Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Fifteenth Entry

Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3088]619summon

What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna go? No friends No family, shit the last time I saw my rents I was 16. My ex vanished after the incident. "I am one sorry S.O.B"

I guess my plan is to get out here. If ole'lunch meat was right about this being city wide.I have to hope that Kendrick the only person I talked to while in the joint is still alive. He was my go to guy, my fence even pulled job with him or two. talked to him a week before my Scheduled Execution told him to find my ex, give her my money and to take whatever he thought I owed him. ken told me " no worries ill take care of it"

I made to south tower easily enough. the prison was a Pentagon shape with the south sniper tower being the tallest facing the all four yards. This tower also housed the command center and administration facilities for booking and release. Opened the frist gate to see two dead guards, but dont see how they died. there was no access just bars also they did not look eatin or torn up only some deep red brusies around thier necks and blood shot eyes.

My plan was to get in the ready room find some fatigues, boots and some of those nice assult rifles. secondly try find some wheels. As I approched the door I got ready to use the keys to gain entry when I heard a groan from within, I paused and put my ear to the door. Agian a groan. Im guessing that its not a zombie but a survivor and surely a member of law inforcement. how many? how will they react if I bust in there with a pistol. Id get shot for sure. So I knock on the door.

I get a reply a raspy voice and cough " Dave? randy? whos there"

I say " not dave not randy but im cool. im coming in so if you got a gun or anything be cool alright" I hear a cough and "Ok alright"

I put the pistol in the waist band in the small of my back and opened the door. Inside was one riot soldier in an obviously aggrieved state.

He reached for his shotgun soon as he saw me "oh no stay back how...? where did you get the keys??"

I put my hands out to my sides "hey buddy I got the keys from Valasco, but he was already gone I swear"

he pumps the shot gun and points it toward me "wh..where-what Valasco is d.dead?"

"w.where are the others, there is more of us here they will be back any minute"

I shrug my shoulders " ok ok buddy im not gonna fuck with you, just trying to get out of here. Im gonna lock the door and sit down ok" the shot gun follows me accross the room to the door and back to the chair

"a..any minute they will be back for me so you just sit right there"

we sit in silence for a minute or two. I see hes bandages are soaking thou and some medical supplys on the table across the room.

"let me help you buddy, im gonna get you that stuff over there so you can change your bandages and take those pain meds.

shivering he says " C..can you get me that blanket too and some W..water im freezing" moving very slowly I say " sure bud no worries, mind if i grab me a drink and some of that pizza there too?" he does not anwer me but flicks his chin toward the pizza.

I bring him back his requests and sit down across the table with some pizza and a pepsi. After a bit he asks me "how bad is it out there"

I rubb my eyes as if it might erase the horrors ive seen "I dont know whats going on but lots of people are dead and there is these" he interrups me "Zombies" I shake my head yes "zombies" we smile at each other and chuckle at how ridiculous it all sounds.

I ask him how long his buddies have been gone. He tells me that he was passed out for a good spell but it must be like a day. right then in my heart I knew. Like ole'jerry lunch meat that he too was left 4 dead. He tells me hes only been on the job a week and that hes worried sick aobut his young wife and baby daughter. At that point I couldnt tell him his buddies had left without him. I wouldnt do the same I was gonna get this guy out of here.

We talk for a bit I asked him how he got hurt he told me randy had shot him while he was pounced on. He fills me in on all the details he could about the "infection" about some other types of zombies that act/look and attack very differently. I help him get patched better and fetch a wheelchair from the floor infirmary so he can move about the room. He never asks me what I was in for or my name.

As were settling in for the night I tell him im leaving in the morning and heading for the city to find my friend. He nodds then says he is waiting for his friends to return but I can take what supplys I can from here. "take this" he says a 9mm slides across the table "I dont think we got ammo in here for that piece you have" I raise an eye brow and put my right hand behind my back and pull the tiny pistol out. I shake my head and laugh.

.....6 hours later...a helicotper sounds over head with a loud speaker message. "ATTENTION survivors this area is set for burn at 2200 by the USIF(united states infection force) make way for the hospital or south side of the 91 highway bridge" message repeats...

As soon as I turn over to wake up the riot soldier I get a pile of black fatigues and boots dropped on me. he says " im coming with you, your still under state custody gotta make sure you dont get away."" Besides my friends are dead and I need someone to push this wheelchair out of here."

"Well alright were in business" I wasnt gonna leave without him anyway I would have wheeled his crippled ass out of here. I get dressed, he tosses me a vest, belt and backpack. Now for some guns i get the keys and walk to the door of the armory, only to find out its a numberd key pad for access.

