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Thread: Golden Guns?

  1. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    You have the ability to choose among 12 Survivors. This would be fun to mix it up. Each has certain interactions with other Survivors.

    For example, Bill would be putting Nick in his place and Nick would often mock him, calling old, saying "They should slow down so beardface can keep up."

    New Infected-

    Name: Martyr
    Special Ability: Like the Jockey, except it grabs the feet, having the survivor still walk, but really slow. However if not saved within 15 seconds by another teammate, the Martyr will explode, incapacitating the survivor. Or if the Survivor is in Black in white, the Survivor dies. Basically a kamakaze infected like the Boomer, except this time, it does damage.
    Heath: (Same as Hunter)

    Name: Corpser
    Appearance: with a few differences due to copyright
    Special Ability: EXTREMELY powerful. More than a Tank. It is fast, and can incapacitate a Survivor in 2 hits. It is invincible. Yes, you heard me, INVINCIBLE. However, it rots and dies within 40 seconds of when it first shows up. 45 seconds may not seem like a long time controlling it, but it is when you're on the run from this thing, it seems like awhile. Only appears once per Campaign. Not once per level in a campaign, but like, if you were to have this in No Mercy, it only appears once in the whole campaign due to how strong it is. It has one thing similar to the Tank. Before you know its coming, the ground starts to Rumble. It comes from underneath the ground, and is paralyzed for 5 seconds so you can get a running start. It CAN still be slowed down (gunfire), but you cannot kill it by any weapon. You just simply got to wait. This is pure Survival. It is perferred you get to higher ground because if you aren't, it'll catch up to you easy. So all in all, 35 seconds to hold out. 5 seconds to get a head start.

    Name: Reaper
    Appearance: Think a ringwraith from Lord of the Rings
    Special Ability: Can go through any wall and can only be detected earlier, not by sound, but by a blood trail. Its has a 15 second invisibility limit bar, so use it wisely as you will no longer be invisible if you use all the seconds up. Does 12 points of damage per hit. (clawing)
    Health: 635

    I also want a story, some cutscenes, new weapons, more unique crescendo events, and environment interaction.
    The Martyr: Sounds like it would mostly work. One concern is that it would be simply boring to play as in versus. After all, its design relies on a seperated survivor or a big distraction, neither of which are controllable. If the Martyr had a way of creating these circumstances (without becoming a Boomer/Charger clone) then I would like it. Also, the name. "Martyr" is a sophisticated word, at least when compared to "Boomer" or "Charger". These names were thought up by survivors for the purpose of immediate identification. Maybe something a little more descriptive, like "Clinger".

    The Corpser: A little tentative on this one. I like the concept, but it needs some fine-tuning. As is, it's pretty much a cross between a startled witch and a tank, except invincible. It would be underpowered in open areas, resulting in an unsatisfactorally anticlimactic end to what was supposed to be a large, game-changing event. Also, the name again. Corpser. Excuse me while I giggle. Yeah, the name needs to go.

    The Reaper: Sorry, but this one just won't work. It doesn't fit with the theme of the games. The whole point of the horror is that there are no supernatural causes. These enemies aren't really zombies, they're sick people. That's what makes it so creepy. You may be onto something with the whole 'Sneakiness' idea, but it won't work like this. It would be like adding a mummy or a dancing skeleton.

  2. Just getting started
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    For the love of all that is Left 4 Dead, have a character with a foreign accent, preferrably British.

  3. Left 4 Dead
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    Another Necro bump. Anyways, a few of the OP's ideas aren't bad but a few of which I must call attention to.

    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeHunter View Post
    ((Leveling Up)) The more zombies you kill the more you level up and the more you level up the more guns you can unlock wich i well get to that now~~~~ ((Unlocking Guns)) The more you level up the more guns you can unlock and after you finnish a round or campaine you have the option to go and BUY guns and you get money from killing zombies sorta like nazi zombies that idea and after you unlock all of the guns you can RANK UP wich will allow you to start over at level 1 but when you rank up you get more guns and when you buy the gun they appear in the game to but not others like the baseball bat for L4D2~~~~ ((Attachments)) Like shotgun of granade luncher
    All of these I strongly disagree with. Personally, I think what makes L4D great are the lack of these features. Adding these to the mix will completely transform this game into another Call of Duty. I REALLY don't want to hear "ZoMg!1! I r twice ur rank! ur sch a nub!" or "How do u git teh nade lawnchair?1" ect.

    Yes I'm don't like COD and I think of you no less for liking it, but I'd much rather have the game remain a simple arcade shooter and the players to be perfectly equal with no ingame advantages and nothing for them to gloat over. Hell, some people I know play this game to ESCAPE Call of Duty.

    With All COD bashing aside, weapon attachments like what you suggested would throw the balance off completely. The mere two suggestions you made make at least half of the current arsenal obsolete. Furthermore; since they would be unlockables, they would be a commodity within a matter of weeks. I would spew pure rage if I see a typical group of survivors start out with Assault rifles with shotgun/launcher attachments.

    Quote Originally Posted by OrangeHunter View Post
    ~~~~ ~~~~((Sandbox Mode)) Make your own survivor and exsplore the world meet up with you friends online or if your playing 2 players with your friend you could team up with and look around the city~~~~ ((Diffrent Maps For Sandbox Mode)) Maby a swamp a city a forest a carnavle a subway ect. ect. stuff like that
    This I'm a little split about. I admit that when I play a campaign in a big urban area like No Mercy or The Parish, I wonder about what WOULD the surrounding areas be like should the survivors be forced to go another direction. That would sate the wanderlust of myself and maybe a few players, plus we could get clues of what transpired before/during/and after the infection.

