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Thread: Who surprised you the most?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    Quote Originally Posted by ATEXANnHISGUN View Post
    Though Potemkie looks exactly like simon tam.
    What can I say, I'm just a sexy mother fucker

    I knew Mafia and Vafa were cool dudes, but it was only this past quakecon that I really chilled with them. OH SHIT WAS THAT FUN. Which reminds me, Mafia, you and I have to hit the clubs in TN. Let's not forget Plush next year

    Supercarl I knew was a BAMF, but its always great to chill with him.

    Can't disagree with anything that has been said about Adre. Damn dude, you and fences do NOT get along.

    The one thing that does surprise me, is the HUGE cross section of the US that TPG consists of. I mean, I think we have representatives from just about EVERY social group. Period.

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    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    Overall it is always great fun to reunite with so many friends each year. Some of whom I have formed real bonds and long lasting friendships with which transcend the games that we play, and now we find other times and excuses to get together.

    Vafa - what can I say... We met because of TPG and Counter-Strike... now you're one of my best friends in real life. Anytime we can hang out it is always something I look forward to.

    Mafia - You're like a brother from another mother. Like my own real life brother I don't get to see you very often, but it doesn't matter how much time has passed, I always feel like we pick up right where we left off, and good times are had.

    SmokenSherriff - I always look forward to every time we get to hang out, and I am proud to call you a friend. Anytime we get to play in the same game, for me it makes that game a whole lot more fun. Looking forward to us making a visit to OK soon...

    BigDog - I really enjoyed the time we got to hang out and talk... Especially when we got to talk about family and our kids. Also, I missed seeing SJT again... should have asked you about how he was doing.

    Bunni - Just a cool cat. I felt bad cause I kept having to ask Bunni to turn down his fans cooling his laptop because the vibrations were causing my mouse fits, lol.

    Dusty - We got to hang out quite a bit more this year, and somehow my baby is now your baby, lol A funny little inside joke... anyway was a lot of fun, and looking forward to next year. I know you and Ms. Gideon are keeping up on Facebook now too which is pretty cool.

    Supercarl - I always enjoy meeting people that are down to earth and genuine, and I found Supercarl to be just that. Enjoyed each conversation I had with you, and even though we don't currently play any of the same games that I know of, I do hope that we can run into each other for same game time down the road.

    Scrum and Ms. Scrum - While we didn't get to hang out as much as we normally do at QC this year, it is always a blast. Fortunately we know where each other lives... speaking of which we should do something soon.

    Gareth - Was great that you got to come hang out with us this year... Looking forward to getting to know you better down the road. So, um, I know you sent me that Steam friend invite which I declined, but in my defense I didn't know it was you ... please resend another!

    ATexan - You couldn't have been more awesome for offering me your spot at the con to set up my rig just so I could sit and game among good friends. Through various happenings over those few days... it was funny sometimes we would look at each other and I swore we could read each other's minds... ha ha maybe it was just me.

    Commander - I know you were pretty buzzed after we had all had such a great time out, but it was pretty cool to sit back and have some good conversation on Friday night...

    Krom - One of the unexpected for me this year for sure... Was great getting to meet you and your wife. I look forward to our game time adventures even more now, and I am pretty sure our wives are going to connecting for fun things they can do next year.

    Kibner - Also another unexpected. Kib you were def fun to be around. Just one of those people that always seemed to have a smile, and so even keel. Getting to meet you this year will def make our game times that much more fun.

    IRA - Was great getting to see and hang out with you again this year. Thanks for staying on me about getting in some Left 4 Dead time in with you and some of the fellas... as well as trying to get me to renew some love for Counter-Strike. I must admit due to your nudging I have been playing a lot of L4D now, and I renewed some of my CSS play.

    Phantom - Glad I got to get to know you in person and I enjoyed the time we got to hang out. Plus, it's nice when I reconnect to Counter-Strike now, there's someone else that knows this old school guy with the squiggles in front of his name

    3.89 - Was really cool and a surprise to get to meet you this year. I hope you can make it again next year, and I look forward to us getting to hang out more.

    Dex - I wish we would have had a chance to hang out more this year... was def good to see ya and I look forward to next year.

    Tractor, Walker, BigAg... and so many others that I enjoyed getting to hang out with again this year and others I got to meet for the first time. I think the best comment I got from Ms. Gid this time around was... "ya know, this year I can't say that this is 'one of your things you get to do each year' anymore because I had just as much fun this year as you did."

    For Gideon... that's EPIC, lol.
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  3. Registered TeamPlayer ATEXANnHISGUN's Avatar
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    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    SO I figured I ought to weigh in:

    I don't know if it is just me but on the whole as soon as I realize someone is TPG a kinship is formed with them, I know at the very least they are team players in game and in real life. If I miss you on this list it's only because I was generally smashed the whole time.

    Vafa - This cat is one of those guys you meet and just instantly like. cool, laid back confident in his own skin. I got to hang with vafa more this time then at previous meet ups and had a lot of fun making fun of other peoples driving skills with him. I even got to give him a love nip! hope the future wifey won't mind.

    Mafia - this fucker here I never get to spend any real time with. And when we do nothing of depth is ever discussed but it is not because he or I are superficial but rather when you hang or talk with mafia it's like your hanging with an old life long friend and nothing really needs to be said about anything because it has all been said before. I know it is weird but just his jovial and welcoming nature is very comfortable.

    SmokenSherriff - Is my boy. maybe it is one sided from me I can be a fan boy of smoken if I want....shaddup. the guy is a mountain first off, like huge not just his stature but his personality the way he talks, the way he greets you everything with smoken is larger then life he is like a grown up Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes. except he could crush you with his pinky. If your going for all out your best bet is to include him he is a force multiplier all on his own.

