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Thread: Video Card Suggestions?

  1. Banned
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    I love the pistols, and often find them more useful than the main weapon. Crouching and using the 'machine gun trigger finger' can render pistols very useful for dispatching hordes.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  2. Junior Member
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    Right there is no point us arguing over the same point, this was suppsosted to help people, not show them we cant agree, and to this point i will say enough is enough, we will never agree, so im just going to mod the list to sute everyone, i hate arguments, and this is not a post based around me giving up, or the fact that i think ur right, cuz i actually think ur wrong but as i said we will never agree, and there is no need for personal attack so im saying im sorry for mine, and im gonna guess that u will aplogies as well, anyway eough of the argument, we shall ut it beihind us

    the mod is

    1, Melee/Pistols/Magnums (its your choice which to take as long as you can use them effectively, neither one is better than the other, its all about how u use the equipement)

    i hope this will suit all effected

    the rest of the list still stands,

  3. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post

    You also probably do not understand the full power of the magnum if you use a controller. I can't really blame you. It requires quite a fast reaction time, switching from multiple targets within seconds to use the dance effectively: something a controller cannot do no matter how much you beg to differ.
    I beg to differ. :rofl:

    /me is always carrying a Magnum as a secondary and can use it better than most people use the sniper rifles.

    But then again I am amazing.

  4. Banned
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    If I had a capture card I would show you, sadly I don't have a PC set up to record in HD.

    I'm not as good as I would be with a mouse but trust me, some of us Xbox users are very good/quick shots. I've been playing with the dual-analog sticks long enough that I'm very effective with them. Just ask any hunter who has been on the receiving end of my pump shotgun.

    Do you have access to an Xbox by chance? How about you come play with some of us console junkies one of these days?

  5. Banned
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    I used to play Q3A on the PC all of the time so I know I'm pretty good with the keyboard/mouse combo. Hell when that game got ported to the Dreamcast I dropped $120 on the keyboard/mouse combo for the console so I could play it correctly on SegaNET.

    I've played a little bit of the PC version of L4D and I've noticed that your average player is better at the survivors. Xbox users tend to rely more on their infected play in my experience. I'm a better shot on the PC simply because I can turn the mouse sensitivity all the way up and line things up more quickly. On the Xbox I've already maxed the sensitivity out and it still feels too slow. I wish we had the option to use a keyboard/mouse on the Xbox.

    All that said I think if you took a good Xbox team and put them up against a good PC team it wouldn't be a lopsided affair. The controller isn't as much of a handicap as most PC gamers make it out to be. The problem those people have is they aren't very good with a controller and blame it for their bad play.

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Expert Realism, here are a few tips to help.

    Know your maps. Play on Easy first, and just get to know the maps really well. When you play on Expert Realism, use the environment and set up checkpoints and tell the team where to go. Make sure your team is a team you know and have played with before and make sure they know the areas in each campaign. When a horde comes, try to find a house or high ground to fight them off.

    Stay in a tight nit group. Only thing to worry about being tightly nit is a Charger and possibly a Boomer. When blind, quickly go idle and come back and you should see, then run to a safe place to fight the commons. Use your melee carefully. Melee once, shoot.

    Somebody else boomered on, protect him with your life. Commons won't go after you, so you should be able to pick the horde off before serious damage is done.

    Restarting is no big deal. There is no way in fuck anyone can do Realism Expert without someone dying or without restarting. Keep your chin up, evaluate your mistakes.

    Bad idea to fight Tanks head on. Make sure your team runs away when he's on fire, but keep together. If you get seperated, say a place where the team should meet up and regroup.

    Scavenge-like events like the Passing and Dead Center, do not seperate to find gas cans. Travel in groups. Dead Center? Try to toss the cans down to the car and keep repeating. Only one person should get the cans while the other three covers him. Same goes for putting the gas in the tank. If adrenaline is present and you have a lot of gas cans near the car, use your adrenaline, even if you have good health, and just keep pouring the cans in. You'll have 5 gas cans in the tank in 4 seconds.

    And regardless of what the OP says, that Desert Eagle is your best friend. I do NOT like melee unless its a panic event where you have to haul ass. I find melee more useful in the panic event at Dark Carnival where you have to run through the gate through the infinite horde and the run to turn off the alarm in Dead Center.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Chicago Ted
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    Also, when you die (And you WILL die), as everyone knows, you enter spectator mode. Please, don't go off and get a snack or use the bathroom or check your email or make a call. This is Expert Realism. You can see things your teammates can't see, therefore you can warn them whats behind, or whats ahead. You're in spectator mode for a reason. It isn't 'You die and then get a break until you're rescued'. You may be OUT of the game momentarily, but you're still in it. Keep a watchful eye. Wouldn't you rather make yourself useful even after you die? People are under the assumption that once you die, thats it. Not true, if you're faced on Expert, especially on Realism, you can STILL give your team an advantage.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  8. Zombie Cat
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    Great advice Crimson. I have never even thought of the spectator mode thing. AS for the magnum vs melee. I think the melee is easier to use for self defence, but a experienced magnum user can defend themselves. Thats my policy for the assault rifles. A expirienced player can use the Assault rifle in close range(like the shotgun) and in long range(like the sniper rifles) Same goes for the sniper rifles, but its easier with the assault rifles because it spits out multiple bullets, and is a good medium.

  9. Just getting started
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    Need help with this!


  10. Just getting started
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    I don't know if this thread is still running, but I thought I might as well throw in something that might be helpful (that also hasn't been said) and that tip would be this:
    Try to use other healers besides your med kit when possible until it is necessary ie. Your screen is black and white or your about to start some big event where taking time to heal during could possibly get you killed.

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