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Thread: Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Hey all, was playing on your server the other day and I have a problem with your admin,

    #1 they let some guy come back 2 times with different variations of a game name involving the "n" word.
    #2 that same fellow TKs everyone (me at least 10 times) take two hours before someone kicks happens, I understand this.
    #3 Then, i get kicked for not creating a sqaud (the game had been on for about 20 seconds and i was waiting to see who my gunner was)
    #4 Then, you take the word of some idiot, who I "tked" via a game bug...while I was on the other side of the map in an f35, and kicked me...kinda hard to tk riding shotgun in an f35b. Oh by the way, he did tk me...face to face.

    I wouldn't complain about one incident, but I got kicked the other day by "admin decision" after shooting down your base raping helo 4 times. All I want is a place to play when I'm not with my clan. It would be nice if you didn't play favorites.
    Perhaps this is just all a misunderstanding, i dunno. Check your server logs, I have a total of maybe 5 tks, all accidental or bug related.


    Oh, my bad. Ive been banned, fantastic. Well its your server, have fun, I'll be sure to tell everyone I know how I was treated.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Moved to the correct forum.

    According to the logs, your ban is only for 2 hours, for admin disrespect.


  3. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Re: Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Quote Originally Posted by dapiek
    Hey all, was playing on your server the other day and I have a problem with your admin,

    #1 they let some guy come back 2 times with different variations of a game name involving the "n" word.
    #2 that same fellow TKs everyone (me at least 10 times) take two hours before someone kicks happens, I understand this.
    #3 Then, i get kicked for not creating a sqaud (the game had been on for about 20 seconds and i was waiting to see who my gunner was)
    #4 Then, you take the word of some idiot, who I "tked" via a game bug...while I was on the other side of the map in an f35, and kicked me...kinda hard to tk riding shotgun in an f35b. Oh by the way, he did tk me...face to face.

    I wouldn't complain about one incident, but I got kicked the other day by "admin decision" after shooting down your base raping helo 4 times. All I want is a place to play when I'm not with my clan. It would be nice if you didn't play favorites.
    Perhaps this is just all a misunderstanding, i dunno. Check your server logs, I have a total of maybe 5 tks, all accidental or bug related.


    Oh, my bad. Ive been banned, fantastic. Well its your server, have fun, I'll be sure to tell everyone I know how I was treated.

    Portion in red is either a blatant lie or your memory of events was fogged. The round in question was almost 5 minutes going. You were squaded up the previous round. How come you didn't feel like squading up the next round.

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [12:10:57] KICKING!!! DapiekAbsaroka NO TEAM KILLING ON THIS SERVER

    2 DapiekAbsaroka 2 Global [12:12:00] *§1DEAD§0*Who did I team kill to get kicked by PB????????????????????????????

    2 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Team [12:42:02] HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMhow the hell did i tk you?

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [13:08:49] TKPUNISH: kk98 punishes DapiekAbsaroka for a teamkill (kk98 has 1 punishes and 0 forgives)

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:23:17] TKPUNISH: Wott punishes DapiekAbsaroka for a teamkill (Wott has 3 punishes and 1 forgives)
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:23:20] TKPUNISH: Moscowitz punishes DapiekAbsaroka for a teamkill (Moscowitz has 2 punishes and 0 forgives)

    47 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Global [17:28:16] for the record....i only tked the "n" word i could live...self defense! << This one got you on the hot seat >>

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:48:44] KICKING!!! DapiekAbsaroka Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders.
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:48:52] KICKING!!! AK*PVT <S8>Ronin Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders. << If you will notice you did not get singled out. >>

    0 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Global [17:50:47] wtf...some guy can tk 20 ppl, and i forget to jion a sqaud for 10 seconds and i get kicked!? get it together admin << The only reason I did not ban you permanently was because I understood why you were upset, the hacking teamkiller >>

    28 Moscowitz 1 Global [17:51:21] Shut the fuck up Dapiek, you were one of those TKing pricke last map!

    0 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Global [17:52:06] wtf are you talking about moscow...i was on the other side of the map when I "tked" a dick

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:52:18] BANNING!!! DapiekAbsaroka Admin Disrespect 2 HOUR Ban.

    You come on this server with a shit attitude and want to get all up on my back for kicking you for not joining a damn squad. Get real man, it's your job to join a squad, you weren't the only one to get kicked. Hell I'm half inclined to think you are pissy because you got kicked when you had the Cobra? Sure seems from the chat log that you rather enjoy the helicopter stuff. Anything else you think you would like to add??

