Lets try and get a replay thread going again (Can't be bothered to bump the old decrepit one, and want a slightly more direct idea for the thread)

Post up your replays, win or lose, regardless of rank. Lets discuss our own play, share strats, insights, etc. And help each other get better at this game.

Post up losses, and ask for help figuring out why you lost, so you can find your mistakes and work to correct them.

Post up wins, and try to explain how you managed to win the game. In addition to that, try and find your own mistakes, so you can perfect your play even more.

Heres my first one.

CainTvZ - StarCraft 2 Replays - GameReplays.org

A TvZ I just did, my style of play is one focused extremely heavily on macro, and strong defensive play into absolute overwhelming timing attacks with a 300 or 400/200 army thats relatively upgraded around 17-21 minutes. In this TvZ, I stuck to my normal guns, fending off a semi weak 2 rax marine rush, and then wiping out an attempted marine/siege tank timing push before he could get it properly setup. I transitioned into a mass zling defensive force, with a baneling nest ready for fast morphs if I saw him moving out for a push. I eventually got an enormous 200/200 zergball of death comprised of bling/sling/high mana mass MC infestors/Broodlords and ripped apart his thor/marauder/tank wall right as he setup his 3rd at the gold expo(And when he scanned my Blords, jumped before mass vikings). Good Neurals on his Thors, and a relatively 2 pronged attack for surround ensured I won with few casualties, and basically guarenteed the win with my small trust fund for rapid reinforcements to deal with losses as I ripped through his base.

I made a few mistakes though, namely letting my macro really slip on his two pushes, my gas drops, and lair were extremely late, and severely delayed my teching; Had he gone cloakshees after his failed marine push, he'd of wiped out enough drones to secure the win because I wouldn't of gotten an overseer/infestor in time.