Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!

Case File: II45894-036
Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

Begin Case File Twenty-second Entry

Case File Note: The following entries jump back and forth in chronology, due to the delay in reconstruction of the taperecorded entries of Case Subject Walkerxes, the entries of his companions were held back for consistancy.

Case Subject: FragRaptor

Dec. 30

We wake to another day in the forest in a nice little cabin we found 5 days ago. In it we found a working fridge, ammo, and believe it or not electricity!

We have held out here for the past 5 days only going out when we needed to go to the call of nature. We all have dropped our little shotguns and other little things in exchange for some hunting rifles because that is the only ammunition we have here.

We have not had any zombies for the past 3 days but for the first two we did have to keep watch everywhere. The lights and the sound of the generator probably drew in any that could see and hear, and all in that radius has now been killed is my best assumtion.

We plan to remain here until the new year passes. After that we should have enough ammunition and food to fill our packs. If all goes well we will make it to the next city and civilization again, I doubt the infection has made it past the forest.

I could not have asked for a better christmas present.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: AK99

[size=12pt]Day, around lunch.

Well what a happy fucking new year.

One of those brain dead morons came stumbling at the cabin and ran right into the generator knocking it over into a huge puddle shorting it out and electrocuting the zombie all at once. Well imagine the noise that it made....We got swarmed. You could hear them coming from a few hundred meters away so we set up a defense in the corner. But in our rush to it I tripped over Grave and went sprawling into a small wooden table where a small kerosene lamp had been. It fell to the floor and shattered. It almost instantly caught the table on fire and it started to climb up the wall. I looked out the window, I could see them now. We grabbed everything we had and made a run for it. We ran for a few hundred meters when we got to a large wooden bridge that spanned over a deep canyon. We decided to make a stand. I crouched down and Grave fired over me with Frag just to our right. There was easily more than one hundred of them. And now they just kept coming from all the noise. As soon as we had a chance we made a break for the other side of the bridge. We got over and all turned around and shot at the bridge taking out as many of the planks as we could. We knocked about eight of the planks out right in a row and those dumb asses just fell right through.
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________

Night, dinner.

Well we made it to a road. I wasn't sure this is where we want to be but its better than nothing. We found a cop car that looked oddly undamaged and clean. We ate the food that we didn't leave back at the cabin and got in it. Grave has had more driving experience than me so he was designated driver. He went to start it up when I noticed that the siren was turned on and set to high frequency.(A siren you use when you blow through intersections.) But before I could say anything or grab his hand he started it and the siren blared. Frag, in the back, just sighed and mumbled "Not again." Grave punched it. We flew down the road as zombies came poring out of the forest by the dozens. Grave held it steady as they came running at us. A few even managed to jump on top of the car. It was those Screaming frog like things. Frag had to beat them off with his gun. We made it to the on ramp of the highway and headed for exit 23 the airport.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3705]Walkerxes

Audio Entry:

How the fuck did I find myself going first?? I've never been affraid of heights.. until now. I'm on my stomach looking over the edge of this freaking highrise and I want to puke. I've got a death-grip on this recorder because I'm affraid I might drop it...

and I've got to somehow muster the nads to dangle my legs over the edge and hold on to a rope..

Fuck, I don't think I can do this..



Ok, shit. My arm is too weak from where that bitch gashed me.. the muscles are still repairing and it doesn't have the strength to hold me.

(in the background) 'Dude, Walker, do you have to do that shit now? Pay attention so I can show you how I'm tying this.'

'Yeah, sure, Pote, just gimme a sec.'

So, Pote's tying a kind of seat/harness thingie on me, so that he and Ficet can use it to lower me down in a pseudo rappelling fashion. This way I won't have to rely on my weak arm to hold me while trying to shimmy down a rope.

'K, Pote, sorry.'



Fuck me. My legs are over the edge and I want to piss myself. Here goes.



Never. Ever. Again.

I'm still shaking even after reaching this floor, taking five minutes to collect myself, untying that harness thing, allowing feeling to return to my balls, which means they now hurt, and now waiting for Pote to strap Allane up.

It worked though. They wrapped the rope around the pole to use it as a sort of pulley and the two of em lowered me down step by step. No "fast-roping" for this fucker.

