zoeyyyy View Post
    Well, for starters the auto shotgun takes absolutely no skill to use whatsoever. It holds 10 rounds, is very powerful and can be fired repeatedly. All you do is point it in the general direction of your target and mash the RT button. Four players taking auto shotguns on every level possible and just spamming the fuck out of it are not skilled players - they are simply abusing the fact that the auto shottie holds a lot of ammo and has a fast rate of fire, as well as a large ammo reserve.

    You are right that the auto shotgun is very powerful, but so is every other automatic gun in the game. The sniper rifle can be just as lethal as the auto shotgun. The penetration power of the sniper rifle is crazy insane and you can knock down multiple infected with just one shot, and same with the auto shottie. The AK47 is considered the most all around best gun in the game and can be unstoppable if in the right hands, or even in a noob's with a rambo-ish trigger happy finger. You just hold down the trigger and it will blast through hordes easily. I kinda disagree that the shotgun requires no skill. I've played with noobs who grab the auto shotgun and probably 50%-75% of the team's health damage was from his lack of experience aiming the gun. The auto shotgun does take skill to use it correctly and accurately. You need to know the hit radius of each shot to effectively protect your teammates when they are close by. You also need to know the range of it in order to take out the SI before they get you.

    This is a reason that a lot of skilled players tend to stick with the tier 1 weapon until a little later, or indeed throughout the whole campaign. Everything that you can do with an auto shotgun - cr0wning, clearing, dispatching SI and taking down tanks - can be done just as well with a pump, it just takes a little longer, and in the case of the witch and one-shotting hunters, takes practice and precise timing. All you need to do to skeet a hunter or cr0wn a witch with an auto shottie is mash the trigger - that isn't skill guys, sorry.

    If the same damage can be done with either auto or pump, what difference does it make which one they use. You can crown a witch, clear the horde, or dispatch the SI with the pump and do the exact same thing with the auto, but quicker. IMO, I'd take the quicker gun, not cuz it's easier to use, but because it gets the job done quicker and we all know that shit can hit the fan in a matter of seconds in versus matches.

    If you are playing competitive games and you had a choice of the most powerful gun and a regular gun, you would take the most powerful in order to win the match. It's about outgunning, outsmarting, and outplaying your opponent. Anything goes when it comes to available weapons. If real world battles, you don't want to take a pump gun over an auto shotgun if your life was on the line.

    When I play I might not take a tier 2 weapon until the starting saferoom of the fourth map where we are given them - this is a rule called starting weapons only. Most of the time I'll advise my team to have a balance of shotguns and rifles, or at the very least one rifle on the team. There are certain maps, that I'd like to refer to as "rush maps", that I advise all shotgun rounds, such as Dead Air 4, where you basically just run and shoot. Never though am I happy to go through a whole game with all four players using nothing but shotguns - it only works until someone gets pinned out of range, and I take great pleasure in catching out teams who think they are "teh 0wnz0r" because they took four auto shotties.

    Having at least one long range weapon and three auto shotties is a better plan but i've encountered teams that had four auto shotties and magnum pistol and they took out the long range SI very easily. The only time they used the auto shottie was against the tank or close SI. I didn't think anything of it as being unfair. The guns were available to both teams and both took advantage of them. I don't think there should be rules which guns can be used or people being criticized for what gun they prefer if these guns are available to us.

    My main point and opinion is if the guns are available in the game, they can be used in any manner that the team wishes to use them. There's always ways to counter every team's game plan and weapon choices. It is more difficult to take down a team of auto-shotgunners but that doesn't mean they are cheating or abusing the gun. I get frustrated when I get gunned down by an auto shotgun a couple times in a row but it's my fault that I let them see me coming and gave em a clear shot. The killed me with the better gun and it was fair and square. It's the same concept as using the tank. The tank is the most powerful SI in the game and people take down entire teams with one tank and in a matter of seconds but it's not being abused, it's being used to win the match because it's available to them.

    Now i'm not a fan of shotguns because I love rifles, especially sniper rifles. My step-father was a sniper in vietnam and all those stories he told me got me addicted. But anyways, I recently switched from dominating with the rifles, to using the shotgun and it's starting to grow on me. I haven't really used the shotgun much since I started playing both games a year or two ago. I consider it to be a very powerful gun for close encounters but i still prefer the sniper rifle. There are situations where the auto shotgun would probably perform better than the rifle of my choice and I'm starting to use it more.