"Hey man were gonna need these guns in here, whats the code to get in here" he wheels up to the door and says "I dunno" my face contorts and my neck snaps back as I look sideways down at him. " whatdaya mean you dont know, were cool and all but this is not the time to be fucking around"

he turns the chair around and wheels away saying "I dunno im on probation for 90 days, I dont even have keys" he turns the chair around toward me "fars I know only valasco and the warden know the code."

"fanfuckintastic, were gonna die horrible deaths. one or two we can fight but we need them guns in there" he wheels over to a locker" we have the sweat locker"

I slap the sides of my face then put both hands interlocked hands on my forehead and groan" why the fuck do we need sweaty shirts....errr what sweaty what!?"

"no grasshopper, a sweat locker is stocked with riot gear, no heavy assult rifles nade lanchers and c4 and such." I walk over to the locker and use Valasco's keys. "yeah yeah this might work"

He reaches in and grabs a weapon "this here is a TEC-DC9 with 50 round clip, basicly everything in the sweat locker its 9mm and non-leathal weapons" he put the tec back and says with a smile " with the exception of this Benelli M3T, yeah this is pretty much zombie kryptonite"

the next two hours is spent loading, stocking, packing and turning the wheelchair in to a zombie death machine. we taped two benellis sideways on the arm rests, hung back packs full of gear and ammo on the hand rails, four TEC-DC9 holsters on the inside of the chair for easy access for the riot soldier along with two net guns and 2 survival knifes. all in addtion to the weapons we were gonna carry.

We took a break to eat old brown bag lunches and finalize the escape route out to his jeep. He starting writing somthing down. I asked him what it was. He told me in a movie he saw once some soldiers write letters for survivors to deliver if they die. "I giving you the letter to get to my family if i dont make it, you should write one too." I tell'em got no one to give it too. he nodds and continues writing.

All was set we were ready to rock and roll. Somthing told us they were ready too, for in the last hour we have heard thuds and crashes. on the floors above and below us. we heard somthing at the door. For long moments nothing else happen. the riot soldier pointed at the base of the door there was fingers pushing under the door, then more fingers and more. the door begins to creak and pluse.

they are here they found us.....



Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

Dec 17th

I knew that I couldn't keep that car for long. I hadn't realized before, but when cars hit enough objects they tend to stop working. The engine cut out, it just died. I started it up and turned down the street that I heard gunfire in. The moment I turned the corner something hit my engine. A bullet, a zombie, a god that hates me... one of those. I made a field kit: my rifle, shot gun, pistol, some ammo, and a few snacks. Enough for me to find the survivors and bring them back here.

As soon as I saw them I signaled. I flashed the red dot from my laser on them. They disappeared inside a safe house before I they noticed me or I could get to them. I'm inside a closet across the street. I'm waiting for daybreak, or when I hear them come out. There is a small hole in the door. I think someone shot out of it once, what reason? I don't know. But obviously they're gone now. I check every once in a wile, to see if it's clear. It never is.

See ya journal.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2891]FragRaptor

Dec. 18... 2008

Always refueling. Always shooting. Everywhere there are gas cans. Everywhere there are zombies. Anywhere but here we should be.

I can't believe we have survived this long. We are nearly out of ammo, but not out yet. I have a more moveable splint on just in case we need to run.

Grave's plan is to get out of the city based on some stupid writing on the wall. To me this sounds like stupidity. Sorry, but 'zombie apocolypse' usually means everywhere... not just in this god damned city. But Grave is convinced that it is better on the other side, and so far all his plans have been good for us. Get to AK and his fire truck - Go to the military base - Make the fire truck a tank - All great disicions... So... I am forced to trust him... despite my ideals.


2 hours later...

We reached a roadblock right in our way...

We could either take this way out or take the long way out...

We thought it would be easy... After all we have a freaking tank... right?


We used up the last of our pipe bombs just blowing a hole big enough for our truck. Lucky for us, that brought a horde large enough to take down 5 tanks on thier own...

AK and Grave tryed making a wall of fire with the few molotovs we had left, but they came through... They kept coming... Through the flames... Burning... Still angry, still blood thirsty.

The ones burned never reached us before they fell down dead.

The molotovs help a good amount but that just left 4 tanks worth of horde... We begin shooting. Empty brass hitting the floor in masses from my mini-gun.

But they kept coming...

All hell broke loose when I heard those deathly clicks coming from the mini-gun. Out of ammo.


