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Thread: Golden Guns?

  1. Zombie Dog
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    I would love that, in the third, we have more choices for the characters. There could be about 6 or 7 and we choose one we want. I wish there have more than a girl, at least two because I loved choose Zoey, I felt it was more realistic somehow.

  2. Just getting started
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    good idea but....... to much like GTA

  3. Senior-Senior Member
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    Randomized Finales
    We can say, like three of 'em per campaign?

    Alternate Paths/Levels
    Multiple safe-rooms per level, which could either have different levels, or start on different places in one level.

    Sometimes you find a place (City/Village/Something), and you find a radio to contact the millitary with.
    Now they can tell you to do different things (Clean the city from the infected/Destroy that building/Other things), which won't let you continue if you don't complete 'em.
    Maybe this could be some kind of finale?

    New Temporary Health Item
    Can't come up with what model or name it would have, but it would replace your health with temporary health, but will fill your healtbar.
    Seems pretty bad right now, don't it?
    So it would also increase your health, to say, 150-200 something?
    And also, the temporary health wouldn't get lost as fast, maybe of in the rate of half the speed of the pills'?

    More story
    We could take cutscenes, which of course would be skipable.
    And the ending-cutscenes could be randomised, but have different scenes depending on what Survivors made it.

    Sandbox Mode
    For this mode, you'd be able to create your own character, and make your own storyline.
    You could team up with other survivors, or you could go alone.
    The world would be more interactive; You could use different things for different purposes, like; building baricades, making machines, building safe houses etc.
    And when you don't feel like playing, you'll have to get to a safe room, abandoned, your own, or a saferoom the owner have told you that you're allowed to use.
    Once you log out, your character gets some sleep, and is then ready for all new kinds of adventures.
    Also, you would be able to graffiti with anything you find that would be able to be used as colour.

    Some things I came up with.
    Quote Originally Posted by William 'Bill' Overbeck
    Shut up you goddamn birds!

  4. Just getting started
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    Ideas for L4D3~~~~ ((Mini Maps)) You could find your way though the map BUT it dose tell you where the zombies are~~~~ ((Leveling Up)) The more zombies you kill the more you level up and the more you level up the more guns you can unlock wich i well get to that now~~~~ ((Unlocking Guns)) The more you level up the more guns you can unlock and after you finnish a round or campaine you have the option to go and BUY guns and you get money from killing zombies sorta like nazi zombies that idea and after you unlock all of the guns you can RANK UP wich will allow you to start over at level 1 but when you rank up you get more guns and when you buy the gun they appear in the game to but not others like the baseball bat for L4D2~~~~((MORE CAMPAINES !!!!)) MORE THAN 4 OR 5 CAMPAINES!!!!..... like 8 or 9~~~~((Attachments)) Like shotgun of granade luncher~~~~((Sandbox Mode)) Make your own survivor and exsplore the world meet up with you friends online or if your playing 2 players with your friend you could team up with and look around the city~~~~ ((Diffrent Maps For Sandbox Mode)) Maby a swamp a city a forest a carnavle a subway ect. ect. stuff like that

  5. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeHunter View Post
    Ideas for L4D3~~~~ ((Mini Maps)) You could find your way though the map BUT it dose tell you where the zombies are~~~~ ((Leveling Up)) The more zombies you kill the more you level up and the more you level up the more guns you can unlock wich i well get to that now~~~~ ((Unlocking Guns)) The more you level up the more guns you can unlock and after you finnish a round or campaine you have the option to go and BUY guns and you get money from killing zombies sorta like nazi zombies that idea and after you unlock all of the guns you can RANK UP wich will allow you to start over at level 1 but when you rank up you get more guns and when you buy the gun they appear in the game to but not others like the baseball bat for L4D2~~~~
    Ehhh, No. *Scout-style)

    L4D is a ZFPS (The Z is for Zombie ), not a MMORPG.

    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeHunter
    ((Sandbox Mode)) Make your own survivor and exsplore the world meet up with you friends online or if your playing 2 players with your friend you could team up with and look around the city~~~~
    So people DO tend to steal my ideas!
    (Just kidding, guys... (Or did I come up with the Sandbox Mode-idea?))

    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeHunter
    ((Diffrent Maps For Sandbox Mode)) Maby a swamp a city a forest a carnavle a subway ect. ect. stuff like that

    I'd rather see a very big map... And to not kill all the servers playing these gamemode, maybe we could seperate areas by big gates, that some areas are considered 'Safe' (All infected would've been killed by players, but the Infection may stirke again? (Yes, when soemthing would've happened in the mode I'm thinking of, it would've stay like that untill soemone changed it.)), and maybe if you (And your team) kills all the Infected in one of these areas, you would get a reward of some kind?
    Quote Originally Posted by William 'Bill' Overbeck
    Shut up you goddamn birds!

