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Thread: What is it the issue against the Doommakers?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    What is it the issue against the Doommakers?

    Why, when i always ask for an admin i never get a response?
    Why, everytime i say something out of hands, about 2 admins questions me?
    Why, admins treat the doom guys like their mascot?
    Why, when i ask a direct question to an admin, iam ignored?

    I can be one of the founders of this clan, i can be one of the leaders, but that doesnt mean i speak for everyone.
    Somehow, i think wearing the tag =DooM= make us inferior, and without reputation at all.
    I was told by an high admin : Carcass are you speakin out of your ass or what?
    if i have said that. towards an admin, i would have baned in a blink of an eye, or maybe my whole clan.
    I saw one of my clanmates complaining, and no action was taken, even when there is proof.

    well, if i make this post longer, i think it will not be only me the one baned, but my family, my team, my clan.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer ***COMMANDER***'s Avatar
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    What is it the issue against the Doommakers? What is it the issue against the Doommakers?
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    Re: What is it the issue against the Doommakers?

    You wine like a baby.....You have an Admin trying to help you and you are whining so bad and crying, You didn't even acknowledge the Admin, which tried to assist you MULTIPLE times.

    You spent all your time going on a Crying rampage....Yes, seems you had good reason to ask for an Admin, but you immediately started laying the smack down to our server, so much you didn't even respond to the Admin.

    Very very bad thing to do for you...... Now you come in here and give us a Speech, how the Admins are abusing you and your clan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin
    DooM-Carcass -> admin harry pales c4ed me on carrier
    [00:33:57] DooM-Carcass -> ADMIN needed@
    [00:34:01] =H4H=HarryPalms -> sorry doom i thought ff was off lol
    [00:34:34] DooM-Carcass -> why admins always ignore me when i know they are on
    [00:34:37] C0MMONER -> hahaha like that vechile drop =P
    [00:34:45] =H4H=HarryPalms -> SORRY I THOUGHT FF WAS OFF
    [00:34:45] =H4H=HarryPalms -> SORRY I THOUGHT FF WAS OFF
    [00:34:47] DooM-Carcass -> guess admins dont lije doom guys
    [00:34:58] DooM-Carcass -> like*
    WARNING!!! DooM-Carcass ADMIN ON what do you need
    [00:35:22] DooM-Carcass -> chaney, would be my witness?
    [00:35:39] SSG_CHANEY -> huh?
    [00:35:46] DooM-Carcass -> yes please
    [00:36:03] =H4H=HarryPalms -> GODAMINT IT
    [00:36:03] DooM-Carcass -> i need witness since admins hate me and they ignore me
    [00:36:10] Fryguy|M| -> i saw
    WARNING!!! DooM-Carcass Admin on what do you need
    [00:36:37] =H4H=HarryPalms -> STEVE FLY HIGH DUDE
    [00:36:45] DooM-Carcass -> nvm, i guess i have to "to deal with it" like they told me
    [00:36:47] =H4H=HarryPalms -> YOU ARE FLYING TOO SLOPPY
    [00:37:21] DooM-Carcass -> i wish admins would not hate the doom clan
    [00:37:29] =H4H=HarryPalms -> OMG
    WARNING!!! DooM-Carcass ADMIN ON what is the problem?
    [00:38:14] DooM-Carcass -> if a doom guy get a tk, then get baned right away
    [00:38:27] DooM-Carcass -> but if someone else does it
    [00:38:35] DooM-Carcass -> is like never happened
    WARNING!!! DooM-Carcass Admin on what is the PROBLEM?
    [00:39:33] DooM-Carcass -> whats is the problem ? like 30 mins ago after a rampage of problems
    [00:39:47] =H4H=HarryPalms -> IT IS NOOBS LIKE STEVE THAT RUIN THIS GAME
    [00:39:54] DooM-Carcass -> but they get only a kick, so they have fun with us
    [00:39:55] =H4H=HarryPalms -> HE IS FLYING ALONE IN COBRA LOL
    [00:40:12] BlasterMaster555 -> i dont
    [00:40:14] DooM-Carcass -> i havent took the cobran in like 2 hours
    [00:40:31] =H4H=HarryPalms -> HEY CARCAS
    [00:41:04] DooM-Carcass -> wish admins were fair with everyone
    [00:41:14] DooM-Carcass -> no matter the tag
    Yea, we will be discussing this and we will look at your claim as well.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: What is it the issue against the Doommakers?

    Quote Originally Posted by ***COMMANDER***
    You wine like a baby.....
    That explains and answer all my questions,
    i think i can say "thank you" now

    PS: whine has an h, wine is an alcoholic beverage.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: What is it the issue against the Doommakers?

