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Thread: Golden Guns?

  1. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dallow View Post
    I agree with this. In fact, three females and one male would put an interesting spin on things dialogue-wise. Not to mention the story.
    Yeah but then no one would want to play as the girls. It's wrong to be a boy playing as a girl.

    The above statment is sarcastic and in no way reflects the users personal playing preferences.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonshadow View Post
    It's wrong to be a boy playing as a girl.
    I dunno man. I pick Zoey ALOT when i'm playing L4D1.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    I'm sorry but this is not a MMORPG. This is not Halo. And this is certainly not Borderlands Jr. L4D3 does not need such nonsense.

    L4D3 needs storyline. Enough with the speculation.

    L4D3 needs innovative guns...however we have pretty much exhausted all options in L4D2.

    L4D3 needs more interactivity with the environment.

    But above all...L4D3 needs innovation. Not just new characters with unique personalities. Not just new weapons. Not just new SI. It needs a different style.

    Few examples:

    -More interactivity with the environment (such as the gas station in NM3)

    -L4D3 needs more intuitive panic events and finales

    -L4D3's levels need to be less linear

    -L4D3's environment should be random. That is, time should 'pass' allowing users to play at both night and day times. Of course, 1 hour in the L4D3 world would need to be equivalent to around 5~10 minutes in the real world

    -More explosives need to be added

    -L4D3 requires more unique game modes. Survival just doesn't cut it

    -Bot refinement is a must. The CPU AI also need to become more intelligent

    -'Bosses' other than the tank need to be added: especially to finales. And those bosses in finales should all be unique

    -L4D3 needs a female dominated cast (or at least 2 females and 2 males)

    -And above all, L4D3 needs a graphics overhaul using a new gaming engine to further emphasize the difference between L4D1/L4D2 and L4D3.

    Just off the top of my head.
    That is exactly y have put two female characters in it and no the maps need to be larger more free and yes alot more interactivity with environment my idead sounds nothing like borderlands or halo u should be able to use what ever is near as a weapon in a real zombie apocalypse i would not wait to find a weapon i would use whats in front of me and no we havnt taken the weapons to their full capacity what about combinations such as an auto shot gun with two minismgs strapped to the sides stuff like that.... and for more marvelous game modes how about one such as count down to death it starts off as four survivors and one of them is diagnosed with the infection they have to get as far as possible before turning into a special infected and once they are turned they stay infected thus having larger maps and more maps for just such of an accasion...

  4. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Complete 'missions'? 'Form a group'? Open-based world without zones ('sandbox')? Base of operations where we can buy ammo? Vehicles? Dynamic time of day in this zoneless world?

    That's Borderlands my friend.

    Besides, what missions do we need to accomplish besides killing infected and running for our lives (with the occasional gas/supply stop once we've made it to safety)?

    Sledgehammer, concrete slab, etc are just repetitive. Autoshotgun with SMGs attached to

    The only idea I agree with is the interesting game mode you suggested. Sounds fun if it were to be refined.

    I actually agree with another poster about broadening the amount of survivors available to more than just 4. As much as I love getting stuck with Rochelle and Coach all the time...well I don't.
    yO I NEVER SAID I WANTED MISSIONS MATE i said a normal left 4 dead story line campaign and versus based read my post properly i would hate missions for left 4 dead and i never said i wanted it to be free roam tht was some body else and my game mode would kick ass hahahaha and yes a shot gun with smgs u would experiment u have the time remember bored in a safe room one day smgs shotty and duck tape ahahahahahaha and my characters well actually the game is all about the characters before left 4 dead 2 was released i heard heaps of people say on left 4 dead one i want to be ellis coz he is young and muscly and balah blah blah and i want to be coach coz not many fat guys survive and i wanna be nick coz he is mr silent and rochelle coz she is sooo cool a little chick who has balls and stuff like that the characters you play as are a big thing and must be really interesting i mean just think for example this is joe he sits around and eats doritos and works full time at a gas station he wears shorst and a singlet see he is of no appeal...

