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Thread: Things you do that you think others don't.

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    Every time I'm a Hunter on L4D1/2, instead of just going in rambo to die in a split second, I usually camp on a side of a building/anything high up and try to land damage pounces. If I miss, I usually climb back up and try again.

  2. I've done my time
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    -i never use my flashlight unless for 1 second.
    -always shut the door in DA2.
    -never spawn early, unless im a hunter.
    -i constantly reload during my melee hits (w/ shotgun).
    -i know where all the pills/fak are and check them.
    -sometimes i will run off to clear ahead and run back to my team.
    -i always go for an instakill with a smoker/charger.
    -i always watch my team and usually have a SWAT mind set as the survivors.
    -always use choke points to their advantage and block infected spawns.
    -i use X before i spawn to put me in front or with the survivors.
    -as an infected, when i have someone pinned i tap the hell out of LT. i was told to do it when i played at a friends house years ago and ive just always done it since. (even if its not doing any extra dmg i like to hit something i guess)

  3. Been around a bit
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    clear. fucking. common.
    I'm gonna kill me a clown.

  4. Zombie Rat
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    There are so many times I think of that proposition - things I do that others don't. I imagine a lot of the 400-500+ hour guys on here do them. I can't think of them off the top of my head, but I do think about it when I'm doing it in a game. I think - these dudes play all the time and I gurantee not one even realizes what I'm doing here. I think - There are guys who are supremely talented, but you just don't do this stuff unless you've played this game entirely too much. And I have. Hours matter.

    Subtle stuff. If I think of something I'm doing this weekend I'll try to remember so I can post it.

  5. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    I do NOT trust many people to grab the cola. Every time I take the cola I always succeed and never get harmed much in the process. When other people do it in games I play they always seem to get incapped or caught by an SI
    Lol me too.

    I have a habit of rushing and leaving people behind on the bridge finale.

    *shakes fist menacingly*

    You gotta play it like it's a normal map. Until you get to the tank of course.

  6. Banned
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    I gotta say it: Kill Zombies.

    Anyone else feel the same?

  7. Zombie Rat
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    When playing with a weaker team- intentionally popping a boomer on myself to ensure he does not hit anyone else on my team.

  8. Senior-Senior Member
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    I spit on people with the boomer, then run away back as far as possible, til the respawn elsewhere screen shows up. I repeat the process.

    Doing this, I can often get about 4 boomer spits, until I finally die.

  9. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by 17271 View Post
    I spit on people with the boomer, then run away back as far as possible, til the respawn elsewhere screen shows up. I repeat the process.

    Doing this, I can often get about 4 boomer spits, until I finally die.
    ..What's the point..

    Between pukes: 30 sec. (Plus additional 2 sec for the puke. Cooldown starts after you stopped puking.)
    Now think of how long it takes to respawn, 30 seconds max, often much less than that.

    In reality, you're doing nothing but wasting time.

  10. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    ..What's the point..

    Now think of how long it takes to respawn, 30 seconds max, often much less than that.

    In reality, you're doing nothing but wasting time.
    Interesting point. It doesn't feel like quite 30 seconds. If you're good with the boomer it can be very advantageous though. Good booms are crucial against efficient offensive teams.

    On top of that, that reasoning does not take into account the double boomer, you boom, get away and respawn, and jump back in and sacrifice on them 15 seconds later.

    There is also a school of thought you should spit then kill yourself. I don't buy into that either. There are times when a good player can be very effective, and very annoying with a spitter. On the opposite end of the spectrum, on offense, I've often intentionally let a spitter live.

    It's situational, contingent on map, player and teammates, for both the spitter and boomer in my opinion.

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