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Thread: Golden Guns?

  1. Just getting started
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    Left 4 dead 3 should be in New York. Or at least California....Or some other country like Russia, or Japan.

    another city background would be awesome.

  2. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonshadow View Post
    I agree. This isn't L4D. But it does seem interesting. I bet Rockstar could do it. Red Dead Redemp. is solid for a western game. I could see that formula being implimented in a zombie game. Savepoints could be made in any buildings you clear out of zombies, survivor camps giving you missions and the Multiplayer would be amazing! I'd buy that game. Hell I'd even preorder for a nice in game bonus.
    Your pre-order bonus will be an operational lawnmower XD

  3. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcclaud View Post
    The game takes place in New Orleans, 3 weeks after the events of L4D2. You play as a single stranded survivor who failed to make it to the military evacuation site. Everything has been abandoned, nobody knows you exist and the amount of Infected have risen beyond count.

    Daily life is a struggle as the amount of Infected increase, and the amount of supplies decrease.


    Unlike the previous L4D games, L4D3 should be set in an open world sandbox environment. Your character is able to complete missions, interact with other survivors and eventually form a group of survivors.

    Exploration is a major part in the game since you'll need to be on the move to keep yourself and your friends alive. You can explore New Orleans and it's surrounding countryside freely, but don't expect the Infected to host a friendly welcoming committee.

    Vehicles will help you move around the city with a bit more ease, but they aren't indestructible. Vehicles range from motorbikes and cars, to the US Army M1 Arbrams tank. However, they are limited, require fuel and can be destroyed by the Infected.

    With the New Orleans AFB near your characters home, you have a reasonably close location to resupply your ammunition and other supplies, but don't expect the Infected or the US Army to give it up freely. Entry cost depends on its occupants. US Army: $5000, Infected: Lots of zombie blood.

    2 new Special Infected: The Creeper and the Behemoth, both ready to spill your blood, either by slicing you to pieces or turning to into a pavement pizza.

    New weapons: Sledgehammer, Concrete Slab, Wine Bottle and even the RPG.

    Team Command: Allows you to command your team of survivors, such as collecting ammo, medicine, food, etc

    Day and Night system gives it an easier feeling during the day, but a terrifying experience during the night.

    Really good idea, just, as said before, this ain't L4D.

    This feels more like a completly new game, 'cause it's a new kind of gamestyle...
    Maybe it could be an openworld gamemode?

    Idea from me:

    More campaigns, at least ten, in many different countries, with different infected, maybe different clothes for the survivors, and that kinda differences.

    You should be able to make skins ingame, with an editor built in, maybe not for so many things, but atleast for the clothes.

    The SI has evolved, so now, as there are different versions of the different SI, the abillitys and skins will be chosen random from some different.

    As I said in some other thread, there should be more use of cutscenes.

    More sneaking: There should be much less ammo (Ammo won't last forever, right?), and melee should get broken after some usage, and the pistol should be much worse, so the survivors will have no choice but to sneak past the Infected, so they should get abillities like taking cover and hiding, sneaking and things like that.

  4. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by TedZombie View Post
    Left 4 dead 3 should be in New York. Or at least California....Or some other country like Russia, or Japan.

    another city background would be awesome.

    A L4D world tour would be And a being able to make you own survivor would be fun.

    But all i need is more maps...

    Sumo boomers in japan...
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  5. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by vooodu View Post
    sumo boomers in japan...
    oh god yes!!!! Xd!

  6. Regular Joe Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    A L4D world tour would be And a being able to make you own survivor would be fun.

    But all i need is more maps...

    Sumo boomers in japan...
    I agree with ya Vooodu, i'm getting desperate for some new maps. I am considering getting Left 4 Dead on steam so i can play the mod maps. One thing that is worrying me though is that this time last year we all knew L4D2 was coming out and had a new trailer to salivate over. This year.... nothing so far Valve have been very quiet on a third game and because of all the boycotting killjoys last time round we may never see another one.

    Please don't flame me i genuinely want to see L4D3 but Valve need to announce this like now {E3}, get the fans on board and knock this out of the park. Oh and ditch Half Life Ep 3. ha

  7. Just getting started
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Mcclaud View Post
    I've noticed there are wishlists and infected ideas for Left 4 Dead 3, so I decided to make an Game idea thread.

    My Idea

    The game takes place in New Orleans, 3 weeks after the events of L4D2. You play as a single stranded survivor who failed to make it to the military evacuation site. Everything has been abandoned, nobody knows you exist and the amount of Infected have risen beyond count.

    Daily life is a struggle as the amount of Infected increase, and the amount of supplies decrease.


    Unlike the previous L4D games, L4D3 should be set in an open world sandbox environment. Your character is able to complete missions, interact with other survivors and eventually form a group of survivors.

