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Thread: The first BOTS appreciation thread!!

  1. I've done my time
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    The first BOTS appreciation thread!!


    Yeah, you heard me! I think it`s about time we gave our AI friends a little more credit goddamn it!


    Most of the time when players bitch about them, it`s really about weaknessess in THEIR game, that they`re looking to blame the poor BOTS for.

    For example:- "The Bots are so slow to pick you up"
    Question: Why is your sorry ass always being capped in the first place??

    Having played virtually all this game with Bots or on coop, and beaten it on the highest level, I have built up a very healthy respect for them. And it`s my opionion that they are only as good as the human player.

    So here are a few Bot related appreciation facts

    1. Bots will only highlight your game weaknessess, not make up for them.

    2. They will give you their health kit/pills/adrenaline, regardless of their own well being

    3. In true Arnie style, they will leave the chopper/rescue vehicle to come get you

    4. Will NEVER leave your side

    5. Will always back your play

    6 Always shoot accurately, even on the run

    7. Excellent eyesight, even in dark or rain

    8. One shot kill specialists (Chargers anyone?)

    9. Never complain when you make a mistake and wont vote kick you out!

    10. Will never shoot you

    If you take the positives of what the Bots CAN do and work around that, then IMO the game becomes easier.

  2. Been around a bit
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    And will crown a witch ---> MLG Nick

  3. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miktal View Post
    3. In true Arnie style, they will leave the chopper/rescue vehicle to come get you
    4. Will NEVER leave your side
    No lie, I had like three bots leave me incapped in Blood Harvest finale, and they got on the vehicle instead.

    lol ..well let's see what good I can say about them..
    They teleport when you need them ..but then again they teleport when you're playing versus against you and they kill you.

    They are pretty good anger relief. Change it to expert, shoot them down, kill them. And take a big happy breath.

    Yeah, those are mine. (:

    R I P forum.

  4. Zombie Cat
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    They're perfectly fine for campaign. Versus meanwhile is another situation altogether. They can't cope with smartened SI.

    In Expert you pretty much just have to work very slowly through the levels and find a good place to cope with a horde, because they can't defend themselves worth shit. You have to play around them, don't expect them to play around you.

    In Versus meanwhile, nopedy nope nope nope. They can't cope with SI. They're programmed to save the first person who is pinned, which is often not the best thing to do, often stand in front of you for a while before saving you and just love to carry on standing in spit to revive you. Also, if you are incapped, no matter what health you are on, they will always save a pinned person first, often leading to your death.

    So yeah, they're fine in campaign, but they're just ok in Versus.

    A great positive is that they are fantastic tank busters. Perfect aim while running away and never letting it up? Great. Reviving you while the Tank chases them though? Not so great.

  5. Been around a bit
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    I agree, the only problem i find with the bots is when you're in a horde or something, you're shooting like mad, they will walk in to your line of fire and say stop shooting me, also steal SI kills. Except from that, i'm fine with the AI and if im honest i talk to them o_o Can't hear me though.. Lol.. Random

    The adventures'll never end.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    That's all rubish.

    The two golden things about bots are:

    1) They can pick you up from incap. even if you're being hit by zombies
    2) They can see through foliage and effectively act as aimbots

    They also make wonderful meat shields.

    Assist and I had several bots over the past few weeks who have deliberately run into fires for no reason whatsoever.
    Pretty much my feelings. They're not even great at being aimbots because they pay 0 attention to anything happening behind them. If a horde is running up to them facing the wrong way and you're not shooting at them, forget about the bots paying any attention til they start getting hit. But their meat shield quality makes up for this, especially once they're on the ground.

    I never understood the running through fire, they're at least smart enough to try to leave spitter acid, but not smart enough to know fire hurts?

  7. Zombie Cat
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    They can find pills and kits where you might not, especially Louis somehow....

  8. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoey W View Post
    They can find pills and kits where you might not, especially Louis somehow....
    Hmm. Bill seems to find all my pillz.

    I love bots. Beat expert campaign in L4D1 and 2 with them alone. Hate playing versus with humans because of friendly fire. I also hate how people can't stand failing 2+ times so they rage and kill every1 who want to keep trying.

    Bots seem to do extra damage to Jockeys too() They one shot them every time I hear laughter.

    I think they need to make the Bots realize there is fire and move or stop running in and out of it!

  9. Banned
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    I think the Ai is fine, I completed all the levels of Expert in ' Left 4 Dead 2 ' by myself with just Ai's, they do help you.

    There have been moments like in Versus when a Smoker has got me, they they kind of just standing around shooting common infected, I'm a like ' Hey I'm right behind you ' then or I hear is my neck break because of that Smoker.

  10. Junior Member
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    Oh boy really... Yes the bots will give you stuff and shoot a zombie from a mile away...

    One thing is though that bots wont carry a gas can or use ONLY a melee weapon to make a tank burger... I just kill 2 bots and switch back to easy to get achievements with a friend and I am sick of hearing "GET ME OUTTA HERE" "HELLO GUYS YOU CANT LEAVE ME HERE" I want a option to turn there requesting of being let out of the room OFF... Sick of hearing it throughout the game....

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