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Thread: Survival Diary

  1. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 1st

    It is Monday, after a school holiday break for Thanksgiving, I am tired...but nothing interesting is going to happen in school today. Allot of my classmates are absent today...slackers, pretending to be sick...

    4:00 P.M I arrived home, half an hour sooner than usual, I walked faster, I didn't talk to anyone after friends were absent...all of them...strange.

    My apartment is empty, both my parents work...I respect that, they try hard...they should be back around 7:00. My cat hasn't come out to ask for food...he must be sleeping.

    5:13 P.M I'm surfing the internet, talks of disease, I don't think much on it...I am tired, I turned on some music and took a nap...

    7:23 P.M Parents will be home soon, news of attacks and suicide on the internet...forums filled with talk of this crap...interesting joke......

    9:55 P.M Still an empty apartment...they must be working late...I'm so tired...I guess I'll play some Video games and then go to sleep....

    2:47 A.M The time always does when I play games on my computer...parents are still not home...strange...I best go to sleep now or they might yell at me....

    Dec. 2 Tuesday

    10:47 A.M I overslept...this is bad...but why haven't my parents woken me up to yell at me yet?
    Their bedroom is empty...did they never come home? What is going on? I hear sirens in the distance...not to far, must be what woke me up...I can't find my cat anywhere... he hasn't at all...did he run away...? Forums on every site are fluctuating with these disease and attacks reports...could this be serious?

    12:56 P.M My parents should have phoned me by now...I called them 30 times each...I'm worried...this is bad...

    1:02 P.M I hear sites talk of living dead, eating humans...the "end" they call it...
    This can't be true...I read about zombies in books..they aren't real...this can't be happening...not for

    2:32 P.M I saw one...from my window, it didn't notice was chasing's true...all of it..I saw.....

    3:17 P.M I have to get out of here!!! I'm on the first floor, and I can hear them in the halls of the building, something is trying to break the door down...have to leave...I need a weapon....

    3:50 P.M Panic, Chaos, Death, Horror, I must stay calm I must think, writing helps...but I must act, remember the books...take what I need only what I need.

    4:15 P.M My parents must be cat is gone, and I am alone...I have found my Fathers 9 millimeter pistol...I know how to use it...I have been to the shooting range many times now... I found the first aid kit in the bathroom...I packed what food I could into my backpack, and took a kitchen knife
    just in case...the pistol has two clips...14 bullets each... I have 100, that leaves me with 72 extra in my backpack...I will count them every day.

    9:38 P.M... The city was massed with them... matched in number only by panicking citizens, I tried to move unnoticed by all, all of them are a danger...everyone is desperate.... I must stay calm...think, be logical...don't waste ammo, run, avoid....hide!!!

    Dec 3 Wednesday... 6:06 A.M I have not slept at all, so tired, I packed less food than I first thought...I'm hungry, I dare not rest..I'm scared. Hunger will force me to rest soon, but fear keeps me going...this can't last long...I will need rest food and shelter..I will have to go back to the city... 57 extra bullets left....wasted...I encountered only is different than you imagine it to be, it's not the same as the shooting range, but I killed it...I think...the shot to the head stopped it...I didn't check..I ran, I was afraid of more coming...wasting bullets at this rate will put me in a worse position than ever.

    Dec 5 Thursday... 9:47 A.M.... I can't go on like food...I was desperate...I ate berries from a bush...they where disgusting...poison...I've been vomiting all morning...I broke my kitchen knife...the nights are horrible..tired, dark, and I can hear them....they moan....that makes me shake...I must be strong....I should brought a late now...I'm moving by a road...I will reach a city soon....I can already hear the gunfire...I need help...medicine, food, rest, ammunition...I have 23 spare bullets...I can't conduct myself in battle, I waste to much, but the way they stumble towards you...the way they open their mouths and reach at you...

    11:24 A.M I'm entering the city limits... God help me stay alive...I walk slower than those things...and I stop to bend down and vomit every 10 minutes...I can't outrun them...And I have no ammunition for large amounts of them...I don't believe in placing my fate on blind luck...but I have no choice...this city is my only hope....I have scraped and cut myself allot...I'm afraid of the infection from those monsters, but I have no skill with the first aid kit....I've rapped the wounds with the cloth... that's all I knew to do....the wounds hurt more and more each passing hour...luck is not on my hope is a city crawling with these vile things...chances of finding help are small....chances of survival....I can't think about that now...I need to find a house... empty or not...find what I what I must.....
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Journal Entry, December 5th

    I'm now starting to seriously worry about my brother. He's been gone too long. All around me I can hear the sounds of the city collapsing into chaos. Two days ago I heard the sound of small arms fire, a small caliber handgun, possibly 9mm, a few blocks away. That couldn't have been Flea. The shooting was too panicked, too rapid, and besides, with the amount of noise these things make when they spot one of us, there's no way one could have snuck up on him and gotten close enough to him to render his AR useless. I haven't heard any rifle rounds going off, save for one heavy caliber shot a couple miles away yesterday. Sounds like someone has taken the same approach as us, holing up until things calm down enough to possibly get out of the city, conserving ammunition and supplies as much as possible.