    BigDog - I am around him lot and we speak briefly on important things like career , family and future plans, then that's it. But that's enough. he is funnier then you would ever imagine he could possibly be in real life. I have said it before and I stand by it the one thing I have always been glad about is that big dog is a big guy. I would hate if he had all that internet swagger but couldn't back it in real life. there is a reason He run's shop around here and in his own life and if you meet him once you will instantly understand why.

    Bunni - what can I say one lick is never enough! I am pretty sure I thoroughly creep you out as you stayed pretty clear of my radar after that. Great guy rolled with the punches, very friendly. bunni don't let any one tell you to cut your hair. that's prolly were your power comes from you like the Samson for nerds.

    Dusty - Is my QC buddy, every year I spend more time with her then anyone else. coffee in the morning, almost every meal together it is creepy really. But she is on the top of my list of friends here at TPG.

    Supercarl - Mr.awesome himself you will never meet a more genuine person then Carl I could write pages of stuff about this guy but I am going to leave it at you just have to meet him.

    Scrum and Ms. Scrum - I didn't formally meet the missus but scrum and I are long time gaming buds. his wife is way to hot for him pray she never realizes it buddy. If your trying to stay sober stay away from scrum he is the shot king and is relentless in his pursuit to get people drunk.

    Gideon - Is a great cat and his wife is amazing together they are unstoppable. Gideon must be a telepath because as he said sometimes we would just look at each other and know what the other was thinking. no problem on the seat buddy I got it to make TPG look good and just in case a scenario like yours occurred.

    Commander - any information I have on commander is classified. We had a hell of a time though didn't we buddy.

    Krom - another old school gaming buddy and even though he stood me up for a real life party after the con I still love him and his lovely wife. Even if she does insist on me eating Italian food, seriously if you don't know krom people do your self a favor and make his acquaintance.

    space cowboy- man knows his drinks. we became fast friends another guy you need to take the time to become friends with.

    IRA - I love Ira, he is always so calm and collected. I never seem to actually speak to IRA beyond a handshake and conversations regarding getting every one to a desired location. I need to remedy this in the future. the man brakes every mold for a gamer. I wont go into it but he has to look down to speak to the jolly green giant.

    flame - I don't know why but I instantly had a, this is my little brother feeling towards him. I think he sensed and resented it too. but he was a lot of fun. can mix a mean long island ice tea. I swear to god y'all ever post that video and there is hell to pay :P

    adrethon- Was really cool and a surprise I expected a vafa looking dude from the tone of his voice in game. but he is skinny and small and hairy much like a jawa or ewok. The problem with Dre is that he refuses to bow to logic and reason and will always take the path of most resistance. great cat and other then getting a text message saying "I am dieing please help" was a pleasure to be around.

    Dex - I wish we would have had a chance to hang out more this year... was def good to see ya and I look forward to next year.

    Tractor- the guy is great, genuine and I guess has an allergic reaction to me , he must have taken his shots this con because he thankfully didn't offer to kick my ass this year. As he has done in previous meet ups.

    Walker- much like dusty I usually spend a lot of time with. were like the three amigos or something. this guy can get me laughing so hard sometimes I almost choke.

    BigAg- like mafia I never spend much time with, we shake hands get the head nod like were old buddies and then that is basically it. he is always smiling though like he knows what you did last night.

    Corpse- is the evidence keeper, he was either gaming or video taping the whole time. He also got me to laughing on several occasions. I hope the best for you in college I know you will do well.

    Hub- your presence was missed this year buddy.

    abitar- I liked this kid a lot. He is one confident piss ant and is going to go far in life. I just have this feeling about him that he is destined for great things.

    howlin- I like howlin he is very low key & fairly quiet dude. Not in the shy way but in the I am observing everything that is happening and then will make my move kind of way.

    Schoolgirl - is brown that is all.

    Potemkin- the best for last , the man who brought me to TTP. I got nothing but good things to say about Potemkin even if he is a filthy democrat. He is just a down to earth guy and as genuine as can be. I don't think I have ever seen some one smiling so much or so genuinely as he does. and he was a good sport about modeling with the booth babes.

    if I missed you it is because I was drunk I remember events very well but names to go with all the faces is kind of a blur.
    Last edited by ATEXANnHISGUN; 08-26-11 at 12:39 AM.

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    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    I am brown that's all? I did tell you before QC, I am brown. -_-

    Scrum's wife is so hot. :|
    Australian-I feel for ya bro gaming on a piece of shit you should be twice as good at any game you play. Thats really really a scary thought. Part of me does not want you to get a new rig.

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    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    I still think what surprised me the most was su-san's car =p. (Although my Bertha is fucking awesome.)

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    PSN ID: flame862 Steam ID: flame862 flame's Originid: flame862

    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    I have seen the video, damn I was drunk. I have faint recollection of most of it.
    [SsT] Sigs and Avatars-sstflame-png

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    Quote Originally Posted by flame View Post
    I have seen the video, damn I was drunk. I have faint recollection of most of it.
    The only part I have a faint recollection of is the patio of D&B where I'm pretty sure I did an amazing pole spin, and tried to use scrum as a pole as well.

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    PSN ID: flame862 Steam ID: flame862 flame's Originid: flame862

    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    I remember all of saturday, but Friday night was a blur after the tequila shot at the gossip bar.
    [SsT] Sigs and Avatars-sstflame-png

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rawr View Post
    I still think what surprised me the most was su-san's car =p. (Although my Bertha is fucking awesome.)
    ...all I can say is Bertha got the job done!

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    Re: Who surprised you the most?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rawr View Post
    The only part I have a faint recollection of is the patio of D&B where I'm pretty sure I did an amazing pole spin, and tried to use scrum as a pole as well.

    Haha, yes, amazing....

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