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Thread: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Wraith's Avatar
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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    You guys sound like what people said about Team Fortress 2.

    Different skins? BAAAAAAAAAAAAW RUINED FOREVER!!!!!!11!!!1!

    Meh, I might get it if I'm not short on cash after buying MW2. Hoepfully, new additions will balance versus.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer AndrewTheYahoo's Avatar
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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    With me, it's the little things. I've heard some of the voice work for the characters...awful.
    They've got one character dressed up like he just stepped off the baseball field....sigh.

    I'm gonna hope for the best, and in the end, yes I'll probably end up buying it. But I just don't feel the rushing desire I felt for L4D. I miss that feeling. L4D2 doesn't give me that feeling...yet.

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    Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTheYahoo
    I'm gonna hope for the best, and in the end, yes I'll probably end up buying it. But I just don't feel the rushing desire I felt for L4D. I miss that feeling. L4D2 doesn't give me that feeling...yet.
    I couldn't agree more... :3

  4. Registered TeamPlayer AndrewTheYahoo's Avatar
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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    -- Yahoo

  5. Registered TeamPlayer trailhunter's Avatar
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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewTheYahoo
    ROFL, excellent find Andrew. If anyone actually reads the text, it about sums it all up for me too. Plus it's funny as hell!

  6. Registered TeamPlayer PizzaSHARK!'s Avatar
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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    I don't like how Valve is apparently making a money-grab with this (I still think they could just release the Director 2.0 as a normal update to L4D), but whether or not I buy it is really dependent on whether or not I'm even interested in L4D at the time. I haven't played L4D in almost two weeks, and haven't really had much desire to return... there's so little variation between games and such a limited selection of maps. At least games in TF2 tend to play out somewhat differently even on the same map... with L4D, it's the same damn shit over and over.

    Regardless, I'm really having trouble seeing melee weapons as being anything other than a gimmick due to the fact that you can't afford to take hits on Expert and you can't afford to be in the middle of a bunch of CIs on Versus (which makes you a great target for a pounce or pull), much less trying to smack a hunter with an axe instead of shooting it. Sure, you can just drop your melee weapon and switch back to your gun, but why bother with the damn melee weapon in the first place if shooting things is better?

    There's a reason we don't use swords and spears anymore - guns are better.

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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    Okay. Don't flame me. I'm going to inject my two cents, and that's it.

    Regardless, I'm really having trouble seeing melee weapons as being anything other than a gimmick due to the fact that you can't afford to take hits on Expert and you can't afford to be in the middle of a bunch of CIs on Versus (which makes you a great target for a pounce or pull), much less trying to smack a hunter with an axe instead of shooting it. Sure, you can just drop your melee weapon and switch back to your gun, but why bother with the damn melee weapon in the first place if shooting things is better?
    Okay. I play the game casually. But here's what I think. My opinion only, so don't flame me.

    Okay, they're archaic. Sure. They're still effective, right? And depending on your situation, you might need one, right? They have their place.
    Example you versus infected. Modified from a book, I forget which.

    A man with a gun (You) against two infected. You shoot them. Maybe you have the M-16 (or whatever auto-rifle that is) and they snuck up on you. You use ten bullets because you're on edge.

    Instead, you use a baseball bat, sword, pike, mace, ball and chain, quarterstaff, katana, chainsaw, sign (anyone heard of Dead Rising? Isn't that the point of the game?) SOMETHING to kill them. You saved ten bullets for the horde up ahead.

    But. The infected don't have guns. Sure, they die in hordes. But they will get you eventually. You don't have unlimited ammo. If you're not good enough, or the difficulty is too high, you're done. Especially if you play survivor mode. If what I've heard is right, you can't win.

    New example.
    You on a hill. They can't get behind you. Only from a 90 degree arc in front of you. Say you've got unlimited ammo, it never over heats, etc. You have a minigun, a real minigun, not the toy in the game. Or a flame thrower. Any automatic weapon. Mounted MG42, Ma Deuce, whatever.
    You've got an endless horde coming against you. They don't have guns. Say they don't even have SI. But they don't end. Or maybe there's just a huge 10000 infected wave. You will go down. Eventually.

    Melee weapons have they're place. On their own, ehh.... usefull and fun in the game. *I* would like personally to have a staff in the game. But that's me. That wouldn't be too hard. Just add a weapon.

