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Thread: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

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    Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    Tonight, Thursday on verdun I was playing in Big Dogs squad. I did not know you were an admin as I am relatively new to the TTP bf2142 server. But it does not make a difference because I felt my words were justified to no matter whom was talking to me like you were. I understand your a passionate player as am I, but you were really being rude. I was supporting the squad with the gunship. I kept the enemy gunship down and would help take out armor at the bases we were attacking. Big dog didn't like me being in the gunship, but I felt I was still helping out the squad and I didn't just want to ditch the gunship. Bigdog had also been yelling and screaming at the squad in a rather childish manner which was kind of making me angry, but I hadn't said anything to him up to this point. Then he booted me from the squad. I briefly joined back in to the squad and typed "Fine dude be a dick, I was just trying to provide air support for the squad" he then started yelling at me again like I was a child and I typed "Get over yourself". I then left the squad and joined another open squad. Shortly after I received a kick message and I was banned from the server.

    I do not feel this would be considered "disrespecting an admin". I was in a squad attacking the same bases as my squad, and ultimately obeyed an admins decision to kick me from a squad. My only infraction was saying a few very mild messages speaking my mind. I feel BigDog just banned me because we was worked up and wanted to show me who was boss.

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    Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.  Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.  Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    Re: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    Toad, if you are asking to be unbanned, you are in the wrong forum. Go to the proper forum, read the sticky first. Perhaps look at a few examples, THEN post.

    However, if you are alleging admin abuse, then you are in the proper location. Every allegation is taken quite seriously. Trust me.

    It's not that BigDog is quick to ban. I am beginning to think I am coddling the 2142 players too much. But I will go through this and trust me, the big man will be here later.

    Remember, you are at Texas TEAM players. Every team has a leader.

    Follow Orders is the most sacrosanct rule we have here immediately followed by communicate. It seems both were missed from what I am reading here. You're decision to use the gunship does not sound like it was communicated to your squad leader. Your use of the gunship apparently did not fit the tactical or strategic needs as determined by your squad leader. Perhaps if there was communication going on, something could have been worked out, but you were silent.

    I have squads frequently defend the titan despite the fact no one is attacking. While they could be earning points elsewhere, their mission is to defend the titan which gives the squads on silos and titan assault a chance to succeed. THey give up their point potential for the TEAM to grab the win.

    Once booted from the squad though, you should have left it at that. Was there a real point to getting in the last word? If it had been me, would you have done that?

    I've noticed more and more people doing as they wish and not following orders lately. I have also seen squad leaders absolutely ignoring the commanders directives. I think it is time that I quit giving people so many warnings and just start kicking and banning until people get the point, once again, that orders are orders and your own desires are totally secondary.

    If a squad leader approaches me about a squad member not following orders I kick them from the server entirely. If it is a running theme with a player, I will ban them. So.... given that you chose not to follow orders as given and were kicked from the squad for it, you will need to spell out where the abuse happened.

    And please be specific.


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    Re: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    It's simple Toad, you were banned for not following orders. Doing your own thing is not following orders, you follow them or get banned. You were also banned for disrespecting an admin.


  4. Registered TeamPlayer sacredsarcasm's Avatar
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    Re: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    he cant get in trouble for disrespecting an admin... lets be fair no one knows/is supposed to know who they are. of course forum regs would obviously know BD is an admin for anything hes in, but if he was just calling a random player a dick for kicking him from his squad for not following orders, that is not supposed to be disrespecting an admin. Not following orders yes.

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    Re: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    I saw the whole ignored, ignored, ignored what he asked you to do.

    We told you to "get the fuck out of the squad" if you didn't want to play with the squad.

    You did, and then came back and called the squad leader a dick.

    Hence, you were banned for blatent non-teamplay.

    I don't think it could be any more clear cut.

    Your playstyle and attitude is a problem, not bigdog's.

    All you had to say was "roger squad leader" - or you could have switched out of the squad silently...instead, you wanted to fight, and you chose the wrong squad to fight about teamplay with.

  6. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.  Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.  Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.
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    Re: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    Quote Originally Posted by VagrantToad
    Tonight, Thursday on verdun I was playing in Big Dogs squad. I did not know you were an admin as I am relatively new to the TTP bf2142 server. But it does not make a difference because I felt my words were justified to no matter whom was talking to me like you were. I understand your a passionate player as am I, but you were really being rude. I was supporting the squad with the gunship. I kept the enemy gunship down and would help take out armor at the bases we were attacking. Big dog didn't like me being in the gunship, but I felt I was still helping out the squad and I didn't just want to ditch the gunship. Bigdog had also been yelling and screaming at the squad in a rather childish manner which was kind of making me angry, but I hadn't said anything to him up to this point. Then he booted me from the squad. I briefly joined back in to the squad and typed "Fine dude be a dick, I was just trying to provide air support for the squad" he then started yelling at me again like I was a child and I typed "Get over yourself". I then left the squad and joined another open squad. Shortly after I received a kick message and I was banned from the server.

