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Thread: Killing the Tank in Expert Realism ALONE

  1. Junior Member
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    Killing the Tank in Expert Realism ALONE

    Yes, I did it. I killed the tank. in realism. in expert. with red HP.
    I was playing the parish on expert realism on public, and everybody got incapped by the tank, while I had 10% perm. health. I circled the tunnel, running from the tank like 50 times(luckily the Commons seemed to be gone) but i somehow used my magnum to kill the tank by myself. Sadly, a jockey got me when my back was turned when I was helping coach up, and we lost.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Not news for me, I often find myself soloing Tanks in pub games. Yes, even Expert. Its not hard to solo a Tank once you know the Tanks patterns of movement, the time it takes for him to throw a rock, and the time it takes you to find cover or an area where the Tank will have some trouble to navigate. All in all, congrats on the first time, but trust me, there will be a lot more to come.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
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  3. Junior Member
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    More to come? I can pretty much do half of Dead Center on expert realism on solo, (security room run is difficult) how much harder can it get? I find expert realism predictable, yet just plain cruel compared to versus. Though, I guess I still have a bit to learn to become pro(I've only been doing this for about a month on and off) though I'm getting better at predicting enemies' locations in Versus and I can cr0wn a witch while moving(at least on easy).

    It takes 400,000 bullets to fend off expert realism zombies.... for twelve seconds.

  4. Banned
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    Kiting tanks is actually something that I struggle with in L4D, as well as witch cr0wning on the harder difficulties - so I just take a different approach. Tanks get burned and ran from until they die. Witches get piped and then meleed to death or burned as well. There's a strategy for almost everything in campaign, because it's predictable.
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  5. Been around a bit
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    i dont have xbox live, but can someone tell me what realism is like?

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  6. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouTiger View Post
    i dont have xbox live, but can someone tell me what realism is like?
    Unless you dont have L4D 2, you can do a game of Realism regardless of whether you have Live or not.

    Anyway there are no survivor auras, no auras on items or ammo, zombies are harder to kill, and thats basically it.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Banned
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    The bots don't come back in rescue closets once killed, the witch will kill you instantly and she can no longer be cr0wned. So basically, if you meet a witch in a path where she is in your way, and you don't have a grenade, you are literally fucked.

    It's not so bad in multiplayer, but in realism with just one player, a situation like that can literally make the level impassable, as your death ends the round.
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  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoeyyyy View Post
    The bots don't come back in rescue closets once killed, the witch will kill you instantly and she can no longer be cr0wned. So basically, if you meet a witch in a path where she is in your way, and you don't have a grenade, you are literally fucked.

    It's not so bad in multiplayer, but in realism with just one player, a situation like that can literally make the level impassable, as your death ends the round.
    She can still be crowned if you have an auto-shotgun, but it takes her quite a few shots to die. I normally don't like to spam witches, but if there's a witch in a bad spot on expert realism, especially sitting witches, I'm going to make all the shots I can (usually 5-6) to make sure she's dead. I am pretty sure she also still dies from 15 sniper shots, not sure though.

    Outrunning a tank isn't really hard.... until they decide to start throwing specials in the mix. I hate when Jockeys and Smokers come out of nowhere.
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    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  9. Banned
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    Outrunning tanks would be fine, but I always seem to get mobbed by common or, as you say, specials. It doesn't help now that common have a tendeny of spawning inside you.

    I'm convinced the game is harder for just me and me alone, because all of the things that supposedly shouldn't happen, do happen to me. Kagato once said that when a tank comes, the director clears all the common out. Bollox! Not on my L4D it doesn't.

    NB. what you mention with the auto shotgun isn't cr0wning. A cr0wn is killing a witch with a single shot, which as I said, is now impossible in realism.
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  10. Just getting started
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    I find it hard because when I'm concentrating on one special infected another comes out of nowhere and kills me.
    Or I'm concentrating on one special infected and common infected mob me and because of recoil my character is easily destroyed.

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