    [1/24/2009 5:47:49 PM] *11*Bravo Server Say: KICKING!!! AleksiMiikalainen for Team Killing!
    [1/24/2009 5:47:52 PM] *11*Bravo Kicked: AleksiMiikalainen for KICKING!!! AleksiMiikalainen for Team Killing!
    [1/24/2009 5:48:44 PM] *11*Bravo Server Say: KICKING!!! DapiekAbsaroka Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders.
    [1/24/2009 5:48:47 PM] *11*Bravo Kicked: DapiekAbsaroka for KICKING!!! DapiekAbsaroka Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders.
    [1/24/2009 5:48:52 PM] *11*Bravo Server Say: KICKING!!! AK*PVT <S8>Ronin Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders.
    [1/24/2009 5:48:55 PM] *11*Bravo Kicked: AK*PVT <S8>Ronin for KICKING!!! AK*PVT <S8>Ronin Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders.
    [1/24/2009 5:49:26 PM] *11*Bravo Server Say: KICKING!!! xChaos01 for Team Killing!
    [1/24/2009 5:49:29 PM] *11*Bravo Kicked: xChaos01 for KICKING!!! xChaos01 for Team Killing!

    I included that section so you could see that you were not the only one getting slammed on. If squading up and working as a team was so important for you. How come you were not in a squad but had managed to secure a Cobra?? You also can't claim you didn't understand the squad rule because you were on the server for half the day playing.

    Just so you don't misinterpret anything here. Under no circumstances should you ever TK anyone intentionally for any reason. It wont be tolerated, just from looking at the logs, you are not so innocent your self.

    Be glad you only received a 2 hour ban from me, there are others who would have put your ass in the banned forums, and right about now I'm thinking I made a mistake letting you off with a slap on the wrist. I don't like making mistakes like that, it just means someone else will have to deal with you again later.

    ****************11B*************** Look for Pathfinder75thB in TeamSpeak! ***************11B*****************

  4. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Re: Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Well he said he's not coming back. Maybe he will change his mind.

    No admin abuse. We enforce teamplay. If you want to be a part of it, we will welcome you back.

    Unlocked for the time being 'cause he said he wanted to respond.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Listen, I understand how difficult it can be to admin one of these servers. I have done so on many occasions, and it is frustrating as hell. I enjoy playing on your servers, main reason being the strict enforcement of the rules. My problem is what I perceived (wrongly or not) to be "pick an choose" administration.

    Then in your rebuttal here you accuse me of also being a blatant team killer and playing with a "shit" attitude, with what, 7-8 teamkills in around 6 hours of play...mostly flying a jet? Really. I'm far from a good jet pilot, but one slip with a jet can rack up that many tks on a map, let alone hours of play.

    "...just from looking at the logs, you are not so innocent your self".

    Ok, lets look at the log...

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [12:10:57] KICKING!!! DapiekAbsaroka NO TEAM KILLING ON THIS SERVER

    2 DapiekAbsaroka 2 Global [12:12:00] *§1DEAD§0*Who did I team kill to get kicked by PB?

    <<this was stated after my 1 minute kick...I'd still like to know, from what I recall I was on the Sharqui main Durka base by myself when this happened. Maybe a punkbuster thing.>>

    2 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Team [12:42:02] HUD_TEXT_CHAT_TEAMhow the hell did i tk you?

    <<this was stated to my gunner/pilot that I was taking turns flying with during the entire Sharqui map as an apology. I was sitting in the bird, he ran up to it, somehow I team killed him. From what I recall he forgave me, and we both had a chuckle about the incident and continued to fly together the rest of the map>>

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [13:08:49] TKPUNISH: kk98 punishes DapiekAbsaroka for a teamkill (kk98 has 1 punishes and 0 forgives)

    <<I think I dropped a bomb on this poor bastard whilst trying to polish my much lacking jet skills. From what I recall I apologized profusely, only reason I remember this one is because Sovietdoom (I think) shot my ass down mid apology, lol. Point being, far from an intentional tk.>>>

    Now keep an eye on this time line of events....four hours I'm sure I probably accidentally tk'd a few people in this time frame, but again, 7-8 tk's in hours of jet bombing runs is hardly proof of intentional tk'ing. Poor piloting, maybe.

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:23:17] TKPUNISH: Wott punishes DapiekAbsaroka for a teamkill (Wott has 3 punishes and 1 forgives)
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:23:20] TKPUNISH: Moscowitz punishes DapiekAbsaroka for a teamkill (Moscowitz has 2 punishes and 0 forgives)

    <<somehow I manged to tk these poor souls from the backseat of an f35b, the 2 seat Durka jet on Oil Fields, I'm not sure how I managed to get the missle to lock on to friendly ground pounders??? Thats a joke, I didn't even pull the trigger...I just sat there and recieved two punishes. I chaulked it up to game shenanigans and I think I even apologized.>>

    47 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Global [17:28:16] for the record....i only tk'd the "n" word i could live...self defense! << This one got you on the hot seat >>

    <<I'll take the hit on this one, but trust me, a jury of my peers playing that day with this guy would give me an ARCOM for my services. And I didn't just kill him for the pure pleasure of it, though I wanted to. That jack ass was shooting I put him down. Probably saved the team 10 tickets via his lack of tk'ng while he was respawning. That's why I posted the comment, as an apology for the justified tk. Call it 4 rounds of frustration.>>

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:48:44] KICKING!!! DapiekAbsaroka Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders.
    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:48:52] KICKING!!! AK*PVT <S8>Ronin Next time you join this server.... Squad Up and Follow Orders. << If you will notice you did not get singled out. >>