    This is my personal opinion and I know some will disagree and that's cool. Feel free to chime in on what you think of what I think.

  7. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    You are right that the auto shotgun is very powerful, but so is every other automatic gun in the game. The sniper rifle can be just as lethal as the auto shotgun. The penetration power of the sniper rifle is crazy insane and you can knock down multiple infected with just one shot, and same with the auto shottie. The AK47 is considered the most all around best gun in the game and can be unstoppable if in the right hands, or even in a noob's with a rambo-ish trigger happy finger. You just hold down the trigger and it will blast through hordes easily. I kinda disagree that the shotgun requires no skill. I've played with noobs who grab the auto shotgun and probably 50%-75% of the team's health damage was from his lack of experience aiming the gun. The auto shotgun does take skill to use it correctly and accurately. You need to know the hit radius of each shot to effectively protect your teammates when they are close by. You also need to know the range of it in order to take out the SI before they get you.
    A sniper rifle can be just as lethal, if not moreso, than a shotgun, but that's not what the argument is about. The rifle for one needs precision aiming to use properly; a shotgun doesn't, because of the large spread. Yes, a shotgun needs a skilled user to avoid tearing up the team, but the learning curve when you compared it to skilled use of even an assault rifle, is nothing. Any gun takes skill to use correctly and accurately, but the fact is the auto is the easiest gun to just pick up and use, period. Friendly fire of the shotgun is also a moot point when someone runs in front of you as you fire, which happens to me more times than I can count.

    If the same damage can be done with either auto or pump, what difference does it make which one they use. You can crown a witch, clear the horde, or dispatch the SI with the pump and do the exact same thing with the auto, but quicker.
    You've just made the exact same point I did, regurgitated it a bit, changed around the order of "auto" and "pump" and said "quicker" instead of slower. So yeah... we agree on that, you've just said it again in opposites. The fact of the matter is, I don't need an auto shotgun to do a good job, whereas many people I meet on this game clearly do. It's not about the choice, it was about making a point. Yes, I will take an auto sometimes, but the point is I don't suck with a pump - many people do, because they can't hide behind the ability to mash the trigger ten times.

    If you are playing competitive games and you had a choice of the most powerful gun and a regular gun, you would take the most powerful in order to win the match. It's about outgunning, outsmarting, and outplaying your opponent. Anything goes when it comes to available weapons. If real world battles, you don't want to take a pump gun over an auto shotgun if your life was on the line.
    I'm guessing you haven't played many competitive games - or talked to any really "decent players". Eylof on here will be the first to tell you his thoughts on the auto shotgun and some of the people who use it. Some of the better teams even play SWO and FYOK which means no tier 2 weapons until the safe room of level 4. It adds a bit more spice into the game instead of just scrambling for the power weapons and relying on the added power to get you a score. I adopted SWO myself recently and it's revolutionized my gameplay. Forcing myself to use tier 1 weapons more often means that when I do pick up a tier 2, I blow things away with it like it's an extension of my arm.

    It's not what you use, it's how you use it.

    Having at least one long range weapon and three auto shotties is a better plan but i've encountered teams that had four auto shotties and magnum pistol and they took out the long range SI very easily. The only time they used the auto shottie was against the tank or close SI. I didn't think anything of it as being unfair. The guns were available to both teams and both took advantage of them. I don't think there should be rules which guns can be used or people being criticized for what gun they prefer if these guns are available to us.
    That's fine - perhaps they just all liked the auto shotgun, but the point is they didn't just spam the fuck out of it and used the other gun when it was necessary. What bugs me is teams who take four shotguns, spam it constantly, scrape a win, and then talk shit in the lobby about how good they are and how they "pwned" us. TBH though, I've gotten good enough, as have the people I play with, that teams like that tend not to beat us anymore, or ragequit before the game ends.

    My criticism isn't on people's choices per se, but people who hide behind auto shottie spam and shout from the rooftops about how great they are. I get my kicks from taking people like that and shoving a sock right in their cake hole when they get their ass beat.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  8. Chicago Ted
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    I don't think you've seen me use the Auto like a Geeb. I only take Shotguns in L4D1 not because they're "TEH PWNZOR!", but because i know how to use them.

