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Thread: jason

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony_Perkiss
    The admin has a job to keep teams even. Its extremely difficult to move clan mates around to a team that has 21 wins to 3 losses.
    completely understandable.

    but like Jason said, they eventually got switched. and i wouldnt even be asking if i hadnt seen the leader of my old clan constantly ask for clanmates in my old clan. im not trying to make the teams uneven, most of the time (MOST) the killers AND another clan are against us. you know this tony. you've been there. and i've seen other admins keep an eye on teams, and anticipate such things. with not only my clan, but others. i just think that since 95% of the admins act like that, why is it fair for this to happen, just because there's beef?

    not only that, but if the teams were uneven, and it was 21 to 3... shouldnt the admin put me in my place IN admin chat?

    tony, i know you have seen the way i answer the admins when they speak to me in admin chat.

    yes sir.

    no sir.

    nothing but respect, correct?

    tell me, teams are uneven, and hell, i'll take half my clan to the other side myself, which by coincedence, is what i did on dust 2 the other day when this happened again. i didnt get screenies, and i dont remember the time, so you can either believe what i'm going to tell you or not, doesnt matter because i have a screenie already posted, with date and time.

    dust 2, 4 from D clan are on ct along with some non clan player, with the exception of one D clan member on t. 2 or 3 BIGTEX and 2 Killers on t, and the score is something like 8 to 6, terrorists winning, but we started gaining momentum and had won like 3 in a row. I tell my clanmate to come ct when he can, and he says ok. Jason says something along the lines of "Stat whores" and "Stack the teans more stat whores." i remember it was 2 diff messages. now, im sorry, but i lost my temper, sooo... I went to T side, and after spawning i left for b with a half the team following me, Jason included. he starts talking shit saying "President grey blah blah" and i get on the mic and say, "Maybe this team just needs some leadership." he says WE HAVE FUCKING LEADER SHIP.. so i yell THEN WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE CALL? and as i say this we enter the tunnels and he gets shot from the right, along with TxKikker. i kill the guys OBVIOUSLY. i say stupid !and go down the stairs, and proceed to lead the team to victory.

    what happens next? i get switched back to ct, and my clan is all together.

    i hope someone else remembers that.

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    We have told you BOTH this is not a place to handle petty arguments. Last change, before you are both banned on the server and the website. You two get your shit worked out in 2 days, on the phone, face to face, I dont care. Dont pull this shit in these forums again.

    I am serious about this, we will NOT tolerate this anymore. Last chance guys. Period. Ball is in your court.

  3. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    obviously, this is a personal issue that is now being used to accuse both sides of abuse in-game.

    It's not the game. You guys are just mad at eachother. And.....TTP.....not to be mean or act as though we don't care.......TTP doesn't give a shit about personal business.

    In fact, everyone knows that, when it comes down to it, TTP doesn't care about anything other than keeping the game moving.

    I see no abuse on Jason's part. Should the logs tell otherwise, than we all know Jason is going to take a hit in the admin forums. But....given the outlying can't be said that this is all jason.

    And I don't want to know why you guys are angry. None of us do. Even though we now know eachother personally.......still.......the server is business. It aint personal. Keep the business moving, and just stop buying eachother drinks at bars. That'll show eachother how angry you are.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    Action News: Joseph Coalition Threatens the Draki

    "Good evening. Tonights top story is the intercepted communications between members of The Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition & The Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious, that was also intercepted by our trade partners The Dominion of Demonic Cenobites. This is the broadcast:"
    A transcript of the conversation is also shown:
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: I just love my spot below Dominion of Demonic Cenobites
    Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious: The quesiton is, how much do you love Dominion of Demonic Cenobites's spot, eh?
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: The real reason I picked that spot is because its pretty isolated from everyone elses
    Dominion of Demonic Cenobites: I don't like the direction this conversation is going.
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: lol
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: But yea, Too risky
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: And there are alot of choices for me too attack easily
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: like Steven2, and Draki

    Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious: That Draki would be difficult; you have to sail all the way across the Mediterranean to attack them, and you know Draki has some seriously heavy fortifications in his nation
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: Yeah, But its almost a straight line from where I am at
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: And fortifications, yeah, my people are all expandable anyway
    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: I am going to keep a strong eye on Draki

    Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious: Supply and reinforcements will also be difficult
    Imperium of Tyrannicus Devious: And Dominion of Demonic Cenobites might not like you taking control over the Straights of Gibraltar

    Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition: yeah, But if not Draki, then Steven2
    Dominion of Demonic Cenobites: Steven hasn't posted in a while. I wonder what's up.
    The Draki: You'd like to take on a nation that's Highly zenophobic and armed to the teeth in a defensive style? Will be tough Corrupt Nation of The Joseph Coalition
    "Now while the ITD may be holding a grudge at not meeting requirements of trade status with the Draki (they were rejected last month when the DDC were accepted) the actions by the CNJC are deemed unjustified.

