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Thread: Wait...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer ~BigTymer~'s Avatar
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    Re: Wait...

    I agree the forums are here to talk about these things. If I was calling someone a ass hole or dickhead or threats to beat people up, then that doesn't need to be on the forums.
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  2. Registered TeamPlayer Stealthyking's Avatar
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    Re: Wait...

    Talking about things doesnt entail personal attacks about or to a person. Im not agreeing with anyone side just giving my opinion based on what i saw. It got out of hand fast so it was locked thats it, no need to continue it, and train wreck idk what your deal is but your just as wrong as most of the people who end up banned..

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  3. Registered TeamPlayer Morningfrost's Avatar
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    Re: Wait...

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthyking View Post
    Talking about things doesnt entail personal attacks about or to a person. Im not agreeing with anyone side just giving my opinion based on what i saw. It got out of hand fast so it was locked thats it, no need to continue it, and train wreck idk what your deal is but your just as wrong as most of the people who end up banned..
    Train didn't exactly post his opinion in a very PC way, but the idea of people being banned for saying the server is laggy doesn't sit well with me. I've heard from friends on all sides of that particular incident, and there doesn't seem to be a dispute that the person was doing anything other than saying the server was laggy. Personally, I'm shocked that's a bannable offense, because we all get lag spikes, we all have to deal with lag sometimes, it just happens. The lag issue I've not had big issues with in-game on TPG servers, but I've had great issues with the hit registry on the servers. When I have to pump half a clip of hunting rifle ammo into a hunter who's on one of my teammates, it's annoying. When it takes an entire clip from the silenced SMG to kill a jockey on a teammate, it's annoying. Sure there are servers that are worse, but there are quite a few where the registry is better. *edit* Oh, and Stealthy, Train wasn't the one who was banned for this. He was banned for something entirely different, and that ban was eventually overturned.

    As to the original thread's topic....I understand where BT's coming from. When I play, I play to win. I take my game seriously, and while I prefer to also have fun in-game, few things get under my skin like losing when I know we could've won, especially if we lost because we were goofing around. That being said, I've played in drunk-games and don't really have a problem with playing in a drunk-game....some of the time. I prefer being told up front if it's a drunk/bs game, so I can decide whether I actually want to play or not.

    Taking the game seriously is also why I've been playing less as of late. I have just as much free time on my hands as always, but there are games and people I just won't subject myself to, because I know I'm going to come out of the game frustrated and cursing because of all the dumb shit done during the game. You can call it what you want that I avoid games with certain people in it, but I prefer to call it self-preservation, and a desire to not strangle said people....which would happen if I played with them, most likely.

    Going back to the purpose of THIS thread....I honestly don't see why the first one was closed. BT's post was edited VERY soon after posting, leaving the only personal attacks on Green's side of the fence, yet BT was the one who got in trouble. I don't much understand that, especially since the attacks AGAINST BT started first, and continued afterwards. I'd call it a little bit of a double standard. Aside from that, I'm of the same opinion as Blitz. Drama is bound to happen on the forums (it IS the internet for christ's sake), and I'd much rather it happen here on the boards rather than in-game where it can affect the outcome of the game. All locking the threads does is imply that speaking your mind is a poor decision on these boards, and makes people question their decision to join in the first place.
    Last edited by Morningfrost; 08-27-11 at 09:37 AM.

  4. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait...

    Re: Wait...

    Enf didn't lock it. I did. It degenerated into personal attacks and that's not tolerated. Check any of the other forums, not just the L4D2 one. We've sent people on extended vacations for that very thing. It's not going to start in here. Period.

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  5. Registered TeamPlayer ¤[BlitzKrieg]¤'s Avatar
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    Re: Wait...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kanati8869 View Post
    Enf didn't lock it. I did. It degenerated into personal attacks and that's not tolerated. Check any of the other forums, not just the L4D2 one. We've sent people on extended vacations for that very thing. It's not going to start in here. Period.

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  6. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Re: Wait...

    Quote Originally Posted by Train wreck View Post
    Blitz, you're exactly right, this is what forums are for. It only took one comment from BT to set off captain save a hoe Adretheon to be Green's knight in shining armor. Is that comment really a good reason to lock the thread? The guy is speaking his damn mind, there's nothing wrong with that. Not only was it good entertainment but progress could have actually been made. Instead some admins, who are turning into a mob of Neo Nazi's, decide to step in.

    I've only been here 6 months and have come to realize this place is a joke. They run off good players because they don't like new faces beating down vets and also because these new faces won't bow down to the faux authority. If you guys actually considered expanding your player base you wouldn't ban people for complaining about lag on a TPG server or a guy talking to an admin by their in game name. As if admins are somehow untouchable 'gods'.

    I suppose this will also be my good riddance post but first there are a lot of great people at this community and a lot of great admins who are trying to steer TPG in the right direction. Sadly, there are more people who are tearing this place down.

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    If that's the way you think about it, the door is over there. Don't let it hit you in the ass on your way out. I would hate to have to clean it.

    Want to provide constructive criticism? Fine. Be our guest. We have the proper forum for that.

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    Re: Wait...

    Yeah but people can't handle constructive criticism. If you tell someone something they get their feelings hurt and all of a sudden it's a "personal attack." If you say something in-game people say bring it to the forums. If you say something in the forums it gets locked.

    You know I've been reading all this crap where people say to lighten up and relax and its ironic, because it's the same people that would ban you CSS for saying the exact same thing. If you want to drink and fuck around like someone said earlier, warn people pre-game and do it on your own time. You have 4 people on one side and for one person to "relax" totally screws the game up.

    I just find it amusing that the people here that seem to be so care free are the same people that will grill your ass in other TPG hosted games. This isn't your little screw around game, just like CSS and TF2 people take it seriously and its not for anyone else to tell them otherwise. There's a complete double standard here and I think some of you should pull your heads out of your asses and realize it.

    I also get tired of people who don't even touch this game coming in here and giving their two cents. It's border line trolling


  8. Registered TeamPlayer Thorsen's Avatar
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    Re: Wait...

    Hocus fucking nailed it. Go on CS:S, drunk, not following the call and then tell them you're just "having fun" and they should "relax" and not to be "try hards." Tell me how that goes for you.

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  9. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait...

    Re: Wait...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hocus Pocus View Post
    Yeah but people can't handle constructive criticism. If you tell someone something they get their feelings hurt and all of a sudden it's a "personal attack." If you say something in-game people say bring it to the forums. If you say something in the forums it gets locked.
    There's quite a bit of difference between an adult, civilized discussion with some criticism involved... And what greenie and bt were mucking about with. It's like calling the grand canyon a bit of a pothole.

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  10. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait...

    Re: Wait...

    I think the difference between L4D series is a bit like the difference between CSS and say... Worms. You don't have an open server where people come and go all the time with Worms. You do with CSS. With Worms you get some friends together and play a game. Those friends play and finish the game.

    With L4D it's the same. While you might have someone leave mid-game it's still a game where you invite the people and they play the game through. So yeah... you can get 8 people together in lobby and go "we're all drunk off our asses! Anyone that don't want to play is free to leave right now!" And that's perfectly fine. I avoid those games most of the time myself. But there's nothing wrong with doing it as long as all players are in agreement before the game starts. The lobbies are, as has been stated before, neutral ground and is NOT TPG domain. What happens in the lobby is your own business. So hash it out there before the game starts. Once you are in-game on a TPG server, if there's a problem, then it becomes TPG's problem. Don't cause TPG problems and everyone is happy. Capice?

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
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