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  1. Registered TeamPlayer Allane's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 6,

    Well, this old greenhouse of mine is in total shambles. I don't think those rabies-infested freaks mind the broken glass at all... All I know is that my pistols are my only salvation. The plants are equally infected: all their leaves have turned a darkish brown, not like anything I've seen. I think the zombies are attracted to the plants, as they come constantly.

    There has been no contact with anyone for days. The last humans that weren't infected I've seen was a group of survivors saying they were headed towards Mercy Hospital. They passed on but left behind a pair of pistols for me and a backpack of ammo. How they managed to get military grade pistols and ammunition still has me confused.

    That reminds me, the military still hasn't come at all. I've kept an eye out for military helicopters, but all I've seen are planes crashing and a sole news helicopter. I wonder what the pilot is going through? He has no way to fuel up, and no safe place to land. Maybe he's using Mercy Hospital's rooftop as a stop?

    I ventured out to a nearby office building to search for survivors. All I found were more of the infected, the blasted things. They seem to have great stamina, as I've seen hordes jump from building to building. Though some aren't too bright and fall of the edges of the buildings... Good Riddance!

    I don't know if moving into the city would be smarter than moving out to the airport... Then again, the planes are probably all grounded, gone, or infected.

    I make for the inner city, towards Mercy Hospital tomorrow. Maybe I can meet up with that group again, but I have faith in them, and they've probably made it to the hospital safely. Although I can't imagine the horrors they may face there. I don't have many rations though, maybe I can raid that supermarket I saw a couple blocks away. Hopefully those infected aren't smart enough to operate the automatic doors...

    -Allane, in hopes of remembrance should someone find my journal.
    "In matters of style, swim with the currents... in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
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  2. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Same day...

    It's a few hours (I don't know how many, I've never been one to wear a watch - I'll need to remedy that, soon, I think) after my last entry...

    I'm alive! far. And I'm currently hiding in some kind of safe house. I happened on it randomly when I ducked into a subway entrance.. I'll write about that occurance in a bit. I'm gonna try to keep this as chronological as possible. It's kinda muddled in my head.

    The sword worked out better than I'd hoped. I've mostly managed to slip through the city unnoticed. The place is trashed! I can't believe the shear destruction that's happened in only a few days.

    When I left my apartment, I brought the katana, a cleaver, and a steak knife. I managed to make my way to the gas station almost unnoticed.  Two zombies caught me sneaking through an alley.  Fuck, they're fast. But unbelievably clumsy. The first one came at me so fast, all I could do was punch it out of reaction. Even as I swung I didn't expect much, it's dead, right? How much can I "hurt" it?  But when I hit it, it actually stumbled backwards and almost fell. I know I didn't hit it THAT hard. Bought me time though, enough to stab the other one through the eye with the steak knife. Unfortunately it got lodged in her skull, so I'm out one steak knife. I pulled out the sword and, well, all the sharpening paid off, cuz the other zombie's head came off pretty easy. The bones in its neck knicked the blade, but not bad!

    The place was utterly looted as far as food went, but I DID find some smokes. Nic fit solved, but man was I hungry.  Found some bottled water too, so that was good.  My best find, though, was a nice, heavy aluminum baseball bat behind the counter.

    The sword lasted me until my first real encounter. Dumbfuck that I am, I decided to explore a grocery store I happened by. I'm not sure where I was heading, nor am I still, but I saw the grocery store and the lure of potential food drew me in. Face to face with at least ten of the fuckers.  I managed to kill three by decapitation before a bad swing lodged the blade in the base of the 4th zombie's skull, and when he fell, I twisted the blade, and snap it went.  I thought I was dead for sure, so I resigned myself to go out Babe Ruth style.

    By blind luck I managed to back into a corner... which saved my life. It kept em where I could see them and I managed to bludgeon the rest as they got close.

    They messed me up pretty good though. Fuckers kept trying to bite! ...none bit me though, so I hope that means I'm safe. I don't want to end up like that.  I hurt everywhere...

    But I saw people! And they didn't immediately die... or at least not yet.  There were 4 of them. Some old, ex-military lookin guy, a biker dude, some rumpled black office worker... and this really cute chick.  A rag-tag bunch if I ever saw one, but man, they moved like a team. And had what looked like military weapons...

    I was going to try to join up with them, but they ran into a bad situation and all I could do was hide. Last I saw of them, they were running from this big nasty... I don't know what it was, but if I ever cross one, I'm dead. The thing was huge. And fast. And STRONG! It threw a freaking car at them!

    I hope they make it. Last I saw, they were making their way up the fire escape of some apartment building, that... thing... at their heels.

    I bugged the fuck out. With all the zombies looking at them, I took the opportunity to sneak by.  I had to climb a fence (right in the middle of the street! Must have been some military thing) to get around them.

    Which is when I noticed the subway entrance. I don't know what posessed me to come down here, but when I saw the reinforced metal door, I knew I made the right choice.

    People have been here. There's rations, weapons, ammo, first aid kits. The place is stocked.

