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Thread: I got banned for no reason

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    I got banned for no reason

    I've been playing on TTP (BF2) for probably 2 years now. NHBird knows me, a lot of people know me. Most people that know me are cool with me, but there are some people that hate me for reasons I dont know.

    Take asianator for example, possibly the most annoying kid on the server. Anyone ever heard how he acts on VoIP? He makes annoying sounds, yells randomly, etc. If anything asianator should be banned for the way he acts. I've seen him redline players so he can get one of his clanmates in the chopper with him, or he wont pick people up so he can give his "friends" a ride. How is that being a team player. He told an admin that I was stat padding because I revived someone 3 times who I later noticed was C4'ing himself. I dont know who this person was that I was reviving. How is that even considered stat padding if his score was decreasing everytime he C4'd himself.

    So without warning I was kicked around 5:00PM central with a message saying "change your gameplay/attitude" while I was flying. The only reason asianator accused me of this is because I beat him to the jet. So this admin that kick and BANNED me is obviously friends with asianator. I had stopped playing for 3 months on the server due to family reasons. But now I come back and notice all sorts of abuse of power on admins. I miss the days where it was just NHBird, he's a fair person.

    Whichever admin it was that banned me wouldnt even confront me, he was hiding behind his "mask"/power and just talking to me through server warnings. When I questioned the kick, he simply banned me. WTF is that all about? Why are there childish admins that only abuse their power on a great server like TTP?

    Does that mean I can simply accuse anyone of Teamkilling or Statpadding, and the admin will ban them?


  2. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    Re: I got banned for no reason


    As I read your post, I thought that this could be a misunderstanding. You may even have a point regarding the events this evening. Where you lost me, and have now started to irritate me is when you said this...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eeerroneus
    Whichever admin it was that banned me wouldnt even confront me, he was hiding behind his "mask"/power and just talking to me through server warnings. When I questioned the kick, he simply banned me. WTF is that all about? Why are there childish admins that only abuse their power on a great server like TTP?
    While we appreciate the great server comment, we can only achieve that by taking a very hardlined approach to how players choose to behave in our server. We do not allow our admins to "confront" people on the server. That's what our forums are for.

    Likewise, we will not allow players to confront our admins. We win those battles each time, every time by bringing them in here, and having that conversation here.

    You have, so we will make sure that we approach this situation in the manner that it deserves. You start making insidious comments and inflammtory remarks, and we will need to revisit the situation in a different light.

    If you can do that, we will investigate your claim, and take the approriate action.


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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    Sorry I lost you. Remove the word "only" from that last sentence and maybe it'll make more sense. What I meant to say was "why does there have to be a childish admin on a great server like TTP". I've cooled off a bit since then but I was pretty heated up when I wrote that 20 mins ago cause it was right after I got banned.

    I've never had any probs with being kicked or banned from TTP, it's my favorite server to play on. If i didnt care about playing on TTP I would just pick any of the other hundreds of servers out there.

    I'd be willing to bet that NHBird would even recommend me as an admin (even though I havent seen him in a while) if I wanted to pay the monthly fee. He knows how I play and how I communicate to squads.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    Fair enough. But please understand, what I will not allow you to do is belittle our admins without addressing it.

    You may have a point, but we go to great lengths to educate our admins and guests alike as to how we expect them to behave on the server. We will not allow our admins to police the server by making emotional and "childish" decisions toward our guests. Those admins don't last long.

    On the other hand, I will never allow a guest to make a mockery of our admins by insulting their intelligence and claiming they are childish. Had you provided your side of the story, just the way it is, without the quote I gave above, there would be no need to educate you now on that matter.

    Likely, if you had not thought to question the admin about a simple kick, then you would not have been banned in the first place. As it stands, you have an unban post to write. One, from what I understand, was given to you for questioning an admin in open server chat. We will ban for that every single time.

    You need to create an unban request in the "Banned" forum found here.

    As for your admin abuse topic, I will assure you that I will personally investigate your claims for which this topic was created for.

    Thank you,


  5. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    Quote Originally Posted by Eeerroneus"
    When I questioned the kick, he simply banned me.
    You are apparently not banned since I see you playing in the server at the time of this post.

  6. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    Quote Originally Posted by eeerroneus
    I've never had any probs with being kicked or banned from TTP, it's my favorite server to play on. If i didnt care about playing on TTP I would just pick any of the other hundreds of servers out there.

    I'd be willing to bet that NHBird would even recommend me as an admin (even though I havent seen him in a while) if I wanted to pay the monthly fee. He knows how I play and how I communicate to squads.
    what monthly fee? new admins don't pay fees.

    Texas Militia.........tell your leader to go sign up at and (some new topsites we created), and I'm on your side.

    No, seriously.....tell them to do that. and You guys were always registered on the same trackers we were.....major icons in a lot of games. Please, go sign up.

    As for asiantor.....if he's being improper, we'll deal with him. suspend, demote, fire, something. That's admin business.

    But if all you're gonna do is walk in and say "the admin banned me because I stole the jet from his friend, and he's a child. when I confronted him, he banned me" ranger did, let me also explain TTP's position.

    #1. Any admin that kicks, bans, or warns for people stealing vehicles/cutting in line/whatever is fired. Period. Asianator knows that, as do all admins. There are no LINES in TTP (and we have banned several regular players for TKing people stealing jets and such for the same reasons we fire admins who kick/ban vehicle stealers.) If this is what truly happened, we'll find out, and we will fire that admin. I guarantee it. They know it, more than you'll believe it.......and that's why I am 99.9% sure that's NOT what happened.

