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Thread: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    So, I was playing a round of goldrush the last night as sniper, and something was pissing me off. Which means, you lucky folks, you get to hear all about it.

    As everyone knows, the general strategy, the accepted use of teams, maps, and tactics in TF2 evolves, changes over time as people realize that there is more potential in a class or map than they have previously considered. Usually, this happens very, very slowly - people realizing that setting up in the right tunnel in dustbowl 2.2 is not the best decision against a team with a lot of medics, for example. We're getting there, but very slowly.

    So this is my attempt to jumpstart TTP's approach to snipers a little bit forward, a little bit faster.

    Everyone knows that a good sniper doesn't just shoot other snipers. His effectiveness comes from his ability to take out key targets: medics, heavies on the point, demos spamming guns, and, yes, snipers in good positions. But for some reason, while expecting the snipers on your team to interact with everyone on the other team, people who aren't sniper or spy never want to interact with the other team's snipers.

    If a team has a good sniper, they just sort of assume that he'll deal with the other team's snipers, no problem, with no assistence. Sometimes this is even true. Most of the time, though, a little help from his team-mates will let that good sniper run the table, taking out enemy snipers - even much better ones - with impunity, and merrily popping heavies and medics and demos all day long.

    So, here are the things you can do to help your friendly neighbourhood sniper-man:

    1. CALL TARGETS. As you all no doubt know, from having played with me when I'm sniping, this one really bothers me. If you want a sniper taken out, tell your sniper where he is. If there's a heavy standing still, tell your sniper where he is. If the other team has players, tell your sniper where they are. This is part of good communication and effective teamwork for any class, but snipers want to be able to pop out from behind cover and already know where the bullet has to go - if you tell them where the other team is, who is vulnerable, who is wrecking you, his usefulness will go up dramatically.
    2. Wonderful spam, marvelous spam. TF2, sometimes unfortunately, is a game about spam. Put a little bit of pressure on the enemy team's front - a couple grenades in through the windows, a few rockets to stop people from coming round the corner, a shotgun blast to throw off Pimp's aim for the crucial second it takes someone to put him out of his shaky-screened misery.
    3. Area control. If spamming the other team's snipers helps yours win sniper fight after sniper fight, then making sure yours don't get spammed helps them take out everything except enemy snipers. If you're losing too much ground too fast, snipers should switch, of course. But if their team can give them even a moment's peace to take out the incoming heavy or krit soldier or whatever it is that's pushing you back, you've just won a half-minute breather while the other team respawns after having run into the meat grinder. Remember, it only takes one headshot to turn an even fight into a rout.

    I think snipers get the bad rap they do in TF2 because people aren't really sure how to work with or against them. Everyone knows these things in the abstract, sure, but people don't apply them in game very well. So this is just a few things to think about next time you play.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    Good post...I'm sure Adsartha will be in here soon enough.

    As a sniper...I don't play like a normal one. I'm not your typical look at me I can countersnipe. I'm more of an assassin. I go after the tough to kill classes. I pick off the medics, the heavies, the demos and pyros. And if you've seen me in Turbine...I pick off the scouts in mid air.

    But in sniper vs sniper fights, I'll be honest, I suck. But by god, by the time my rifle gets through with my enemies...enemy snipers are pretty much all thats left.

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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    Amazing what can happen in the time it takes me to stick dinner in the oven.

    Add some pictures and submit this, and you've pretty well got yourself an article.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer DJ Ms. White's Avatar
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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    It's also rather annoying when you're doing well as a class like a sniper and multiple other people switch to that same class even though you only need one person playing it. Then, you switch to help the class balance and proceed to see those other people absolutely fail at playing the class you were just rocking.
    And, last night, my team called out the enemy sniper. I take him out twice in a row while trying to get shots in on the enemy team to prevent them from building up. I don't get him the third time, and then my team complains that I'm not taking out the enemy sniper...
    enf-Jesus its been like 12 minutes and you're already worried about stats?! :-P
    Sweet home Alabama you are an idiot.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Mr. White
    It's also rather annoying when you're doing well as a class like a sniper and multiple other people switch to that same class even though you only need one person playing it. Then, you switch to help the class balance and proceed to see those other people absolutely fail at playing the class you were just rocking.
    And, last night, my team called out the enemy sniper. I take him out twice in a row while trying to get shots in on the enemy team to prevent them from building up. I don't get him the third time, and then my team complains that I'm not taking out the enemy sniper...
    Gah, this happens so often when I'm playing spy that I've nearly quit because of it. I'll join a team, see that no one is playing spy yet, start doing my thing, and next thing I know there are 2-3 more spies running around like chickens with their heads cut off (and then set on fire). Sometimes I'll ask for them to switch, but most of the time (since I'm such a nice guy *cough*) I'll just switch out to another class and let them do their thing. Next thing I know my team is yelling at the spies to do their damn jobs, take out snipers, sentries, etc., and I just kind of sigh and shake my head.

    I don't know what it is about spy and sniper types, not just in TF2, but in practically any other game as well, that attracts so many damn noobs and gives the classes a bad reputation. It even carries over to the MMO genre as well. Rogues and hunters are so damn numerous in WoW, and yet finding a good one is about as easy as killing a rhino with a spoon.

    That said, excellent writeup Cheese, and definitely article worthy. I've been meaning to do one similar for spies for a while now (not just playing as one, but helping one do his job).

    Hm, probably shouldn't have mentioned another article idea with Adsartha still lurking around...

    *hides from the inevitable whip*

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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    You know, I get the notifs in my email. You can't hide.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Tick's Avatar
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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Adsartha
    You know, I get the notifs in my email. You can't hide.
    Adsartha has a hack to see through my cloak.

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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    I think Adsartha has a mod that lets her know whenever someone mentions her name in a thread.

    I absolutely hate having to switch from a class I'm owning with because there's too many damnedable noobs that think those classes are easy mode. I'm playing scout on Well CP last night...fricking wrecking face, only scout on my team, doubling the next player's score. I'm taking out medics, engys, sentries from afar with my pistol..the whole fucking gammet. And then...3 people join and all go scouts. They get in my way..train pyros on me..and just suck.

    But the fucking worst, is when I change classes from shit like that and 5 minutes later the class I switched to is overrun and the old class has nobody.

    God I miss being able to do something about it!!!!

    Verbally berating them only goes so far!

    WTB TF2 admins when I'm on to WTF pwn those non-teamplayers!!!!


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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore

    Quote Originally Posted by Menoske
    I think Adsartha has a mod that lets her know whenever someone mentions her name in a thread.
    Well, I do, it's called the search function, yes. Same mod lets me know if anyone mentions the word "article" in a thread, too.

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    Re: Snipers: Not Just Each Other's Problem Anymore



    Note to self..never use those words again.

    And Cheese, I would like to see you get some photos for this. If you need any help..I'll be glad to pose...or show you all the dead bodies on my screen...either one.

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