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Thread: Question

  1. I've done my time
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    I'm all for a great competitive game but if my team are noobs, i'm not sticking around. I can tell within 10 seconds how the game is and will leave immediately if its terribly uneven. and I will not play a game with split screeners on different teams. That should be for friends in a private server if you ask me. Sorry but i refuse to play with losers (players with no sense whatsoever). People call it rage quitting but I'm actually quite calm and laugh sometimes. I'm not gonna get mad because its me and 3 tards against a great team. Its just bad luck. But yes, just like other players, I've turned many games around, been spammed back to lobbies and kicked, etc. its the price you pay for being a great player in pubs. I only pub early in the AM because those England kids got it going on. if I'm on at night I'm usually playing with friends because noobs about give me a damn heart attack. Also I cant stand obnoxious people on the mic. This also will get me to quit. The mic is a privilege, not a requirement.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    There are a surprising amount of players on the xbox who will spawn their infected in the very second they are able to, and stand somewhere waiting to ambush. Perhaps they don't realize their arm pokes through the wall or they make strange noises which are easily identifiable.

    9 out of 10 public games are FILLED with players who spawn the boomer in ridiculous places, while the survivors are a smoker's distance away, as if I'll walk right over there and let him spew on me. Even groups of premades are guilty most of the time. Sure they wait for all four to have infected, but they spawn early and in the most foolish places, and accuse you of cheating when you shoot them over and over and over.

  3. Been around a bit
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    The times that I've quit a game, really has nothing to do with losing, I usually rage quit cause my team are idiots.

  4. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombie Mamba View Post
    The times that I've quit a game, really has nothing to do with losing, I usually rage quit cause my team are idiots.
    That is understandable and I've been known to do it myself from time to time.

    What I'm ranting about is the team of friends does it. They usually all quit at the same time ending the game and ruining the fun for everyone.

  5. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    That is understandable and I've been known to do it myself from time to time.

    What I'm ranting about is the team of friends does it. They usually all quit at the same time ending the game and ruining the fun for everyone.
    Oh yea, that annoys me. I joined a game once with some dudes, and they all seemed pretty cool, so, we all added each other. So, when they would invite me to a game, I usually always ended up on the other team, which, I didnt care. But, if my team was beating them by the ended of the 1st chapter, they would all rage quit. This happened like 4 times!!! Anyway, I ended up deleting them all from my friends list. F'ing pansies.

  6. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    That is understandable and I've been known to do it myself from time to time.

    What I'm ranting about is the team of friends does it. They usually all quit at the same time ending the game and ruining the fun for everyone.
    I don't mind when a whole team Rage quits, in fact I kind of like it. It means I can send a message to four different people saying "wow, we really fucked you guys up, didn't we?".

    And what can they say? All four of them had different errands to run at exactly the same time? If one person quits, you dont know what happened, they could of had an emergency, decide to go out and enjoy real life. Who knows. but all four? Nopeee. Thats a universal rage quit because you guys got rapppeeeed.

  7. Senior-Senior Member
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    Even better is when you're winning and one of your teammates quits out. And since the other team has the lobby leader they can 4-3 a vote to return to lobby and kick your team.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    I always feel bad for that lone player that tries to stick it out but keeps getting more shitty rage quitting players joing and leaving his team through out the match. Poor

    I have nothing but luv those peeps.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  9. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    I was playing against a team last night and instead of ragequitting, they kept on calling "Return to lobby" and "Change campaign" votes x.x which is completely stupid, because if you want to leave, then just LEAVE.

    also, nother random tidbit, I absolutely HATE when teams quit on the first map when they get their bums handed to them on a silver platter (They dont even give the other team a chance to play as survivor or infected/whatever the case) its lame...
    quit like...the 3rd map in, if anything....

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  10. Junior Member
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    The only time I ever quit a versus game is if I have real life issues to take care of, or if the other team is always talking crap. It's so annoying when one person on my team leaves and then someone of the other team spams "LOL RAGE QUIT! WHO'S GONNA LEAVE NEXT?! NUBZ" It just gets on my nerves..
    "He's like a five year old! A five year old with guns and a comprehensive knowledge of every swear word in the English language!" -Nick

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