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Thread: Dear Rooftop junkies

  1. Senior Member
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    Dear Rooftop junkies

    It'd be nice if you could at least try to play some other maps once in a while - say, Brick Factory, Milltown, Plank Country, The Park, or the Motel.

    Or really, anything that's non-Rooftop.

    It'd also be nice if on the super rare occasion I do see one of you come into a Motel lobby that you didn't quit within one minute of Round 1 after the first failed SI attack.

    It'd be nice to see some of you in other maps and then maybe we could actually have more variety in a hypothetical tournament.

    Just, y'know, sayin'.


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    CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH! (When it comes out)

    Underground, Riverbank & Terminal are all also good, challenging maps too.

    I would love it if the Roof-tards did play other maps, but they won't so they can't. Being 'good' at all maps (and therefore Scavenge as a game mode) is much better than being 'excellent' at one noob map.

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    If the Charger instakill ability didn't exist on the Rooftop, would everyone (non-Rooftop junkies) still consider it a noob map?

    I heard the Church one was good - the one with the farmland? Or am I thinking of a different map?

    Underground is a b*tch to play. It's my least favourite map. Riverbank isn't as bad anymore because the cans aren't "hidden" behind a bunch of buildings that take like 30-40 seconds just to get to. Not to mention navigating inside these buildings is like a maze in some aspects.

    It's also not just that many players are terrible at Underground (the most I've ever gotten was four cans!), it's that *learning* these maps isn't really any fun because no one knows them. XD So it's an awful Catch-22.

    I try not to back out of Riverbank and Underground for the simple reason that I'm tired of sucking at them, but it's hard to want to improve at these maps when no one will play them.

    P.S. I used to hate Brick Factory. Then I spent two weeks straight playing and starting Brick Factory games over and over again. Brick Factory is now one of my favourite maps.

  4. I've done my time
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    The funny thing is nearly all of them leave or kick me if just me and Rae join on the other team, so we leave start out own and invite everyone that was in there just so the host is sat there bored cause they'd rather play with no one than a game they might lose. Did this to Three11style and Goulius the past two days. Stop with mandatory random!!!

    Getting 4v4's when the DLC is out is gonna be impossible. I can't even play with one friend on my team anymore without the lobby shutting down.

    Anyway, I get why rooftop is the way it is. It's super rare to join a rooftop game without seeing familiar faces and it's a really easy map to clear in seconds so it makes you feel beastly.

    My problem is that most of the roofies have played it so much they've forgotten how to play it. No one is setting up charges, still no one attacks at the genny with a spit. NO ONE covers when someone drops down (it's basically turned into a free-for-all with both teams never co-operating more than taking 25 seconds to clear or support anything).

    Atleast it's not Motel though, jeez the amount of people that play that map non stop and think they've beast cause they barely managed 16.

    rant over.

  5. Senior Member
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    The funny thing is nearly all of them leave or kick me if just me and Rae join on the other team, so we leave start out own and invite everyone that was in there just so the host is sat there bored cause they'd rather play with no one than a game they might lose. Did this to Three11style and Goulius the past two days. Stop with mandatory random!!!
    They only all go random because it's the exact. same. group. of. people. every game. >_>

    Getting 4v4's when the DLC is out is gonna be impossible. I can't even play with one friend on my team anymore without the lobby shutting down.
    I'm getting it - if just to have the L4D imports, and the new Scavenge maps. But I can imagine it's going to be impossible to even get a 3v3 going unless we start doing friends-only lobbies (which seems to be the only way to get a quality game nowadays anyway).

    No one is setting up charges, still no one attacks at the genny with a spit. NO ONE covers when someone drops down (it's basically turned into a free-for-all with both teams never co-operating more than taking 25 seconds to clear or support anything).
    Not true. When I played Rooftop a couple of days ago, both slashdaddypayne and RickPatone helped set up Charges with the Smoker.