    L4D2 the Autos are my gun of choice, when i see an AK i take it, or an M16..have very rarely used the SCAR.

    I just LOL at the people who say "You can't crown with a Pump you scrub noob"

    See, the Machine Gun based weapons in L4D2 are almost Shotgun's bizarre that VALVe nerfed the Machine Guns in the first game but overpowered them in the second.

    Skeeting and Crowning, well if you're like most Geebs and just "blamblamblamblam" at a Hunter rather than perform a one shot..or spammed the fuck out of the Witch. It bugs me.

  9. Senior-Senior Member
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    tl;dr Muddeprived and Zoeyyyy
    And I'd probably be excited if I ever got around to buying L4D1 or even getting the money to buy L4D1. But for now:
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  10. Smoker
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    You've just made the exact same point I did, regurgitated it a bit, changed around the order of "auto" and "pump" and said "quicker" instead of slower. So yeah... we agree on that, you've just said it again in opposites. The fact of the matter is, I don't need an auto shotgun to do a good job, whereas many people I meet on this game clearly do. It's not about the choice, it was about making a point. Yes, I will take an auto sometimes, but the point is I don't suck with a pump - many people do, because they can't hide behind the ability to mash the trigger ten times.
    My point is, and I think you read it wrong, is that it doesn't matter WHICH gun you use, as long as the job gets done. It's not fair to call someone a noob or shotty-abuser if they prefer to use the auto shotgun. Your preference is the pump, his/hers is the auto. If this guy is doing an awesome job with the auto, and you are doing just as good with the pump, i'm gonna congratulate both of you, not just you cuz you excel at using the slightly-harder-to-use pump gun.

    I'm guessing you haven't played many competitive games - or talked to any really "decent players". Eylof on here will be the first to tell you his thoughts on the auto shotgun and some of the people who use it. Some of the better teams even play SWO and FYOK which means no tier 2 weapons until the safe room of level 4. It adds a bit more spice into the game instead of just scrambling for the power weapons and relying on the added power to get you a score. I adopted SWO myself recently and it's revolutionized my gameplay. Forcing myself to use tier 1 weapons more often means that when I do pick up a tier 2, I blow things away with it like it's an extension of my arm.
    Yes I have and I have played with Eylof a number of times. He excels with the pump, I know, and I've seen it. One of the best out there. If you give me Eylof and another dude who's equally as good with the auto, I'm taking both of them cuz both are good. It doesn't matter about the gun to me. It's the skill of staying alive and protecting your teammates that I base my choices on, not which gun you are using. I don't play in the "swo" and "fyok" styles, I play the game to win with whatever is available to use. I do use every gun in the game and can excel with any of them but I don't limit my choices on which guns to take. I go by my mood and sometimes by the situation. Maybe it's just my way of thinking is different from most of ya, but I just don't see the issue of someone using the gun that they are comfortable with. If it helps them win, I'm all for it.

    It's not what you use, it's how you use it.

    That's fine - perhaps they just all liked the auto shotgun, but the point is they didn't just spam the fuck out of it and used the other gun when it was necessary. What bugs me is teams who take four shotguns, spam it constantly, scrape a win, and then talk shit in the lobby about how good they are and how they "pwned" us. TBH though, I've gotten good enough, as have the people I play with, that teams like that tend not to beat us anymore, or ragequit before the game ends.

    My criticism isn't on people's choices per se, but people who hide behind auto shottie spam and shout from the rooftops about how great they are. I get my kicks from taking people like that and shoving a sock right in their cake hole when they get their ass beat.
    This is what's different for me. If they beat me using whatever guns of their choice, I accept the loss and that's it. I have the benefit of a hearing loss ( I can't hear anything at all) so I don't have to listen to all the talk in the lobbies and during the game. Basically I'm "immune" to people talkin shit and all that. So maybe that plays a role in why my opinion differs from yours and why the bragging shottie users have no effect on me. I don't have to listen to them brag about how good they are cuz, basically, I can't. So it's just two teams playing against each other for the win and then it's back to the menu. I see a good player who uses the auto shotty, as a good player, but I have no idea if they are 12 years old or 40 years old, noob or experienced. If they beat me, hats off to them. If they brag about it, I will never know and practically don't care. In fact, i haven't heard anyone brag since......1995, when I lost my hearing in HS.

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