    #2. You don't have the right, or the priveledge to ever confront an admin in-game about anything. NBA players don't get to hassle ref's about bad calls, regardless of how bad the call is. Neither do coaches at baseball games. Neither does anyone during an ON-GOING GAME OF ANYTHING. You confronting the admin serves no purpose other than to interrupt the admin from doing his job, and interrupt other players from thus playing the game. That's not acceptable, and that's why we have forums. You were kicked/banned immediately, on the spot, as per TTP rules, so that you would be forced to CEASE your in-game complaints, and come here and talk about.

    As a TxM member....I assume you've played enough games to understand admins are not to be questioned, ever, in game. There are 1000's of reasons......but the bottom line is that it corrupts gameplay, spreads discontent, causes distraction, and SOLVES NOTHING.

    If this is an unban request, you need to start it there. If this is a continued abuse allegation againt asian, that's your call.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    eeerroneus, normally i've never had problems with you. However, today you crossed the line with your comments. I will post the log here for everyone to see exactly what you said. Sad thing is, i issued you a kick as well as the player who was C4'ing himself. With a simple statement to change your gameplay and attitude on this server. Should have been enough. Most people take the hint. Instead you come in with a poor attitude wishing to make trouble with the admin in chat. Simply put, we don't do that here. Since you wished to get mouthy and call it a bullshit kick and me a kid, i proceeded to treat you like we would any other hostile player on our servers. Take it to the banned forums.

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [16:56:32] KICKING!!! [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus Change your Gameplay and Attitude on this server please.
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [16:56:34] ..................Intentional TeamKilling will Earn you a BAN.......
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [16:56:53] KICKING!!! Blackcode69 Change your Attitude and Gameplay on this server please.

    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 2 Global [16:59:28] *§1DEAD§0*WTF was that kick all about?!
    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 2 Global [16:59:38] *§1DEAD§0*that was a bullshit kick.

    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 2 Global [17:00:20] admin I'm waiting for an explanation, dont make me report you.

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:01:32] WARNING!!! [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus You and another player were accused of Stat Padding. If you wish to have an attitude i'll give you more than a Kick.... is that understood??
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:03:37] WARNING!!! [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus You and another player were accused of Stat Padding. If you wish to have an attitude i'll give you more than a Kick.... is that understood??
    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 1 Global [17:04:09] asianator is full of shit..i wasnt stat padding

    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 1 Global [17:04:28] he's a little immature annoying kid.

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:05:13] BANNING!!! [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus Take it to the forums sir. Appeal @
    -1 Admin None Player [17:05:16] [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus you are being banned (reason: BANNING!!! [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus Take it to the forums sir. Appeal @ .)

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:14:43] BANNING!!! Blackcode69 2 Hour Ban. Change Your Gameplay and Attitude on this server when you return.
    -1 Admin None Player [17:14:46] Blackcode69 you are being banned (reason: BANNING!!! Blackcode69 2 Hour Ban. Change Your Gameplay and Attitude on this server when you return.)

    I may have misinterpreted your statement about kid. I felt like it was aimed at me sir. Since you were becoming beligerent in-game chat. I deemed it necessary to remove you. Also, i was not sure of the whole situation, which is why it only earned you a kick to begin with. Had you not returned trying to bully me around and acting like i was in trouble, it would have been dropped. You didn't drop it, you chose to press the issue. Also, look at this fraps video here ( and tell me how i'm supposed to interpret that along with the fact that it was taken only after the 3rd time you had already revived him. Three plus two makes five times. Kind of interesting from my side of things. Then we have the fact that Asianator was not even in the middle of the hangar vying for the Jet. Kind of makes your statements seem a little skewed. Then we have the other two running into the middle of the situation. Exactly what are you accusing me of??

    Edit: you will also note i banned the guy who was C4'ing himself as well.
    ****************11B*************** Look for Pathfinder75thB in TeamSpeak! ***************11B*****************

  8. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 2 Global [16:59:28] *§1DEAD§0*WTF was that kick all about?!
    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 2 Global [16:59:38] *§1DEAD§0*that was a bullshit kick.

    4 [TxM] eeeEEeerrroneus 2 Global [17:00:20] admin I'm waiting for an explanation, dont make me report you.
    every admin within TTP would have banned you for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer AndrewTheYahoo's Avatar
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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    Without hesitation, and most without any mercy.
    -- Yahoo

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    Re: I got banned for no reason

    Well I thought it was 3 times. I still dont see that as stat padding though because it wasnt benefitting him in any way. He was close to getting a negative score and getting kicked out. If I was friends with him and I started to do the same to get him points, then I understand. But then that would defeat the purpose cause then I would lose points too.

    And yes I still think asianator acts like a child. He sounds like a 14 yr old that just went through puberty..but he screams like a little girl with tourette's syndrome at times on VoIP and it's annoying. I'll usually end up leaving the squad.

    He wasnt waiting around in the middle for the jet cause he knew it hadnt gone down yet...

    I do apologize for coming back in and retaliating like that. I was heated up at the time and I thought an admin was abusing his powers. I wasnt aware of the rules of speaking publicly to the admin, so I've learned my lesson as far as that goes. I'll just come on and bitch here instead if there's an admin abusing his/her powers.

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