    More gunfire now, closer this time. Going to head back out onto the balcony and see if I can spot the shooter. We have enough supplies stockpiled here to last a while, and if Flea is... missing... then it would be nice to have some kind of company.

    Tick out.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 5th:
    This has gone on long enough... My door has been broken down 5 times... My windows are broken... My food is gone... I have no other choice.

    I go to the attic and pick my trust auto-shotty and a shitload of ammo, also the pistol always at my side. I took my perscription pain medication but I don't know exactly what good it will do me. Next I open the garage, snag up my keys, reved up the car, opened the garage door only to see massive amount of what I now call zombies.

    These basturds have ruined my house time to ruin them. I barrel through the horde with a battlecry, killing every fucking one of them, I hear bone breaking sounds beneath my car every second. Some try and climb on my car only to fall off onto the road, one even broke through the top, only to get a shotgun to the face. Through the hordes of zombies I keep heading towards my objective, getting to all my friend's house to see if there ok.

    First stop... Grave's house... Ding Dong..............

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Graverunner's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 5th

    Opened the door to find Fragraptor. He was pretty disappointed to find he came all the way to new hampshire and I don't even have any guns....

    Next stop Tick's house on stolen 4 wheelers. I've got dibs on the FN2000. Were picking up AK99 on the way, hes going to meet us in his stolen fire truck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Howlin Mad Murphy View Post
    im already making a "im with graverunner" t-shirt. so dont let me down man

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 5th,

    I've run out of food. I've never been good at rationing... I blame my stupid high metabolism, I eat, and then I'm hungry again 30 minutes later.  It's been 24 hours since I last ate... and I really wish I'd gone grocery shopping when I'd planned to, before all of this started.

    The power went out in my building yesterday. This place was creepy at night BEFORE this.. but now, when I try to sleep.. all I can here is scrabbling, shuffling, moaning.. and the echoes of gunfire through the city streets. With the buildings, its hard to tell where the gunfire is coming from, and I can't tell if it's small arms fire or large caliber... the last gun I shot was a .22 rifle when I was 13.

    I've been pretty safe so far, lack of food notwithstanding. This apartment building was built to last. Reinforced door, 2 bolts and a doorknob lock; barred windows. One of the windows is broken, now, but the bars are holding steady.

    ..they're zombies. There's no other way around it. Those things out there aren't people, they're zombies. ..and they're starting to stink. It's been fairly warm the past few days, and they're starting to rot.

    They don't move like movie zombies though... sure, at first they shamble aimlessly.. but I saw some poor unfortunate sucker get caught by a mob of these things. He though he was safe because they shamble about so.. but then they saw him. I've never seen humans move that fast. They were like animals or something.

    His screams didn't last long.

    I'm going to have to go out there soon, or I'll starve to death.

    I don't have a gun...


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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 5th

    Hungry, so very hungry.
    All I can think about is sweet gooey grey matter.
    So many of them, warm and tasty, locked away in thier little safe places.
    They are getting desperate and needy.
    I will feast upon them!

    They shoot at us.
    And waste their ammo.
    They set us on fire.
    But we out number them by so many.
    They are so few.
    And we are so hungry.

    I wait, and I wait.
    Wait till their need drives them out.
    Then I will eat them....
    Oh yes, I will eat their brainz.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Ficet99's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by _BuRn_
    Dec 5th

    Hungry, so very hungry.
    All I can think about is sweet gooey grey matter.
    So many of them, warm and tasty, locked away in there little safe places.
    They are getting desperate and needy.
    I will feast upon them!

    They shoot at us.
    And waste their ammo.
    They set us on fire.
    But we out number them by so many.
    They are so few.
    And we are so hungry.

    I wait, and I wait.
    Wait till their need drives them out.
    Then I will eat them....
    Oh yes, I will eat their brainz.
    I like the post zombie mutation that makes you one of them but not so much that your still able to think clearly and write :P Your a hybrid

  8. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 6th 2:12 A.M

    I found a flashlight in one of the houses I went through, and some food...the food won't last long, so I must keep moving. The streets are filled with the mangled corpses of those things...still moving...still crawling at me...appears that somebody decided to go rambo and run them over with a car. Great job whoever that I have to go dispatch a bunch of crippled zombies...they are still dangerous. So long as they can move.. they are a danger, so I stumble down the street...dispatching all of by shot to the head...and the frantic moving stops. I went further down the street...then I heard them...the horde. I have noticed they move in groups at any sign of living humans... well I knew I had little time so I limped to first house I saw... door was broken down... lights were out, so I moved my flashlight from object to object trying to identify a hiding spot...broken T.V, Stairway looks like it went through an chance to get to the second looks like the entire first floor has been cleaned out of food, supplies, etc. I found a closet, and holed up myself inside, I must keep quiet...I can hear the horde coming...maybe they will just pass by.......No they are getting closer...I knew it, they're coming for me! This closet door won't hold out long from those things...have to think have to plan...are those gunshots I hear from the second floor?
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 6th, 2:30 AM

    Man, I'm an emotional wreck right now. After two days with no sign of my brother, the zombies (there's no way around the word, as ridiculous as it sounds) below became agitated, letting loose those god awful screams like they do when they've spotted a human. I went to the balcony to look for Flea, only to see a small horde of zombies running through the shattered door of the apartment below me, which I knew for a fact was empty and stripped bare of all supplies (Flea and I did most of the looting).