    Exploration is a major part in the game since you'll need to be on the move to keep yourself and your friends alive. You can explore New Orleans and it's surrounding countryside freely, but don't expect the Infected to host a friendly welcoming committee.

    Vehicles will help you move around the city with a bit more ease, but they aren't indestructible. Vehicles range from motorbikes and cars, to the US Army M1 Arbrams tank. However, they are limited, require fuel and can be destroyed by the Infected.

    With the New Orleans AFB near your characters home, you have a reasonably close location to resupply your ammunition and other supplies, but don't expect the Infected or the US Army to give it up freely. Entry cost depends on its occupants. US Army: $5000, Infected: Lots of zombie blood.

    2 new Special Infected: The Creeper and the Behemoth, both ready to spill your blood, either by slicing you to pieces or turning to into a pavement pizza.

    New weapons: Sledgehammer, Concrete Slab, Wine Bottle and even the RPG.

    Team Command: Allows you to command your team of survivors, such as collecting ammo, medicine, food, etc

    Day and Night system gives it an easier feeling during the day, but a terrifying experience during the night.

    Post your ideas for Left 4 Dead 3.
    {My ideas for left 4 dead 3}
    Charger: the same as before just a much more accurate charge maybe lock on to a survivor
    Spitter:Also same as before ecept acid patch much bigger.
    Jockey:Much faster and can jump over obstacles strong upper body strenght
    Hunterounce and more swift alot faster whilst on feet.
    Boomer:Much larger vomit range and more longer lasting vomit time.
    Smoker:much bigger range and the tongue burns whilst pulling and over time burns more and more.
    Tank:The tanks fists have pieces of jaggered metal sticking out of them and he is faster and also can charge. But can only charge once and has a big recover time if he misses the tank can not hold a survivor he only sends them flying for an instant incap.
    Witch:the witch can pounce on and smoke and spit on a survivor she can not however boom charge or ride them her claws are much more sharper and longer.
    The Digger: this infected can make its way under any surface and locks onto a survivor it then surfaces and grabs the survivor and pulls them into the hole they made a survivor must help their team mate out to kill the infected and save their team mate.
    The Inmate: this infected has a primary and secondary attack it's secondary attack lets it throw glass and knives at the survivors its primary attack lets it hug and smother a survivor pulling it into the shards sticking out of its body.
    The Clinger: This infected is much like a boomer crossed with a spitter but is taller then a smoker it is also female and has the ability to regenerate offspring and hurl them at a survivors face when the offspring is connected it lets of a painful cry and drastically blurs your screen and slowly drains the survivors life and attracts the horde in very large amounts

    Uncommon common: death 101-Teacher.
    dead trail-Zoo keeper.
    touch down-NFL player.
    viva death Vegas-bell boy.
    Beverly hells-golfer.

    Sarah: A 17 year old preppy school girl, short skirt long socks and a tight shirt with the sleeves rolled up and blond long hair and blue eyes like a rebelling student. She had it easy and everything was done for her until every one died she was just about to give up when she met her knights in shining Armour or bruised bodies and torn clothing, she is at first convincing herself that somewhere the out break has not hit and that she is to good for her new found friends when everything starts to heat up she gets down and dirty and warms up to the idea.

    Zeke: A 19 year old ex Australian rugby league player he flew over to America when he got offered a college based NFL scholarship despite his muscle he is very brainy and knows the know he dresses in simple tight sleeved shirt and long jeans with old trainers he has brown hair and gree eyes, he had never met any of the other survivors before and has to rely on them as much as he is to rely on his self when he was young his family were in a horrible plane crash and he lost them all since then he had been paranoid and very self reliant but very quickly warms up to his new family because he knows they wont go away. He has a puppy dog crush on Sarah and has a big heart and puts every one else before himself and is not scared to speak his mind on the current situation.

    Ryan:A 20 year old video games master he never really had time for a girlfriend or a big personal life but is rather strapping he dresses in a fashionable ski coat and jeans with dirty trainers and has a kinda normal life apart from the out break now he has fallen into one of his video games and all he can do is play the game. He is rather socially challenged and at first does not know how to deal with being in a group of fellow human beings he would have much rathered them be silenced video game characters at least he could relate to them. But of course he soon learns to love it and also learns to love the apocalypse.

    Daniella: A 30 year old mother who dresses in a modern house wife attire with tights and ug boots literally in the sad events of the out break Daniella lost her whole life and found refuge with her new family the immune four now she has to mother a group of raunchy youngsters and keep them from all falling victim to the horror that unfolds before them she cares immensely for them but will lie down the law and mother the group if need be at first she is really abrupt and short but also loosens up and learns to love her new family as much as her old.

    Death 101:
    This campaign is the first to the trilogy of zombie horrors.
    it brings the survivors together and explains how their stories in depth something l4d has never done. and also introduces the infected on a larger scale.

