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  1. Registered TeamPlayer Ficet99's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 9th a little around 5 o clock

    Earlier we came across two new survivors, one was named Allane and he actually pulled two pistols on us as we came up behind him (I almost shot him when he aimed them at me), the other was the aptly named Lucky which he was since we found him half froze to death in a freezer. We were now a four man strong group which made me feel good and a bit more secure and it felt better not having to rely on Walker if I ever got in major danger (who would be there to save him when he messed up again?).

    After a short rest in the last safe house we began moving toward Mercy hospital. Allane had heard about a helicopter that passed by every now and again, the idea was to get to the helipad on top of the hospital and try to signal him. The hospital was very tall and hard to miss so we just kept walking in the general direction of it. The problem was the wreckage and infected that blocked the streets, we couldn't just make a quick B-line (why is it called a B-line?) to the hospital so this was going to be slow going. We stuck to alley ways in a tight group, me in the lead with my shotgun and Lucky covering the back with his shotgun. Allane and Walker would stay in the middle and be ready to jump in when either of us needed to take a quick brake to reload. We always stuck to holding up in a nice corner when we could though, that way they could only come from one direction.

    We also had a real encounter... a very real encounter. One of the obese ones (that Walker has a really long name for) actually jumped off a roof and tried top land on us. Allane spotted him and nailed him in mid air, that would have been great had he not exploded knocking us all to the ground and then showering us with disgusting innards and acid (stuff actually burned just a bit) then we heard them... the cry of the oncoming group. They were attracted to the smell of whatever came out of that thing and we just happened to be covered in it. Jumping into attack formation (sounds fancy doesn't it?) we waited until we saw the pale of their skin and then fired. I only worried about the front which was my job and I only hoped that Allane and Ducky could cover the back well enough, in such a closed in space Walker was just ripping them a new one with that SMG he found and if they got too close I made swiss cheese out of them with my shotgun.

    I remember counting the kills in my head 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, (I missed two of them which pissed me off since I was losing points) and then remember losing count quickly after that, there was just so many. Then the wheezer (Walker has such original names) came out of no where from behind the mass group of norms. At first thought it's "Oh no he's going to cough on me!" then he grabs you... with his tongue that is about the length of the Golden gate bridge at first site, and it burns you to! He grabbed me and started dragging me into the group of normal infected (lets call them Hordes for short unless Walker gets a better idea) I remembered the searing pain that the tongue brought on while he dragged me, it was like acid burning through my skin. I thought I was going to be dragged into my death but someone managed to shoot it in the face (I doubt it was Walker) and then he exploded into a cloud of smoke. The tongue unwrapped itself from around my waist and I got back up to get in formation, by then it was basically over though. There were so many... at least now we know what the wheezer (I still chuckle at that name) really does. It tries to separate us and drag us to our death, not the most pleasant thought.

    Now here we are, sitting in a new safe house mending our wounds and getting ready to travel to the hospital still looming out in the distance. I still wonder if we'll ever encounter that huge one... the Hulk's second cousin twice removed.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary


    ROFL! ..and just like that, I'm the blunderer

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Anti-Squeaker's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 9th.
    Have been driving basically non-stop since last entry, only taking short breaks to eat or write in my journal. Great what the thought of a horde of zombies will do to you if you fall asleep will do to you... Heard some screeching in the distance and heard faint gunshots, and i saw a huge explosion! looks like some kind of gas station... but thats later. Damn, cars almost out of gas...gotta refill this sometime. Don't know why this jeep is diesel....will write after i get more gas.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________

    Well, good news i have gas. Bad news, my shotgun is toast. Dunno how I'm supposed to survive a zombie apocalypse without a 12 gauge....But I'm getting off topic. Gas station had plenty of everything i wanted, and plenty of what i didn't. Apparently people were filling up as they got bitten. But, a small, hunched over zombie was perched on top of the sign for the gas station. Now i know what those screams are...Nearly ripped my face off. Managed to beat him back, but his hand got stuck on the strap of the shotgun, and he leaped off into the distance. So now I'm down to my 2 pistols (so glad i picked up that spare.) Finding plenty of gas cans, i filled them all to the brim and either stashed them in the back or tied them somewhere. Also grabbed some food. I'm not a big guy, but i like my food. Going to drive some more and take a nap. Reckon I'm getting close to Texas...I hope...