Allane will be coming down in a similar fashion, and possibly even Chloe. Ficet and Pote are gonna have to shimmy down.

(a pause)

'Alright! I'll be ready for him!'


Fuckin wind, can hardly hear em and they can hardly hear me.. and it's only one floor up.

Ok, I better start payin attention in case there's any deadies around, even if this level was clear on our way up. Hell.. I can't believe this is where we found Chloe. Seems like she's been with us forever already.



Allane's down.. and as freaked as I was. Chloe's turn.



Chloe made it too, they harnessed her like they did me and Allane. You'll never guess what Chloe's doing now. Yes, that's right, crying.

I get it though.. poor girl's as white as a ghost. A gust of wind came up really strong as they were lowering her and it made her lose her footing, so then she was swinging around like a pendulum. holding that rope for dear life and screaming.
Managed to skin one of her knees, her left arm, and right ankle in the process.. as well as losing one of her make-shift cloth booties we'd tied on her feet.

I guess I'd be crying too.

We've anchored the rope so that it won't blow around when Ficet and Pote climb down, and now we're waiting. I think they're taking a rest from lowering the rest of us down before expending the effort of climbing down themselves.

In the meantime, just to give Ficet something to talk about when he gets down here, I'm going to bandage Chloe's scrapes... complete with antiseptic.



Ficet's down. He's shaking like a leaf pretty much like the rest of us did.. only for his part, some of that is muscle spasming in his arms from the exertion. His hands are a bit rope-burned, but when he saw the alcohol swab in my hand he gave me the look of death, so I'll let him worry about his own hands.

Pote's on his way now. Jesus that guy's fit. He's making the rest of us look like gym-class rejects and is hand-over-handing his way down, with his ankles locked around the rope guiding him.

Fuckin kids.. where's my smokes.

(fumbing is heard, then the sound of a bic lighter, then a deep inhale) Ahhhhhhh... better.

Alright, here he comes. Gonna give him a hand in, if he even needs it. I bet the fucker doesn't even shake.

End Entry.


Case Subject: FragRaptor

January 2nd... The 'New Year'.

Well here we are the so-called 'New Year'. New my ass, we are driving our asses down to some stupid airport where we are taking the gamble that out of all the downed airplanes out there there will be one we can use, we have guns sitting by us ready to use on anything that could be a problem. Oh! I forgot to mention all the ZOMBIES... still here...

Some New Year... My resolution is to not get killed and I'm sure any sane person out there has the same thing on their mind.

Listening to those sirens ring just gets to you... constant... and grave can't get them to stop... Hopefully we will arive at the airport soon so we can ditch this hell hole of a car.


January 2nd... Later in the evening...

Here we are pulling up at the parking garage, once we park I'll have to deal with the zombies that are running for us... - Hold on...



Ok, We made a good foothold in the airport garage, we have set up a base with all the cars making good choke points for the watch, we even finally got that damned siren to turn off...

Hell for a few bullets anything will comply...

I'm looking forward to a good nights sleep after the last night.............

- The Frag.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=2478]Ficet99

Dec 27

My hands still hurt a bit from the rope burn. Walker offered to play doctor on me and my wounds but I saw how he treated Chole's minor scrapes and bruises so I wasn't going to let him touch me. After a few minute rest to regain our composer from what we just went through (except Pote because I guess likes showing off as much as I do) we began to make our way back down the hospital.

Walker's first words were "Well we killed most of them on the way up so there can't be that many left" My first thoughts were "dang he just just jinxed us" And right I was! I think we killed more zombies on the way down than we killed through this entire ordeal. The odd thing was that they came all at once, they usually came in wave after wave but this time it was different. They all came in about three waves which actually made it easier to kill them once we found a nice corner to hide in. After that nothing, just a few stragglers. Maybe their numbers were actually dieing off after all. Yet through it all we found new clothes, food, medicine and many other supplies we really needed, we even got a shower! Nothing raises moral more... On our way down we found the janitors office and a set of keys that went to the whole building (Hew must have been the master janitor or something) and we raided the place like an empty mall on black Friday.