    The Draki have now listed the CNJC as a threat to the Draki and the following actions have been implemented.
    • All Draki military units are now on allert.
    • The CNJC is officially notified that any war vessle of any type aproaching within 750km of Draki (consider the safe zone east of the island Minorca [region 38,43, & 49, to our east and 143-42 to our west]) a hostile act and will be acted upon.
    • Non Military CNJC shipping wishing to use the Strait will be boarded, inspected and escorted through the restriction zone.
    • Non Draki satalites will no longer be allowed over Draki territory. Governments are advised that corrective corse changes must be enacted on any satalite expected to cross this region if they expect to save it.
    • The DDC is offered assistance if it wishes from the Draki including the vast defensive capabilities of the Draki.
    • The Kingdom of New Stevenc2 is also warned of this 'dire threat' to the region.

    "While it is unclear what prompted this rationalization of the CNJC, the following facts are currently known about the CNJC:
    • the government's new 'Crime Can Fight Itself' policy appears to be backfiring rather badly.
    • referenda are banned by law and the Parliament has absolute control of the legislative process.
    • senior citizens can usually be found doing heavy manual labour.
    • citizens are frequently held up at gunpoint by their local pizza delivery boys.
    • The Joseph Coalition changed its national slogan to "Though War, The Coalition Will Rise".
    • newspapers may not print any negative stories about the government.
    • a survey of the nation's rivers and children has shown that pesticide levels are at an all-time regional high.

    It apears that the CNJC thinks it can rectify it's domestic problems through war.

    The official Draki responce:

    "The Draki are ready for a threat from any nation. our coasts are well protected by our fleets, our border by our 'Entertainment zone', our military forces and bases are more than ready."
    YouTube - Russian Federation Destruction Power 2008

    [occ] while a thread labled 'private or secret' I'd ignore until it was made public, a thread or discussion on the chat room I consider a 'public broadcast'. I'd recomend that all broadcasts on this incident be kept here in this thread but any actions sould be in the International Incident forum:

    btw, that lovely bit of propaganda was just uploaded on my birthday this year :D

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Action News: Joseph Coalition Threatens the Draki

    OOC: Lol

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    Action News: Joseph Coalition Threatens the Draki

    Cenobite Action News

    "The Draki released a transcript of intercepted communications between officials from the CNJC and ITD today. The communications, which had also been intercepted but not yet released by DODC officials, seem to show the CNJC trying to determine a nation to attack with the ITD attempting to steer them in the direction of the DODC.

    After the DODC is mentioned by an unknown CNJC official, an unknown ITD official says "how much do you love Dominion of Demonic Cenobites's spot?" After the CNJC official seems to dismiss that course of action, he mentions the possibility of attacking the Draki and Steven2. Before the transcript ends, the ITD official goes on to mention that the DODC would likely interfere in any attacks against the Draki.

    Cenobite public outrage to news of the announcement has been great with the most anger being directed at the DODC's NATO ally the ITD. Vice President, Norman Bates, is expected to address the nation on this issue shorty."


    In light of the recent incident, Vice President Norman Bates is forced to make a rare appearance.

    Norman Bates - Vice President - DODC

    "The intercepted communications are indeed ... most troubling. To find one nation in the early stages of planning an unprovoked and unwarranted attack against either us, our trade partners the Draki, or the peaceful nation of Steven2 is ... more than a little upsetting. But even more upsetting is to see another nation that is supposed to be our ally attempting to persuade that nation to ATTACK US.

    Cenobites, have faith in the fact that the government is taking these statements seriously and we will not just stand by and be deceived.

    We are angels to our true allies and friends, but demons to anyone who tries to threaten or mislead us."

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    Action News: Joseph Coalition Threatens the Draki

    OOC: Edge was discussing his desire to go to war, and as an admin I offered him advice outside of the RP. As far as I am concerned, the Emperor [and the Imperium] has nothing to do with this, [and ultimately there are no plans]. If anything, I believe I dissuaded him from attacking both the Draki and the Cenobites. Unless he's stupid, I don't think he'd make an attack against the heavily fortified coastline and interior of the Draki [as I explained to him, so if anything Dragon you should thank me], and it's implied that attacking the Cenobites means attacking the entirety of NATO.

    So, if you feel threatened, Evil (specifically; shame on me for discussing plans for attacking my ally) and Dragon, then I apologize, and I'll certainly make a note to avoid offering any more of my "advice." Otherwise, there shouldn't be any cause for alarm.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Action News: Joseph Coalition Threatens the Draki

    OOC: No worries, Nuke. I think Dragon and I both know that the shout box conversation was not intended to be done in character. Nonetheless, I like the idea that Dragon has going on here. It shakes thinks up a bit on all fronts.

    There's a lot of options here for everyone. For example, the "ITD official" could be a true official, a rogue official, someone else trying to cause trouble, etc. Your nation doesn't have to change face if you don't want to go that way.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    Action News: Joseph Coalition Threatens the Draki

    OOC: Thanks for your understanding. :)

    Interesting idea. Alright, I'll roll with it.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    Action News: Joseph Coalition Threatens the Draki

    [occ] I also saw the shout box (was left here all allone) as well and made my comment. the next day it was still showing and that inspired me (and the zenophobic paranoid government that I control as well) Players can take this any way they want but I also though it would stir things up a bit. Sorry edge but it was just too good to pass up on. The Draki have been looking for an excuse to remove forein satalights from our skys and rattle sabers, and you provided the excuse.

    By all means folks, lets have some fun with this.

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