    I'm not starving anymore. I've bound the worst of my injuries... My nursing school came in handy!  Best of all, I'm armed.  Managed to grab a pistol and a shot gun. I'm probably not the best shot, but then, with the shut gun, it's pretty much point and shoot. Fuck this baseball bat... though I may keep the cleaver.

    I'll likely nap, then I'm leaving the way I came. My other option is to go into the subway, and I don't think I want to mess with that.  Before that though, as the coast looks clear right now, I'm going to go outside and mark the way down here so that someone else can find it easier than I did.

    Until later.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    The real December 6th entry :5

    Out of the suburbs as grave and I enter the city. As we approach ticks apartment gunshots over shadow the growl of our ATVs. Every alleyway is filled with these things, some strange strain of rabies is looks like.

    As we ride some try to catch us but they can not catch us. With zombies trailing behind we reach tick's apartment, it appears abandoned, we hope the worst has not happened. Once the trailing horde reaches us, and we fight them off, bullets flying, fists making contact we clear out the horde. We park our ATVs in an abandoned room and proceed to look through the apartments hoping to find tick.

    Hearing a faint sound in a doorway, sounds like a scared kid just wanting some people to help. Grave and I go to investigate. I turn on my flashlight while grave watches the door. Searching through the house I can see beer bottles all over the place, I thought to myself "Who could drink with these things around...". After more investigation I pinpoint the sound coming from what appeared to be a bathroom, moving slowly into the bathroom I hear the cry becoming somewhat of a growl. Then I catch a glimpse of it and back off. Running out of the room I tell grave what I saw "A small female with extremely large fingers and nails, dressing in some rags.", Grave replys "Fuck, their changing now ?!"

    With the crys still in the distance we keep searching through the apartments, trying to find tick. We begin calling his name, in no time at all we find him. Held up in a makeshift fortress, we find him with a kid who calls himself "lucky".

    Together and well, we discuss our escape, experiences, and meetup with the next one on our list. We are getting out of this whether we have to kill all of our friends who have been infected.

    P.S. I don't want to see dec.7 on the 6th :2

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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 6,

    Ive seen a bunch of zombie reports on whats left of the FOUR news stations, but none of them seam to give an explanation to why the zombies are here nothing at all just that there here. i was watching headline new only to see Robin Mead get eaten alive when a huge almost steroid abusive one that moved like a tank, slow and powerful, knock her back while a horde ate at her alive. it was the most horrible thing i have seen. it made me shiver. i need to find safety although i have not seen any come around my house i can not just wait here until it happens...

    I look around my house and all i can find is a med pack, a 9 mil pistol, and a shotgun with about 30 shells...


    I go out to my garage and start to sup up my navigator. i reinforce all the window's with the scrap steel i found, and i mount a bunch of blades, kitchen knives, medium knifes, poles, anything that can with my welder to the fount grill, i make sure that i reinforce all the door but welding the back two shut and an internal locking mechanism on the inside of the passengers door. it ends up looking like a giant ball of shit but it will have two do...

    recently i have herd rustling in the leaves everywhere when i lay to go to sleep. its hard to even think of sleep though. but i stockpile my car and head out of the country ramming anything that gets in my way hoping to find some people to help in the city...

    on my way on the highway i hit this zombie that was different than the others it was like an obese man that exploded and his guts seemed to attract ever zombie that was in half of a mile...
    it scared the fuck out of me but i got through them all finally arriving at the city limits, i was low on fuel and my supplies were almost 80% gone ive been sleeping in the trunk and never have my pistol out of my holster unless its in my hand. im down to 5 shells for my shotgun and so far nothing has touched me. i just hope that the military will save me or anyone for that matter...

    it gets lonely

  5. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 6th 10:32 P.M

    It's all a blur now...but I'll try to recap and remember everything that has happened.

    I was saved from that closet, by Tick...he had a look of disappointment on his face when he opened that closet door...

    We quickly climbed the rope ladder to the second floor and Tick pulled it back up to keep any zombies from getting up. He gave me a new weapon, mentioned it was a 1911, I didn't really long as it had ammunition. He gave me some water, but no food, whatever...I was to tired to eat, that's all i wanted...sleep. We talked a little more but then ran out of things to say. He asked me if I saw his brother anywhere... no...this was the first human I have seen with my return to the city...he looked worried, at least he has family to wait for...mine are dead.

    I tried to find a good spot to lay down and rest, but then we heard engines. Fuck. I have to wait longer to sleep... We turned off our lights and kept quiet, they brought zombies with them, we didn't help with the fight...stay safe...might be raiders. They started searching the building, then they called out Tick's name. His friends.

    Now all of us are up here...Tick, Frag, and Grave are planning something...arguments, disagreements, whether we should move...I'm not listening tired. As I look out the window, I see the zombies massing outside, stumbling outside, I mentioned this to the others and they looked out and cursed. They must have been attracted by the noises of those 4 wheelers. Tick and the others go back to planning, they keep their voices lower now, just in case. I continue watching the zombies as they go about their business... they don't do much, stand around, slowly stumble around, trip over each other, one of them vomited all over the street..big fella, all the other zombies jumped and started biting and clawing at the vomit on the ground...strange. I'm going to try and rest now...I'm going to need the strength for whatever plan they are coming up with.
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

  6. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Very nice link ducky, sounds awesome and makes since. :9
    *End comment*

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Anti-Squeaker's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 6th

    So cold. So...alone. Guess the only surprising thing is that we lasted so long. Took a long time for....the things to reach South Carolina. Had the National Guard, Army in the streets, taking the fight to those bastards last week. They're still on the streets.....but not in the way that i want. So...many.