We found some food in the cafeteria which there was still a lot of. we packed as much of it as we could only taking things we knew would last awhile. Pote had found some lighters in one of the offices (I think the former occupant was a heavier smoker than Walker) and Allane found a can opener in the cafeteria so we grabbed some pans and some canned food that would last and would cook them over fire.

We also raided some snack machines (Chocolate is the only moral raiser better than a shower). We gave Chloe a snickers bar and it was the first time I'd seen her smile just a bit. When she smiled it was almost entrancing. No wonder Pote liked to keep her happy.

We found new clothes in some lockers a few floors below in the workers changing area. There was actually a lot of clothes to pick from so we just grabbed what was stylish. I just grabbed a simple white T-shirt with some new jeans and a leather jacket for the cold winter air. I liked to keep it simple. I hadn't put it on yet since I was watching for any left over infected with Chloe while the others showered. After they got out I took a nice hot shower and changed into my newly stolen clothes. It just felt so good to be clean again. Pote wathced the door to the shower room like an angry junk yard dog while Chloe took her shower. After she came out she had on a shirt showing off her belly button and some cleavage. She was young but had developed very nicely, except for her white skin and frail body of course. I saw Pote's jaw drop a little, I hope he wasn't getting too attached... Just in case the worst did happen. Of course she went back to sniffling moments later, maybe she had burned herself in the hot shower water or something.

We broke into a medicine cabinet and got what was necessary, antibiotics, pain pills, bandages, stuff to kill infection and keep wounds clean and everything else you needed for the ultimate first aid kit.

We made our way down to the first hospital safe house where we'll stay tonight. I'm worried though, after the first huge group the infected just disappeared except for the few stragglers we came across. Maybe they are thinning out, or maybe they're waiting. I just hope they're all dead.


Case Subject: [url=http://www.texasteamplayers.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1155]Gr4verunner

January 7th

Things got so bad, I just stopped writing, but our break at the cabin has filled me with hope. We may just be a teenagers, but were still here and however this "zombie" ends, I've decided we'll be there.

We make our way onto the tarmac of the airport only to be dissapointed. If we'd come to a small airport there would be lots of planes around but here, there's just a few husks of jet liners. Nothing we ca use.

We move across the airport, looking through any planes we come across when Frag sees something off to the north. The airport is attached to a National Guard outpost, and there is a C130 down at their end of the runway, maybe our lucky streak is still going. AK starts running towards the giant plane, while Frag and I hurry to catch up, as we near the plane we can see that the doors are closed, luckily one of the cockpit windows is out. We hoist AK onto the plane and he slithers through the window. About five minutes later the back door slowly lowers and we join AK inside. There isn't much inside, but there is a humvee and some crates towards the cockpit. Frag says that the hummer looks like it's ready to roll. I suggest that we take it.

We did an incredible job on the fire truck for kids, but it started to fall apart before we lost it. This ride should be more stable. The crates contain an abundance of weapons and ammunition. Even some explosives. None of us know how to work explosives, but we take them anyway. Now, we decide, is a good time to learn. We empty a crate so we can lift it into the hummer then re-load it with what we need. We take a few mp5's some M16s, a shotty and one long ranged rifle, none of us know what kind it is. After a short argument about what kind of ammot the rifle takes, we close the box and start pulling the hummer out of the plane.

After stopping by our old car to search for anything we may need we hit the road again.


Case Subject: FragRaptor

Janurary 7th

After a few days of bunkering down and searching we have found a hummer hidden inside a C130 at the national gaurd airbase.

We are headed down the road with Grave sitting in the .50 cal and AK taking a rest, and I am driving. They all thought I didn't drive but I am a damn good driver, how the hell did they think I got to Grave's house before? Suffling through the zombies?

As we make our way through the road grave begins to get bored and fires some shots around the hummvee and blows up a tank ahead of us...

We all know what happens next...

As the zombies approach in a pace I have never seen come from any human form as I remembered they are not humans anymore. They easily catch the hummvee...

The zombies wake up AK as he scrambles to grab his mp5 and resist the zombies firing clip after clip into the ones scrambling on the hummvee. The get on top and grave trys to blast them with the .50 cal but there's too many.

