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  1. Registered TeamPlayer shoi's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    *this should be sticky'd*  984

  2. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Quote Originally Posted by Ficet99
    I didn't want chippy to give me away again so I threw him into a crowd of the infected (which I'll just decide to call them from now on) and his squeals distracted them while I made my way out the back door.

    Call me cruel...but after I read that part I burst out laughing and couldn't stop for about 10 minutes.

    Sorry. :5

    /End comment
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Allane's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 7. Late noon.

    The supermarket idea wasn't too bad. I encountered far more of those things in the alleyways than in the actual supermarket. I should have enough rations now to make it to Mercy.

    I've heard gunshots coming from inside the city. I think some of the military may still be here, mopping the place up. I'll keep moving and keep an eye out for any survivors or better yet the military.

    My ammunition seems to be holding out fine. That backpack help quite a few clips of ammunition, but I can only go so far before I have to stop to refill some mags. Water and food shouldn't be much of a concern anymore now that I've been to the supermarket, thank god.

    I've been thinking about survivors... My family has no doubt been infected by now, I can only hope I won't be. I'm sure my brother put up quite a fight, he never goes down without a fight. He actually owns a gun store, but in a different city. No doubt he used everything he had there.

    I'm further into the city now and I hear the gunshots again. But now they're closer. I'm fairly sure it's not the military as I haven't seen any more signs of them as of today. If these are survivors, I better get to them quickly, as traveling alone has been dangerous. Twice I had encounters with groups of these infected. They're damn fast and don't seem to care about their bodies too much... At least they're clumsy. I kicked one straight in the gut and I swear he almost fell apart from the outside in. He didn't get up afterwards - I put a bullet in his head just to be sure.

    "In matters of style, swim with the currents... in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
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  4. Registered TeamPlayer Ruukil's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 5th:
    Fuck Texas. The day I come here everything goes to hell. I decided to star a diary because I need something to talk to. To write to. If I don't I think I'd go insane. This guy who owns a gun store has been shooting at zombies all day. I think there are more people inside the gun store, but I won't go close they would probably shoot me. I am in one of the rooms at the motel across the street. It's a Holiday Inn, not a bad one either.

    I found a laser pointer in one of the other rooms. I've been shining at the guys across the street. The zombies don't take notice to it, but a round clipped the window frame. It wasn't a bad shot. Every once in a wile I shine the light, I think they know I'm here. They won't save me though, there are too many zombies in this town. I'm going to go to the next room. over and look for something to use. I bet someone had a gun.

    If I don't return I'm sorry.

    I made it back, I found some batteries and some microwave popcorn. I can hear crying somewhere down the hall. I think someone is there, but I think it's a zombie. I went down to the next few doors and found a pistol. There wasn't any ammo. I've kept it, If I ever make it across the street I'll ask for ammo.

    I found some other stuff too. I grabbed one of the fire extinguishers, and I found the maintenance room. I used the fire extinguisher to break the lock. the room is probably more secure than mine, but it has no windows. I can't watch the gun store. I grabbed a few things from the Maintenance room. There was an old weed whacker, one of the ones that's a blade attached to a wooden pole. There were a few baseball bats and a bunch of scrap metal. I dragged all of that back to my room. I'll probably grab some hardware and cover the windows. I think I'll be here for a wile.

    Dec 6th
    I went out again, I found some car keys and another gun, it had a clip in it and there was more in the bottom of a suitcase. The people across the street stopped firing today, I think they're dead. They probably ran out of ammo or were over run. I saw a really big one wandering around I thought about shooting at it for a wile then decided against it. Most of the zombies are gone from round here and the crying has stopped.

    I'm going to try to go to the front desk, there has to be a gun behind it. If there isn't I'll grab some of the stuff they put out for the 'breakfast'. It's all non perishable. Except for the milk and orange juice. After that I'm going to grab the car in the parking lot and put some sheet metal on it. It's a an Isuzu Rodeo. The keys unlock it and the tank has some gas.

    I did it, I grabbed that food and there was a shotgun behind the counter. It was more difficult to find the shells- they were behind the trash can- but I've just loaded everything into the car. I've even got most of the sheet metal on it. There is a zombie wandering around at the enterance to the parking lot. I'm going to run it over. After that I'm going to drive around until I find someone else. Then I'll figure something out.