    And i saw one and only one single response

    WARNING!!! DooM-Carcass Admin on what is the PROBLEM?

    and quite funny how the logs show a very dedicated admin, who has the time to ask, but no time to read the chat and be aware what is goin on, and how about those logs when the admin asking if i was "speaking out of my ass"
    and how about nihiliant pointing out that teamkiller, and no action was taken,
    Maybe the admin was too busy "at the air" and say to himself "baaaaah, its just another doom guy complaining, he can take it to the forums"

  5. Registered TeamPlayer ***COMMANDER***'s Avatar
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    What is it the issue against the Doommakers? What is it the issue against the Doommakers?
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    Re: What is it the issue against the Doommakers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Carcass
    And i saw one and only one single response

    WARNING!!! DooM-Carcass Admin on what is the PROBLEM?

    and quite funny how the logs show a very dedicated admin, who has the time to ask, but no time to read the chat and be aware what is goin on, and how about those logs when the admin asking if i was "speaking out of my ass"
    and how about nihiliant pointing out that teamkiller, and no action was taken,
    Maybe the admin was too busy "at the air" and say to himself "baaaaah, its just another doom guy complaining, he can take it to the forums"
    You must think this is some kind of joke.... The Admin addressed you like 7 or 8 times but you were too busy talking smack about the TTP Admins and not paying attention...

    I have never had a problem with Kelderos or USTexasLiason or several of the Doom Clan, but trust me, if we did have a problem with the DooM clan, they would not be here.

    You are just drowing in your pitty party. You asked for Admin assistance and You got it Multiple times, yet you were too busy laying the Smack down to our members and guest about how you feel about TTP....

    The Admin Abuse claim here is a Joke.


  6. Regular Joe Member
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    A question about video recording...

    Well, I'm starting up my video editting addiction again, and since I play L4D so much, I thought, might as well get some footage and throw it all together, as easy as nothing!

    I was sooo wrong. I found out the recording methods and making demos, but what I can't figure out is how people make videos in free-view/spectator view/ghost view, whatever you may call it. I want to record in a way where you can see all the survivors/infected in free-view. I don't want to record that boring old thirdperson stuff.

    If you have a method of this, maybe you please show me? I'll obviously mention you in the credits and maybe do a small favor that you want. :)

  7. Just getting started
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    well, I think you mean the demo smoother.

    There is a useful tool inside the demo playback that L4D (or any source-based game) has.

    shift + f2 -> and then you have 'smooth...' that's the demo smoother.

    I have used the demo smoother in my movie, and I'll experience with it more, it's an awesome tool.
    You can find tutorials on youtube, if you follow the steps you'll get it eventually.

    If you want to make it look like something cinematic, you might use r_vguidraw (bind that) to hide everything to give it a feeling that you're watching a movie rather than an awful hud.

    Altough there's a downside for what you want.
    The demosmoother still get's your POV.
    Meaning: if you want to have a scene of 4 infected (with 1 of the infected being you) you can't see yourself, it'll be buggy as hell.
    So what I'd do, is that if you play PCW's or matches or whatever. Ask someone on the opposite team (if you've got some nice footage and you want to use it) to send the demo to you, so you can smooth it without problems.

    I'd be glad to help you!
    [check my vid in this subforum to check if that's what you mean with the free-view stuff]

  8. Banned
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    If you have a true video editing addiction you should visit this site every day; - The Definitive DVD Backup Resource

    You'll spend most of your time on their forums. I learned every thing I know from the smart people that lurk and post at their forums. :)

  9. Regular Joe Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slash View Post
    well, I think you mean the demo smoother.

    There is a useful tool inside the demo playback that L4D (or any source-based game) has.

    shift + f2 -> and then you have 'smooth...' that's the demo smoother.

    I have used the demo smoother in my movie, and I'll experience with it more, it's an awesome tool.
    You can find tutorials on youtube, if you follow the steps you'll get it eventually.

    If you want to make it look like something cinematic, you might use r_vguidraw (bind that) to hide everything to give it a feeling that you're watching a movie rather than an awful hud.

    Altough there's a downside for what you want.
    The demosmoother still get's your POV.
    Meaning: if you want to have a scene of 4 infected (with 1 of the infected being you) you can't see yourself, it'll be buggy as hell.
    So what I'd do, is that if you play PCW's or matches or whatever. Ask someone on the opposite team (if you've got some nice footage and you want to use it) to send the demo to you, so you can smooth it without problems.

    I'd be glad to help you!
    [check my vid in this subforum to check if that's what you mean with the free-view stuff]
    Ohh, I see. Didn't know about the 'r_vguidraw' command though, I've been trying to use hidehud, but it didn't satisfy me. I'll try out that command when I get the chance. Thanks! As for the free-view look, I'll check out your video right when I finish posting this. :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Eylof View Post
    If you have a true video editing addiction you should visit this site every day; - The Definitive DVD Backup Resource

    You'll spend most of your time on their forums. I learned every thing I know from the smart people that lurk and post at their forums. :)

    I'm checking out the site right now, looks pretty useful. I'll keep that site in mind. ;)

  10. Just getting started
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    yeah man, whenever you feel like asking something.
    Just PM me or post it here. I'd be glad to help!

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