    What I'd really like to see implemented, though, is using your environment. Examples
    Your gun is out of ammo. You use it as a baseball bat/club/cudgel/bludgeon.
    You find a heavy, big, pipe wrench. *Bonk* goes the zombie!
    You find a shovel. Same use as above.
    Axe. Chain. The list goes on. Fence post. Picket from a fence.
    Rock. Either smash against some freak's head, or lob it.
    The ability to throw or move (some) loose object. Not just gas tanks and the like, but when you find a pallet, use it as a makeshift barricade. Car door. Chicken wire. Anything. But you'd have to be careful, make sure it didn't make a totally impassible barrier.

    Okay. That was that.

    IF you are committed to hating Steam and every for profit company , well, just skip this next part.


    Okay. Now the hard part. This is going to sound harsh, maybe. But with these sentiments......
    I don't like how Valve is apparently making a money-grab with this (I still think they could just release the Director 2.0 as a normal update to L4D),
    This is how I feel.
    Quote from: AndrewTheYahoo on 07/05/09, 09:19 PM
    But that's just it... it's a "new game".

    It almost feels unnecessary to make a new L4D. It's like improving on near-perfection. When updates are possible, why reinvent the wheel?

    because we have to buy this wheel.
    All I'm going to say is this.
    We *buy* this crap for a reason. They want to make money. They make a product. They're in it for the money. They're going to do everything they can to make money. They're going to be nice if it's convineint, maybe. More likely, they'll be nice if it makes money.
    They're not here for us.

    And yet we put up with it. If you don't want to buy it, well, don't. If you do, go ahead. Or buy Halo. Or whatever. But there's no reason to complian. Complaining won't get anything done. Neither will not buying it. One person doesn't matter. If you buy it or not, you alone will not destroy their company. If you boycott it, fine. What's it going to accomplish, though? If you do get the price lowered, or whatever, they'll stick it to you somewhere else. It's what they do.

    I used to play a lot of Halo. Halo PC, Halo 2 and 3 on XBL. Probably the thing I ran into the most ( aside from stupidity and profanity) was complaints of the same type about Microsoft, Bungie Studios (the developer) and the world.
    And ninety percent of it was in game or in the game's forum, where people played it.

    So, yeah, it might be a ripoff. But you'll probably buy it in the end. Why?
    It's fun. For a while. Halo 2 and 3 on XBL was great. For a little while. Then everything started to get to me. Mainly, the people. Somewhere a billion zetta-miles behind that was the game.
    Then I found another game. And that's what we all do, really. Right? New games come along. H2 and H3 wern't bad games. It was the people you played it with that made the match, the close ones, the great runs you still remember. The game is just a way to get those runs.
    Example. Think of an old, old, game you played a lot with freinds, that most people would consider crappy if it were released now, for one reason or another.

    Was it playing the game, or playing the game with freinds that got you the most satisfaction?

    If you buy it and don't like it, take it back. If you don't want it , more power to you. But before you decide not to buy it, think of this.
    How many cars are released by year? As in, how many companies can you think of that put out an 05,06,07, etc. model?
    EA Sports games come to mind. 08,09, etc. Anything.

    They're in it for the money. We're just the consumer. We always lose.
    Unless you count the hours of fun it brings.

    Again, more power to you either way, wether you buy it or not. It's your choice. But, please, don't complain to me personally in game about it. It was your choice to buy the game if you did. It is my choice, and pretty much everyone else's to buy it if they want. Let them make their own choice.

    Let me make mine. I think I might even buy L4D right now, and then get L4D2 after the price goes down. Or at release. Who knows?

    If you feel hurt, Pm me. I won't say I'm sorry. What I've said is true.
    EDIT : Really quickly, does anyone who complains about this have CounterStrike, or AA2, both of which , as I understand it, are mods of Half life? Just a thought.

    Edit 2: Lastly, anyone here play BF2 or 2142?
    Anyone realize 2142 seems to resemble a heavily modded bf2? If you look closely at the right files, a lot are shared. And there are latent items, sounds, and so forth in 2142 that I've never heard, and seem to sound BF2 ish. Hmmm........ maybe 2142 is a heavily modded BF2?
    Don't complain to me.... that's all I ask. I'm not the company who made it.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone? Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone? Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone? Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone? Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone? Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?
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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    I doubt I will ever read all of that :P

    But FYI, Pistols are infinate.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer enf's Avatar
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    Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone? Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone? Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?
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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    Holy hell that post was padded more than a room at a nut house...

    Quote Originally Posted by ATEXANnHISGUN View Post
    given the right set of circumstances I can motivate myself to eat a plate full of shit.

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    Re: Left 4 Dead 2...opinions, anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by tr_enf
    Holy hell that post was padded more than a room at a nut house...

    I don't know whether that's a compliment or not. Either way, that was just my two cents.

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