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Thread: Things you do that you think others don't.

  1. Feet under the table
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    Things you do that you think others don't.

    In L4D and L4D2, like most games, I do lots of things I really don't think people do and well I felt like sharing just in case anyone else does them too. Post your "habits" as well, I guess that is what they would be called?

    - Gathering Intelligence: I tend to view all my opponents' profiles while in a Versus lobby, Compare Games, and check out how high their Gamerscore is. I consider myself a pretty great player and my gamerscore for L4D2 is 1430. Obviously, a high/low gamerscore doesn't define someone's skill but most of the time I've seen the average players are through 400-900, good players 1000-1200, and the annoying great players that think exactly like you do and spot you a mile away, 1300-1500.

    - Captions: Full Captions on, I mean who doesn't do this anymore? I need it especially because I usually play with loud ass metal music playing in my ear.
    So without those captions, I would never know the Tank was approaching, Survivor's being hit by SI, etc.

    - Free Ammo!: Biggest ammo whore right here lol. I could seriously waste 5 to 10 shots on my Tactical Sniper on regular Commons, not even reload, I must see 30-180 on my HUD or I'll start freaking out, so I run for ammo pile or pick up a new one lol.

    - Xanax vs Heroin: Even if I'm at green health, if I find adrenaline and I already have pills, I'll pick up the adrenaline, stab myself with it and pick up my pills. I prefer longer health boost and slight speed rather super speed and small health boost.

    - Share The Health: If there is a bot on my team and I don't want to waste my own medkit, I'll keep shoving them with my medkit for them to heal me. Survivors are top priority to bots so I'm helping them do their job.

    - Love For Pillz: Rooms where there are four sets of pills in the medical box, even if I'm fine with temp health, 70 and under, if there is an extra set of pills, I'll take those just to have 90+ temp health. Silly habit, I know.

    - Health whore: I for one, HATE moving slow and pills and adrenaline will only keep you up with the team for so long. I usually heal first if I have pills handy, but adrenaline comes first before healing if I don't have pills. I prefer saving pills than adrenaline. I'll only take my pills before healing if I know for a fact another set of pills are on the way.

    An example would be Dark Carnival 3, when we're going to get on the rollercoaster, I'd rather heal to get my green health and move swiftly than take pills and then worry about healing later. Pills have helped me maneuver around Tanks, rush to saferooms when my other Survivors couldn't make it, helped me stay up during massive, annoying hordes. I mean if all your team is dead, you're at Dark Carnival 1, and you still have to go down the hill, Karma Chargers, Hunters, Smokers, Jockeys are going to be on your ass.

    I feel safer with Pills rather than giving the SI time to spawn or catch up to me with healing. I've made it to that saferoom and others alike plenty of times with only pills by myself without touching my medkit, that is, if I still have it lol.

    - 360 Spin!: I use the RB button a lot as of late, it really helps in my opinion. I remember I was a Tank and I knew for a fact Nick was spraying me from behind and I couldn't hit him so I picked up a rock and as I'm about to throw it, I pressed RB, and tossed the rock at Nick without him expecting it. I had to put on some sunglasses after doing that lmao.

    - Loving your team: I tend to always go a few feet up ahead of my team and clear the Commons out. I've developed some pretty good reflexes for L4D2, there is seriously no time that I'm not keeping an eye on my teammates. My top priority is whoever is trailing behind, usually people go after the weakest Survivor, but with a bodyguard, that's not so easy, huh? I strongly agree with the quote that goes something like, You're only as strong as your weakest member or something like that.

    Whenever anyone gets pounced, smoked, jockeyed, charged, I usually am firing at that SI before the victim realizes what happened, I guess you can say I worry about my teammates more than myself, that doesn't mean I don't take care of myself either though, I'm always very vigilant. I don't hesitate to heal my teammates, give them pills/adrenaline, stay with them as they heal, or be bait for that Boomer that wants to catch everyone. Someone people just can't hold in their vomit and go for the first person they see, too bad I intended for that to happen.

    - Preemptive Strike: Its a habit for me since L4D1, when we're in the saferoom, I tend shoot at all the Commons outside. I'm not sure if shooting them before leaving the saferoom does anything, but whatever, it makes me happy.

    - High Jockey Pounces!: As a Jockey, I just have this stupid habit of going on a roof and lunging off of it and landing on Survivors, I land roof pounces with Jockeys all the time now since I've practiced a lot. For example, on top of the concert stage on Dark Carnival 5, I wait for them to come out and bam, I got myself a Survivor. Jockeys should get some sort of pounce damage from a high spot, small or not, there's gravity on Earth, a Jockey landing on you from a building would crush you.

    I do the same thing with Chargers lol, only Dark Carnival 5 though, wait for them to come out as a group, they never see me coming from on top of the stage and I bowl right through them for lulz.

    - Smoker Sniping: Okay, I'm sure most people try to do this, but whenever I'm a Smoker, I try to ensnare Survivors through the smallest crack or hole that they would have trouble shooting me through. Also I try to stand behind solid objects and latch on to Survivors so the object keeps me alive for a few more seconds. Basically, as a Smoker, I always try to expose the least amount of my body as I can while choking a Survivor.

    That's all I can think of right now, but feel free to post your own L4D & L4D2 Versus habits guys.

  2. Smoker
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    What I do that most others do not is shoot with accuracy. I make every shot count. This is the reason I'm pretty much always on top in Shooting Accuracy. It's another reason for never running out of ammo too. Sometimes I hit 60,70, and 80 precent. My highest was 82% if remember.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by muddeprived View Post
    What I do that most others do not is shoot with accuracy. I make every shot count. This is the reason I'm pretty much always on top in Shooting Accuracy. It's another reason for never running out of ammo too. Sometimes I hit 60,70, and 80 precent. My highest was 82% if remember.
    Yeah, you are definitely one of the most accurate shots I've seen. Have you noticed bots tend to run out of ammo all the time? They practically pick up a new gun at every weapon pile, even though they still get less kills than humans.

