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Thread: What do you play when your bored of L4D?

  1. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanati View Post
    I am sad to report... that I just bought Everquest... Again. That's the fourth time I've bought that game. I hope I don't get sucked in again.
    That's a really good MMO. I like both the first and second. Still not sure if I like world of warcraft or EverquestII more.
    If you like mmos you should try out SWTOR when it comes out..I did beta and it's really cool.. Lazy people don't have to read quests anymore!
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    What do you play when your bored of L4D? What do you play when your bored of L4D? What do you play when your bored of L4D? What do you play when your bored of L4D? What do you play when your bored of L4D? What do you play when your bored of L4D?
    Quote Originally Posted by Almostinsane View Post
    That's a really good MMO. I like both the first and second. Still not sure if I like world of warcraft or EverquestII more.
    If you like mmos you should try out SWTOR when it comes out..I did beta and it's really cool.. Lazy people don't have to read quests anymore!
    I had actually stopped playing MMOs almost entirely. I tried a few here and there but couldn't get into them like I did EQ (and ultima online before it). I played almost every single MMO until World of Warcraft. I played WoW for about a year or so. Then quit cold turkey. I'd had enough.

    I tried one here and there people told me to try... But it wasn't until I tried RIFT that I got hooked again. If you haven't tried Rift you are missing out. Assuming you like single player RPG's that is. It plays almost exactly like one. There is an overarching story that goes from start to end through the levels (1-50). If you follow the quests there really is a good story there. And you don't ever get burnt out doing the same thing over and over and over again. Once you start to get tired of an area, the quests move you on to another part of the world and the mobs always seem to be JUST a little tough.

    The skill trees are so varied that it would be a little difficult to find two characters exactly alike.

    And the best part is that you can solo your way to the level cap. You can join public parties for raids without ever interacting with anyone if you don't want to. The game is as single player as you want to make it or as social as you want to make it.

    Probably the best MMO I've ever played. But the nostalgia of the original EQ... along with the new expansion... and the MASSIVE amount of content in that game drew me back for another go at it. The graphics are REALLY dated though and while most of the time I don't care about graphics... it's the gameplay that matters. This time, it's somewhat distracting.

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  3. Been around a bit
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    I used to play Dead Island but that got boring after three days. I basically only play L4D now.

  4. Chicago Ted
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    Always Call of Duty MW1 and 2 with Ringo Azure here. We have a blast whenever we play. If not, I usually just screw around in Red Dead Redemption if its double or triple xp weekend or just cause chaos in GTA 4. Every once in awhile I would pop in Batman and solve some riddles, but now that I 100 percent completed the game 4 times, I need the sequel asap.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

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    call of duty 4: modern warfare
    call of duty black ops
    battlefield 3
    team fortress 2
    command and conquer red alert 3

  6. Just getting started
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    Primarily, Transformers: War for Cybertron. When I get bored of that, Dead Rising 2. Then on occasions when both my brother and I are bored, we smoke a bowl and play Street Fighter 4. I don't have many games but if Xbox Live were to reduce the price of memberships, I'd say it's worth it just for L4D and Transformers.

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    ^ hey i play ssf4 too

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    Well, I started playing halflife, but skip to a few days later and I've already beaten the entire series. I have to find a new game to play. I'm starting on Mass Effect, and I've gotten pretty far in it. The problem is I rush without meaning to, so I end up beating a game in less than 2 days when most other people would be it in the span of 2 weeks to a month.

    I also like playing infection on halo reach. Even though being the zombies piss me off, it pays off when the satisfying achievement of infecting 3 people at once rolls around. It's sad, I've played the few maps of l4d on the 360 so much that the game, while still fun in it's own right, is starting to bore the hell outta me because it's so predictable. I wanna get it on the PC so I can start downloading custom campaigns and creating my own maps.

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    I try to play l4d everyday. Although I have not played much this week. I've been playing a lot of mw3, dead island, and skyrim.
    I hate LEFT 4 DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!:insane01:

  10. Chicago Ted
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    I have to add this to the list:

    Borderlands. I did not like this game much when I first played. I gave it a few chances, it sucked. Nobody on my friends list played it, and on Live everyone always went off on their own way and or trolled by issuing duels.

    But after playing with Mandi (Huntressa) I am simply addicted to it. Its taken up my time 10x more than Left 4 Dead. I played a total of 30 hours in the past 4 days. I love it, I want to play it and see if I can beat every mission and amp up my character with the hundreds of thousands of guns/shields. Its always rewarding opening the weapon chests and seeing whats inside.

    We ran into some trouble with a glitched mission yesterday. Mandi was up to level 20 in just under 2 hours. We wanted to complete the last mission for the Arid Badlands for the achievement, but it was glitched so Mandi opted to start a new game today and man oh man, we played the shit out of it, every mission together and lo and behold, she is actually PAST my progress in less than 5 hours. I have never spent as much time for ANY game like this since I first got Left 4 Dead 2 and a half years ago.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

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