    Although I will completely agree with zencats when he says no one will go for a 3-secure. *shakes her head*

    People don't bother to spit at the genny anymore because the guys who play Rooftop are too quick at juggling cans. Remember the Apartments game we played yesterday. There were three cans on the ground and my friend told me to spit. I told him "You'll need to attack *right* when the spit lands because these guys are *fast* at juggling those cans out of spit."

    It's the same thing with Rooftop - people are so efficient at juggling cans out of spit that unless you get four cans in the same range with one survivor NOT on that same area, all four cans are bound to be rescued in time - or at least three of them will be.

    I've found that the average pubbies like me still cover, but that's because the people I play with aren't Super Elite Rooftop Players and can't melee-kill a Hunter/Jockey/Smoker tongue upon impact. I've seen slashdaddypayne solo his way all around the map and melee-kill everything that got in his way without cover. All I had to do was make sure cans didn't blow up.

    That said, he does that because he's able to. I usually wait for cover before I bother going down. I've seen quite a few people leap down because they think they can dodge everything and I go "Wait! Let me spawnblock!" but it's too late, they got Jockeyed over the ledge.

    Atleast it's not Motel though, jeez the amount of people that play that map non stop and think they've beast cause they barely managed 16.

    rant over.
    I tried doing Motel yesterday. We got all 16 with 00:40 left because we severely underestimated that the randoms we were playing against knew anything about how to use SI.

    And then they were Survivors and the round shut down. Quelle surprise. -_-

    EDIT: Also, I joined your game because I already had three people (for once!) who were trying to find a decent game. Servers have been nearly dead lately.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IcyIggy04 View Post
    If the Charger instakill ability didn't exist on the Rooftop, would everyone (non-Rooftop junkies) still consider it a noob map?

    I heard the Church one was good - the one with the farmland? Or am I thinking of a different map?

    Underground is a b*tch to play. It's my least favourite map. Riverbank isn't as bad anymore because the cans aren't "hidden" behind a bunch of buildings that take like 30-40 seconds just to get to. Not to mention navigating inside these buildings is like a maze in some aspects.

    It's also not just that many players are terrible at Underground (the most I've ever gotten was four cans!), it's that *learning* these maps isn't really any fun because no one knows them. XD So it's an awful Catch-22.

    I try not to back out of Riverbank and Underground for the simple reason that I'm tired of sucking at them, but it's hard to want to improve at these maps when no one will play them.

    P.S. I used to hate Brick Factory. Then I spent two weeks straight playing and starting Brick Factory games over and over again. Brick Factory is now one of my favourite maps.
    Erm, I'm unsure. I think most of the xbox players think the opposite about Rooftop, and think it's the 'final showdown' map where you need skillz to survive! Whereas in reality, most of the time everybody just plays as individuals. If you removed the chargers / instakills, no it wouldn't be the same, but the reason it's noob is because it's so easy on both the Suvivors and SI.

    Church is in Death Toll, the part near the end of the map where the dude's all like' DING DONGGG! COME AND GET IT!'. I think you're confusing that with Blood Harvest's Farmhouse map, which is basically the finale.

    Riverbank is still loads harder than Underground.

    Quote Originally Posted by HuntyMgee View Post
    The funny thing is nearly all of them leave or kick me if just me and Rae join on the other team, so we leave start out own and invite everyone that was in there just so the host is sat there bored cause they'd rather play with no one than a game they might lose. Did this to Three11style and Goulius the past two days. Stop with mandatory random!!!

    Getting 4v4's when the DLC is out is gonna be impossible. I can't even play with one friend on my team anymore without the lobby shutting down.

    Anyway, I get why rooftop is the way it is. It's super rare to join a rooftop game without seeing familiar faces and it's a really easy map to clear in seconds so it makes you feel beastly.

    My problem is that most of the roofies have played it so much they've forgotten how to play it. No one is setting up charges, still no one attacks at the genny with a spit. NO ONE covers when someone drops down (it's basically turned into a free-for-all with both teams never co-operating more than taking 25 seconds to clear or support anything).

    Atleast it's not Motel though, jeez the amount of people that play that map non stop and think they've beast cause they barely managed 16.

    rant over.
    Too pro.

