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Thread: Tips for our newer Players

  1. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Tips for our newer Players Tips for our newer Players Tips for our newer Players Tips for our newer Players Tips for our newer Players Tips for our newer Players
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    Steam ID: dex71

    Tips for our newer Players

    Cod:W@W is my first foray into the CoD series. I came in,knowing nothing. I got a lot of help from long-time CoD players,and I will try to pass some things I have learned on. With the contest looming,now is the time for this. These are mostly random thoughts,and except for the first one, are in no particular order. If some of the regs could chime in and add their own thoughts,and tell me where I am wrong,please feel free. These are just my first thoughts,and will be added to as suggestions come in,and I think of more.

    -First, bind your knife to one of the side buttons on your mouse. That way,you can have the quickest access to it possible. The knife is a quick reaction weapon,and invaluable in extreme,close-quarters combat.It is also the quietest way to get rid of the dogs,without giving your position away to the entire enemy team.

    -Start with an automatic weapon.The Thompson is a great choice in the sub-machine gun category,and the STG-44 is also a great choice in the Rifle category. The BAR would be my first choice in the Heavy Machine Gun category.

    -Stopping Power Perk on EVERYTHING. This puts enemys down,in as few shots as possible.

    -Second Chance is a GREAT Perk. It promotes teamplay,and can give your team the manpower edge when it is most important,especially in S+D.

    -Communication with your team wins battles,but we knew that already...didn't we.

    -Nothing pisses your enemys off more than a sea of Bouncing Bettys. They are great for defense in every game type.Be careful though,dogs and dead bodys will set them off,so put them down AFTER you cap the flag.Placing them behind you on S+D helps prevent you from being flanked.

    -Deadly Silence is a great idea for any kit,especially with the shotguns. With the limited range of the shottys,it is to your advantage to be able to get as close to your enemy as possible...then blow his head off.On maps like Makin,with the loud boardwalks,Deadly Silence and a shotty will make you a killer.

    -Dedicate a kit for Anti-Tank. Bazooka(once you unlock it),Sticky Grenades,and the Fireworks Perk. The tanks are tough,and can require some teamwork to take down.

    -Martyrdom is shit. Teamkills due to the Martyrdom Perk will put you in the Banned Forums...nuff said about that.

    -Whatever gun you choose,shoot in short bursts.This will give you the most accuracy.

    -Summon goes "B" every time. On defense he flanks...every time.

    -Stick with your team.A force of six is better than a force of one.

    -Extreme Conditioning Perk is great for CTF. When you take the enemy flag,you want to get back to your flag as fast as possible.

    -Don't hide behind the red barrels....they go boom.

    -Reload after every enemy contact. If you use every round in your clip,it takes longer to reload.

    -When setting up your kits...consult the sticky,there is a lot of great info there from some of our best players.

    This should get you started,but as I said,more to come.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer kyle700's Avatar
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    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    Like I said in my tactics for S&D thread, have a kit for S&D. This should include:
    A silenced weapon, although it isn't required of course. But it helps
    For perk one, you can use any 1. I like Betty though, as they can kill enemys.
    For perk 2, either use Stopping power or Camoflauge. You want your target DEAD, not shooting at you. So until you're confident in your abilitys to shoot at enemy's without stopping power, use it. Camoflauge is for clutches, they cannot know where you are.
    For perk 3, there is NO choice. Dead Silence is SUCH a good perk for S&D. SUCH A GOOD PERK. This way, you can get to sites quicker, without having to crouch.

    Me: "But the Gunslinger is so much more fun..."
    Langrad: "We're here to win, not to..."
    Me: "Have fun?" "Hahaha"

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Allane's Avatar
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    Steam ID: Allane176

    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    Problem is, since this is a topic for "New Players", they wont' get any of the perks you guys mention (except Stopping Power and Extreme Conditioning) for another couple weeks. In order to get to level 56/65 (when you unlock Dead Silence), you'd have to play several days straight of about 6 hours a night. Even still, the server would have to be pretty damn full.