    I do not feel this would be considered "disrespecting an admin". I was in a squad attacking the same bases as my squad, and ultimately obeyed an admins decision to kick me from a squad. My only infraction was saying a few very mild messages speaking my mind. I feel BigDog just banned me because we was worked up and wanted to show me who was boss.
    bottom line is, vagrant....I told my squad to suit up as engineers and support, grab vehicles, and convoy up. We're on verdun, and we need as much armor as possible.

    You spent the ENTIRE round floating around, without a gunner (which I warned you when I first saw you to go get one), and not once used your mic, or really made any effort to communicate. And you being "busy flying" is not an excuse.

    Once it became apparrent we were not getting it done on the ground, even with you "support from the air" I again made it PERFECTLY CLEAR to get out of the gunship, and get on the ground. I'm not talking to you as an admin. I'm telling you what to do as a squad leader. You're in my squad, you do what I say. Period. communication.

    I MERCIFULLY kick you from the squad. You take it upon yourself to use the only instance of communication between you and me as a "dude you're a dick". You rejoined the squad, after I kicked you from it.....just to call me a dick.

    so let's lay it all down on the table.....

    #1. You don't follow orders. For nearly an entire float around in the gunship....disobeying my order to at least find a gunner, and then finally to eject and help the squad on the ground.

    #2. You don't communicate. You didn't say "I'm covering this" or "I'll suppress that". You just floated around. You not having a mic, or not being able to type is YOUR PROBLEM. Not mine, or my squads.

    #3. You're an abusive player. When finally punished for your disobedience, being kicked from the squad, you re-join the squad, and call the squad leader a dick.

    There is nothing redeemable about your actions, or your attitude. You are a solo "I do what I want, when I want, and there's nothing my squad leader can do about it" gamer. As you said, you "didn't know I was an admin"...but that's the whole point.

    If it takes you being kicked and banned to wake the fuck up and actually play the game in the manner it's meant to be squads....following orders and a command structure......then you have no business playing at TTP. The admins here are anonymous for this exact point.....we want you to play with everyone, squad leaders, squad mates, commanders, new guys, veterans....all of them as if they were an admin.

    It's your move now.....either you can submit, and admit your abuse allegation is bullshit, and you got yourself banned, legitmately, by your own gaming can do us all a favor, and walk.

    You don't like doing what you're told? Then be the squad leader. But even then...the commander is going to give you orders. Don't like that.....then be the commander. But then, the squad leaders are going to demand supplies, intel, and order updates....meaning floating around in the gunship is impractical.

    That......or just don't play here. It's all bullshit. And you aint a teamplayer. Or at least you weren't last night.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  7. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger. say I'm quick on the ban trigger......

    dude....I let you waste a spot in my squad, reducing our presence on the ground, and disobeying my repeated orders to help us for nearly the ENTIRE ROUND. That's 30+ minutes.

    You think my ban powers had just been activated at 29 minutes into the round, and then I immediately banned you?

    I'm not quick to ban......I'm just really good at finding the people that don't deserve to play here. Either change your gameplay and attitude, and start being a teammate.....or get the fuck out and open up a slot for someone else to connect and do a better job.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Bigdog, quick on the ban trigger.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... say I'm quick on the ban trigger......

    dude....I let you waste a spot in my squad, reducing our presence on the ground, and disobeying my repeated orders to help us for nearly the ENTIRE ROUND. That's 30+ minutes.

    You think my ban powers had just been activated at 29 minutes into the round, and then I immediately banned you?

    I'm not quick to ban......I'm just really good at finding the people that don't deserve to play here. Either change your gameplay and attitude, and start being a teammate.....or get the fuck out and open up a slot for someone else to connect and do a better job.
    The tickets were still pretty high dude like in the 180s. It was my bad for not having my mic plugged in. But, You were screaming at everyone, almost sounding like you were losing control of your emotions at time. I had no idea an admin would act as immature as you were. Half the time I couldn't even hear what you were saying because you were yelling so loud into the mic. For instance I remember you screaming something along the line of "Who jumped out of the gunner?!? NEVER JUMP OUT OF THE GUNNER WHEN I AM DRIVING EVER!! ever!!. Thats why I said, "fine dude be a dick, I was just trying to provide air support" which is my exact quote. I am usually a very good teammate to the squads I am in, and am obviously less abusive than you. I just don't have the luxury to hide behind my ban to who ever dares challenge my ego.

    I am not just a solo, do what I want player. But you seem to be a power hungry, ego driven squad leader who can't contain their emotions or act like a man and take some relatively benign criticism without resorting to the highest level of punishment you have the ability to dish out.
    I won't post anything else on this topic. I will make my plea to the banned forum.

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    Last stand + tank smash = zombie ftw

    Yeaaaaaaaa thats right! im getting bashed all over the place on Last Stand survivor mode :(

    indeed it is a sad day!

    So far its the only map i haven't got silver on and......well....well its not driving me nuts but it's got me kinda beat.....and i dot get beat....often :confused:

    anyways.... ive tried camping on the lighthouse tower - no joy
    in the generator room - no joy
    the room with the fire place - no joy

    Soooooooooooooooooooooooo what i was wondering was, does anyone know the best place to pitch the tents on this map?
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

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    on the edge of the cliff

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