They reached the truck...


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3006]Allane

Dec. 18th
We've got a new guy now, name's Ruukil. I accidentally shot him in the right arm. He says that that's he's right handed, but I don't think I hit any nerves with the bullet. I'll write about this later, as I want to keep this in chronological order.

We moved out from the safe-house a little late at night. The zombies didn't cool off for quite a while, as if there was something else out there keeping their attention. When they calmed down we went out the way we came, back out into the street because the map showed that the other end of the safe-house was a dead end alleyway. Ironically for the night, there were only a handful of zombies. They may have abandoned the area because there were no prospects to attack.

We wound our way through the streets and alleyways once again, but this time Walker was able to walk on his own without needing too much assistance. He had to stop every once in a while to rest, which slowed us down, but the zombies didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, I saw two zombies duking it out in the street right outside of where we're stopped right now.

There was one big event though. One of those coughing guys grabbed a hold of me, probably because he saw that I was the most injured. Man that tongue was cold, or at least I think it was a tongue. It wrapped around my throat and pulled me towards a wall. Potemkine says he shot it with his M4 right on the tongue a couple times and the tongue broke. However, the noise made attracted a horde. We did our usual thing and got into the nearest shop where we could fend off the horde. But while I was shooting at zombies, I saw what I thought was a zombie in brighter clothing and shot at it. As it went down it fired off a shot from a pistol it was holding. At that point I realized that that was a human, not a zombie. We finished off the horde and I told the others that I think I shot a human in the street. We all came out and saw that I had indeed shot someone living in the right arm. I apologized like a mad man, and the guy looked pretty pissed that he got shot. We examined his arm a bit while he told us his name. Apparently I didn't hit him anywhere that would cause major nerve damage, but the bullet penetrated pretty deep and we needed better equipment to get the bullet out.

As we kept walking, he said that he had been trying to catch our attention with a laser pointer ever since we left the last safe house. He also said that he had a car and could probably get us out of the city. And that's where we decided to pull into a restaurant and blocked off the doors yet again with some tables. We did a little searching of the place and cleared out all of the zombies that were hanging about. We found that the freezer room was still stocked, and there was still electricity. Which coincidentally meant all the burners and grills were working. I guess when people turn into these zombies, it's either so subtle that they don't think about getting rid of whatever stuff was in shops or restaurants, or they transform so suddenly, they don't have time to get rid of whatever they've got. Regardless, Walker plugged in his phone, but we learned that it can't make calls while it's charging, so we're going to give it a couple more minutes to charge. Meanwhile I'm putting my cooking skills to work and grilling some steak for us. It's been a while since we've had a good meal. Potemkine and Walker are currently looking a little closer at Ruukil's wounds while they explain to him where exactly where we're going, and why we don't need that car. He tells us that it's broken anyways, so we'd have to fix it if we ever wanted to use it.

Those steaks should be plenty simmered enough by now, let's try and find some spices eh?



Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes


Fucking thank you god. Thank you for letting me live to smell the odor of grilling animal flesh. Is there a better scent in the world? Christ, I'm practically drooling!

Ruukil checked out ok, considering the bullet needs to stay where it is for now. No nerve damage and it missed vital arteries. Good damn thing Allane isn't the best shot in the world, or Ruukil would be a goner. Don't get me wrong, Allane can shoot pretty good for a young guy with not much weapon experience; better than I can shoot, which is why I like my spray-and-pray MP5. At any rate, I got some sterile gauze, gloves, bandages and a nice big bottle of iodine from Pote's bag of wonders (swear he raided an entire doctor's office before he found us), and washed the wound with some water that Pote sterilized - the old-fashioned boyscout way - for me then soaked the gauze with the iodine and used it to pack the wound, so it wouldn't close around the bullet, and then dressed it with the bandage. The process was... less than pleasant for Ruukil, and it certainly wasn't perfect, but it'd have to do.

When we get to the Hospital, we're hoping to find some stuff to be able to handle the job closer to proper, and remove the bullet. If we ever GET to the fucking Hospital.

Swear to fucking god it's like we're in a damn video game, fighting boss monsters and taking winding pre-designed levels to reach a destination. How much do you want to bet that when we get to the roof of the Hospital, in order to be rescued by that stupid news chopper we'll have to fight off hordes of zombies and multiple Tanks that will all randomly show up out of nowhere. I mean, fuck's sake!

Ok, I can't take this anymore. If Allane doesn't finish cooking soon, I'm gonna break his other arm.