    Why am i even writing this journal? I'm going to die anyway....


    If I die, i'll die like a man. I've got a gun. Found a grenade yesterday. If i can take just one of these bastards with me, i'll die happy. Gonna...go down to Texas. Hear that they held out, and are taking in survivors. Rumor has it, Army fortified a gun manufacturing plant, and are cranking out guns and ammo. I've got the car, snuck over and got the gas from a neighbors car. They...didn't make it.

    will write when i have time

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Ficet99's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 6

    I'm held up in my basement as these blood thirsty human looking things shamble around outside and scratch at my door on occasion when I make just a little bit of sound. I have two bebe guns (a pistol and a shotgun shaped one) along with a pocket knife that I have haphazardly attached to the shotgun like a bayonet and my Dad's old aluminum bat for a close up brawl. I know a Bebe gun isn't going to do much to these things but I forgot to grab the pellet gun and i figure that if I manage to shoot one in the eye that it might do some damage... I poured a very sticky substance all over the steps to my basement in hopes that they may get stuck in it as they come down if they find me. I think my parents and sisters might be dead... I hope for the best but I've been watching a few news channels and after seeing some news lady get mauled by this huge thing that looks like it could be the Hulk's second cousin twice removed... I'm starting to lose that hope.

    I've heard screams outside and even gun shots upstairs when I think some survivors tried to hold up in my house until they were quickly overrun and killed. I stayed as quiet as possible the entire night.

    I have plenty of food so until I figure out a better plan of action I'll just stay cooped up in my basement with my hamster, Chippy the friendly rodent.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 6th or 7th, who gives a shit what day or time it is? Who the fuck cares?

    I'm fucking pissed. Beyond pissed. These two pricks show up at my apartment, dragging a whole shitload of zombies behind them. They say they know me. Fuck me if I can remember them. Said they saw me and my old band, talked to me for a while after the show. Shit, I'm a drummer. I'm plastered more than half of our shows, and barely conscious for the remainder. All I know is they aren't part of my usual crew. When I offered them a beer, one of them said they weren't old enough, and the other looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Seriously, what the fuck? What good is seeing the world end if you don't enjoy it? Whatever. More beer for me.

    And more for Flea, when he shows up. I know he's gonna show up, and I know he's gonna want a beer after all the heavy shit he punched through to get back here. No alternative. Flea's a survivor. He's like me. Same blood, same stubbornness. He's not gonna let these fucking puss bags touch him. I might be a good shot from long range, but that wiry fucker is like Spiderman when it comes to dealing with shit close up. I used to tell him to stop dancing and start moving when we did tactical drills out at the range. Now I wish I hadn't. I've seen a couple zombies leaping from rooftop to rooftop far off in the distance, like fucking monkeys.

    Brother, if you ever read this, all I've got to say is keep fucking dancing.

    Tick out.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Ficet99's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 7

    Last night at about 4 am, they found me... God only knows why but Chippy let out a big screech (maybe because I wasn't able to get him a hamster biscuit...) and within seconds the freaking door to my basement was cut in half and those things came pouring in. There was 2 of them and the sticky substance I put on the steps didn't stop them at all, they just stepped through it like nothing and they moved extremely fast. I didn't know what do... I just stuck out my make shift bayonet and managed to stab one in the heart which actually caused it to stop moving. The second one swiped at my face but missed when I punched it in the face first which made it stagger backwards and I think it might have actually been hurt by the blow. That made me think that weren't as durable as I had original thought, like a zombie in the movies. He rushed me again and I stabbed him in the chest which did stop him for a second but he kept coming at me and I finished him off with my bat.

    I killed them both... they were dead now which made me wonder if they were really undead since from what I had heard on the little news that I'd watched they were infected with some disease and had never died. They weren't undead just mindless animals that were no longer human. Zombie still seemed like and appropriate term though.

    I decided that I needed to get out of here. Slowly went upstairs and actually found it empty except for a few dead and bitten bodies, probably the survivors that I had heard the other day. I went in my Dad's room hoping to find a better weapon and actually found an old rifle with plenty of ammo. I doubt it could drop a young deer but it held 15 shots and it could still kill those things. I didn't want chippy to give me away again so I threw him into a crowd of the infected (which I'll just decide to call them from now on) and his squeals distracted them while I made my way out the back door.

    Now here I am in a gas station getting more supplies and making my way to the city where I hope to find help... I've only had two more encounters since my last and they were fairly small, the first one only being about 4 strong and the second only being about 3. I still had my Dad's bat and attached the knife to his rifle which I'll admit worked quite well when I could get them in the heart or sometimes stab them in the head. I'd only used about 10 shots from the rifle and only 3 had actually hit anything and I had a few scratches. I was ok overall though.

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