  5. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Whops thought you were Mcclaud. None of my posts address any of the ideas you brought up. They were all directed at Mcclaud's main post.
    Hahaha yeah read Mrsneakyxx mine i think is pretty cool. tell me what you think.

  6. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    You have the ability to choose among 12 Survivors. This would be fun to mix it up. Each has certain interactions with other Survivors.

    For example, Bill would be putting Nick in his place and Nick would often mock him, calling old, saying "They should slow down so beardface can keep up."

    New Infected-

    Name: Martyr
    Special Ability: Like the Jockey, except it grabs the feet, having the survivor still walk, but really slow. However if not saved within 15 seconds by another teammate, the Martyr will explode, incapacitating the survivor. Or if the Survivor is in Black in white, the Survivor dies. Basically a kamakaze infected like the Boomer, except this time, it does damage.
    Heath: (Same as Hunter)

    Name: Corpser
    Appearance: with a few differences due to copyright
    Special Ability: EXTREMELY powerful. More than a Tank. It is fast, and can incapacitate a Survivor in 2 hits. It is invincible. Yes, you heard me, INVINCIBLE. However, it rots and dies within 40 seconds of when it first shows up. 45 seconds may not seem like a long time controlling it, but it is when you're on the run from this thing, it seems like awhile. Only appears once per Campaign. Not once per level in a campaign, but like, if you were to have this in No Mercy, it only appears once in the whole campaign due to how strong it is. It has one thing similar to the Tank. Before you know its coming, the ground starts to Rumble. It comes from underneath the ground, and is paralyzed for 5 seconds so you can get a running start. It CAN still be slowed down (gunfire), but you cannot kill it by any weapon. You just simply got to wait. This is pure Survival. It is perferred you get to higher ground because if you aren't, it'll catch up to you easy. So all in all, 35 seconds to hold out. 5 seconds to get a head start.

    Name: Reaper
    Appearance: Think a ringwraith from Lord of the Rings
    Special Ability: Can go through any wall and can only be detected earlier, not by sound, but by a blood trail. Its has a 15 second invisibility limit bar, so use it wisely as you will no longer be invisible if you use all the seconds up. Does 12 points of damage per hit. (clawing)
    Health: 635

    I also want a story, some cutscenes, new weapons, more unique crescendo events, and environment interaction.
    Im sorry but those infected are really shitty their names are copied off GOW and be realistic invincible no tht is stupid especially for the newbies who will pik l4d3 up at the shops and realise just how much they have missed so no... sorry

  7. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrsneakyxx View Post
    Im sorry but those infected are really shitty their names are copied off GOW and be realistic invincible no tht is stupid especially for the newbies who will pik l4d3 up at the shops and realise just how much they have missed so no... sorry
    So the Hunter, Smoker, Boomer were original names?

  8. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonheart1991 View Post
    So the Hunter, Smoker, Boomer were original names?
    Yeah they were but original to left 4 dead plus if valve did that Unreal and who ever would have a cry the names chosen for the SI in number one matched these infected r just lame i mean zombie or not they cant go invisible sorry...:rollseyes:

  9. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonheart1991 View Post
    I dunno man. I pick Zoey ALOT when i'm playing L4D1.
    So do I. She is my favorite. If you have the time, go look for my original intro thread. My name used to be ImaguyandiplayasZoey.

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    As a reply to the original post,

    I would love to see all the open-world things you just named. (although virtually impossible) Valve should place their existing L4D(2) team on the mutliplayer aspect and continue the way they have been doing with L4D and L4D2. Then assemble another team (possibly with members from the Half-life 2 team, because of their awesome interaction and storytelling) and make a more campaign-like gametype where you make your own survivor and can team up with (prefferably) one friend and go explore parts of post-apocalyptic America.

    damn, I'm getting exited just thinking about it

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