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Thread: Been getting complaints

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Been getting complaints

    Been getting complaints

    We had this thread a while ago and for the most part it was agreed that people need to stop flying off the handle over having a incompetent team, being frustrated, and other minute details. However with the rise of new players coming in after the game has gone free to play old habits are returning. Now it seems even the (ir)regulars are getting in the crossfire as I just spoke to one complaining over being harassed for his playstyle.

    People don't like getting told what to do especially by random strangers in a video game in a demeaning manor. I understand how it feels when your team isn't listening, earlier today I was in a situation where my team were being a bunch of rotten ronnies and I ended up calling them "retarded" and I'm sure most of you know by now that I'm pretty easy going when it comes to playing the game. I felt like an idiot, but I understand how agravating it can be when you see your team being incompetent and that was one of the few instances where I raised my voice in anger over someone in a video game. However I digress, now is more paramount then ever to excercise patience.

    Lets put things in perspective shall we? Now is likely the last time we will ever see this much of a spike in players and it is the jolt of life we need and our server is experiencing more traffic then it had in a while. With highly anticipated multiplayer games coming out by years end as well as early next year and the age of TF2 closing in on 4 we can't afford having our server getting a reputation for being mean elitist.

    I'm aware that it is said in our server rules and policies that "...however the server understands that some people just don't listen. In these cases, some yelling and screaming may be involved." - but that shouldn't be standard protocol it should be more of a "final straw" rather then the first base covered. Even then it should be reserved to the one's truly deserving of that treatment and not just anybody just because they are new to the game.

    TL; DR Suck it up it is still just a game, kids are dying in Africa, some people behave like mental midgets but it is not their fault. Your not the TF2 master race so stop behaving like you are. And now more then ever is the time to get new regs and remind everyone why TGP is the place to be for balls to the walls tits on the floor competitive combat with a little bit of doo doo smeared in that corner over their.

    "That was still too long"
    Last edited by Chizzle; 06-29-11 at 08:41 PM.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer masterPAINb's Avatar
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    Re: Been getting complaints

    Be receptive and patient. Similar to Guise, I too may be hasty with my decisions and interaction with new guys.

  3. Exiled
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    Been getting complaints Been getting complaints Been getting complaints Been getting complaints Been getting complaints
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    Re: Been getting complaints

    We need a rolling advertisement that says something like "New players, don't be afraid to ask for help and use your microphone."

    Playing with new people is hard enough, playing with new players who are completely unresponsive is worse.
    Last edited by insanegammer109; 06-26-11 at 11:09 PM.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Zelmon's Avatar
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    Been getting complaints

    Re: Been getting complaints

    And you dont know if they even speak english. Looking at the GameMe site a good third of the players seem to be from other countries.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer MeenaSan's Avatar
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    Re: Been getting complaints

    OoOooooOoo. I liked this thread. I've been MIA lately since I've been moving. But plan on getting back into the tf2 swing of things nexr week or so.

    Being that I've only been playing on tpg since April or so, I've had experiences where either I have been yelled at (sentry placements, or other little things) and I've watched other non-regs get yelled at and or quit because of it. I don't mind people telling me to move my shit or do other crap for team play. I get it. But, it is a little annoying when it's done by yelling or asking rudely.

    Example, last time I played one girl was yelled at because she was new to the map and couldn't find her team, she was confused and kept going the wrong way. A reg contiually screamed at her "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" "JESUS CHRIST...THE MAP ISNT THAT BIG COME ON YOU IDIOT!!!!" Eventually she quit. I felt so bad I messaged her after the game was over.

    If ever I do feel I am being unfairly harassed over little dumb things I simply ignore the person, because some of the gameplay in tf2 is personal game style. It's not always an exact science. But not everyone has such thick skin to ignore that stuff. If it's legit complaints, like someone doing harmful stuff or not being a teamplayer I understand the frustrations everyone gets. But that is not always the case, from what I see, most of the time it's simply a reg not liking someones newbness or simply disagreeing with their play style.

    But if these people come from different servers, they're probably gona have a diff play style.

    Not everyone plays the tpg way. I myself log and play on other servers (simply because tpg can be full sometimes and I get kicked). Other servers are fun too...and usually people don't yell at you over every little thing. So when given the option, I can see why new players getting yelled at will just hop to another more relaxed server. Some of them aren't bad either, just new and seemingly "annoying" for regs to deal with.

    Hell, I'm not as good as you guys but I try.

    - Meena

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Zelmon's Avatar
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    Re: Been getting complaints

    I think your right Meena. I also think that new players playing engie might need the most patience. I'm sure that some tactics work great on other servers but dont stand a chance on TPG. Letting them fail, and the in the nicest way possible show them another way that might work will help them see what more experienced players do without thought.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Been getting complaints

    That is a great point Zelmon often times I will see players come play on our server doing stuff that they can get away with in other servers and failing miserably on our's. Whenever such a thing happen I will at times point it out and others should too, and do so without rubbing their nose in it. They usually fall in line and listen or play more with the team. Of course not all do and while frustrating it needs to be understood that TPG is still a public server and let them just get frustrated and leave on their own which they usually do.

    Regs should start pointing out in a non-insulting way that our server punishes newbish behaivor and just advise them against it. Our server needs to start running on respect not fear.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer B-@-n-@-n-@'s Avatar
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    Yeah guys im sure some of you've seen me and from a new players stand point (like myself) I think the people I have played with have put up with me very well. I just say I'm new and you all are very understanding and I just would like to say thank you for that.  930

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Knee of Justice's Avatar
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    Re: Been getting complaints

    You've been putting up with me for three years but you can't handle some newbies?

    I am disappoint.
    [QUOTE=QuickLightning;1240396]He seems like a nice guy from my experiences with him. He is a bit quiet though.[/][/center]

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Sketch's Avatar
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    Re: Been getting complaints

    Quote Originally Posted by guise View Post
    Our server needs to start running on respect not fear.

    ^ This.

    The competitiveness of TPG playstyle often leads to the Dark Side.

    Take a breath, get your composure, and lead by example. Hell, take a five minute break if you need it. I did last night with all the Demoknights 2.0 running around and getting little to no protection as Medic.

    Also realize that noobs and regs alike will want to experiment with the new and shiny weapons. Tried and true loadouts may have worked in the past, but this update has shaken things up a bit. It will take a few weeks to (re)adapt.
    Happiness is a roiling fermenter.

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