    TODAY dec 7th:
    I did it. I killed the zombie and drove off. It scared the hell out of me because it screamed. That really big one I saw a few days ago came out nowhere too. I hit that gas and got the hell out of there. I've been driving around town, and ran over more zombies. The crumble under this car like paper. I honk the horn every once and a wile. I want someone to respond.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 7,

    What I intended to be a short nap, turned into an all night sleep. Man, I'm sore. I'd closed myself in a closet off to the side of the safe room, and when I woke, I head scratching at the door. While I'd slept, someone else had found their way here, and apparently loaded up, and continued on into the subway... and the stupid fucks left the damn door open! ...and I can't be sure, but I would almost swear it was those 4 people I saw trying to escape to the top of that apartment building yesterday. While I'm glad they made it, I'm a litle pissed they left the door to the safe room open.

    Needless to say, the scratching at the dorr was a few remaining zombies. I threw the door open in their faces and unloaded the shutgun into them.

    What a waste of ammo. It was only one zombie...

    That crew sure does leave a trail of carnage in their wake... As I closed the door leading further into the subway, all I saw was a trail of bloody corpses of the creatures. No way was I going to head that way alone, though.

    I went back out the way I came.

    I had a companion for a little while. Sort of. It was a hamster. Poor little thing followed me around for a good hour as I snuck my way through the alleys and abandoned buildings. Must have been someone's pet.

    It lasted about long enough to altert a bunch of zombies to my location. The little fucker wouldn't stop squeaking! I'm not ashamed to admit it.. I stomped the shit out of it after I fought off the zombies. Sorry little buddy, my life before yours.

    I feel kinda bad about it now...

    I'm holed up and an abandoned office building right now, tucked quietly away in a small closet. The place is utterly abandoned, except I can hear crying from somewhere above. I'm surprised she hasn't alerted avery zombie in town with the way she's carrying on.

    Once I patch myself up from my latest encounter with these things (and that stupid hamster) I'll go and see if there's something I can do for her.

    I really need to find other people.. I'm starting to drive myself nutso.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 7th

    After much discussion, worries, and a couple stolen beers we get moving after grave says he has an idea. He won't tell us what his idea is so for now we follow.

    Making our way out of the apartments we continue through the city. Our ATVs got torn apart by those basturds... we just got more gas too... so we are on foot from here on.

    Zombies left and right, bullets shot every now and then, we keep moving. moving out of an alleyway we freeze in fear as an endless horde of zombies runs strait passed us at something, not quite sure what, but not us. These zombies come in all shapes and sizes now, hooded zombies who's scream you will never forget, zombies covered in tumors, freakishly huge zombies that you are glad ran strait away from you. This disease will never be forgotten.

    We continue to sift through the city, clutching our weapons with fear of what is around the next corner...

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Same day...

    I think I'm bleeding out.  Nothing I do with this shitty first aid kit seems to stem the blood for long. It's bright red. I think that cracked-out bitch hit an artery.

    ..those claws..

    I'll try to explain quick before I lose consciousness, so maybe SOMEONE might find this and learn to avoid those weeping witches.  ..hmm.. Witch.. I think that's what I'll call em from here on out.

    I was desperate, you know? I just wanted to find someone alive. 

    I followed the sound of her weeping to the roof. I thought maybe she was lost and alone, and felt maybe I could help her.. at least bring her with me. I glimpsed her partially concealed by a generator housing.  She was barely clothed and she looked so skeletal, like she hadn't eaten in awhile. 

    She just knelt there, weeping, weeping. I could count the vertebrae on her spine, they were so prominent. She was in her damn underwear, and it was half torn up... I thought she must have been wandering around like that for days.. maybe even a week.. The cuts and grime on her bare feet..

    I walked up and laid my hand on her shoulder, trying to gently get her attention... too late noticing those claws... and her skin felt like cool plastic. Clammy.

    Then suddenly, she started freaking out... and standing up.. and I froze. It was freezing that has killed me.. those red glowing eyes, as she turned to look at me, always screaming and shaking like she was having the DTs.

    I remember thinking.. no wonder she looks so hungry.. there's no one up here for her to eat... Except me.

    Then she came for me. Fast, so fast. Those claws tore the bloody shit out of me before I managed to bring the shotgun up between us, trying to push her off.  All I could do was use my thumb to yank the trigger.

    Good thing I had it pointed more at her... blew her face off.

    She damn near eviscerated me... and caught the brachial artery on my left arm.. and that's what's gonna kill me. I can't stop the blood and I'm running out of strength to apply pressure.

    Gonna tie a torniquette. It's probably too late, and I'll probably lose the arm if I live.. but what else can I do?

    There's a gasoline can up here... I'm gonna light a fire and hope someone will see it.  It'll probably be zombies.. but I'm dead anyway if I don't do something.

