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Thread: L4D - Duotage - LoL Im PuB/Vas REX [VIDEO]

  1. Zombie Dog
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    L4D - Duotage - LoL Im PuB/Vas REX [VIDEO]

    YouTube - L4D - Duotage - LoL Im Pub / Vas REX

    Let's drop all negative feelings/thoughts you have about me and my reputation, check out my video :P Thanks

  2. Chicago Ted
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    I hope you know you are doing the 360 L4D community proud. Most frag vids, well, GOOD ones anyway, are PC but you prove in these 360 players can still put up a good fight.

    This one is quite long so bear with. Very nice quad cap with 4 Hunters in the beginning. 90 percent of the time I play and if I have my team perform a quad cap with a 3-1 or 4 Hunters, there is always rage quits to ensue after just because they screwed up, please tell me these guys sucked it up and stayed the match.

    Great skeet on the Hunter at :56

    You owned that Hunter at 1:00. Thats what he gets for spawning early.

    Nice place to fight the Witch in the Blood Harvest trainyard. Stupid Witch was at the Special Olympics, jumping over the area like hurdles.

    At 2:17 this is WHY YOU FUCKING KILL THE HUNTER WHEN ITS ON A SURVIVOR. Francis screwed his team. lol

    GREAT draw crown @ 3:00, only thing that would have made it better was a shove after the crown to deadstop that Hunter as well. Would make for badassness.

    5:20 EPIC Tank hittable on the guy climbing the ladder.

    Nice deny 5:50.

    Good skeets as always after. Pump shotgun is king. I even see a Boomer skeet or 2. lmao.

    Marvalz Tank probably got frustrated when you kept jumping him.

    Dude that 1vs1 with Francis was hillarious. "Fuck me"

    NICE NINJA MOVES at 9:30! Harrison had Francis cornered but that made 0 difference. Funny how he surrended and sat on the pipebomb you threw.

    Smoker goes ZOOM after that. I have never seen a Smoker ragdoll go that far.

    Ragequits, ah, here we are.

    And 11:58, you sure know how do use hittables. Lotsa people I know just fail with them.

    Dude you got so lucky after that. You had 1 health as a Hunter and still got the job done.

    Good video! BTW who is LOL Im Pub? Was he someone before he got a namechange? I dont recall his name before.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  3. Zombie Dog
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    I must thank you for your wonderful feedback<3

    LoL Im PuB's previous gamertags were xzxsqueakxzx, o PuBaLLStaR o and PrimeTimeJR20.

    Every clip in this video was against a Gamebattles/ContenderGaming team. (Yes, every skeet, every fail tank, and the ragequitters were the biggest shit talkers you will ever meet.)

  4. Chicago Ted
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    PrimeTimeJR20, ah, I see, I recognize him.

    Its funny. People think former GBs are machines and are often accused of being cheaters, but looking at your vid, they frequently make some stupid and silly mistakes. They are human after all. :P

    I want to see more Tank play. Thats always a treat.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  5. Zombie Dog
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    I'm lacking in Tank play, because my teammates always steal my GD Tanks >__<

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Haha, that was the same way with me. From October to December everyone I played with always complained about the constant Tanks I was given. I had about 85 percent of the Tanks in every game I played between those months. I felt kind of bad but at the same time, I trust in myself to get the job done more than when others get the Tank.

    Then from mid December to near end of January, I literally only had control of 3 Tanks. And thats playing the game an hour or two every day. Now I am the one dissapointed that I am not handed the Tank. Heh
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Banned
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    Tanks are a sore point for a lot of people. It seems like when you don't want control of it you always end up with it, and when you need control of it it always gives it to the guy that doesn't play a good tank. Thank god we can steal them from each other.

    I enjoyed the video, as with the last one my favorite parts were the draw cr0wns. I gotta get better at doing that because I'm getting sick of seeing people do it to us. It really changes up the game and I'm sure people will be complaining about it soon. "LOL who lights up the witch and runs?" says the guy that fails the cr0wn with the auto-shotgun spam.

    My request for the next one: Show us some boomer game play. I don't think I've ever seen any boomer game play in your vids from the first person view. Show these guys how real boomers play, I know you know how to rocket boom, I've been on the receiving end of it a few times.

    I also rated this thread 5 stars so your back up to 3. Someone around here must not be a big fan of you, 'cause every thread you post gets rated 1 star. As if anyone gives a damn about thread ratings anyway.

    Take it easy...I'll see you around next time your lobby hopping. BTW I ran into your buddy ROFL I'm PuB awhile back. He was playing swo until we started tearing into them a little...I was joking about it the entire game.

    I gotta say, I enjoy playing you guys more than I've ever enjoyed playing the try-hards that rush the maps with four auto-shotguns. My favorite thing in the world is landing 3-1's on those teams and breaking up every one they send our way.

    Its funny. People think former GBs are machines and are often accused of being cheaters, but looking at your vid, they frequently make some stupid and silly mistakes. They are human after all. :P
    Any time we play teams like that it all comes down to who kills the tanks and who dies at the tanks. If your making it to every safe room otherwise then the tanks become the deciding factors in a match. So as long as you keep it close you can always get the win at one of those tank fights. This is why I like letting the other team have a small lead on the first map. This way when those one or two tanks show up they don't know it is coming. Yes you can predict tank spawns based on item spanws...but it isn't an exact science.

    Even a god-like team, full of god-like players can be beaten on their best night. You just can't give up. Even if they beat the living shit out of you every map you can get lucky and incap them all in seconds.

  8. Zombie Dog
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    Couldn't have been said better So far I'm collecting footage from ContenderGaming matches, and I'll release a Team-Frag sometime in the future.

    Be sure to keep up with my teammate, LoL Im PuB, who's also a YouTube-star :P
    YouTube - GamingGod388's Channel

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