    I have several words of advice though:
    Once you reach level 65, DO NOT PRESTIGE. It will reset your rank to 1, and you lose all your weapons, perks, attachments, and achievements. Granted the Thompson can still hit people well out of hip fire range with Steady Aim, you give up Betty's (which you get around level 30), Bomb Squad (My personal favorite, lets you see explosives through walls. For me, a MUST HAVE for S&D), and Dead Silence. You aren't much help to your team without some of those crucial perks now are you?

    In CQB (Close Quarters), get in the habit of diving to the ground rather than taking a kneel. When people do it against me, I know that it throws off my aim really bad because I'm usually aiming down my sights, and can't see exactly where you are, or even if you left my Line of Sight. It also gives you higher hip fire accuracy. Handy.

    Try and make a kit that works on every mode at every range. I recommend an SMG or the STG44. Once you've made one of those, make some specialized kits. A shotgun kit can be devastating on the right maps (put Sleight of Hand on shotguns when you get them. There's no difference in damage with Stopping Power vs Sleight, as buckshot calculates a little strangely). A silenced weapon plus Camoflauge and Dead Silence/Extreme Conditioning is a good flanking or panic kit. Also make a relatively long ranged kit, with a rifle of some sort. Don't use the Garand, all the other rifles are much more effective at all ranges. When you see me using the Garand, it's because it's my most used weapon next to the Type 99.

    The simplest of all suggestions, use sound to your advantage. Players of CSS will be familiar with the directional hearing, meaning when you hear footsteps, you can tell exactly (or generally) where the footsteps are coming from. Sprinting is very noisy. Walking is less noisy, and sometimes goes unheard. Crouching is the best form of movement: you become a smaller target from all directions, you make NO noise when moving, and you have good hip fire accuracy. Also a hint that no one seems to learn: if you don't want to crouch, switch out to your pistol, and aim down the sights. You can move however fast the pistol will let you move while making NO noise whatsoever, while being combat ready (This does work with every weapon for the record).

    The rest of it is either luck, grenades, or common sense. Good Luck.
    "In matters of style, swim with the currents... in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
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    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    Hmm, I'm seeing the beginnings of an article here...

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  5. Registered TeamPlayer Keiron's Avatar
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    PSN ID: Keiron03 Steam ID: Keiron03

    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    I'd like to add a little to what Allane said.

    Going Prestige allows you to get more kit customization. For some people this is not a big deal, but for others it is. I like having a number of kits and options available to me and in the long run it'll be better for me to have 10 different kit set ups (which is the max) vs the 5 you get by default. Other than that though you get no benefit of going Prestige as you loose everything you had and just get a different rank icon next to your name and have to lvl from 1 to 65 all over again.

    However, that might be interesting to some people as it is also a challenge, and to me, shows you are dedicated and skilled enough to go through the Prestige ranks all over again. It goes rather quickly anyways and seems (to me at least) to go quicker with each Prestige ranking. That is probably though because I am learning each weapon more and more each time through and know what works and what doesn't work for me in certain situations.

    Now as to why I'd want 10 different kit set ups, it is simple really. I like to have a variety of kits available to me depending on the situation. I have my Bolt kit, w/o a scope that I like to use on Def for SnD maps because I am getting rather good at using them and they are great long range weapons like most Def is on SnD. Plus once you get the bayonet, it is great for CQB. In this kit I also have Bouncing Betties which are great for SnD because they stay in for the whole map because you don't respawn. So even if you die early but put your Betties in key locations, you can still get kills and possibly save the round for your team, I know I have.

    Other kits would be a Silent Kit designed mostly for SnD maps so it has a silenced weapon that I prefer (I tend to like a good SMG or the Gewehr), Bomb Squad to see any Betties or Satchels that might be near the bomb sites, Camouflage so you won't show up on a radar, and Dead Silence so you can move more rapidly without being heard. This changes as I am lvling up though and I usually don't have one because it is harder to get for awhile. However Once I get Camouflage I at least use it a little more and just be more careful with how I move.

    I have a Silenced Sniping kit, great for when you need to be stealthy and snipe (as all snipers should be really) that has Betties, Dead Silence, and Camouflage as well. I have another sniper kit that is for on the go type of situations where you'll be moving a lot because of the map (Cliffside is a good example). I have an Anti-Tank kit with Juggernaut and Second Chance so you can take a few more hits from the tank or other people shooting at you before you go down, although Fireworks works great as well in place of Juggernaut.