Ruukil had some disheartening news. A group of people he'd tried to band together with seem to have met with a bad end. Apparently he'd been attempting to communicate with one of them (he simply calls him "The Survivor"), when a group of others showed up. Their arrival soon drew down a colossal horde on them, and while they fought valiantly, it seems in the end they blew themselves up, rather than be eaten.

Lucky took the news pretty hard. It would seem he recognized Ruukil's description of this "Survivor" as a guy named Tick, who'd rescued Lucky, given him a gun, and some water, and let him stay in his second floor little fortress. Apparently, when two other guys showed up, Lucky was talked into leaving with them when Tick wouldn't go (I can understand holding out and waiting for one's brother.. I'd do it too).. I think Lucky still feels a little guilt about that.

None of us are happy to hear it. That many less humans - REAL humans - left. We're a dying breed.

Food's done... but now that I've got my thoughts moving along this topic, my appetite is not so great anymore.

Doesn't matter, I'm still going to sink my teeth into some nice beef. And god damn it. I'm going to enjoy it if I have to force myself to.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2891]FragRaptor

Down in the truck AK and grave were getting swarmed, zombies running strait at them bodies hitting the floor. They began to climb up the side of the truck to get at me, I shot back at them as they tryed to reach me.

They are all around the truck nobody knows what to do, one zombie gets up to give me a good punch in the stomach, I gave him a thank you shot in the face.

Then we start to get over run, they are coming from everywhere and there is nowhere to stop them, how are they all up here, have they stopped going for AK and Grave?

Whatever happened down there, I have my own problems to worry about.

Knowing that we can't keep this up for long I shout to AK "THEY KEEP COMING!!! WHAT SHOULD WE DO"


Grave with all his ideas told AK "AK GET TO THE DRIVERS SEAT!"

AK replies "ARE YOU INSANE!!!!"

Grave just replies "FLOOR IT AK! DAMN IT!"

AK pushes his way up to the drivers seat. Strapping himself in bodies lieing all around him, AK slams the gas pedal, and I almost get thrown off.

Zombies flying everywhere being crushed under the fire truck, we head around in circles killing any zombie willing enough to come close.

There are many zombies trying to climb up to the top of the truck but most get thrown off in the momentum. The zombies cling to every nook and crany there in, one manages to make a hole in the hose and start the water supply throwing water everywhere.

AK completely oblivious to the water keeps on driving...

After a few circles the water is all around us and AK makes a faster turn to try and steady the truck, but the truck spins out.

Spinning around and around, we clear out most of the zombies around us, the truck heads closer and closer to the side of the building next to us.

WHAM! We hit the building, taking out a few coloumns in the front... the sky scraper begins to sway back and forth.

Eyes bulging in terror I shout to AK to move. In the confines of the truck he cannot see the swaying building he just hit, and he asks why.

I shout back "GOD DAMN IT, MOVE OR WE'RE GOING TO GET KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!" AK floors the gas, and trys to turn to get through the hole in the roadblock but he ends up spinning out again. Spinning around and around, again, we head closer to the road block.

Hitting the roadblock just right so the truck blocks the exit, we jump off, grabbing what we can. A few sleeping bags, a couple bags of food, ammo, and our guns, we head out into the forest.

We look back to see the building fall and crush the last remaining infected chasing us...

AK replies with gratitude "How do you like those skills".

Grave and I just look at him and chuckle.

Everyone in that city had to have heard that building, and that horde had to have been at least a quarter of the cities population...

Battered, bruised, and content, we head into the forest in hope that we can find a better place...


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3694]Ruukil

Dec 18th

Gonna make this short, my arm hurts. They shot me. Some people just surprise me. He shot my good arm. It's hard to write, my arm stings. these guys really like to pour on the disinfectant.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=5252]toofpick

[McHaley Jail Warden Log]

I don't know know who this guy is. He just shows up at the door. Won't tell him how I nearly shot him. He looks just like one of them, covered in blood...

Talks too much. Makes my head hurt. Won't tell him that either. He says that Valasco is dead. I don't buy it. He's alive. He's gotta be.

He also led them to my little nest. First their fingers started to drum on the door. Then hands, then teeth...

Grabbing my shotgun, I look through the observation slit. Big Horace, the murder, he's outside. His jaw is gone. Fucking gone. And he has that crazy look in his eyes. Yeah, he's one of them.

Fucking Horace. Never liked him anyway. Shotgun shell fixed his attitude problem.

Couple more of them outside. My new found buddy helps me with 'em. He's pretty good with that riot baton.

Goddamn wheel chair. I hate it.

We move out.


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?