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Thread: got kicked? why

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    got kicked? why

    myself and wooky where playing in your server as always and we got kicked by 4 manno, or something like that, for "not joining another squad", first off we always do whats best for the team........need an example just ask anyone who ever joined our squad period. and its funny there was someone in delta by himself and for some reason we got kicked before he did....hmmm wonder why that is? We always play on the server, for the most part we always have a full squad, and have a good time, win or lose. i always tell my guys to forgive team kills and dont argue with anyone.........and what did that get us? it got us a kick from some one who didnt know the difference between some times you win with full squads, sometimes you lose with full squads, sometimes you win with half way put together squads and some times you lose that way. not sure what he was trying to prove, but that was so messed up, that cant be the way the server is ran, it cant be becuase thats the first time its ever happen to us after a long stint in your server, but if thats the way its going to be then fine, we can go elsewhere. just let us know.


  2. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    got kicked? why

    Re: got kicked? why

    Moving to admin abuse section. It would be better to discuss this issue there.

    Moved. I'm sure (4)manno will be by to discuss this with you.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: got kicked? why

    Silmarillion, glad to see you made it to the forums.

    I did kick you from the server for refusing to follow orders. We were taking a beating (not that that matters one bit) and I asked you and Wooky to combine your two man squad into another small squad. I made this request to a few small squads and for the most part they complied. I asked you guys at least three times and didn't even get a response. I verbally warned you that I was going to kick you if you didn't combine..still no response. So yeah, you got kicked for not following orders. As I explained to Wooky, it was well within my rights to even ban you so as to force this face to face but I am glad to see a kick did the job just as well.

    Let's go through this slowly.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    first off we always do whats best for the team........need an example just ask anyone who ever joined our squad period.
    Let's not ask the opinion of players in your squad...let's ask the commander who has a better idea of what the team needs...Oh yeah, that was me. We needed to combine the three or four squads that were two or less players into larger squads.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    its funny there was someone in delta by himself and for some reason we got kicked before he did....hmmm wonder why that is?
    I have no idea what you are implying but he either complied, gave me a reasonable reason as to why he didn't follow my orders (which means he at least acknowledged me unlike your squad) or got kicked like you.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    We always play on the server,
    Thats good, we like having you here.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    for the most part we always have a full squad,
    That's good too but not always necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    and have a good time, win or lose.
    Excellent, but no denying this is a game and the object of the game is to win. If you are asked to do something to assist your team in obtaining this goal and do not, that is what we consider Non-Teamplay and is what you were kicked for.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    i always tell my guys to forgive team kills and dont argue with anyone.
    Not necessary, but that can go a long way in making friends on the server.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    a kick from some one who didnt know the difference between some times you win with full squads, sometimes you lose with full squads, sometimes you win with half way put together squads and some times you lose that way.
    We are going to have to shape your opinion on this or we will see you in the banned forums or never again...your choice. The commander sees the entire battlefield and thus knows better than a squad leader, if the squads are too small and more than likely, if they are going to win or lose. It is their job to ORDER the team to do things that maybe they don't want to do (like combine squads) if they see a benefit to the team. Again, if you don't like this rule, there are other servers you can find to play on.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    not sure what he was trying to prove, but that was so messed up
    Nothing...just follow orders from any commander that gives you one.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    that cant be the way the server is ran
    Maybe you should see this ban from a fellow clan mate and more frequent regular:

    That is how we run the got lucky with only a kick.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    it cant be becuase thats the first time its ever happen to us after a long stint in your server
    You have been luckier than most if you frequently don't acknowledge and/or follow commanders orders. We also tend to hold regulars to a higher standard because they have no excuse for not knowing the rules. As you are claiming to be a regular, I should have banned you.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    but if thats the way its going to be then fine, we can go elsewhere.
    It's going to be this certainly don't need our permission or blessing to go elsewhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by silmarillion
    just let us know.
    That's for you to decide. You let us know if you are going to follow orders.

