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Thread: -|BIGTEX|- PENG Resverved slot For The css server

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    -|BIGTEX|- PENG Resverved slot For The css server

    OK id like a reserved slot um i guess you need to see my stats there you go

    um iv been gone for a while so
    i agree to the stated rules
    id like to get a slot for 3 months in the css server um i think that was it thanx

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: -|BIGTEX|- PENG Resverved slot For The css server

    You need to ask Jinx what's wrong with your request.

    There's a sticky here with instructions, it's pretty clear on what we need.

    If you don't care enought to do it right, I don't think we care enough to have you as a reservist.

    Class it up BigTex.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: -|BIGTEX|- PENG Resverved slot For The css server

    Approved and Locked.

    PM on the way.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    RP Do-over (AGAIN)

    Given that we'll be doing a lot of shuffling about the next couple of days as we re-setup the forums, I figure NS could do with some touching up as well.

    To start, I've hit upon the realization that having 140 territories on the regional map and no room for expansion is just a bit unrealistic. It'll be ages before we have that many active people in this RP. So, I'm thinking about redoing the regional map - make the territories (much) larger. Hopefully that'll foster some more interaction between our nations (in effect, when we switched from the world map to the Europe map, we thought we were getting smaller and thus making it easier for us to interact, when in truth there was a negligible difference).

    I also want to re-implement the whole technology/resource system. I want to update the weapons thread to incorporate different levels of technology (rather than just a giant shopping list like we have now).

    Those are two things I'd like to redo. Now, I'd like for all of you to talk about what you'd like to redo or add or take away. Let's throw out ideas, talk about them, arrive at a general consensus, and then act upon them.

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    RE: RP Do-over (AGAIN)

    I don't see any reason to bring back the wiki section (if we'll be dividing NS back into sections). Having a wiki is cool but I think we've shown that we'd rather spend our time RPing than writing articles about past RPing.

    Other than that, I'm pretty happy with what we've developed.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    RE: RP Do-over (AGAIN)

    Yup, we need to clean up the RP forums (and get it's catagorys back) I'm all for a new map BUT I'd like to keep the Draki in their xenopobic, strategic type placement (they had suez canal in world map and the straits of girbralta in euro map) otherwize they'd get almost no role playing going on. (I deally I'd love to keep the morocco zone as I've done extensive mapping and such in that area (even found nice topographical maps of the area)

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    RE: RP Do-over (AGAIN)

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil
    I don't see any reason to bring back the wiki section (if we'll be dividing NS back into sections). Having a wiki is cool but I think we've shown that we'd rather spend our time RPing than writing articles about past RPing.

    Other than that, I'm pretty happy with what we've developed.
    I concur. Dump the Wiki, maybe pick it back up if we feel like it later on.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon
    Yup, we need to clean up the RP forums (and get it's catagorys back) I'm all for a new map BUT I'd like to keep the Draki in their xenopobic, strategic type placement (they had suez canal in world map and the straits of girbralta in euro map) otherwize they'd get almost no role playing going on. (I deally I'd love to keep the morocco zone as I've done extensive mapping and such in that area (even found nice topographical maps of the area)
    Sure thing. I'll be sticking to my same general spot as well.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    RE: RP Do-over (AGAIN)

    The are three major disadvantages that this RP has compared to others. Firstly, we aren't a website dedicated to the RP, so members aren't concerned about tailoring their profiles and posting to fit IC rules. It may sound like a small point, but it's much more immersive when a member's primary persona is as the nation rather than as themselves. Secondly, there's too much of a focus on unrealistic or surreal story lines. Other forums have strict rules on keeping the RP within selected bounds- you'd be amazed at just how detailed it can get in other forums. Finally- and more importantly- we just don't have enough members for it to be interesting. It's silly to have alliances, for example, with only one or two people in them. That's why I've defected to RP'ing elsewhere now.

    Therefore, even though the idea's bound to be very unpopular, I propose splintering off from the main DT and creating a new forum dedicated to the RP with clear rules about realism. I can potentially pull in a few seasoned RP'ers from other forums I'm involved in to up the membership, as well as going through the usual channels of advertisement. The map, to be honest, isn't that important shape-wise and province-wise in my experience. All shapes and sizes can be successful, so long as it looks good. Trust me, entire forums have turned into hives of activity just because they have a pretty map. As for a wiki, that's only really got a point if we have a large membership- otherwise it's more trouble than it's worth.

    [size=x-small]*Braces self for flames.*[/size]

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    RE: RP Do-over (AGAIN)

    the thing i liked better about before was we didnt have to invade another country to gain more land, only having a few people makes it hard to wait for the territory next to you to become occupied so you can potentially take them over

    im not able to be online much anymore, but i just thought id throw my opinion out there

    otherwise, i really dont care which direction it goes, i leave that up to you folks who know what your talking about

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    RE: RP Do-over (AGAIN)

    Therefore, even though the idea's bound to be very unpopular, I propose splintering off from the main DT and creating a new forum dedicated to the RP with clear rules about realism. I can potentially pull in a few seasoned RP'ers from other forums I'm involved in to up the membership, as well as going through the usual channels of advertisement. The map, to be honest, isn't that important shape-wise and province-wise in my experience. All shapes and sizes can be successful, so long as it looks good. Trust me, entire forums have turned into hives of activity just because they have a pretty map. As for a wiki, that's only really got a point if we have a large membership- otherwise it's more trouble than it's worth.
    I completely agree. But not being a realism-nazi, because thats would just be to hard and ruin the fun-factor.

    *Braces self for flames.*

    If we are too get any members, we need to advertise, which I don't see enough of (inculding Devious Tyrant). I see AzH advertising Left4Dead Forums, and look at that. It gets lots of hits. We just need to create a forum for nationstates , advertise, then go from there.

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