  6. Just getting started
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    My idea is a zombie called a Pretender that makes all of the sounds that the other zombies make.

  7. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcclaud View Post
    I've noticed there are wishlists and infected ideas for Left 4 Dead 3, so I decided to make an Game idea thread.

    My Idea

    The game takes place in New Orleans, 3 weeks after the events of L4D2. You play as a single stranded survivor who failed to make it to the military evacuation site. Everything has been abandoned, nobody knows you exist and the amount of Infected have risen beyond count.

    Daily life is a struggle as the amount of Infected increase, and the amount of supplies decrease.


    Unlike the previous L4D games, L4D3 should be set in an open world sandbox environment. Your character is able to complete missions, interact with other survivors and eventually form a group of survivors.

    Exploration is a major part in the game since you'll need to be on the move to keep yourself and your friends alive. You can explore New Orleans and it's surrounding countryside freely, but don't expect the Infected to host a friendly welcoming committee.

    Vehicles will help you move around the city with a bit more ease, but they aren't indestructible. Vehicles range from motorbikes and cars, to the US Army M1 Arbrams tank. However, they are limited, require fuel and can be destroyed by the Infected.

    With the New Orleans AFB near your characters home, you have a reasonably close location to resupply your ammunition and other supplies, but don't expect the Infected or the US Army to give it up freely. Entry cost depends on its occupants. US Army: $5000, Infected: Lots of zombie blood.

    2 new Special Infected: The Creeper and the Behemoth, both ready to spill your blood, either by slicing you to pieces or turning to into a pavement pizza.

    New weapons: Sledgehammer, Concrete Slab, Wine Bottle and even the RPG.

    Team Command: Allows you to command your team of survivors, such as collecting ammo, medicine, food, etc

    Day and Night system gives it an easier feeling during the day, but a terrifying experience during the night.

    Post your ideas for Left 4 Dead 3.
    Too RPG and Hellgate London(Correct me if I spelled that game wrong)but in FPS mode + Shoot Em' Up

  8. Feet under the table
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    In Most forums I've seen.. The Same thread doing the e same thing as another Could'nt be posted, However .. Without Farther delay here Is what I Posted in the Other Thread---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Here are The Top 10 Things i Would Love to see the most in Left 4 dead 3.

    1- Hunters Can bounce from wall to wall to gain higher vantage points, They also have razor sharp claws So I suggest they also be able to dig in and hang Off ledge walls, shimey the edges And leap from there onto survivors.
    2- Smokers Have A large Tounge they could use To Lick scenery.. a high tree branch, A Chimney roof, something!! And pull themselves Up to That Higher Vantage point.
    3- Destructible Enviroments.. I can imagine how a Tank Could be devestating If it could snatch a peice of building Out of a wall or A telephone pole up and use It as A baseball bat against the survivors. However.. Destruction Is a two way street, A good grenade launcher Blast from the survivors to a Building Wall a Hunters Hanging on and The wall Blows to chunks leaving the poor unsuspecting hunter To fall with his chunk of roof he had lached onto to a splattering death underneath it.
    -4 More Special infected Like a Pounder.. Huge guy with a oversized Fist (This move can be a secondary Attack for a charger actually..) That Will Pound the Ground, Add That to destructible Enviroments And He could Pound holes into 2nd floor buildings to collapse the top floor on survivors below.
    are disrupt the ground Shaking them up.

    I Atleast Want to see 8 types of Unique specials Including the Witch as A playable zombie.

    I can't help but think How Fun that'd be to Pick a spot to walk / sit then wait for someone to disturb you on accident.
    Of course I'd Make her More Like a tank, Where all 4 players need to gang up to take her Down.