  7. I've done my time
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    Quote Originally Posted by IcyIggy04 View Post
    People don't bother to spit at the genny anymore because the guys who play Rooftop are too quick at juggling cans. Remember the Apartments game we played yesterday. There were three cans on the ground and my friend told me to spit. I told him "You'll need to attack *right* when the spit lands because these guys are *fast* at juggling those cans out of spit."

    It's the same thing with Rooftop - people are so efficient at juggling cans out of spit that unless you get four cans in the same range with one survivor NOT on that same area, all four cans are bound to be rescued in time - or at least three of them will be.
    Juggling cans out of spit is much harder when you're secured (impossible even). I didn't mean just random spits on cans, I meant with SI support of course and if you don't have a charge then what are you doing holding your infected under the helipad as if you do? Why not throw a surpise hit at the genny with everything you've got?

    Most of the roofies aren't good in the slightest, they don't play other maps because shotties don't work as well on other maps because they're all much bigger.

    Also Iggy pointing out one incident really means nothing, again obviously I didn't mean that it just doesn't happen anymore, just that 9 times out of ten it's up to the charge to freestyle whereas it used to be a more common to have other SI support the charger.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HuntyMgee View Post
    Juggling cans out of spit is much harder when you're secured (impossible even). I didn't mean just random spits on cans, I meant with SI support of course and if you don't have a charge then what are you doing holding your infected under the helipad as if you do? Why not throw a surpise hit at the genny with everything you've got?

    Most of the roofies aren't good in the slightest, they don't play other maps because shotties don't work as well on other maps because they're all much bigger.

    Also Iggy pointing out one incident really means nothing, again obviously I didn't mean that it just doesn't happen anymore, just that 9 times out of ten it's up to the charge to freestyle whereas it used to be a more common to have other SI support the charger.

    I have come to realise that spitter's are actually one of the best SI for Rooftop (and very important in Scavenge as a whole...). Let them run round the bottom tiers, throwing cans up. While they're doing that, have a little distraction hunter or jock someone off a ledge, cans pile up at the genny, one's pouring, securing SI hits at the genny, spit ontop, cans burn, making them restart the collection. Easy map, made much harder by burning cans. That's the tactic to use, not instakillinstakillinstakillcharge'emoffandsetupano therchargeevnwhentheyonlyneed2morecans.


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    Quote Originally Posted by zencats View Post
    I have come to realise that spitter's are actually one of the best SI for Rooftop (and very important in Scavenge as a whole...). Let them run round the bottom tiers, throwing cans up. While they're doing that, have a little distraction hunter or jock someone off a ledge, cans pile up at the genny, one's pouring, securing SI hits at the genny, spit ontop, cans burn, making them restart the collection. Easy map, made much harder by burning cans. That's the tactic to use, not instakillinstakillinstakillcharge'emoffandsetupano therchargeevnwhentheyonlyneed2morecans.

    Yeah, that's what I tell my 'team' to do sometimes.

    "Hey guys, they're just doing all the charger death valley areas and tossing up groups of cans! Jockey, Hunter, go distract 'em - I'll start burning up cans!" XD

    Funnily enough, in regards your run-on sentence, Super once told me "Iggy! Just punch them in the face, they only have to get in two more cans! Let the other SI distract and punch the red guys in the face - you don't need to instakill every single time!"

    And I was like "Oh? Well, everyone keeps telling me to instakill or do a set-up."

    Juggling cans out of spit is much harder when you're secured (impossible even). I didn't mean just random spits on cans, I meant with SI support of course and if you don't have a charge
    You don't even need to have a 3-secure to spit up cans. Just distract them long enough so that they can't reach the cans in time - or alternatively, make it so that they have to worry about the SI while trying to get the cans out of spit, which is actually quite effective if done right.

  10. I've done my time
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    That's what I'm talking about zen, can't wait for you to get back so we can try new stuff. Rooftop was exciting when there was still new instakills to discover but now everything has been done on everyone we gotta change the game up.

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