    Whoever reads this... avoid the weeping witches.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Ficet99's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 7 about 4 or 5 hours after my last entry

    After departing from the gas station I made my way toward the city hoping to find help. Down the street I actually hear Chippy... The little vermin who soled me out to those things freaking lived! I have to admit that I was a bit pissed. I kept moving through the streets hearing gunfire every now and then but every time I start to move in its direction it picks back up from a different one and is even softer than before making this feel like a wild goose hunt. I give up on following it and treat it as a good distraction that is keeping most of those things away from me.

    I also happen to spot a guy driving down the street with a car covered in sheet metal heading in the opposite direction of the Hulk's second cousin twice removed... I also begin to move in the opposite direction of it, the thing was huge!

    I heard a scream from about a mile away, a very loud scream. I decide to make my way toward it and come across an abandoned apartment building with a small fire going on one of the floors... If the occupants were trying to keep warm it's a dumb way to do it since the light will just attract them most likely. Wanting companionship, I decide to make my way in hoping that it isn't infested with infected by now and search around for anything and anyone.

    The building is sparsely occupied by small groups of infected and I try to sneak my way around them. I actually tried to sneak up on a single I came across inside while making my way to the floor with fire to see how keen their senses really are without it seeing or hearing you. I sneak up behind it, and kicked it in the balls to see of it would feel anything. It did and fell to ground writhing in pain, I had to admit that I stopped and chuckled for a bit. But then it's screams of pain alerted every nearby infected... I bashed it's head in with my bat and readied my rifle for the coming group and let loose as they came through the door of the room I'd decided to hold myself up in. My rifle is lever action so I can't shoot fast and need to get head shots desperately. I killed about 5 before they got so close that I had to resort to my makeshift bayonet and bat. I got a nice scratch across my back making a cool battle scar, but I killed them all... All 15 of them... My luck when it comes to actually fighting them alone dumbfounds me...

    I made my way up to the room with the fire and found a man with a bad wound on his arm that he has patched up very terribly... I redo the bandages with what little first aid I know and do what I can to help him. He is breathing but he tore some artery I can't seem to name and may die... Whether he lives or not is up to him which he may be better off dieing, but if I have to suffer through this any longer I'm going to try and make him suffer through it with me.... I found a journal he'd written, the name on it says Walkerxes (I can't even pronounce that so I'll call him Walker). I'm going to read it while I barricade the door and wait till morning. I hope he makes it...

    ( Sorry to ruin the whole seriousness of the situation were trying to make with the part about me kicking one in the balls, I've just always wondered if the infected would actually feel a kick to the balls )

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    The two new guys bugged out earlier. Fuck me if I blame em. I think the kid went with them too. Not sure, been pretty wasted and haven't left the balcony except to grab a fresh beer, which are starting to get warm. Wish I'd inherited the English's passion for warm beer from my mother's side of the family, but all it's doing for me is just making me more and more pissed off.

    Flea better show up soon, or I'll kick his ass the next time I see him. One way or the other.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 7th Estimated time 11:00 P.M - Midnight

    Fuck this...honestly. If they expect me to follow them much farther they can shove it up their arses. We left Tick behind without a word...I mean what the fuck? I knew they were disagreeing about something but to leave him just like that? When his back was turned...that is low.

    We are running down some god forsaken street making so much noise I'm surprised all the infected in fucking China haven't shown up by now. And for what? Some unknown plan this Grave person has? That he isn't even fucking willing to tell us anything about? These bastards wouldn't even bother to find me a better weapon, I'm still stuck with the 1911...

    Tick may have been a little drunk, but at least he had a fucking plan he would that made sense, and he was willing enough to give me one of his weapons.

    (several hours later)

    Frag and Grave are asleep now...were holding up in some apartment until morning, and it's my turn to watch the door, 3 more hours to go.....or so they think, I'm done with this crap, they have kept me in the dark about their plans for to long... I will quietly take what I can and try to make my way back to Tick's place alone...

    (more time passes)

    Success! I'm away from them! And without a sound...they suspect nothing... I was able to quietly take Frag's shotgun and as many shells as I could find on him...filled my backpack with all the bandages and food that I could fit and quietly left them sleeping... I closed the door behind me so they will be fine.

    I'm moving back the way we came now...quietly, the zombies don't take much notice to you as long as you move silently, and don't shine your flashlight at them. Looks like I'll be moving all night...won't be safe to sleep alone.

    The sun is starting to come up, I can hear gunfire from Frag and Graves direction...they must be on the move again... hope they aren't after me for stealing from them. Oh well I've got a good distance on them, and they will move slowly because of all the ruckus they keep causing.

    I don't remember the distance we traveled from Tick's hideout, but hell I'll make it... he might even be glad to see me because I've brought supplies back with me. As long as I don't bring the horde with me.
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

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