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Thread: Chapter 9

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Chapter 9

    A appologize for doing this late.. after posting this I will be submitting it directly to article form. If you have any editing requests, make them here and I will alter them in the actual article.

    Title: Weekly Zombie Digest: Chapter 9

    Intro: Have you Survived the Zombie Apocalypse? Read Journal entries from those who have!


    Case File: II45894-036
    Classification Level: Classified - Clearance Level 9
    Case Subject: "Infection" Incident - Documentation.
    Case File Note: The following is a collection of notes and journals obtained from survivors of the "Infection" Incident of three years ago. The Journals have been broken down by entry in order to better document the chronology of the event.

    Begin Case File Ninth Entry

    Case Subject: [url=;u=4369]LuckyDucky

    Dec. 9th 11:56 P.M

    Well Walker has a wristwatch, that is good, it feels better knowing the time.

    It's my watch for the night, I have about an hour left to go, that's Ok, I'm in no rush. It isn't much of a job thanks to this full metal door, but hey...better safe than sorry...well actually you wouldn't have time to be sorry if you woke up, while your intestines are being removed by hordes of those flesh eating...things. I'm not sure I can call them zombies anymore, infected does not really sound right either. They are different, but so close to humans, they can feel pain, they can be killed by means other than removal of the brain...yes according to Walker, Allane's, and Ficet's stories they can be killed by destroying the heart and spine, so that is good.....they are weaker than they appear.

    I still shiver from that damn freezer, should have my saviors shown up any later than they did, and I would've been dead. I take off my shoes(socks cause less noise) so I can jog in place to help with the cold.

    We have a plan, Mercy Hospital is the destination...sounds like it's our only chance for safety. It better be, because that hospital is right in the damn center of the city, downtown...probably Satan's new retirement home, because apparently he hasn't been keeping track of Hell to well, and everything has been loosened upon us.

    Oh well at least we are safe in this "safe house", that's what Walker and Ficet called it...we move in the morning.

    12:58 A.M Time to wake Allane up for his shift and get some rest the morning we move.



    Case Subject: [url=;u=3694]Ruukil

    Either Late Dec 9th or early Dec 10th.

    I feel like I'm being cooked alive. I hear screaming and running, it sounds like a rock concert. I moved the sheet metal, there is fire everywhere. I bet that guy made a Molotov, he's trying to kill me. I swear I'm gonna shoot him when this is over.

    I know where he is. He's across the street, one residence down. That's where he is. Once I make sure that it's safe I'm getting out of here. I'm gonna try to talk to him, although I'm barely able to keep from grabbing the rifle and trying to shoot him. I'm going to wait a little longer before I leave, I haven't slept much.

    Early Morning Dec 10th

    I've been flashing the light in the window of the survivor. Thats what I'm calling him until I find his real name. I've been flashing the S.O.S. I learned that when I was younger and now I'm just going for a response. I know a few other things, but I'm not a pro at it. I think my battery will be spent at this rate. I have a few more that I grabbed from the house, they should last me long enough if I'm only using this.

    · · · — — — · · ·
    · · · — — — · · ·
    · · · — — — ·
    — · — · — ·

    I want him to answer. I want him to use a flashlight or something.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=1575]AK99

    Blackberry Entry-Diary December 10th.

    December 10th- House. 1240hrs

    They are all over inside. I'm shooting them as they come up the skylight in the bathroom. Running low on ammo. They must have come in when I was sleeping. I'm not going down with out taking as many as I can with me.

    End Entry-Diary December 10th.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Dec 10th, 12:34PM,

    We headed out in the morning. It's a lot harder going than we expected. One can almost always see the hospital in the distance, but following a straightforward path to get there is next to impossible. Traffic accidents, rubble, zombies, you name it, seem to block off every easy rout.

    I know I'm slowing them down too. My fever is getting worse and I'm growing weaker. If I don't find some medicine soon, I'm in trouble. As it is, even with medicine, my recovery time is going to be slow, without the bedrest required. And that's not an option.

    The key to survival is movement. Don't stay at one place for too long.