    That wasn't part of our plan. Flea was supposed to have climbed the brick wall surrounding the apartment complex and signal me, so we could combine firepower and clear a path to the rope ladder for him. Something must have gone wrong. He must have been chased to the complex and didn't have time to scale the wall, so he'd been forced to take cover in the apartment below. Cursing up a storm, I shouldered my carbine and picked off the last few stragglers heading for the apartment, then dropped the rope ladder over the side. I might not have needed to bother, since in my haste, I lost my footing after the third rung and fell the remaining twelve feet, landing hard on my feet. Something in my ankle popped. Not good.

    No time to think about that now, though. I can see clearly through the gaping whole that had once been the apartment door, and roughly half a dozen of them clawing at a large closet door that was already partially torn apart. I yelled out to Flea to get down, and emptied the remainder of my mag into the horde.

    It was sloppy shooting. I'd killed a few of these things before, but always at greater distances with my .308, or when Flea was beside me for support. But now, hurt and alone, I sprayed rounds like those yuppies that showed up at the gun range from time to time with some nice new shiny pistol with pearl handled grips and an immaculate chrome polish. At least three rounds missed completely, and half a dozen took them in the torso or shoulder. The six remaining shots, through sheer luck or divine providence, given my mental state, were clean headshots. I limped to the closet, yanked the door open, and instead of my brother, I found a terrified teenager clutching a flashlight in one hand and a spent 9mm pistol in the other.


    We're both back in the apartment now. The kid goes by Lucky. Fucking ironic, eh? I checked him for bite marks. He turned out to be clean, save for some bumps and bruises and a little dehydration. I gave him some water (no food for him yet... I told him the digestion process would use up what little water he had left in his body... not a complete lie, but I'm also hesitant to start sharing rations just yet), and gave him my 1911 to replace his spent 9mm.

    I hear the sound of at least two, maybe three, small engines approaching, like dirt bikes or ATVs. Possibly raiders? Looters? Fuck it, I'm not taking any chances. We're going to keep our lights off.

    I miss my brother.

    Tick out.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 6,

    And just like that, I'm in the country again, on the farm with my family, and my buddy brought his 4 wheelers over.

    Not really, but seeing those two guys fly by my apartment on a pair of quads was strange to see, and made me think of the farm. Not a bad idea though.. small, manuverable, and faster than those creatures, even when they run top speed. 

    Saw them take down a woman lastnight. I tried calling to her, to get her attention.. and would have let her in, inspite of the lack of food.. but she never even heard me.. she was too busy screaming once she realized they'd noticed her. I would have called out to her sooner, but you see.. I didn't want to alert them!  Every little sound catches their attention... the louder the sound, the more of them come running.

    How can something that's dead hear?

    I can't stay here anymore. I need food. It's been two days since I've had any, and if I don't move out now, I'll be too weak to, later. I ate three sheets of paper from the back of this pad, just to shut my stomach up.

    My ex, who was heavily into all things Japanese; the Kimonos, Happy Coats, chop sticks, Sushi board, porcelain dolls, etc; once bought me a katana for our anniversary. It's a decorative thing.. not terribly sharp. Or it wasn't.. but I've been using the whet stone from the knife set (takin a few of those with me too) in the kitchen since yesterday evening, trying to make it into something that might even be dangerous.  It's cuts flesh pretty easily now (I really hope this doesn't get infected.. careless).. but as it is ceremonial, I doubt it's made like a true sword, so I'm really hoping I don't have to test it.

    I dunno what it takes to kill one of those things, but if the movie rules hold true.. ya gotta stop the signals comin from the brain stem. That means bustin their heads, or severing the spinal cord at the neck... if this blade doesn't break off at the handle witht he first zombie head I have to chop off.

    ...I really hope I can stay unseen.  I think I can. I'm small, quiet... quick still, for someone who's been a pack-a-day guy for the past 20 years... speaking of... That's the first place I'm hittin... the little gas station/convenient store 2 blocks down. I hope they have smokes left.

    This will likely be my final entry. My survivability prospects are low, at best.  But it beats starving to death, watching people get eaten from outside my window.

    ...what the hell causes a "zombie" anyway??  ..and why is that the only thing I can think of as I ready myself by the door?

    Here goes.

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