    One thing I like to do is keep a head count. This really only applies to realism. Every few seconds I check to see where my teammates are. I make sure there's four of us.

    When I see a witch, the first thing I do is eliminate every common around her if I can. Then I try to locate the special infected through walls, if there is any. My top priority for killing methods is the headshot stun and kill with the Sniper Rifle (30 rounds). If there are special infected around I like to throw a Molotov, get up onto a high place, kill the specials that are chasing me, and then keep running from the witch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  4. I've done my time
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    I play campaign much more than VS, but most of my habits are the same.

    Share the wealth: If I have a kit and pills, and someone has nothing, unless they just completely suck, I'll give them pills or heal them if they are low health.

    Shooting well, conserving ammo: Every so often I will empty a mag, but I try to actually hit with most of my shots. One thing I hate is when people complain about me with a sniper. That all changes when they get pounced and everyone else empties their AK's while I kill the thing in 2 shots.

    Audibles: I don't try to run the show, but If I see an opportunity for a good attack or defense, I'll tell my team about it. I also call out all of the specials when I hear them or see them.

    Running Circles: Usually I stay at the front of the pack, maybe even a tad ahead, but I always double back to the group to make sure no one lags behind.

    Protector: If someone is hit by an SI, I go to them almost automatically in most situations. I've fought my way to people during rolling crescendos, and sure I took a little damage, but at least I didn't just run and leave my teammate behind to die.

    Trigger Happy: I won't go out of my way just to shoot a common, but you can bet that any in my range are gonna get capped. This actually backfired once when I couldn't see the witch behind a big group of infected. lol

    Friendly fire: Unfortunately, due to the mass amounts of ammo that can be expended from an assault rifle, and the fact that many people run in front of you and can't crouch while you shoot, friendly fire gets to be almost unavoidable. I try to minimize it, but unless I'm on advanced or higher, it really doesn't matter.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    When I play as a Hunter, I sometimes spin around in mid air. Makes it harder to shoot me out of the sky.

    I do NOT trust many people to grab the cola. Every time I take the cola I always succeed and never get harmed much in the process. When other people do it in games I play they always seem to get incapped or caught by an SI

    When I play Tank, I like hiding it and playing ninja. I use a hit an run strategy in close quarters. I hardly ever go in blindly attacking survivors, I try to pretend like I am leaving the area, giving survivors the impression I am almost dead so they give chase to finish me only for them to fall right my trap. Dont go chasing me off, you just might go where I wanted you to go.

    I CANNOT play with vibration. I just cannot. Its a gigantic distraction for me.

    I always have my flashlight off and always forget to turn it on.

    Always melee when I shoot at something up close just in case a zombie or Hunter has a cheap shot.

    I always close the fridge at the start of NM1

    In The Parish 1, I always play RE Your Brains not because I like the song, its because I want to fight the extra horde, even on Expert.

    As a Boomer I like camping by gas cans laying about waiting for someone to shoot me and send the gas cans flying in different directions.

    In Scavenge, as a Spitter, I am never directly above the generator spitting on gas cans. I am usually on the opposite side of where people normally go.

    I like throwing grenades at the start of the next level of a map so we can have a clear path for a few moments.

    I have a habit of rushing and leaving people behind on the bridge finale.

    I do not like camping the Blood Harvest 3 crescendo and killing the horde. I like waiting for the bridge to collapse, run up and block the beginning part of the bridge with a molotov or use a pipe bomb.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  6. Junior Senior Member
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    I scratch with the Jockey right before Landing on a Survivor. Getting the scratch damage + the Ride.

  7. Smoker
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    I crouch and shoot about 90% of the time, unless something's chasing me or I have a team-mate who's trapped.

    Also, (bit of a specific instance) DA2: while everyone else heads to the crane for their 25 dmg pounce, I go left behind the van, wall jump to get to the top of the building and get on top of the stairwell the survivors have to climb. You can do 25 dmg pounces from there and most people don't look for it (they're too busy watching the crane).
    RIP Mike Starr

  8. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by BryantG View Post

    - Captions: Full Captions on, I mean who doesn't do this anymore? I need it especially because I usually play with loud ass metal music playing in my ear.
    So without those captions, I would never know the Tank was approaching, Survivor's being hit by SI, etc.

    I tell you who doesn't use and never will... Me.

    I mean, if i had a hearing problem, then ya. But other then thats what the point?

  9. Banned
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    I usually play with the same people every time, but this is what I do that they don't.

    1) Rebound as a Spitter - I'll happily use ceilings and walls to get my spit where I wouldn't be able to without dieing. For example, In Swamp Fever I'll spit at a corner of a shack, it'll bounce off and hit the survivors even if I can't see them and vice-versa.

    2) Crouch walking - As a survivor I tend to crouch while moving if I see or hear any infected. Even if I don't need to shoot, I like to be as accurate as possible if it happens.

    3) Not Kamikaze as a Boomer - All my tea mates HATE being the Spitter or Boomer, so just bile and jump infront of the survivors to die. I try my hardest to escape after biling, much to the enjoyment of my team mates.
    I'm an idiot and I can't follow directions. So now I'm also banned.

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    What i always do as a survivor is going to a weird spot, usually high ground, (on a trash can, car etc) and crouch in order to heal. Even in the safehouse.

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