    Lastly, I think you may have taken exception to my tone which your buddy Wooky called "rude" and "disrespectful". Maybe you can answer the question I posed to him, "For how long was I supposed to ask nicely for you to have complied?" Maybe 5 or 6 times asking nicely would have had you graciously consider my request? Well, you are lucky to have gotten nice from me more than guys should have been banned. Let's see what you have to say for yourselves...we welcome the conversation so that many more may learn.


  4. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    got kicked? why got kicked? why

    Re: got kicked? why

    I happened to be a SL in another squad, so everything Manno was saying to you I heard as well. Like he said, how many times does he have to ask nicely before you comply with a request from the CMDR?

    Five? Six times? What's the magical point where you say to yourself, "Gee... we should really follow his orders". Instead, you said nothing, did nothing and you got kicked for it, then turned around an suggested we were rude and inhospitable. From our perspective, it appears you decided this CMDR guy had no real power to enforce his request so you'd politely ignore him and carry on your merry way thinking you were still in a squad and completing objectives. Only this time, you got burned.

    You see, when a team is losing round after round, we expect our admins to assume positions of leadership in the servers, i.e. Manno took the CMDR seat, and I took an SL position. That is so when people like you decide you don't want to follow orders; contributing in some small measure to yet another loss, we get to do something about it.

    Furthermore, and I caution you both, rejoining the server, then entering the squad of the person you assume kicked you in order to carry on a discussion about your kick is not advisable. The best thing you can do is take it the forums, like you have now. It gives you time to cool off, read the posts of others and think about how you want conduct yourself here. That's your choice, but as Manno has eluded to previously, NO ONE is above the standards we set here, not regulars, not clanmates and not even admins.

    Honestly, you guys got off light. You should be in the banned forums right now explaining yourself under much harsher scrutiny. Time will tell if you guys plan on adjusting your definition of "teamplay" or finding another place to play.

    Oh, and one more thing...

    but if thats the way its going to be then fine, we can go elsewhere. just let us know.
    In our house, you will do it our way. So the choice is really up to you.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: got kicked? why

    i wasnt the squad leader, wooky was and as soon as he said to me "hey, they said we are going to get kick for not joining another squad" bam! we got kicked, there was no time to confer anything, i know you said you asked 3 times, and im not saying you didnt, but i know alot of times you cant hear everything with all the game noise and everything going on around you. as i remember we had won the last round, and in the one we got kicked in we where active in support of the team. i know to follow commanders orders as does wooky,(i cant tell you how many times i have said to my squad "hey this is what the commander wants us to do so we will do it period". as have wooky has done when he is SL. my whole point is, why should we be kicked so soon, and not look at our record of doing what we have always been asked to do, why do you so quickly bring down the judgement over one time something didnt go your way. i mean come on, 1 time out of so many? dont you ever consider that sometimes commo breaks down, i know myself it happens within the squad and talking to the CO, sometimes it just doesnt go through. and yes im glad you didnt ban us and are talking things out, it just seems like a slap in the face after doing so much on your server time after time trying to do the right thing.

    with respect, SILLMARILLION.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer SapiensErus's Avatar
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    Re: got kicked? why

    Don't take it as a slap in the face. Admin actions are nothing personal; just business.

    Admins taking actions regardless of the offender's regularity or even resident clan status is what keeps TTP's servers running smoothly and players who enjoy playing as a team happy. In fact regulars and resident clan members are held to a higher standard. So your time on the server simply means you be faster to respond to commander orders.

    We like to play the game a certain way here, as someone whose name I have sen frequently, I think you like to play it that way too. Just know that we expect every player to follow commander orders, even if they seem like bad ones. If you got kicked for it because you could not hear the commander, try harder to keep your levels adjusted so you can hear the in game VoIP better. At TTP, VoIP is critical to playing the games the way they were intended.

    Again, dont take it as a slap, rest assured there was nothing personal about it. If you go look through the banned forum you will see that many regulars, resident clan members and joe-blows are all held to our high standard of expectation. I see little claim for abuse here... the commander gave orders, and they were not carried out. As has been said, kicking is mild for such an offense on a TTP server. Now you know better, what harm is that?

    Now let's quit bickering and get to fighting!

  7. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    got kicked? why

    Re: got kicked? why

    Answer has been given. Always follow orders. See you back on the battlefield.

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