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Thread: *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules

  1. Registered TeamPlayer IronStomach's Avatar
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    *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules

    These are the requirements that all authors must adhere to if they wish to submit articles on TTP. Your article is to be prepared in the forum, as a post. It's actually the easiest way to make the article later on, ensuring that what you see is what you get. If your article does not meet the requirements, you article WILL NOT be considered for publication.

    • No grammar or spelling errors.
      Such mistakes look unprofessional, and do not reflect well on us as a community.

    • No double spacing!
      Double spaces are no longer the standard in typing, so please don't use them in your articles.

    • Use images.

      Articles are html based, which means that you can go into MS word, or any other text editor, and write in html code. Grab some screenshots, make your own illustrations, and generally include whatever you want to. You're the author, and it's your name, and your reputation that you stand to gain or lose from the quality of YOUR work.
      • Host all images at TTP.
        ALL images used in TTP articles must be stored here in order to be accepted.

    • Make it pretty.

      Center things that should be centered. Bold things. Italicize things. Make absolutely sure that things make sense. A LOT of people are going to read it, and you're going to be embarrassed when you realize you've done a poor job of writing, editing, or publishing your article.
      • Have fun with it!
        Don't sit down, start writing, then get bored and do a half-assed job finishing it off. If you have a sudden burst of inspiration, but it dies out, wait to pick it up again until you feel like it.

    • Use intro text to describe your article.
      50-100 words. This is MANDATORY for your article to be accepted, otherwise there's nothing to display when viewing articles by category or on the front page recent articles block. This can be a tag line, the opening phrase of your article, or a one or two sentence summary.

    • Plagiarism of any kind, in part or in full, will not be tolerated.
      You can use quotations from other sources if you wish, but cite them properly and give credit where it's due. The purpose of TTP articles is not to re-publish something that's already out there; this puts us on shaky ground, and reflects really bad on the original author and, by proxy, TTP as a community.

    • When copying and pasting your final product into the editor, make sure that it is NOT IN THE RAW FORUM CODE. When submitting something that is in raw forum code, click "preview" to see what your final product looks like. COPY AND PASTE THE PREVIEW OR ACTUAL POST. The article editor is smart and will be able to display the bolding, underlines, italics, etc.
    Once you have an article that you are proud of and meets the above requirements, contact the Editors for approval. Specify whether you would like article comments to be enabled for your work.

    Articles will only be displayed at the discretion of the members of the editorial board, and editors reserve the right to edit articles for clarity or correct information, and ultimately have complete control over the content of any articles on TTP.

    Once your article is approved, you will be granted rights to submit articles. For those who already have submission rights, you can paste your post directly into the editor as formatted text, or you can paste the html version of the text as "source" code (hit the source button and paste into the editor).

    If there is a backlog of approved submissions, articles will be made public on every Monday and Thursday of the week.

    Once your article is submitted, it will be placed outside of any published category. The editor that approved it will provide you a link to view the article, and finish the formatting. Do NOT change the category. Simply make sure the article looks like it's supposed to look, and edit as needed. Be sure also to set these options in the "edit options" link for your article

    The RED ARROWS indicate options that MUST BE CHECKED.

    The RED "X"s indicate options that MUST NOT BE CHECKED.

    [img width=500 height=357][/img]

    And for intro's....don't forget:
    [img width=550 height=297][/img]

    For instructions on writing a review, please see this
    Last edited by Walkerxes; 06-13-10 at 04:32 PM.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer IronStomach's Avatar
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    Media Forums Rules

    The Media forum is for authors to post their works in progress, discussion of the Podcast, and for other interested members to give feedback and criticism. They could just as easily submit the article directly to the editors, and new works would appear (as if by magic!) on the homepage on the ordained days. However, it's useful to get others' opinions on things to change or add.

    For Article submission posts:

    1. Let the Author and the Editors lead. This forum is here to help people with the exciting process of publishing an article, and this process involves the author, first and foremost.

    2. Avoid straight up arguing. If you have suggestions or criticism for the current article, great. If you disagree to the point where you can't stand the sight of it, write your own, or start a thread in Off the Servers. This is not the place for open debate.

    3. In the words of Wil Wheaton, don't be a dick.

    Now that we have that out of the way, know that these rules can and will be enforced. Inability to follow such guidelines, which really can be inferred from common sense and respect, will be met with punitive action ranging from removal of any posted comments, to a time-out from the forums and suspension of article submission rights.

    (edited to bold the numbered points so perhaps it will SINK IN! - Walkerxes)

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules *READ BEFORE SUBMITTING* TTP Article/Review Submission REQUIREMENTS and Forum Rules
    Gamer IDs

    Steam ID: potemkine186 Potemkine's Originid: adundon186

    So You Want To Write A Review?

    The TTP Media Group is looking for game reviews. What kinds of game reviews? What types of games? Can I do console games? Hand helds? Old school types? Answer is yes to all the above. Want to play or get Grand Torismo 5? Why not write a review of it while your enjoying it? You will get a free reserve slot for every review you do that gets published, like in the: Article Incentives sticky. It DOES NOT have to be a game that TTP hosts, or plans to host.

    To write a review, you MUST, repeat MUST have the following sections in your review:

    System requirements that the game requires
    The system specifications that the game in question is being tested on
    Price and platform
    Release date and the producing company


    • What was it like playing the game?
    • What kind of game is it?
    • Anything special or unique about this game?
    • Score out of 100

    • What capability does this game have for teamplay?
    • Is the teamplay only available online?
    • What is the multiplayer/online component like
    • Score out of 100

    • What are the graphics like?
    • Screen Shots
    • Anything interesting about the graphics?
    • If you know, what kind of graphics engine does it have?
    • Score out of 100

    • What is special about the sound quality?
    • Score out of 100

    • What were your thoughts about the game?
    • What could have been better or different?