    If someone Disturbs you as the witch, You will be allowed to attack and kill them, Afterwards you go back to sobing without attacks waiting for the next Fool.
    5- With More special infected Also come More survivors So How about 4 different Campaigns with 4 seperate groups of Survivors (who Are Enter Changeable To Each Campagin) But Only Unlock After Clearing Their original Campaign?
    6- 8 types Of Special infected and up to a total of 16 Survivors To Choose from.. Im Now asking for a 16 player PvP game Versus/scavenge modes
    8 survivors vs 8 infected.
    7-New melee weapons But They Will wear And break overtime.
    Melee weapons are too darn powerful in L4D 2, I figured if they Went more like Dead Rising And Broke after So many uses it'd make Using / finding Melee Weapons More of a temporary Aid then An actual way to avoid the horde.
    8- With Melee weapons Now Being Breakable I'd love to suggest that the USELESS gas cans we can pick up and use through out the campaign Now Be able to re-fuel your Chainsaw (So you don't lose it)
    The Catch is These Cans would be randomly spawned Onto the map and If you can't refuel in time then Just like the breakable weapons, You lose the Chainsaw (Refueling would be equal to finding A second Fire Axe when the First starts to Wear)
    9- because Someday This Game Will Have Its Servers shut Down PERMENATLY, and all the online features useless I'd Love To Suggest A Player Vs Computer Offline Version of Versus and realism / realisim versus
    (Where You and the CPU would Play a game as survivors / Infected Just like Online)
    And.. 10-With All the Stuff i've asked For i'd Still love to see MORE..
    No Mercy, Dead Center, Dark Carnival And Dead Air are some of my favorite Locations in Either of the two games, i'd love to suggest that These Get thrown in The game (maybe as its own DLC pack)
    (With All the Extra Features.. that means a Total Map rehull To Support the New Infected and Destructible Enviroments.)

    Even though Great as is, The Very small ammount of Campaigns And Mode Options (Offline Mostly) Stop L4D from landing on the list of my Favorite games of all time.
    ~The hunter On the Prowl~

  9. Junior Member
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    I've always had this idea for the threequel, put three L4D games in one. The first would be continuing the journey of Francis, Louis, and Zoey after the Sacrifice. They make their way north and end up in New York City, with the finale level being a fight up through the empire state building to a helicopter at the top.
    The second game would follow Nick, Ellis, Rochelle, and Coach after The Parish. Once they escaped the bridge the helicopter they escape in takes them to a base in Florida, which they escape from/leave. They fight their way through the state trying to find a way out, with the finale campaign being set in... Disney World!
    I thought the third game should be set somwhere outside the states. Like England or Japan or France or Russia. I cant think of much else for that.
    Each game should be the standard 3-4 campaigns with 3-5 chapters. I really can't think of much to change/improve for gameplay. I know this isn't much but they are just thoughts.

  10. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mcclaud View Post
    I've noticed there are wishlists and infected ideas for Left 4 Dead 3, so I decided to make an Game idea thread.

    My Idea

    The game takes place in New Orleans, 3 weeks after the events of L4D2. You play as a single stranded survivor who failed to make it to the military evacuation site. Everything has been abandoned, nobody knows you exist and the amount of Infected have risen beyond count.

    Daily life is a struggle as the amount of Infected increase, and the amount of supplies decrease.


    Unlike the previous L4D games, L4D3 should be set in an open world sandbox environment. Your character is able to complete missions, interact with other survivors and eventually form a group of survivors.

    Exploration is a major part in the game since you'll need to be on the move to keep yourself and your friends alive. You can explore New Orleans and it's surrounding countryside freely, but don't expect the Infected to host a friendly welcoming committee.

    Vehicles will help you move around the city with a bit more ease, but they aren't indestructible. Vehicles range from motorbikes and cars, to the US Army M1 Arbrams tank. However, they are limited, require fuel and can be destroyed by the Infected.

    With the New Orleans AFB near your characters home, you have a reasonably close location to resupply your ammunition and other supplies, but don't expect the Infected or the US Army to give it up freely. Entry cost depends on its occupants. US Army: $5000, Infected: Lots of zombie blood.

    2 new Special Infected: The Creeper and the Behemoth, both ready to spill your blood, either by slicing you to pieces or turning to into a pavement pizza.

    New weapons: Sledgehammer, Concrete Slab, Wine Bottle and even the RPG.

    Team Command: Allows you to command your team of survivors, such as collecting ammo, medicine, food, etc

    Day and Night system gives it an easier feeling during the day, but a terrifying experience during the night.

    Post your ideas for Left 4 Dead 3.
    Hm... it's okay i guess but what L4D3 should be is set in another counrty, keeping the infection is getting pretty annoying, what about england? what about somwhere like an over populated country like china? wouldn't it be cool to see how the rest of the world has been effected by the infection?

    we also need to see some people getting eaten, everyone already zombified is annoying...

    also, i don't know why they dismissed the idea of the screamer, he sounded cool, they decided against him beucase bpeople couldn't tell the difference between him and the witch, keep the idea just change what he looks like.

    we also need some more girl in tha game, i mean come on, there can't seriously be only 2 girls left in the world, that's just depressing for guys.

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