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Ruukil's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Journal entry December 9th.

    This will probably be my last one. I heard that big one from earlier come back. It's walking around, it hasn't noticed me yet. There was someone else here. They hadn't responded to my attempts at contacting them at first. I think whomever was hiding decided that summoning these zombies was a good way to get rid of me.

    I think I have to blame myself a bit too. When I killed that girl a few came running. But more came later after he fired a few rounds off. I saw him too. the bastard payed me no mind. If I make it out of here I have half a mind to shoot him. But until that time I will be content to hide in the lowest place in this metal death trap with a piece of sheet metal covering me. I'm gonna wait until I stop hearing that damn screaming before I even get out from under here.

    Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Tractorpull's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 5th cont

    Jesus Christ!!!! I travel nearly 200 miles and I barely see 20 infected. Now I’m trying to go 4 miles and I see a million of them. I horde had gave chase too my truck. Either I try to deal with them or lead them straight to Cleric’s. If he isn’t home, no problem, but I can’t take that chance. I turned out into a field and turned in a broad circle. The horde in full sprint started to veer off the road. I gunned it taking them head to head. All I can say is that the grill guard on the truck did its job. A few of the horde went down the side of the truck and tried to grab ahold only to be pulled underneath the rear wheels.

    I jumped out of the truck that quickly dispatched a few infected trying to get up with my pistol. Turning to look at my truck I couldn’t stop laughing. It now looked like a harbinger of doom. Dark blood was smeared all up and down the sides and windows. A few appendages hung from underneath. I guess if I am going to drive through hell I might as well have a vehicle that looks like it belongs there.

    As I got closer I could tell Clerics house was still standing. And his car was in the drive….and the windows were boarded up. If he was alive or infected, he was here. I left the truck on the road and walked up the house. I heard a voice above me. “I thought you were driving a White f-350, not some demonic hell cart.” I looked up. Cleric was standing on the roof with his rifle.

    “Hey at least I am not the idiot who tried to hole up in a house that is about 100 years old and falling down.”

    “Yeah, because driving 200 miles in the middle of the apocalypse is a good idea too.”

    He jumped onto the hood of his car and then too the ground and shook my hand.

    “Other than that its real good to see you. Can you get us out of here?”

    “Maybe, is it just you and your Dad or is there more?”

    “No just me and him”

    “Then we should have plenty of room.”

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Graverunner's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 9th

    Frag and I arrive in what I'm pretty sure is AK's town. no sign of him at the firehouse, which makes me nervous, I assumed he would go there. Frag did find some gasoline though, he's been making improvised explosives from empty beer bottles. It keeps him busy and might just be the edge we need.
    Were heading to his house now, we can hear a lot of noise and the occasional gunshot coming from that direction. I hope we get there in time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Howlin Mad Murphy View Post
    im already making a "im with graverunner" t-shirt. so dont let me down man

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: Survival Diary

    ***Previous pages missing***

    Tuesday, December 9

    I never knew that while I was home for a short break that I would be trapped in my own home. I need to get out of this place. I have killed too many of my friends and neighbors. Or at least what was left of them. I need to get out of my home. I have been held up here since it began, 4 days ago. My folks went to work like any other day, but did not return. I was initially worried about them but as time wore on, I slowly began to accept the fact that they may not be coming home. No cell signal and the hard lines are putting out that annoying sound. The TVs are showing nothing but snow and my internet is down which hurts me most. No news. The last person I saw, was running from those zombies. The screams. Oh god those screams were horrible. I used my dad’s HK91 to put him out of his misery. Of course it attracted those things attention. Damn, and I thought they were deaf. It was a small group so I was able to pick them off.

    I need to get out of here or I will go mad. But where? North? South, East, West? Well I think I may head to Texas. Last I heard they were holding out. Not surprising considering how the entire state is one big armory.

