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Thread: Survival Diary

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec 7, 11:30 pm.

    I'm alive... barely. I regained conciousness to find a younger guy reading my journal. He didn't see me at first, so I took a quick assessment. My shirt was soaked through with blood, and my left sleeve was missing.. it looked to me like the kid tried to bolster my bandaging (he told me he did when I asked him).. and did a fair job of it. The bleeding stopped, but I've lost a lot of blood and am very weak. On the up-side.. I was able to remove the tourniquette without bleeding out. Must be the crazy witch thing just knicked the artery and didn't sever it completely. That's a fucking relief.

    The arm's weak though, so trying to use the shotgun is not an option for now. That's fine.. I've given it to the kid. His name is Ficet... and the fucker never seems to stop smiling. But then, that's ok.. I'm smiling myself. I'm alive, and I've got someone to watch my back. Things are looking a little better.

    He told me how he came to be here.. and an amusing story about a hamster... that stupid hamster that nearly got me killed.

    I do feel bad for stomping the shit out of the kid's hamster, but then, he seemed to have the same opinion of the thing (Chippy was his name) as I do, and isn't terribly upset.

    We've agreed to stay here on this roof for the night.. it seems to be relatively safe. Although every time I think that, my eyes stray to the corpse of that stick-thin girl-monster in her tattered undergarments. ..nothing is as safe as it seems.

    I decided to ask Ficet if he'd throw her body over the edge of the building. He refused, and just dragged her out of view. He (wisely, in retrospect) felt throwing her from the roof might attract unwanted attention.

    But now we are two. He's got the shotgun.. and he even attached his funny make-shift "bayonet" to it (what the hell, right? It's worked for him so far) and I've got the two pistols.. though I can only really use one right now. I'll have to make it work. But we have food, we've still got some first aid supplies left... and a nice little fire to sit by.

    All we need is marshmallows...

    He's agreed to take the first watch, so I'm gonna close this up now and get some sleep. There'll be time enough for writing if we last through tomorrow.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Graverunner's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 7th. 9:00 PM

    Things have been getting bad. Frag and Lucky didn't want to leave Tick's place but we had too. He wasn't doing anything and who knows where Flea is, I don't think he's coming back. Getting drunk sure isn't getting us out of this mess so we needed to leave. I had to tell the other two I had a plan so they'd Tick's, sure wish I actually had one. It's my watch for another couple hours, were hold up in some shitty apartment for now. Lucky is up next , maybe I'll get some sleep tonight.

    Dec. 7th Midnight.

    Aw fucking shit! I knew I shoulda thought this through more. Lucky ditched during his watch. We thought that he'd been killed until I realized Frag's gun was missing. We'll take a leaf from Lucky's book and travel by night. No use staying put without any firepower. I need a plan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Howlin Mad Murphy View Post
    im already making a "im with graverunner" t-shirt. so dont let me down man

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Ruukil's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    It's December 7th.

    I've found a residential area. I might be saved, all I need is to find someone. I see lights in a few windows, there has to be live people inside one of them. And in this part of the US they have to have a gun. I've parked the car now so I can write. There are a surprising few zombies, I shot one that was clawing at the window. There was a mist that it left behind. I think some zombies heard it, I think that time I learned how to pull doughnuts will pay off.

    Short break, I'm killing zombies with a car, more effective than a gun probably. My front windows are intact, but I think my headlights are broken. Or they will be soon. Ok, back to killing zombies.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Anti-Squeaker's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 8th

    Spent a good part of yesterday getting the car to work, for all the good it did me. Stupid Japanese piece of shit backfired. Sounded like a gunshot going off. Knew i should have gone American.... Acted like zombie catnip, drew every zombie from the goddamn neighborhood. Saw a horde neighbors, my family. Oh god, i killed my brother! i knew he was dead, but... well, he's at peace now. Knew he shouldn't have gone over to see the neighbors when the military put SC in lockdown.

