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Thread: Am I the only one who doesn't like running around for gas cans?

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    Question Am I the only one who doesn't like running around for gas cans?

    I hate having to run around, looking for gas cans. Some of the finals on Left 4 Dead 1 were annoying enough... why look for cans??

    The Parish final though... that was great, I like running across a mass of zombies to a rescue helicopter. I think all finals should be like that.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    I like it because I like counting on MYSELF in getting the cans and getting the job done. I hate leaving people with a game changing responsibility unless I am absolutely confident in ones ability and skill.

    If I trust my team, I would rather beat the shit out of the special infected that wait around. I like either following a teammate to simply cover them or just wait at the car preferably with another person and sniping everything that moves.
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  3. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by 17271 View Post
    I hate having to run around, looking for gas cans. Some of the finals on Left 4 Dead 1 were annoying enough... why look for cans??

    I find it rather strange that you hate the scavenge finales despite believing the L4D1 finales to be annoying.

    This type of finale was put in for two main purposes: Variety and Challenge. In the first game, the survivors have to hold their ground in a rather well fortified position against waves of CI and SI only to come out to fight the mandatory tank or to escape to the rescue vehicle. In VS mode, one of the few ways a SI team can stop a competent survivor team in finales is if the tank either kills them outright or leaves a hell of a mark big enough for the SI to capitalize on. Survivors pretty much had it easy.

    This sort of Finale forces survivors out of their hidey holes and gives them an actual objective to shoot for rather than to wait it out. Now, they will have to transverse open and even vunerable ground getting the gas cans while fighting off the infected. Better for team balance and the whole experience is more tense and entertaining.

    Quote Originally Posted by 17271 View Post
    The Parish final though... that was great, I like running across a mass of zombies to a rescue helicopter. I think all finals should be like that.
    That I disagree with entirely. Not only would that leave us with the same finale blandness that we had before, but any team effort would be thrown out the window. Then all we would have is one big rat race to the finish line, thanks but I'd rather not have all finales to be rusher friendly.
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  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by gosteelers826 View Post
    I find it rather strange that you hate the scavenge finales despite believing the L4D1 finales to be annoying.

    This type of finale was put in for two main purposes: Variety and Challenge. In the first game, the survivors have to hold their ground in a rather well fortified position against waves of CI and SI only to come out to fight the mandatory tank or to escape to the rescue vehicle. In VS mode, one of the few ways a SI team can stop a competent survivor team in finales is if the tank either kills them outright or leaves a hell of a mark big enough for the SI to capitalize on. Survivors pretty much had it easy.

    This sort of Finale forces survivors out of their hidey holes and gives them an actual objective to shoot for rather than to wait it out. Now, they will have to transverse open and even vunerable ground getting the gas cans while fighting off the infected. Better for team balance and the whole experience is more tense and entertaining.

    That I disagree with entirely. Not only would that leave us with the same finale blandness that we had before, but any team effort would be thrown out the window. Then all we would have is one big rat race to the finish line, thanks but I'd rather not have all finales to be rusher friendly.
    I'm not savvy enough to use multi-quote to reply directly to parts of your post, but I agree with most of what you said. Collecting gas cans can sometimes be "annoying", but at the same time it's provides some nice variety to the usual defend one spot finales like in L4D1, or the rush finales like The Parish. I think the latter two finales can be challenging sometimes as well, but as I said, a variety is best in my opinion.

    In short- gas can finales can be annoying, but it's better to have a variety of challenging and differing finales than all the maps being "sit in the closet and melee spam" or "grab a melee and run for the chopper" type finales. The Sacrifice finale is pretty interesting as well; you have the option of setting off all the generators off at the same time, but then you risk facing several hordes and tanks at the same time, with little breathing room.
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  5. Vooodu
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    Im gonna have to agree with half of what Random Number guy that makes all the polls said.

    I hate collecting cans. This is why i hate the DeCe/Passing finale so much.

  6. Just getting started
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    I agree, the dead center finale is pretty annoying having to run around for gas cans, especially on single-player campaign. The other finales were okay though.

  7. Banned
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    Its kinda hard. But I can make it with out dieing!!!!!!!

  8. Banned
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    Thumbs up

    Dead Center... Its kinda hard. But I can make it with out dieing!!!!!!! I'm telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. On the way to greater things
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    "I bet the tank won't be full"

    "FUCK THAT SHIT ELLIS! I'm Nick, I don't need you fuckers."

    Imo, in Dead Center, the gas cans be scattered around the first and second floor made no sense. It's as if some guy thought "Oh! Maybe four people will come by here sometime after World War Z starts, and need some gas! I'll just fill these gas cans up and NOT PUT THEM NOT NEXT TO THE CAR! Because it's so smart to not put the gas next to the car."

  10. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by cinderLEFT-4-DEAD View Post
    Dead Center... Its kinda heard. But I can make it with out one dieing!!!!!!! I'm telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If a survivor team is competent enough and utilized communication, they can do it as well. It isn't even that uncommon these days so stop bragging.

    Quote Originally Posted by VoltageHero View Post
    "I bet the tank won't be full"

    "FUCK THAT SHIT ELLIS! I'm Nick, I don't need you fuckers."

    Imo, in Dead Center, the gas cans be scattered around the first and second floor made no sense. It's as if some guy thought "Oh! Maybe four people will come by here sometime after World War Z starts, and need some gas! I'll just fill these gas cans up and NOT PUT THEM NOT NEXT TO THE CAR! Because it's so smart to not put the gas next to the car."
    Yep, it sounds bizzare. But once you think about, having full gas cans being in relatively close proximity is also illogical.

    Anyways, they're spread out so it wouldn't be easy. Good enough reason for me.
    Parlock: I'm sorry, I'm an idiot who can't read XD.
    Teenracer6: I hate salt, it's too salty.
    Parlock: Taking in TP's sweet, sweet buttsweat didn't make me gag

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