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Thread: Question

  1. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    That is understandable and I've been known to do it myself from time to time.

    What I'm ranting about is the team of friends does it. They usually all quit at the same time ending the game and ruining the fun for everyone.
    I'm in the same position on many occasions, most people just can't bare losing, no shame in it if the other person or group are better than you and your teammates.

    The only other reason I quit out is mainly when you attack them as a tank and no damage is inflicted, which means that they're obviously mods and cheaters involved. But why go to such lengths to beat someone on a game, you've either got the skills or you haven't so why cheat to win.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_friendly_smoker View Post
    I try not to rage quit, even if I am having my ass absolutely handed to me, because I know how annoying it is for the opposite side.
    It's the same for me. I hate to lose especially when I lose miserably against the other team. However, I know it's rather pathetic to leave the current game. We can not always win. I try to accept defeat.
    Dylan & Baez.

  3. Chicago Ted
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    Sadly, I have ragequitted this one particular time our team was getting assraped. They beat us with everyone alive in Dead Center the first 2 levels. I got so frustrated with a Smoker instakill-fail on Rochelle, I just gave up.

    I came back on an hour or so later, and one of my teammates sent me a voice message saying they managed to turn the tide and win the match. I was like "DOH!"
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
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  4. Junior Member
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    I ok with people quitting. 99% of the time our skills don't match. It just waste of both of our time.
    There are some people that make fun of rage-quitter on my team and when I invite some of my friends and own their ass on the next map they rage quit themselves. I hate these kind of people.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    I have done this on versus. I don't care about being called a 'ragequitter', I play the game for fun and if a game is tedious or frustrating due to overwhelmingly unequal teams, or just full of obnoxious dickheads that I wouldn't give the time of day to IRL then I am not wasting my time playing it. It is pretty rare that I end up in a game that bad though.

    What makes me walk out on a game the most is when playing on 9v9 or 10v10 group servers there are only 5 or 6 people on the server and I have ended up on a team by myself or with one other person against 4 or 5 on the other side. I ask for some of them to switch over to even things out and if they still insist on playing such an uneven game I assume that they like playing against bots so I let them play against a whole team of them. I mean playing against 1 human + 9 bots is not much more of a challenge than playing against 10 bots, so I don't feel like I am depriving them of anything and I am not going to stick around in a boring game when I can find a better one elsewhere.

  6. Junior Member
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    I don't really care since this game don't have a rank system. Team are unfair most of the time. If you hate a whole team rage-quit then play all friends or organize a scrim. That what I been doing. If you can't get those in then try to find a pub-stomper lobby. 20% of them actually have good skill. A lot of players know from first round how the rest of the game is going to go. If not then they are new or it is going to be a good game. If the teams are un-match then do you really want to keep killing them for next 4 maps or do you want to find a better team.

    Please valve fix team versus.

  7. On the way to greater things
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    My impression of pub versus is that there tend to be alot of skilled players who just enjoy beating the crap out of inferior players. Having said that, one way to learn as a newbie is to get your ass kicked by vastly superior players so long as it doesn't become too demoralising. The best games are between two evenly matched teams who are genuinely struggling to stay ahead of each other. In pub games I think people should be more prepared to switch sides to get an evenly matched game, but that's just my opinion. I'll admit there is some sadistic pleasure to be had in repeatedly destroying an awful team a few yards from the starting safehouse door, but naturally most people are only going to take so much of that before realising they are not enjoying this game and would rather be doing something more productive/fun with their time.

  8. On the way to greater things
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    He definitely tested your reflexes!
    In for reflexes.



    Wait.... Got it.


  9. Banned
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    Maybe it is not so like you think in my opion.

  10. On the way to greater things
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    More often that not i lose a game, be it versus or anything, i cant even complete the sacrifice on easy, that last level always gets me, so yeah im not exactly brilliant and i know that, so i don't expect to win all the time, and when you don't expect to win all the time you don't feel the need to get angry and rage quit, im more surprised when i win actually :L

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