    But i'm getting away from the point. Zombie zerg rushed me like no tommorow. Thanking god for my shoddy driving skills, i run most of them over, ruining the paint job, but thats hardly the worst thing. Zombie apocalypse takes precedence. Managed to drive off, and they kept on following me. My pistol took care of that problem.
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    Just got back from the gun store. God bless that old Conservative bastard who ran it. Took all the locks of the guns, and unlocked the ammo stores. Also wrote down where he was going. Texas. Somehow, I knew he would be there. Picked up a sawed-off pump action shotgun, along with another pistol. Little overkill, but better safe than sorry. Got a big .357 Magnum for backup, in case the M9 i found jams or whatnot. Got plenty of ammo for both, along with another grenade. Looks completely ghetto, stick of C4 with a LED and speaker glued to it. Hope it does the job. Also grabbed a little red pack, looks like a stereotypical health pack from a video game. But it's got food, water, bandages, painkillers and just about anything you need to keep you going. Found a knife in there too. Hope i don't have to use it.
    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    Jesus. Just stopped at Ruuky's and Mako's house. Ruuky was gone......hope he's okay......Mako was gone too. Spray painted notes on both of there houses where i was headed, just in case they see.

    Hear gunshots. Hope they're just signaling. I doubt it though.

    __________________________________________________ _________________________

    Well, on my way to Texas. Changed out my hybrid for a Jeep. Not good for the environment, but i don't hear anyone complaining. Can't go on the highway, too blocked by traffic. Saw the strangest thing though. Huge, fatass zombie barfed onto a "regular" zombie, and everyone started attacking the regular zombie.

    Driving off-road, i can almost forget about what's happened....Almost.

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    Re: Survival Diary

    I can't believe I got myself into this for a stupid TV. I doubt if even the stupid UHF is still functioning anyway but I had to hope. I've barricaded myself in a basement. I can't be sure, but I think those things outside can smell me down here. As far as I could tell when running from the pussbags, I was less then 3 clicks away from Tick when they spotted me. I wish I could find a way to get a signal out. I bet he's worried, even if he wouldn't admit it. I''ve been relieving myself in the corner in a bucket and the smell is atrocious.

    I found a small radio receiver down here and I've been getting scattered transmissions from a family trapped in their car. I guess they had an old CB radio like the one dad used to have in the old chevy. Part of me wants to find a way to help them, but I guess I've lost some of my humanity in all this mess. Besides, even if I could talk to them, they could be miles away, and without safe transport, there would be no way to get all of them somewhere safe. I've given up worrying about my parents. They're so secluded at the ranch, I keep telling myself that its not as bad as it is here and they'll be ok. Besides, a month before all this I had even taught mom to use a 12 gauge. If I ever get back to my brother, I'm going to suggest we find an airport and bug out to get back home.

    What little supplies I recovered on my run are nearly exhausted. supplies are as follows:

    280 round of CAR ammunition left (not enough for those fuckers out there)
    2 MRE's left
    A gallon of water
    2 road flares

    I improvised some ear plugs so I could get some sleep, I'm exhausted. I decided today that I would save a bullet for myself...Goodnight

    p.s. I found some fertilizer down here, along with some sugar and old tin cans. I just need to find a way to get enough aluminum oxide from those cans to make some tannerite. I can't stay down here forever but I don't have enough ammo to rambo my way out. Tomorrow I prepare.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer AK99's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Blackberry Entry-Diary December 8th.

    December 8th- Fire Station. 1300hrs

    I've taken everything that was in the fridge and freezer of the fire station. I have enough supplies for a few days and enough room to hold 10 people not including the driver. If worse comes to worse we can climb on-top and shoot down on the nasty fuckers.

    December 8th- Gas station. 1320hrs

    I've got the gas toped off. I had to push a car out of the way at the pump and I head a scream followed by 4 to 5 gunshots.

    December 8th- Fire Station. 1340hrs

    And I've grabbed a few rescue knives for close combat. I took my fathers old SWAT pants and vest. They are slightly worn and the right knee has a hole over it. I have only one 9mm pistol with a clip and a half of ammo. But I also have my fathers UMP .45 with five 25 round mags not including the one in the gun.

    December 8th- Fire Station. 1403hrs

    I finished loading. I found an old GPS and some maps while looking for more supplies. I think we can get away from here. I'll wait a few days for Grave. If he is not here soon I'll go looking for him. God I hope he's on his way...

    End Entry-Diary December 8th.

