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Thread: jason jinx... again

  1. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    jason jinx... again

    well, today on aztec was... eventful.

    jason was camping the spawn, as a t.

    after switching, he then proceeded to use his admin powers to move his ENTIRE CLAN over to his team.

    to make room for his clanmates, he had to switch two people over to t. so, he did. should be in the logs, i didn't get a screenshot.

    he also didn't kick a player whose game was running so poorly that he either appeared afk, or moved like his cl_forwardspeed (or whatever the exact command is) was set rediculously low... despite the fact that the player had the bomb. i think his name was ion. after he left, i said something like "yaay! ion is gone" and out of nowhere jason says "fuck you" "he's a good friend of mine" "we're trying to get his cs working". keep that off the server. if he wants to get it working, he can do it SOMEWHERE ELSE, WHERE HE WON'T FUCK UP THE ROUND FOR HIS TEAM IF HE HAS THE BOMB. you were giving him special treatment because he was a friend of yours. anyone, and i mean ANYONE, else would have been kicked, or slayed at minimum. (unfortunately, i didn't get screenshots on this, because i didn't know what was up until it was to late to do so. most of it should be in the logs though. this whole thing happened earlier today, roughly an hour ago.)

  2. Registered TeamPlayer jason_jinx's Avatar
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    jason jinx... again

    I'm sorry moo you must have recieved some bad intel....

    A. Camping in spawn - i posted those flyers at school and someone wanted to start playing css. I set him up on his laptop and told him to call me when he was ready. He connected to the serverand had major problems etc. I was trying to talk him through stuff, but with no luck it would not run. Turns out his computer cannot run the game without lag no matter what. (even with all the settings on ultra low). That is the reason i was in T spawn for so long.

    B. Admin powers to move his ENTIRE CLAN over to his team - If you look in your screenshot # 5 you will see the score 17-7. I switched myself and my clans mates to balance the teams. Moo i dont know if you are aware that is my job, to keep the teams balanced. As you notice the teams after the switching is even scores and all.

    C. He also didn't kick a player whose game was running so poorly that he either appeared afk- Again this goes back to comment A the guy was not afk he was just laggin so bad it looked like he was moving like a slug. This took place over 2 rounds at the max i was not giving him special treatment he was not afk just moving so slow it took him forever just to make it past spawn doors.

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    jason jinx... again

    no, the scores did NOT even up after they switched. ct's kept getting raped.

    he had the bomb, and he was running so poorly he could not have possibly planted it. it still stands that if he was not someone you knew personally, he would have at least been slayed, for he cost the team the round. no matter how you spin it, you gave him special treatment.

    and you should know better than to try to get his game working in the middle of a full game. ttp2 was empty, you should have done it there. if he's causing problems for the team, he needs to be removed from it, and you are supposed to know that. THAT is your job.

    oh, and you say it was only 2 rounds, eh? screeshots show otherwise. those first three screenshots (you know, of you camping?) are from three separate rounds. and there were other rounds where i simply didn't get a screenshot.

    trust me, i don't make accusations like this lightly, without evidince, and without knowledge of how we run this place.

    oh, and another thing:
    Quote Originally Posted by xfire chat
    [17:43] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: u should check your post
    [17:43] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: i added something for you
    [17:44] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: have a good day
    [17:52] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: are u typin away thinking of what to say?
    [17:52] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: i'm typing
    [17:52] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: why do you say jason
    [17:52] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: again
    [17:52] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: because i've filed a complaint against you before
    [17:53] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: about what?
    [17:53] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: and when?
    [17:53] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: over a month ago
    [17:53] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: in the forums
    [17:53] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: yes
    [17:53] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: -------- moved it to the ----------------
    [17:53] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: there's still a link in the abuse forum
    [17:55] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: what was it about
    [17:55] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: not doing your job
    [17:55] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: about what
    [17:55] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: teams?
    [17:56] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: awp
    [17:56] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: getting rid of non-teamplayers
    [17:56] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: people on BOTH teams were complaining
    [17:56] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: well why dont u use ma chat
    [17:56] -[KB]-MooMasterCowman: i DID
    [17:56] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: why is it always people like u grey and sY come runnin to the forums
    [17:57] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: syrringe and me are cool now cause we came to a understanding
    [17:57] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: if he has a prob he lets me know first
    [17:57] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: we both have xfire
    [17:57] -lBIGTEXl- Jason Jinx: use it
    because posting in the forums is how we're SUPPOSED to do it. and if i have to go so far as to go to you through xfire for you to DO YOUR DAMN JOB, there is a problem. not everyone on the server has xfire, and not everyone has you on their list. and, even those that do may not know you were admin.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer jason_jinx's Avatar
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    jason jinx... again

    cause that is how it is done?
    I stand by what i said 100%
    I personally believe if there is a problem come to the person first then if there is no resolution then take it to the next step which is posting.

    The Teams were balanced and we were still loosing what more can i do? we were using our mics, calling out where the enemies, and being teamplayers. Can you think of anyting else what would you have done?

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    jason jinx... again

    high admins are looking into this.

  6. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    jason jinx... again

    from the descriptions of the problem, I see.

    #1. no fault for helping his friend. They spent a few rounds trying to get him going, and it didn't work out. Cut jason some slack. If a player came into the server, and asked me, even if I didn't know them, to help them figure out _______, you know I would do so. I would also direct them to the forums. I would be helpful, because I am a teamplayer.

