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Thread: thought you guys would like this video version of ARMA BlackHawk Down

  1. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizav View Post
    Hey guys looking at the survivors i just couldnt quite place them. a Girl , motorbiker , a black man in a suit and a vietnam vet. Last night while watching tv Night of the living dead was on and i found Louis. The actor is played by tony todd and they are indentical i beleive the concept of louis came from this movie.

    Can you find anything like this for the others?
    But... his shirt isn't tucked in on one side. Therefore he is not louis.

    On that note, for some reason francis always reminds me of nelson from the simpsons. I can't quite explain it, but that's who he reminds me of.

  2. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    It's the voice, I think. It's basically Nelson post-puberty. Hahaha, good spot. +1 rep for you, sir.

  3. Boomer
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    and now the series of post following this one claiming this is racist, intermixed with further images of other black men in shirts and ties, and links to previous posts of a similar nature.
    If anyone is misunderstanding what i said ill try explain it better. There is no racism or anything involved, maybe a tiny bit of sterotyping.

    Its just the 4 survivors are all very different socially from each other apart from maybe Zoe and louis. Im looking for other references where these characters are true and fit.

    There's no story line to tell us how they met and where etc

    I placed louis and his character fits fine after watching night of the living dead and Zoe is pretty self explainatory. These two kinds of people bump into each other on a daily basis and 2 of them ending up in a group of 4 remaining people is very likely.

    I just dont see how bill and francis got involved or even met each other and the others, there characters do not match the setting atall imo. Bill is your average war vet with a house full of guns and still likes to wear his army colours. The chances of him being in any of the locations are remote especially at night and during a zombie apocalypse hes the guy that would stay at home with all his guns board up his house and put the tv on.

    And Francis is your typical biker hanging around in bars off the freeway with the other bikers which ussualy all carry guns and stick together etc.

    The chances of all 4 of these characters meeting alone is very very small and being the last 4 remaining people in the area just dosent fit atall. Either they were all in the same place when the apocalypse started which in my eyes is like a 0.1 in a million chance. Or everyone died apart from these 4 and they randomly met on there travels untill eventually all 4 met which is just as unlikely with all the zombies running about.

    Does that explain it a bit better? Can u place francis and bill? How did all 4 meet up and how? cause im really struggling with it.

  4. Junior Member
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    the reason why i think you comparing louis works better than any other comparisons i've seen is that it is a zombie movie, but also that character is actually a positive image of a black man. all the characters in L4D are stereotypical in some way or another, but it wasn't intended to be some deep commentary on society or anything. the characters are superficial but definitely ones you can relate to.
    i always figured that the safe rooms are why a disparate group of individuals like this would end up meeting. for me it explains everything well and makes for a more interesting bunch of survivors than if they were all biker dudes or suburbanites. their interactions are alot funnier that way too.
    francis and bill would have a greater chance of meeting up. they might live in the same neighborhood.

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    You mean the word...

    Quote Originally Posted by target practice View Post
    if anyone so much as whispers the r-word, i'm locking this thread down tighter than azh's smurf porn stash, so let's all try and be adult and non-hysterical about this, mmkay?


  6. Feet under the table
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    Lik omg, someonez has been talkin boutz a blck man!!! Racizm be afoot!!! Wait... Oh noez teh awesome banhammerz

  7. On the way to greater things
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    I always kind of thought of them more as a different take on a typical horror movie character... I watched the Dawn of the Dead remake recently, and I thought Ana had a lot of similarities, personality wise, to Zoey, though they don't really look anything alike, and Ana is a nurse.

  8. On the way to greater things
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    Zoey always reminds me of Lara Croft. Duel Pistols, same kind of figure. She dosen't remind my of Jolie, though..

  9. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Nah, Zoey doesn't kill nearly enough endangered species to be in the same league as Ms Croft.

  10. Boomer
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    Ms croft is nothing when it comes to dual pistols. Bad accent and more lives than a cat maybe.

    When you want a badass chick with attitude and dual pistols you need Milla jovovich!! Aka alice resient evil.

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