    Blackberry Photo Entry-December 8th

    And just because pictures always make things come to life this is the fire truck we will be riding in. Yes its from my fire company.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    December 8th

    Idle hands are the devil's playground. My dad used to tell me that when Flea and I were kids. Fuckin A, he couldn't be more right.

    Woke up this afternoon with a hangover. Maybe that's what caused my brain to turn itself sideways, or it was the rat running down the street with a horde of those fuckers chasing after it that gave me the idea. Grabbed a bunch of shotgun shells and dumped the black powder and buckshot into a PVC tube about a foot long. Grabbed the kitchen timer and my pager from the kitchen, rigged up a small detonator and duct taped it to the side of the pipe. No idea if this is gonna work. If anyone reads this and I'm not around any more, then don't try this at home. Ha, I fuckin crack myself up.

    <the remaining half of this page and several of the next are charred beyond recognition>

    <the journal continues on an undamaged page>

    Holy fucking shit. Totally wasn't expecting that.

    The damn thing worked! Maybe back off the gun powder a little bit on the next one, or at least make damn sure to throw it a little bit farther, but it worked! I set to pager beeping, punched in 10 seconds on the kitchen timer, and chucked it off the balcony. Sure enough, the damn things ran right after it like it was their next hot meal. Hahahaha, hot meal is right, you fuckers. After the blast knocked me off my feet and I managed to get most of the tiny fires in the apartment put out, I looked back outside and there were just little bloody bits and a big black and red smear where those bastards were standing.

    Had to get back inside and black out my windows again, as I'm pretty sure half of Texas heard that thing go off.

    Note to self:
    Grab more kitchen timers and pagers earliest opportunity!

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Graverunner's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    Dec. 8th

    We're heading back to find AK-99, maybe he'll have some ideas. At the very least he'll have equiptment.

    We walked all night to get back to where we stashed the 4 wheelers. With one AR-15 and 60 rounds, we'll need them.

    the quads are ready to go. Looks like lucky didn't mess with them. We're going to straight shot it too Ak's, keepingto the wilderness until we need gas.

    I guess these things are zombies. I never thought they'd be real before so this is a startling realization. From what I know about "zombie outbreaks" were probably fucked.

    Dec. 8th

    We've made some good distance today, and we even found a farmhouse in the woods. Place was filled with dead zombies, even two of those big wide bastards. The place was empty except for a dead radio and a new shotgun fo Frag, full auto of course. We grabbed some ammo and headed out. Looks like whoever was in this house last made it out okay, judging by the mass of tire tracks out front.
    Maybe there is hope......
    Quote Originally Posted by Howlin Mad Murphy View Post
    im already making a "im with graverunner" t-shirt. so dont let me down man

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    Re: Survival Diary


    holy crap guys, this is good. Someone should take out all these erroneous comments after all is said and done and send it in to the guys who made L4D

    **End Comment**

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Survival Diary

    **Comment** Sorry guys, this is a long one.. **end comment**

    Dec 8th,

    Ficet and I decided traveling in the day time was the best option. We weren't sure how these things' eyesight was, but we knew WE'D see better in the daylight.

    The sounds through this city... they're enough to drive you crazy.. and we heard some shit we'd not heard yet. There's always an undercurrent of scrabbling, shuffling and moaning noises. almost get used to it. But there's new sounds too. We heard this strange screaming.. the way it echoed around the buildings, we couldn't pinpoint it, but I'd swear it was coming from the rooftops.. and it seemed to move.. quickly. Something out there has a bad cold too. Or a tickle in its throat. Randomly, as we moved through the streets, we heard this strange raspy coughing. &#160;..and then there's the belching zombie, or whatever it is. Sounds like a cow with gastrointestinal issues.

    We did learn something about how these things see, though.

    I was taking point as we moved through the streets and abandoned buildings. Doing my best "army guy" crouch-walk, like I see them do in the movies, I moved along the walls of the buildings, checking every doorway and corner, while Ficet trailed behind, watching our six, and keeping eyes on the windows and rooftops. It was slow going.

    We passed by a small diner, and that's when I saw them; two zombies just... hanging out in there. One had its arm up against the wall, resting his head on his arm.. and was puking on the floor. He acted like he'd had one to many cocktails. The other one shambled in a circle, not really paying attention to anything.