With bones shattering under the tire and zombies crawling all over the hummvee grave is getting over welmed. In a desprate attempt to shake them off I turned the wheel sharply turning into a spin we dash down the road spinning violently. The zombies tryed to hold on but their bloodlust made them move there hand, in an attempt to attack Grave, and loose their grip.

As I gained control of the hummvee and continued down the road AK exclaims:
"*Sigh* O.K. Where are we and what the hell happened?"

I begin to explain:
"Well... We are heading down this road here and when we cross the Treeside bridge we will make a turn onto the interstate. As for what happened well Grave-"

When I tryed to explain what happened a dash of black came accross the sky and a long explosion followed... And we watched in aww as a crimson cloud appears and our hummvee goes flying in the air thanks to a massive shockwave.

The hummvee smashed accross the ground 3 times and skidded to a hault. As we crawled out of the wreck AK stares at the growing plume:

"I didn't do anything!" Grave protests, "All I did was hit a gas tank..."

"That was definately not a gas tank..." I said, "It must have been a fuel bomb and judging by how far away that was it must have hit the bridge... We might as well go back and try out luck in the C130..."

So we start on our way back to the national gaurd base... As usual AK has to wrap up the conversation with some comment:

"I knew you were going to wreck it eventually."

- The Frag.


[font=times new roman]Case Subject: AK99

[size=12pt]Well we made it back to the airport....after that bomb or what ever the fuck that thing was. I got a chance to charge my Blackberry a little bit last night but I'm saving it for a voice recording as we leave. Frag got this crazy ass idea to let me fly a plane. Its worth a shot. I used to fly a little bit before all this zombie shit hit the fan. But never anything this big. We are loading up now. Plenty of space in this C130 now that the Humvee is gone. Were going to try and get down to texas and meet up with someone down there. DFW International Airport should be a good place to start. We can only hope it has survivors.

Well here goes nothing.

Blackberry Voice Memo: January 8th 0900 Hours.

[Loud airplane turbines are heard warming up]

"Ladies please fasten your seat belts and pu-"

"Don't be a jackass AK just get us out of here" [Grave yells.]

[A deafening roar of turbines as they hit full throttle]

"Balls to the wall baby! Wooo hooooo!"

"He's going to kill us!" [Frag screamed as the plane lifts off the ground.]

"Alright all instruments look good. Altimeter set. Landing gear up. Heading set for DFW airport. In-flight check list complete."

"Ladies I have turned off the fasten seat belt sign. Feel free to move about the cabin."

[Grave yells up to the cockpit:] "I think I have to use the bathroom after that..."

"Shit low on battery. Turn this back on when we get closer."

End Blackberry Voice Memo: January 0915 Hours.

Blackberry Voice Memo: January 1413 Hours.

[Thunder is heard booming seemingly only feet from the airplane.]

"Get in the back GET TO THE BACK!"

[Grave tried to speak but the plane lurched violently forward:] "Wha-"


[Alarms sound and buzzers ring. A robotic voice is heard saying] "Pull up. Pull up"

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing you stupid piece of shit! SHUT UP!"

"C'mon baby just a little more."

[Frag yells from the back:] "Whats wrong!?"

"It's this damn storm were almost at DFW just a little more!"

[Gears spin and a whining noise is heard.]

"Landing gear down."

"There it is! I got the runway in sight hold on guys!"

"Oh Shi-"

[Metal scrapes against the runway as the plane hits left wing first and skids down the runway]

[Landing gear buckles and the fuselage grinds across the runway]

"Hold on!! JUST HOLD ON!"

"Oh no! no! NOOO!

[A loud bang is heard as the plane slams into the side of a hanger and the front of the airplane compresses into a pancake. A series of clangs is heard as the blackberry bounces around and falls to the floor. The plane slowly grinds to a halt halfway inside the hanger.]

[Groans are heard and Frag and Grave rush to the front of the plane only to be standing in a pool of blood. Frag is heard sobbing and sits down on the floor. Thunder rumbles in the distance and the rain ceases. Grave picks up the blackberry and the notepad held together with a rubber band and turns it off.]

End Blackberry Voice Memo: January 1470 Hours.


End Case File Entry

Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?