    <<understandable, rules are rules, I usually try and see what squad my gunner is in before joining or creating a squad when tandem in a helo. I must have lost track of time and spaced it while fighting. I've been booted before when I forgot to join a squad and never made a squabble about it.>>

    0 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Global [17:50:47] wtf...some guy can tk 20 ppl, and i forget to join a squad for 10 seconds and i get kicked!? get it together admin << The only reason I did not ban you permanently was because I understood why you were upset, the hacking teamkiller >>

    <<fair enough, I have a mouth at times, again, was a comment created by the totality of the situation...hell, I didn't even think there was an admin online at the time, didn't seem like it.>>

    28 Moscowitz 1 Global [17:51:21] Shut the fuck up Dapiek, you were one of those TKing pricke last map!

    <<this is where things get interesting to me, is this an admin talking to me like this? I only assume so because this was the last exchange before my ban?? (This is the only reason I felt compelled to make a complaint in the forums, one must anticipate a response from a comment like that.) Respect goes both ways. Either way, my killing him was a bug at worst, or a complete accident at best...thus the following rebuttal...>>

    0 DapiekAbsaroka 1 Global [17:52:06] wtf are you talking about moscow...i was on the other side of the map when I "tked" a dick

    <<true statement, albeit rude as hell>>

    -1 Admin None ServerMessage [17:52:18] BANNING!!! DapiekAbsaroka Admin Disrespect 2 HOUR Ban.

    <<Had I known he was an admin???, I probably wouldn't have said that...but then again, I would never expect an admin to talk to me like that. Maybe it was my prior comment and it just took a while (~minute and 30 sec) to ban me, I dunno.>>

    <<<end log

    "You come on this server with a shit attitude and want to get all up on my back for kicking you for not joining a damn squad. Get real man, it's your job to join a squad, you weren't the only one to get kicked. Hell I'm half inclined to think you are pissy because you got kicked when you had the Cobra? Sure seems from the chat log that you rather enjoy the helicopter stuff..."

    I was pissy cause I got kicked for not squadding up, while the "n" word guy ruins my team for 4 rounds and manages to stay on. In retrospect, it appears you all could not kick him...I didn't know that. My apologies.

    "I'm thinking I made a mistake letting you off with a slap on the wrist. I don't like making mistakes like that, it just means someone else will have to deal with you again later."

    Listen, if you think I'm a detriment to your server then ban me, it's your sandbox. Don't pull any punches on my behalf. I call it like I see it, if/when I'm wrong I apologize. I lost my temper after dealing with the tk'ng shit head for 4 rounds then getting kicked. I apologize. Again, the only reason I bothered to post in this forum is not because of my kick for not squadding up, it's because my kick/ban for "admin disrespect."

    "How come you were not in a squad but had managed to secure a Cobra??"

    I ran to the cobra and got in it? Was looking to see what squad my gunner was in before just joining any random squad or creating my own. Then the fight started and I forgot.

    "You also can't claim you didn't understand the squad rule because you were on the server for half the day playing."

    Kinda goes to my point, I forgot.

    "...Anything else you think you would like to add??"

    Long story long, I understand your position and decisions on the days events. I hope only that you understand mine. Probably just a misunderstanding. I don't think I made one rude comment to anybody during my entire 5-6 hour gaming session, until that last map. I tried apologized for every team kill I accidentally made, even if it meant my demise while apologizing. I even apologized to the team and admin for my one intentional tk, which I'm sure all playing that day completely understand. I joined and played as a squad 99% of the time, less my forgetfullness in the last round. I wait in line for vehicles, even though that rarely gets me one, and I generally do whats best for the team I'm on, not whats best for my personal score. Thats how I play.

    That said, someone tells me to "shut the "f" up" over some BS, they can expect a response. That response seems to be what got me an "admin disrespect" kick/ban, perhaps not? But that's how it appeared to me. If not, then my apologies for wasting everyones time with all this crap and feel free to nuke the post. You guys have a great server, if my ban is lifted I'll see you all on the front lines and I'll remember to get in a squad. And yes, I "rather enjoy the helicopter stuff", so if you enjoy the gunning stuff feel free to hop in, I always need a good gunner.


  6. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Re: Abuse Claim by DapiekAbsaroka

    Your ban was for two hours as previously stated. If it is not, then you will need to post an unban request in the "Banned" forums.

    The guy you were referring to "n****r d**k" was banned. You can run, but you can't hide. We don't stand for retaliatory teamkilling, non-teamplay or for disrespecting an admin. When we have to address someone who doesn't agree with our decision, taking away from our time to enjoy the server, along with providing a good environment for you and everyone else on the server, our patience for that is slim to none.

    This is the forum to discuss issues where someone feels like an admin slighted them in some form of fashion or another, not in game. No reason for anyone to make it worse on themselves by going down that road.

    Like I said it seems it was a temp ban, so time to get back on the server and be a teamplayer.

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