    I raised my hand up and motioned Ficet to a stop, putting my finger to my lips, then pointing at the doorway. He stopped, but managed to kick over a glass bottle laying in the street. It didn't break, and wasn't too loud, but it was loud enough for the closer of the two zombies to hear. &#160;And it turned and looked right at Ficet... through the wall. It wasn't just blindly looking in the direction of the sound, either. As it moved around the counter and tables, it's eyes never left Ficet.. staring him straight in the face! &#160;

    I motioned in its direction, pointed my first two fingers at my eyes, then pointed at Ficet. It sees you. &#160;I stepped back from the door way, and as it came and turned towards Ficet (the damn thing completely ignored me), I sank the cleaver into the back of its neck. The blow severed its spinal cord and it dropped like a stone. I crouched and tried to pull the blade out, but it was caught into the bone. The other zombie noticed me and came at me. I pulled out my pistol and shot it... and surprised myself by nailing it right between the eyes. ... ah adrenaline..

    It was a mistake, of course, as Ficet's wide-eyed "why the hell did you do that?!" look told me.

    Because then the screaming thing hit me. ..and now we know what the things screaming from the rooftops are.

    I've described these zombies as being fast. This thing made them look like turtles. It hit me in a blur, and as it landed on me, a hand shot out and shoved Ficet away. It moved like an animal, but looked similar to every other zombie we've seen, but that it was wearing a hoodie... and had claws. The claws weren't as sharp and dagger-like as the waif's that attacked me yesterday--more like a dog's nails--but they cut flesh none-the-less. The thing straddled me, pinning me to the ground and it started clawing at me frantically. Got me good in the face and arms as I tried to fight it off.

    For the second time in a 24 hour span, Ficet saved my ass. He's incredibly clear-headed, that kid. Instead of blowing it away with the shotgun, alerting even more of the things to our location, he calmly walked up and executed a near-perfect buttstroke to its face. It staggered back, and Ficet stepped over me, following it, calmly swinging the butt of the shotgun repeatedly into its head. It finally staggered back into the wall of the building and the kid raised the butt of the shotgun to shoulder level, and smashed it right in the nose... which caved in its face.

    After he helped me up and we used the rest of our first aid supplies patching up my cuts (I look like a fucking mummy!) we felt it best to get the fuck out of dodge.

    It was an hour later when we heard that familiar crying.

    I nearly wet myself when I caught the first echoes of it. If he hadn't heard it too, I might have doubted it... it was EXACTLY THE SAME as that girl's crying yesterday. We stopped and listened to it, trying to discern where it came from.

    Which was a good thing or we might have missed the spraypaint on the street. It was the same picture of a house with a cross in the middle that I had used to mark the safehouse I had found 2 days ago. I don't know if someone saw that and decided to use that symbol as well, or if it was sheer coincidence.. but there it was, the same symbol, with an arrow pointing at a hardware store down the street.

    ..and the witch.

    And fuck me, it was the same fucking witch. I mean identical. The same skimpy dressed, skeletal, crying girl I saw on the roof. Complete with claws... and there she sat, right smack in the middle of the street.

    We decided to sneak by her. We made our way up the left-hand side, careful to make no noise. That is until we were practically on top of her.. then of course it was MY turn to kick something. A stupid chunk of broken-loose concrete. I hooked it with the toe of my shoe and it went skittering, right up to the witch and stopped an inch in front of her.

    She started shaking and screaming, and her head bagan to come up, seeking out who disturbed her. And once again, I froze.

    And that's when Ficet--calm, cool Ficet (fucker has ice-water in his veins)--walked right up to her, and as she looked up at him, shot her point-blank in the face.

    Which was great, but that a few stray bits of shot that didn't land in her face, head and neck, hit the car behind her... and set off the car alarm.

    Word to the wise... look for the telltale red blip of a car with an active alarm, cuz it'll call every zombie within three freaking blocks down on your head.

    They came from everywhere.. and we ran like hell, straight for the store, straight for that reinforced door.

    They're still banging on it out there, making all kinds of racket.

    We're gonna wait them out.. and either spend the night here, or try to go farther today.. we haven't decided yet.

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