    My shotgun kit is the Double Barrel with the Grip, Sleight of hand, and Extreme Conditioning which is great for CQB maps on Sabotage maps such as Asylum where you can around great distances and still be effective with a great gun.

    I won't go into any more details about the kits since it is very situational and can be very different depending on the person and their preferences.

    A few things to note though about some Perks.

    Satchel charges are a good defensive tool to have on Domination maps. Try to hide them in places the enemy can't easily see or might not normally check or forget to check, but make sure it is still fairly close to the flag. The explosion is fairly huge but might not always kill your target so place them well. Once you see your enemy is capping the flag with your satchel charges, just detonate them and you'll save some time on your flag to cap another or go defend the one the enemy was just trying to take. This is extremely useful when you only have 1 flag and need everyone on your team to go for another flag instead of defending.

    Molotovs look cool and are fun to get kills with, but for the most part pale in comparison to the other 2 grenades. They can be hard to use since the fire damage doesn't really spread so you have to be accurate with your throws.

    Choose your special nade carefully as they all have their purpose and can be beneficial to both you and your team, but can also hurt you if not used properly. Smokes are good for providing cover, especially from tanks if you can place them right or crossing certain areas. Flares are good for blinding your enemy especially when they are about to plant a bomb or defuse so they can't see what is happening. The Turban Gas is great, but is also perhaps the most deadly as anyone that goes through the smoke gets hit with the effects so be careful where you throw them. They slow you down and make it harder to move the way you want so they can be very useful when defending an area as well. You just have to know when to use which ones.

    Dogs can be a pain in the ass, but they die in 1 knife swing so keep your knife ready as Dex said.

    Watch where you put your Arty as it can be deadly with FF on and if you place it in the wrong area or without telling your team.

    Use the Recon Plane only when you don't already have one up as it is a waste to have 2 up at the same time most the time. It does get you points though for using it so if you think you're about to get 2 more kills to get the Arty and you already have a Recon Plane up, you might want to use it anyways just to get those 10 extra points.

    Only 1 Arty and 1 Pack of Dogs can be active at one time, remember that.

    There is a bunch of great info we can give you though, but some things will be harder to understand until you can see it for yourself and learn the maps a little better.

    EDIT: Added some more content and made it appear a little more better.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Steam ID: LuckyDucky

    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    If I knew what I was doing then I would share.

    Oh yea and as for my knife i have it set the 1 key. Works great for me.
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    Quote Originally Posted by Adsartha
    Hmm, I'm seeing the beginnings of an article here...

    *adds to list of notifies*
    Indeed. I see 3 potential articles already.. *cough*dex, Allane, Keiron*cough*

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
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    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    Few tips to add, use smoke grenades for cover. Seriously people neglect those things so damn much. Second, don't rush in alone, take your time. And finally, experiment with the perks to see what works for you. But note that juggy, overkill, and marty may make you hated by other players.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Steam ID: dex71

    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    Quote Originally Posted by Watsyurdeal?
    Few tips to add, use smoke grenades for cover. Seriously people neglect those things so damn much. Second, don't rush in alone, take your time. And finally, experiment with the perks to see what works for you. But note that juggy, overkill, and marty may make you hated by other players.
    Juggy and Overkill may annoy your enemys,but Marty will get you banned for teamkilling....just sayin.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer LuckyDucky's Avatar
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    Steam ID: LuckyDucky

    Re: Tips for our newer Players

    Ummmmm ok I got an idea to share.

    Anti tank kit: Satchel charges, because it only takes one.
    Extreme conditioning because you need to run at the Tanks and run around them to get that satchel underneath.
    Jugger, because those Tanks rounds will have to hit pretty much dead on to kill you with this.

    Also for SnD I strongly suggest you carry two different types of silent kits. The First one includes Camo and Deadly silence. The seconds one has deadly silence but the second perk is up to you. Why? Because it's almost certain that the first couple of rounds, or when the server has fewer people on, that nobody will get a UAV. Assuming you have a flash hider/silencer on your weapon you will still be invisible. And that second perk can be used on stopping power for higher power. Rather than Camo which you won't need until the later round when everyone is using UAV's.
    "Murder and marriage aren't too much unlike each other, one ends your life, and the other is a crime"

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