    Summary of scores
    Overall score
    • May be an average
    • What do you think it deserves?

    If you want to do an Audio Visual (A/V) review of the game by using any program, we are MORE than willing to accept it. It will show what the graphics are like and what kind of sound is to be expected. You must speak clearly and loudly for the Media Staff to accept it.This however is not to be confused with shouting. If you shout, we will not accept it. It is best if you preview it first before sending it to the Media Staff for final review.

    Some great resources for you to look at can be found by looking at previously written articles like Death Aboard for L4D by Walkerxes or Trine by Stormywaters


    When writing your review, please be sure to follow the TTP Article Submission REQUIREMENTS

    There is a specific reason why we are doing this. You will hopefully see why by the end of this year.

    If you are willing to accept the challenge, please make a new topic with your profile name, what game you wish to review and an approximate date that you will have the review done by. Two to three weeks maximum after you start playing the game. One of the Media Staff will post to acknowledge that they have seen it. We will then keep track of it.

    If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to send one of the media staff (moderators for this board) a private message.

    ~The TTP Media Group
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  4. Zombie Cat
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    Le Charger

    Hey guys, I'm back. My remix of choice?
    Yeah, that's right. Brace yourselves, you're in for a bumpy, rage-quitting, charger hating, time.

    Also I realized that this belongs in the L4D2 part of the forums. my bad. >>

    I know that we are noobs, and that you may love me, but I just can't play with you anymore
    Le Charger

    He's got no brain, in his cranial
    And he won't charge at you,
    Won't charge at you

    He's got one hand,
    flailing everywhere
    He's got a great shot of Ellis,
    of, of you

    You know that I'll hit you boy
    Get the insta-kill, rejoice
    At this point, I gotta choose
    How can I lose?

    I missed again,
    I missed again, Le Charger
    Your hit box sucks,
    Your hit box sucks, Now I'm dead

    Don't wanna charge
    Don't wanna spawn
    Just wanna spit some acid more
    Won't play as you,
    Won't play as you, I'm quitting

    Le Charger,
    Le Charger,
    Ale-Ale- Charger
    Ale-Ale- Chagerer

    Le Charger,
    Le Charger,
    Ale-Ale- Charger
    Ale-Ale- Chagerer

    He's so broken
    He's always missing
    But I connected with Nick
    Connected with Nick
    Hit that tree and, now I'm burnin'
    Now I'm getting shot left and right, bam I'm dead.

    You know that I'll hit you boy
    Get the insta-kill, rejoice
    At this point, I gotta choose
    How can I lose?

    I missed again,
    I missed again, Le Charger
    Your hit box sucks,
    Your hit box sucks, Now I'm dead

    Don't wanna charge
    Don't wanna spawn
    Just wanna spit some acid more
    Won't play as you,
    Won't play as you, I'm quitting

    Le Charger,
    Le Charger,
    Ale-Ale- Charger
    Ale-Ale- Chagerer

    Le Charger,
    Le Charger,
    Ale-Ale- Charger
    Ale-Ale- Chagerer

    Don't spawn as him,
    Don't spawn as him, Le Charger
    I always miss,
    I always miss, his hit box sucks

    I'll quit this game,
    I'll quit this game, this is bullshit.

    Don't wanna charge, Don't wanna spawn, Le Charger
    I missed again,
    I missed again, Le Charger
    Your hit box sucks,
    Your hit box sucks, Now I'm dead

    Don't wanna charge
    Don't wanna spawn
    Just wanna spit some acid more
    Won't play as you,
    Won't play as you, I'm quitting

    Le Charger,
    Le Charger,
    Ale-Ale- Charger
    Ale-Ale- Chagerer

    Le Charger,
    Le Charger,
    Ale-Ale- Charger
    Ale-Ale- Chagerer

  5. Senior-Senior Member
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    so why'd you have to post in both sections?

  6. Zombie Cat
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    Well, I accidentally posted in the L4D forum, by mistake. Recreated it here, seeing as Emma will probably delete the other.

    My mistake, but I love being greeted with the hostility.

  7. Hunter
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    Not my most favorite song to listen to, Lady GaGa isn't a person I will dedicate time towards. But good job for the remix.

    Your first one is still your magnum opus.

  8. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immz View Post
    Well, I accidentally posted in the L4D forum, by mistake. Recreated it here, seeing as Emma will probably delete the other.

    My mistake, but I love being greeted with the hostility.
    Ha, good song and to be hostile I hate lady gaga just joking
    My dog

  9. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by GothicDeathVR2 View Post
    Not my most favorite song to listen to, Lady GaGa isn't a person I will dedicate time towards. But good job for the remix.

    Your first one is still your magnum opus.
    Haha, i actually love my first one. I remember writing it I didn't even try. i was just jamming out and then I started singing abotu Left 4 Dead, and there it was. I actually had to try for this one, and yeah, it kinda shows. :P Thank yew, though. <3


  10. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    WHO HATES GAGA?!? dont MAKE me go all wrath of thor on you!! lol

    and OMG yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, billeeeeeeeeeee! <3333345633345333634536333!!!!!<3


    Well, I accidentally posted in the L4D forum, by mistake. Recreated it here, seeing as Emma will probably delete the other.
    You know me so well!


    Youre next challenge...

    Bad Romance and or Telephone.

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

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