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Thread: you know what I can't wait for?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    you know what I can't wait for?

    Blizzard to get off their F'ing asses and nerf terrans a few freaking times so every fucking terran and their mother doesn't just go right to mech and steam roll zerg as a whole.

    in the last 2 days I seen 3 damn terrans today I've seen like 8 and they all go fucking mech or something with sieges which just ass fucking rapes every fucking unit the zerg has on ground and a bunch of rines or a thor or two makes muta play useless.


  2. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for?
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    Gamertag: FragRaptor Steam ID: FragRaptor

    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    Roaches, ultras, nydus, drops, burrow.

    People just need to learn to play it right IMHO.

    Watch IdrA's KotB matches against terran players. Most go mech and get steamrolled

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    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    I've tried roaches (get splattered by tanks) ultra's semi effective but barely so). Did the burrow routine. It works once and thats it. Raven comes out no more burrow and good luck with getting a nydus in their base. Also incase you didn't know I'm not IdrA and I don'e spend 12 hours a day playing SC2s while being taught how to beat those guy while watching hours of replays on how they play.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for? you know what I can't wait for?
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    Gamertag: FragRaptor Steam ID: FragRaptor

    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    Don't attack the tanks head on, that is suicide. Go for their base when they attack you, or use drops or some other way to surround them and be careful with clumpage.

    Also the carapace upgrades help a ton.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Wraith's Avatar
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    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    Raptor you have to realize that mech play is damned expensive. Zerg can very probably outproduce and outnumber a mech terran very easily, it all comes down to micro to beat a mech army. When most players start meching up, they only really use leftover marines, or, if they turtle, dump excess minerals into marines. Don't let them turtle. So I suggest going mutas at first, and keeping it secret is vital otherwise marines will start coming out. You'll have on shot to destroy the terran army before the marines come out otherwise, which should be easy, since thors are shit against air except en masse (ie 7+ which is unlikely unless you let them turtle). Once you destroy their army, it is unlikely they will have anything left. Because mech is so expensive terran players usually only focus on building mech units, unless, like I said, you let them turtle and get excess minerals. Remember, micro micro micro. Like Frag said, never attack siege tanks head on, splash damage = slaughter even with roaches. Try combined arms and splitting up your units. Draw them in with mutas and brood lords then rush in with one or two large hordes of speedlings for an easy surround can work, I think.

    Don't take this as canon, though, since I'm writing from the terran perspective, not the zerg. Brood Lords in general are a good counter unit, since they have good HP and long range.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Gamertag: FragRaptor Steam ID: FragRaptor

    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    Personally, I like to let them turtle. If you see them going mech and doing nothing, expand over the entire map.

    Also wraith, while zerg may be able to out produce the tanks are able to take down about 6 each, most likely more. They are extremely cost effective, and zergs really shouldn't rely on out production.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer PizzaSHARK!'s Avatar
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    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    Quote Originally Posted by FragRaptor View Post
    Personally, I like to let them turtle. If you see them going mech and doing nothing, expand over the entire map.

    Also wraith, while zerg may be able to out produce the tanks are able to take down about 6 each, most likely more. They are extremely cost effective, and zergs really shouldn't rely on out production.
    You're playing stupid players if they're letting you expand freely. A small, cheap force of Hellions can easily stop fast expansions cold, will completely obliterate any zerglings you field, and can later be used to hit undefended mineral lines. Early Hellions force you to get both Spine Crawlers and Roaches, neither of which is what you want to be doing to stay on top against Terran. Spine Crawlers are worthless against tanks (and can also be steamrolled by stimrauders if they'd rather go bioball), and both Thors and Marauders do terrible things to Roaches. Burrowing tricks will work once (and maybe not even once if the Terran is really on the ball), and after that they'll have a Raven or two cruising around to stop them - and those Ravens also make the first two or three salvos from your Hydras worthless as well.

    Ultralisks definitely wreck mech, but they're expensive, tier 3, and if you somehow manage to get a significant number out (read: more than one or two), then you were playing an idiot.

    Because of MULEs, Terran will beat both Protoss and Zerg in resource gathering base-for-base. You must have more bases than he has to outproduce him, and as I've mentioned, Hellion harass and timing pushes will insure that you don't get more bases than him.

    IdrA is winning in those games because he's an incredibly talented player, and because THE PEOPLE HE IS PLAYING ARE NOT AT THE SAME LEVEL AS HIM. Assuming both players are of equal skill, Zerg is going to lose every time.

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    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    Quote Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK! View Post

    IdrA is winning in those games because he's an incredibly talented player, and because THE PEOPLE HE IS PLAYING ARE NOT AT THE SAME LEVEL AS HIM. Assuming both players are of equal skill, Zerg is going to lose every time.
    I watched most of the KotB matches last night, and I don't really think it's fair to say that the people IdrA were playing weren't at the same skill level as him. Some of the micro and macro going on in those games was flat out insane, and TLO in particular came up with some crazy shit out of nowhere that was just flat out awesome.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Wraith's Avatar
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    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    I'm a TLO fan. He's fracking awesome

    Pizza's got some points. I did a practice match with Raptor where we both turtled (except for some annoying burrowed infestors I didn't realize were there until they wrecked my SCV line). It wasn't my best game, didn't get detection until lategame, didn't check for zerg expansions, and didn't micro at all during the final battle. Raptor went mass Ultra which wrecked my mech army (which was massed in a ball) pretty handily, since I didn't move them around or focus fire. Ultras seem like a fair counter unit, but TBH I think they need air support to succeed against a good Terran player. Have the Ultras use their splash to kill the mass marines then bring in Muta/Brood Lord.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Azgalath's Avatar
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    Re: you know what I can' wait for?

    First, I apologize for the poor writing in this post... I'm very tired.

    I love terran. I've been a terran player since I first played the first starcraft and almost always go mech.

    Besides the cost problems in mech there is another great problem: Mobility. Mech is extremely slow to react. When they attack your bases, don't take them head-on if you don't have to. Use the opportunity to attack their base. The best two advantages you have as a zerg player are the creep (if you're spread out you'll want to spread it between your bases) and the nydas worms. With the creep, you can react quickly to mid-game attacks and then push your advantage. With nydas worms, you can attack behind the terran's base in the late game. What's most important in a ZvT match is to keep harassing/scouting your opponent in the early game so you can switch up your strategy quickly.

    I'm sure you know all that already... but I thought I'd put my 10 cents in.
    End Transmission

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