    Dead trail:
    this campaign is held at a zoo the survivors get wind of a group of people who are sticking together to fight off the infection and escape the USA they make it to the zoo only to find that they were to late and missed the bus.

    Touch down:
    After leaving the zoo the survivors hear another radio transmission telling them to proceed to the Football stadium for an evacuation as they make their way their they meet a lot of blood thirsty zombies and find a note at the rescue vehicle telling the remaining survivors that they had to leave due to rapid zombie numbers growth and to make sure they get to the casino on the out skirts of Vegas and that would definitely be the end of their struggle.

    Viva death Vegas:
    The survivors had barely made it and when they did they finally met the people who had them on what seemed like a wild goose chase around America they explained briefly who they were as there was 8 of them and yes you guessed it, it was Zoe,Bill,Francis,Louis,Ellis,Rochelle,Nick and Coach then all of a sudden the military starts to bomb around them and again they are forced to split up and meet somewhere more secluded. The immune eight explained of a way to get out of the city but it was ending very fast.

    Beverly hells;
    The twelve survivors are finally together nothing can stop them now they are on the home stretch to escape America which was now known as Zombie land they make their way to an old abandon mansion out in deep Beverly hills where the zombies where running thin or so they thought as they make their way there they are proved immensely wrong by the undead and have one final battle to freedom can they make it or will they crumble and fall to pieces only time will tell.

    New weapons:
    Guns-RPG, Cross bow, Flare gun, Flame thrower, spear gun,
    Melee-pitch fork, 2x4 with nails, cinder block, debris, broom, sledge hammer, pic axe, fire poker, duel katanas,
    Projectiles: Glass bottles,light bomb,rocks,hand grenades,flash bangs, spear,throwing knives, darts,Ninja stars,Boomerang metal, saw blades.

    Health stations pills and adrenaline's available at these.
    energy drink shots for shot of energy (jump higher run faster and reload faster)
    So this is my ideas For left 4 dead 3 hope valve takes a look see what the fans want if any one wants me to write up a list of achievements just give us a call my gamer tag for the 360 is Mr SneakyXx and my email is thanks guys... Blake.

  8. Chicago Ted
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    You have the ability to choose among 12 Survivors. This would be fun to mix it up. Each has certain interactions with other Survivors.

    For example, Bill would be putting Nick in his place and Nick would often mock him, calling old, saying "They should slow down so beardface can keep up."

    New Infected-

    Name: Martyr
    Special Ability: Like the Jockey, except it grabs the feet, having the survivor still walk, but really slow. However if not saved within 15 seconds by another teammate, the Martyr will explode, incapacitating the survivor. Or if the Survivor is in Black in white, the Survivor dies. Basically a kamakaze infected like the Boomer, except this time, it does damage.
    Heath: (Same as Hunter)

    Name: Corpser
    Appearance: with a few differences due to copyright
    Special Ability: EXTREMELY powerful. More than a Tank. It is fast, and can incapacitate a Survivor in 2 hits. It is invincible. Yes, you heard me, INVINCIBLE. However, it rots and dies within 40 seconds of when it first shows up. 45 seconds may not seem like a long time controlling it, but it is when you're on the run from this thing, it seems like awhile. Only appears once per Campaign. Not once per level in a campaign, but like, if you were to have this in No Mercy, it only appears once in the whole campaign due to how strong it is. It has one thing similar to the Tank. Before you know its coming, the ground starts to Rumble. It comes from underneath the ground, and is paralyzed for 5 seconds so you can get a running start. It CAN still be slowed down (gunfire), but you cannot kill it by any weapon. You just simply got to wait. This is pure Survival. It is perferred you get to higher ground because if you aren't, it'll catch up to you easy. So all in all, 35 seconds to hold out. 5 seconds to get a head start.

    Name: Reaper
    Appearance: Think a ringwraith from Lord of the Rings
    Special Ability: Can go through any wall and can only be detected earlier, not by sound, but by a blood trail. Its has a 15 second invisibility limit bar, so use it wisely as you will no longer be invisible if you use all the seconds up. Does 12 points of damage per hit. (clawing)
    Health: 635

    I also want a story, some cutscenes, new weapons, more unique crescendo events, and environment interaction.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  9. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vooodu View Post
    Sumo boomers in japan...
    Ninja Hunters!

    Oh wait...we already HAVE Ninja Zombies

  10. Feet under the table
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    I would like to see it set in a different country, perhaps Russia even. I think it would make for some atmospheric locations to put the survivors out in the cold. Survivor's breath steam, heat sensing equipment, and of course the splatter of blood in the snow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    -L4D3 needs a female dominated cast (or at least 2 females and 2 males)
    I agree with this. In fact, three females and one male would put an interesting spin on things dialogue-wise. Not to mention the story.
    Exorcising demons with a creative touch

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