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Thread: 3 features i hope either get patched into l4d2 with DLC3, or put in l4d3

  1. Feet under the table
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    3 features i hope either get patched into l4d2 with DLC3, or put in l4d3

    1- the ability to pass any item (standing near them) to a partner,
    this includes defibs/medkits, throwing grenades, pills/adrenaline,
    and hell why not? even the gun or melee weapon i have.

    2- L4D 3 MUST have the ability to aim down my gun sights,
    it seriously annoys me to see scopes on these things but i can't use them.
    I'd actually prefer this if it were patched in l4d2 with DLC 3 release.

    3- a server option prior to starting a vs round, to choose rather you play using the l4d 2 scoring system 'run as far as you can before death'
    or the l4d 1 scoring system 'points rewarded for damage done'

    I'd actually like it if they combine the two.. meaning you may get further, but if we tore you a new one in damage in the process, we may STILL be winning.

    Thats my 3... now share yours.
    -the hunter On the Prowl

  2. Just getting started
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    I like all of these ideas, bar 2. Simply because I wouldn't use them =/
    I can't believe they didn't think about implementing 1, even though we can do it with pills. I wouldn't give anyone my weapon, but throwables, yes. I mean, sometimes you find that molotov, and you know someone else is a crack shot, but there's no communication so you can't inform them of it - and there's only so many times you can click the controller.

    I'd love a new scoring system based on both rounds, as infected AND survivors. Sure, it means another calculation and *gasp* maths, but it'd prevent rushing and raging - particularly if you didn't show the score until both sides have completed that map.

    I'd also like to see M60s and golf-clubs distributed over the other maps. I know they're supposed to be map-specific but don't you just once want to storm the 'coaster with M60 and chainsaw blazing?

    Oh, and the restoration of the Passing dialogue. As well as the addition of all those unused conversations in other maps.
    "In inferis melius est regnare quam in coelis servire"

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    - You already know how I feel about item passing from your other post.
    - I'm not quite sure what you're talking about?.
    - I don't think that would be possible on Xbox. I think they'd have to make a whole new mode for it, like have different options of keeping score or something.

  4. Junior Member
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    I'd like to see all first aid kits grayed out in a safe room except for the one that's assigned to you. So a player can only pick up one first aid when a map loads. If you don't need your particular first aid kit for whatever reason, then when you step out of the safe room then the kit assigned to you un-grays and can be picked up by anyone else.

    This would help prevent those times when someone grabs a kit, heals up, then grabs an extra kit before you get a chance to take yours.

  5. Left 4 Dead
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    -Grenades having greater FF damage in VS: I never understood why a survivor is flame retardant and only takes a some damage while sitting in fire and won't even catch. Same sort of rule applies for pipe bombs and bile bombs. I understand these tools would be deadly in the hands of griefers but still.

    - Tier 1 weapons occasionally taking the place of ammo piles: Notice that whenever you encounter Tier 2 weapons in a chapter, it almost never goes back? I think that in some chapters that the ammo piles should be scarce so a survivor can't tot around an AK or a SCAR for the rest of the campaign, but you'll come across an SMG or a pump action a few places instead. Having to choose between an inferior gun and a good ammo supply or take a chance with your almost dry assault rifle sounds perfect for L4D.

    -Dynamic campaign changes in all game modes: It's already implemented in some ways in campaign, why not increase the chances and variety while adding it in VS mode? That will surely add some spice and encourage on the fly planning.
    Parlock: I'm sorry, I'm an idiot who can't read XD.
    Teenracer6: I hate salt, it's too salty.
    Parlock: Taking in TP's sweet, sweet buttsweat didn't make me gag

  6. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter On the Prowl View Post
    2- L4D 3 MUST have the ability to aim down my gun sights,
    it seriously annoys me to see scopes on these things but i can't use them.
    I'd actually prefer this if it were patched in l4d2 with DLC 3 release.
    You've said this before but I've never understood you. the only guns that have sights are the snipers, and you can aim down them by pressing right analogue stick or mouse3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goat Stealer View Post
    - Tier 1 weapons occasionally taking the place of ammo piles: Notice that whenever you encounter Tier 2 weapons in a chapter, it almost never goes back? I think that in some chapters that the ammo piles should be scarce so a survivor can't tot around an AK or a SCAR for the rest of the campaign, but you'll come across an SMG or a pump action a few places instead. Having to choose between an inferior gun and a good ammo supply or take a chance with your almost dry assault rifle sounds perfect for L4D.
    It does happen occasionally. On The Parish 4 (I think, I don't play L4D2 that often) just after you climb up the ladder after the abandoned cars, pass the ambulance and then drop down into the graveyard, there is a hut on the left usually with a shotgun and Uzi. IF I didn't take the auto shottie in the sewer, I'm almost always out of ammo by that point, so I take what I'm given. But you're right, more examples of that would be good.