    On the other hand, this once again, betrays the basic concept of the original game. An idea as big as this seems way too large to be able to fit in the L4D universe and falls under MMORPGs rather than arcade shooters. As I stated earlier, the basic concept of L4D need not change.

    As for the other ideas people have posted: I haven't read them all but a few of them sound much better.
    Parlock: I'm sorry, I'm an idiot who can't read XD.
    Teenracer6: I hate salt, it's too salty.
    Parlock: Taking in TP's sweet, sweet buttsweat didn't make me gag

  4. Witch
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    No, fuck that shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  5. Feet under the table
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    What if Square Enix made L4D?
    "Gaze long into abyss, and the abyss will also gaze into you"

    -Friedrich Nietzsche

  6. On the way to greater things
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    Id love for mabe Diffrent Maps For Sandbox Mode))

    it would all soo be awsome if we could make and create your own character

    cose realy you cant picke who you realy wanna play cose there's onley 4 people and some times players will picke who you wanna play and soo you have to picke some one eles:/

    Soo id realy realy love it if they would make it too where you could create you own charecter

    I all soo like th thought of clues of what transpired before/during/and after the infection.

    That would be cool cose there is not much of a storey on what even happend and why every one became zombies

  7. Senior-Senior Member
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    I'd like to see a campaign set on an island, during the day time, with a few night levels. There could be a cave on the island too, and the original survivors back.

    Another campaign could be set in outer space... on a space ship, maybe another campaign in Antarctica... and when you shoot the zombies down, red blood lands all over the snow... snow storms would happen, etc.

  8. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by 17271 View Post
    I'd like to see a campaign set on an island, during the day time, with a few night levels. There could be a cave on the island too, and the original survivors back.

    Another campaign could be set in outer space... on a space ship, maybe another campaign in Antarctica... and when you shoot the zombies down, red blood lands all over the snow... snow storms would happen, etc.
    Can't see there being many zombie hordes living in outer-space or the antarctic...

  9. Banned
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    Bring back the HUD view for the shotguns from L4D1 as well as the melee animations. The L4D2 ones are, imo, too centered, and the shotgun melee animation just looks plain wrong.

    Restore the T1 shotgun ammo reserve back up to 128 instead of 56 (?). stop spawning T2 weapons so early in the maps.

    Bring back the L4D1 pistols as the starter weapons - the L4D2 ones look crap and sound crap.

    Allow the use of dual deagles - and give the pistols as sequential upgrades throughout the campaign, such as:
    single standard pistol,
    double standard pistol
    single deagle
    double deagle

    instead of the deagle being a somewhat "specialist" weapon at the moment especially as it disappears once picked up. More people should get a chance to use it rather than it being a "first come first served" weapon. The current level of pistols that the player is currently at should be reflected when you are incapped, like it is at the moment.

    Pistols should not have unlimited ammo.

    Melee weapons should be a supplement to pistols, NOT a replacement. I like both melee weapons and the pistols, but I hate having to choose between the two. How is someone carrying a shotgun supposed to be able to shoot anything remotely distant if they are carrying a melee weapon? simple - they can't - and this fix would get around that.

    Ability to toss throwables to your team mates - I can't count how many times I've wanted to give a molotov or a pipe to a friend and haven't been able to. I think it could be useful.

    Also, they need to FIX the inherent flaw that is "got tossed pills and then got burned for it" syndrome. When someone tosses an item to you, there is no need for the weapon to be put away, effectively making you momentarily defenseless.

    The delay between eating the pills and the weapon coming back into view, and furthermore being able to fire again, is something ridiculous like 3 seconds. Shorten it to like, 1 and a bit seconds or something.

    Lobby leaders should have control over item spawns, versus difficulty, micers only, etc.

    Get rid of the jockey and the charger - although I know this would never happen in reality. The spitter can stay. SI formations therefore go back to how they were in L4D1, albeit with a slight adjustment:
    Hunter+Hunter+smoker+boomer OR spitter
    and one new one: hunter+smoker+boomer+spitter.

    IMO it's fine to substitute a spitter for a boomer, AS LONG AS there is a smoker as well, but there shouldn't be a spitter alone with three hunters as that would just be too easy to foil an attack. It would also be much harder to secure four players with three hunters and a spitter, than it would be with a smoker or a boomer in the spitter's place.

    Allow single player infected campaign - like one sided versus in a way.

    Get rid of wandering witches. Honestly, what was now a rare sight that required some planning to get past is now beyond a joke that poses nearly no threat.

    I think that's it. There's not much about L4D that bothers me, but in L4D2 they broke what was already there and then added so much useless crap, that an L4D3 would have to be pretty damn good to impress me.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  10. Community Staff
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    All I want:

    Customization for the Host in this format of these options:

    - Original SI only
    - T1 only
    - No Medkits after saferoom/no medkits IN saferoom
    - Original L4D scoring system
    - Tank on every map
    - X type of grenade able to be unclicked.

    These type of changes won't do anything but satisfy people who prefer certain aspects of L4D 1.

    I'm one of those people who was absolutely in LOVE with L4D1, but L4D2 got completely boring after 2 weeks.

    And besides more options = the better.

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