    #2. Switching his entire clan to one team is 100% teamplayer protocol. Clans play together in order to prevent ghosting accusations/temptations.

    #3. Given he was a T, on aztec, and his clan was switched to assist him (which typically would be a death sentence on aztec), I do NOT feel sorry, nor do I feel this is abuse, for the CT's to lose. It's aztec, and even a disorganized group of CT's should be able to hold thier own against a GOOD team of T's. I would assume there was at least some regular amount of skill on the CT side, and if they were getting raped, it certainly is NOT due to stacking, or due to the map's design. CT's have the advantage. Jason moving clan members onto his side in order to balance that advantage IS JASON'S JOB.

    Good show, jason.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    jason jinx... again

    as per a request by moo, this post has been unlocked.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer MooMasterCowman's Avatar
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    jason jinx... again

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    from the descriptions of the problem, I see.

    #1. no fault for helping his friend. They spent a few rounds trying to get him going, and it didn't work out. Cut jason some slack. If a player came into the server, and asked me, even if I didn't know them, to help them figure out _______, you know I would do so. I would also direct them to the forums. I would be helpful, because I am a teamplayer.

    #2. Switching his entire clan to one team is 100% teamplayer protocol. Clans play together in order to prevent ghosting accusations/temptations.

    #3. Given he was a T, on aztec, and his clan was switched to assist him (which typically would be a death sentence on aztec), I do NOT feel sorry, nor do I feel this is abuse, for the CT's to lose. It's aztec, and even a disorganized group of CT's should be able to hold thier own against a GOOD team of T's. I would assume there was at least some regular amount of skill on the CT side, and if they were getting raped, it certainly is NOT due to stacking, or due to the map's design. CT's have the advantage. Jason moving clan members onto his side in order to balance that advantage IS JASON'S JOB.

    Good show, jason.

    #1. it was more than a few rounds. either way, he still should have used ttp2, which was empty, instead of the main server in the middle of a full game. also might have been nice if he had given everyone a heads-up, or put him on ct so we wouldn't have had the bomb issue. they weren't talking to eachother in-game, so him camping the spawn still isn't exusable. he should have gone spec if he had alternate means of communication... and he must have, given the lack of in-game chat or mic chat.

    and, from the rest of the team's point of view, it's just two guys, sitting in the spawn, not doing anything. no communication. the guy he was trying to help looked AFK, and jason was camping the spawn. he wasn't just standing around the guy the whole time (he rarely was), but he was out by the boxes, taking shots at anyone that came through the doors.

    if they had said something when the guy first connected, maybe the rest of the team wouldn't have been so pissed off (a couple people tried to votekick jason, if that means anything)

    #2. not quite the way i figure it... wouldn't it make more sense for a clan to ghost if they're all on the same team? if they're split, why would one side help the other and give the round away?

    #3. ct's were losing before and after the switch. he was a t, he switched over to ct, then brought his clan over to ct. i don't see how it makes sense to try and break up a team that's winning on the disadvantaged side of a map, either. there were regs on both sides, and the ct's had a few extremely skilled non-regs. and, given the fact that the ct's had awps coming out their asses for the beginning of the game and the t's managed to pull the wins and kill the awps, that means the t's were working as a team. and we were. we pulled it together, and we kicked some ass.

    now, if the ct's were losing because every last one of them had never played the game before, fine, adjusting the teams wouldn't have been a problem. but with a couple regs and some... above average non-regs (one of them was kind of bs, he's been on the server quite the last few days, and he smells of wallhacks. several people have called him on it., it just looked like he wanted to give the ct's an advantage.

    and... in all honesty... your stance on that seems contrary to what you said about camping the enemy spawn in DoD. in response to "it's not fair", you said "tough shit. play better, and don't let him get in there". this looks like the same thing. "hey, they're working together better than we are, they're winning. they're not supposed to be winning on this map". shouldn't the response to that be "tough shit. learn to work as a team and keep that c4 away from the bombsites"? isn't that what the server is here to do? get people to learn to work together as a team and complete their objectives?

    oh, and, after i made the post... he came into the DoD server with the sole intent of trying to cause shit. if someone disconnected, and the teams were off-balance, if me (or brolotto, who was also on at the time), didn't manually switch someone within 30 seconds, he'd start saying things like "hey, is there even an admin on here?" "hey admin, TEAMS"... after a public admin message saying "fix the teams guys". i, and several other DoD admins, usually give people a chance (30 second to one minute after the message) to switch over by choice, to avoid pissing anyone off (some people go bat-shit when they get switched, especially if they're alive and it causes a suicide). then we switch someone over if nobody goes, or we just go ourselves. despite this, he felt like using ma_chat to say 'just manually swith them, don't waste time', if we weren't 'fast enough' to balance the teams... even if the team with less players was winning. he was blatantly trying to call my adminning into question, because he was pissed off that i made a public post instead of trying to make a backroom deal through xfire. he's obviously afraid of doing things publicly and officially.

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    Moo it seems to me that you are beating a dead horse. You brought your evidence... High admins looked into the issue unbiastly and an answer was given. If Jinx truely was guilty of something they would have done something about it and it would have been clear in the server logs.

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    jason jinx... again

    even so, in a situation like this, if a statement is made, and i want to issue a rebuttal, shouldn't i be able to do so?

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