    Dynamic campaign changes in all game modes: It's already implemented in some ways in campaign, why not increase the chances and variety while adding it in VS mode? That will surely add some spice and encourage on the fly planning.
    Definitely. They've experimented with it well in some of the L4d2 maps, and you even get a small flavour of the random shutters/doors opened in L4D1 sacrifice. The shutter near the saferoom on No Mercy 3 also seems to open randomly, sometimes after the crescendo, sometimes before. I'd love to see more of this. Maybe the box truck could sometimes be there, sometimes not, etc.

    The one thing that I'd really like to see happen is more weapon upgrades. We already have laser sights, but I'd like to see addon scopes for the rifles (a night vision scope for the m16 or a range scope for the SCAR would be awesome), ammo upgrades (like armour piercing rounds, etc) and the ability, later on in the levels, to carry bigger clips. More powerful flashlights would be cool as well.

    The above probably wouldn't work so well in versus mode as each team starts with a fresh gun from the SR every time. In versus I would like to see restrictions on the classes of guns that a team can carry. No more than two of the same type of weapon, for instance. They should also make it so that guns you find outside of the safe room, once picked up, disappear from the ground. Not only is it more realistic but it would help put an abrupt stop to "all 4 shotties" type people, and would bring a great smile to my face.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  7. Zombie Cat
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    1. I agree with this.

    2. Would this make any difference rather than slowing you down and making you aim worse? Using what we have now you can see your recoil and precisely where you are aiming. With sights things are more vague and you just have to judge to recoil yourself.

    3. If the team gets to the saferoom you've failed, it doesn't matter how much damage you did to them.

  8. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter On the Prowl View Post
    1- the ability to pass any item (standing near them) to a partner,
    this includes defibs/medkits, throwing grenades, pills/adrenaline,
    and hell why not? even the gun or melee weapon i have.

    2- L4D 3 MUST have the ability to aim down my gun sights,
    it seriously annoys me to see scopes on these things but i can't use them.
    I'd actually prefer this if it were patched in l4d2 with DLC 3 release.

    3- a server option prior to starting a vs round, to choose rather you play using the l4d 2 scoring system 'run as far as you can before death'
    or the l4d 1 scoring system 'points rewarded for damage done'

    I'd actually like it if they combine the two.. meaning you may get further, but if we tore you a new one in damage in the process, we may STILL be winning.

    Thats my 3... now share yours.
    -the hunter On the Prowl

    2. No L4D game needs a aim down gun sights. You want to make a perfect shot you stop, crouch and shoot. This has been brought up a million times.. First thing is why Melee shove is more important then aim down sights.. Aim down sights is pointless. IF you want to scope it out use a HR.

    3. L4D2 scoring system and game play is not about 'run as far as you can before death'.. And L4D1 scoring system and game play isn't about 'points rewarded for damage done'.

    L4D2 is about distance points, run as far as you can is for dumb ass newbs that should be avoided. L4D1 is about health bonus' and the survivor multiplier.

    Personally i think BOTH scoring systems suck ass and should remodeled. All rounds should be worth the same amount of points.. Survival multiplier should be brought back to get dumb ass's to play the game the right way.

    Actually back up.. Heres the perfect scoring system

    As in only a 100 points maximum for 1 survivor for making it to a safe room per round. So the max score for 4 survivors in a safe room with a multiplier bonus is 800 points. In case of a tie the team with the better health bonus gets an extra 4 points. Ya thats it....because thats all thats needed.

    Have it the same for each map, finale or not.. These bullshit scores for later maps and lame difficulty modifiers are NOT needed, especially when the later maps are usually easier anyways. Same point total for each round.. The end.

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Since you're here Mask, anything else you think would be good features for the future? I'm interested in what else you have to say.
    Parlock: I'm sorry, I'm an idiot who can't read XD.
    Teenracer6: I hate salt, it's too salty.
    Parlock: Taking in TP's sweet, sweet buttsweat didn't make me gag

  10. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoeyyyy View Post
    You've said this before but I've never understood you. the only guns that have sights are the snipers, and you can aim down them by pressing right analogue stick or mouse3.
    Desert Rifle has a sight on it, M60 has a sight on it,Ak74, hell even the pistols have sights on them.. Play Battlefield or CoD or Even Borderlands to understand what i mean.

    Your guns either have a scope on top or a grooved 'bump' that bump is useually used to better caculate a headshot.

    take the desert assault rifle.. on the tip you'll see a little circle with a 'bump'
    in the center... Now IF you could Aim Down Your Sights..

    you would hold the gun in both hands bringing that circle to eye level.
    And Determine where your shots will hit based on two things

    1- whats in the center of that circle
    2- what lines up with the top of the 'bump'

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