    What to bring? Weapons and ammo are probably the most important. Definitely food. I took stock of what I had. Couple canned foods; soup and beans, crackers, some other odds and ends and water. I then decided to look at the weapons and ammo I had left. My dad always joked that we were stalking up weapons and ammo for the revolution. You were finally vindicated dad, where ever you are. Well it was indeed a revolution, but whose? I decided to take that trusty HK91 for long range combat, a 9mm Beretta Storm carbine and a Sig Sauer P-228 9mm. Thankfully my dad was able to keep a lot of his tactical gear from his days as a federal agent. Tactical holster, and a class 2 Kevlar vest. Shit for stopping bullets but it should at least delay them from tearing out my guts. I load up the guns and three old .50 cal ammo containers, two filled with boxes of 9mm ammo and the other with .308 for the G3. I then loaded up by backpack with some canned food, my trusty Maglite, Leatherman and some clothes.

    Then it hit me. Medical supplies. Shit. I didn’t have any. My boy scout training more than prepared me for first aid but I had nothing to practice it with. There was a local CVS that could supply me. So after I double checked my gear, and loaded it into my Dodge Caliber. 4 cylinders isn’t much but it’s got decent gas mileage and it’s got space. Before I left, I left a note stating my intentions. And off I went.

    When I got there I parked on the side and when I rounded the corner, I saw this big ass thing. It looked like the Hulk and Schwarzenegger had a love child. It looked at me and charged. Holy shit that thing moved fast. I emptied about 2 clips of 9mm ammo into this guy from the Storm, but the fucker kept coming! I dove just as he ran into the entrance and pummeled it. I loaded my last magazine I had handy and managed to double tap him to the head. He stumbled for a bit then fell. Shit that was scary, I was shaking all over and had butterflies all around my stomach. I was never so scared in my life!

    After composing myself, I entered the CVS. The place was dark. No lights were on. Damn. I got the flashlight out of the car and entered. The place was spooky. I was hearing this weird noise that sounded tearful. I wasn’t too concerned about it because I wanted to get out of there. I quickly jogged to where the bandages and first aid kits were. Took about 5 and thought it might be wise to stop by the pharmacy. Picked up a couple small cases of Oxycodone for pain should I ever get hurt and some Vancomiecin to fight infection. Of course I had to bash open the safety containers that held them. Bastards never make it easy to get to the good stuff. I was about to leave when I came across the source of that weird noise. As I approached, it became obvious that it was a low whimper. Not taking any chances considering my encounter with that juggernaut, I held the carbine up and I saw what looked like a mid aged teen in tattered clothing sitting on the ground whimpering a low whimper which sounded like a cross between a young toddler who was just getting over a temper tantrum and a low moan like someone who had just lost a loved one.

    I called out still cautious, not knowing what to expect. She turned around and let out a horrifying shriek that the local banshees anonymous would be proud of in their heyday. Those eyes were startling. The color looked bright red. I froze. She tackled me and started clawing at my chest. Those nails looked sharp as hell, and twice as dirty. Thankfully that Kevlar worked, but it took a hell of a beating. When I regained my senses I managed to shove her off long enough to bring my carbine level with her head and fired off half a clip. I never got up so fast in my life! I emptied what was left of the 10 round clip into her face just to make sure she was dead. The blood and brain matter was all over the place. I chuckled to myself “Clean up on aisle 3”. I didn’t stay around long to pick up what else the store had to offer. I heard a mass of other local undead and made a run for it. I threw my bounty into the side seat, threw my car in gear and drove off. When I knew I had escaped I decided to pull over and secure my new found supplies and write this entry.

    Douglass Macarthur triumphantly stated “I shall return!” when he escaped the Philippians in World War II. I was unable to make the same promise to myself that I was going to return to my home.

    Texas is west and south of me, how to get there is beyond me. Damn I should have gotten some maps. Oh well. Off I go and should I survive this, I would be one lucky son of a bitch.
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  8. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 9th, 9PM,

    Lucky and I are in pretty bad shape. He's recovering though. I'm getting worse.

    I should have grabbed some antibiotics when we were at the med supply store. It's these cuts and gashes. They're infected, the skin around them all red and inflamed. The worst is my arm, which is probably why the infection has gone systemic.. that stupid clipped artery, offering a nice opening for little microbes.

    The safehouse was pretty understocked, as far as these things have gone, but it DID have some hydrogen peroxide in a makeshift medicine cabinet that was hastily tacked to the wall. I redressed my wounds with Ficet and Allane's help, and doused the fuck out of em with the hydrogen peroxide. That stang like a bitch.. and probably won't help much, but it's better than nothing.

    We put some of the extraneous pain med bottles into the cabinet along with a couple first aid kits. As well, we added any ammo that didn't fit our current weapon selection to the pile.. and removed any that DID fit from it. weapons though.. kind of a bummer.

    Lucky's shivers have stopped, so his body temp must be returning to normal. Made me wish we had grabbed one of those hypothermia blankets from that med store... but by then it was too late. The running around helped, I'm sure.. but I think it was a closer thing for Lucky than we realized at first.

    Sure enough, Allane and Lucky have both been keeping journals as well.. lending credence to my earlier observation about making our last mark in this world.

    For now, this day's mark has been made, and it's my turn to sleep. Lucky's up next, then Allane has the shift after that. Ficet, lucky boy, gets the early morning shift. That one's always the suckiest.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 9th, approaching midnight

    Risked a glance outside a few hours ago. Those things were still milling around outside. They'd calmed down and moved away from the apartment complex, but something still seemed to be agitating them. They were looking for something, or someone. Whatever it was, they were distracted, and I figured now was as good a time as any to test my latest theory (since thinking is about all I can do until Flea gets back).

    These things obviously don't feel pain, as I've seen more than a couple of them crawling around with stumps for hands or nubs for legs without seeming to mind a bit. But surely, if destroying the brain puts them down, then their nervous system must be functioning on some basic level. If you can cause enough damage to the nervous system, then maybe the brain goes into a kind of shock. What's the best way of dealing massive nerve damage to an entire body?


    Soaked a rag in lighter fluid and stuffed it in a half bottle of Jack (sorry brother, you'll have to drink warm beers when you get back). Eased the balcony door back as quietly as possible. One of those things was slowly banging on a heavy piece of metal or concrete. Thump. Thump. Whatever, they didn't seem to hear me open the door. Carefully opened my zippo to keep the spring from making too much noise, flicked the flint wheel, lit the rag, chucked it center mass at those fuckers..

    Woo, talk about fireworks. Adrenaline's still pumping after that display. Can barely hold my pen, let alone right write properly. Nearly the whole bunch of em went up like fuckin Roman candles, and they flipped out, running in circles uttering those god awful screams until they collapsed.


    One thing worries me, though. When the molotov impacted and lit em up, I could have sworn I saw something that looked damn near like a flaming elephant running off into one of the alleys. Dunno what the fuck it was, but if I ever leave here, I'm going to keep an eye out.

    Note to self,
    Flaming elephant would be a damn good name for a shot. If I ever get access to a fully stocked liquor cabinet, must invent it.

    Anyway, things seem quieter outside now. Hopefully should get some sleep tonight.

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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 9th 11:56 P.M

    Well Walker has a wristwatch, that is good, it feels better knowing the time.

    It's my watch for the night, I have about an hour left to go, that's Ok, I'm in no rush. It isn't much of a job thanks to this full metal door, but hey...better safe than sorry...well actually you wouldn't have time to be sorry if you woke up, while your intestines are being removed by hordes of those flesh eating...things. I'm not sure I can call them zombies anymore, infected does not really sound right either. They are different, but so close to humans, they can feel pain, they can be killed by means other than removal of the brain...yes according to Walker, Allane's, and Ficet's stories they can be killed by destroying the heart and spine, so that is good.....they are weaker than they appear.

    I still shiver from that damn freezer, should have my saviors shown up any later than they did, and I would've been dead. I take off my shoes(socks cause less noise) so I can jog in place to help with the cold.

    We have a plan, Mercy Hospital is the destination...sounds like it's our only chance for safety. It better be, because that hospital is right in the damn center of the city, downtown...probably Satan's new retirement home, because apparently he hasn't been keeping track of Hell to well, and everything has been loosened upon us.

    Oh well at least we are safe in this "safe house", that's what Walker and Ficet called it...we move in the morning.

    12:58 A.M Time to wake Allane up for his shift and get some rest the morning we move.

    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

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