    This was poignantly illustrated by our discovery of a compromised safe house. The reinforced metal door was smashed in. Could one if Ficet's Hulk things do that? What else could?

    One interesting thing to note: We saw another human today. At first, I thought it was the fever affecting my judgement, until the others corroborated it.

    He was the strangest person we've seen yet, and his chances for survival are.. well.. as rediculous as he was. Why do I say that? Because of how he was armed. He was walking around with a Cricket bat in his hand. In his other hand he was carrying what looked like a brand new record.. you know, the LP kind of record.. turn-table stuff. In a apocalypse, why would it occur to you to grab your favorite LP when fleeing your home instead of something useful like food or something? Does the guy like New Order that much?

    We tried to flag him down, but he was too far off and didn't hear us. He just continued on his way, rounding a corner into an alley. All our efforts to get his attention managed to do was draw the local zombie militia down on our heads. Subtract a bunch of ammo, add some more cuts and scrapes and the local horde was dead.

    By the time we got to the alley, he was gone. Oh, well, I guess. I hope he can survive. Dumbass redheads...

    We've stopped to rest in an old laundry-mat, figuring with it's narrow layout it makes a pretty defensible place to pause.

    I can hear the screams of those Leaper things somewhat close. It may be time to move out again soon.


    [font=times new roman]Case Subject: Potemkine

    [size=7pt]Wednesday December 10

    I drove down a highway until my adrenaline high subsided and I felt the need to sleep. So, as I pulled into what used to be a sleepy little town I thought I saw a curtain move. I saw a human! AN ALIVE HUMAN! I knocked on his door and he cautiously opened the door and I was looking down the wrong end of pistol aimed at my head. I politely asked if I could pass the night and said that if I let him I will bring as far as I can get gas. He didn’t look to happy about it. He wanted to stay at his home where he knew it was safe. I eventually managed to barter a box of 9mm for safe lodging and some gas. And so now I rest and write while he looks out. That grizzled old man looks pretty worn. I don’t think he has slept for a few days. Who could? In any event I plan on leaving in the morning, bright and early. He promised me that he would wake me. Just in case, I set my cell alarm 30 minutes later than he promised to wake me. I hope that we will all make it out OK.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3796]33knight33

    awakening, this time i find myself on top of an air duct of a school... i guess this means i made it into the city... my hands are still drenched in red and i notice a trickling feeling around my mouth. a wipe with the forearm confirms that it is no barbecue sauce as the blood matts together the hair on my arm... i soon am re focused by a motoring sound... i see a Chevrolet sedan driving down the street with a string of followers...

    this is the first time i have spotted another, well since that night... i am surprised by how much like animals they appear to be... chasing after something they will never catch in a straight line pattern. moaning and groping around with a lack of coordination...

    i hear the engine coming to a stop.... i see two women dressed in black step out. one is holding a GSG-5 and the other some sort of shotgun.... they head into a nearby house occasionally turning to lay fire on the ensuing mob, breaking a window to gain entrance... not smart...


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3006]Allane

    12:35 PM

    Alright, we're stopped here in a laundry shop. It looks a little run down, but the narrow corridors are easily defensible. We're running a bit low on ammo, but food and water are sitting fine right now. My backpack is getting lighter, which I don't know if is a good sign or a bad sign. What I know is that we're using ammunition fast.

    Traveling through the city has been pretty rough. Walker is pretty sick, with what we don't know, but he claims he got an infected wound. He says that we won't have to worry about him turning, but if he does, we'll just have to do the inevitable... I hope it doesn't come down to that.

    Other than Walkerxes' slow traveling, there's also been a ruined city to travel through. It looks like it's a straight shoot to The Hospital, but at every turn that would get us closer there's either too many zombies, or rubble blocking our path. All along I heard faint screeching sounds. It must be hunting us: waiting for the right time to attack. I think he's going to prey on Walkerxes, we just had to keep him in the middle.

    At one point through the city we ran into a guy walking around through the streets with a cricket bat. After playing Cricket for a while in my childhood years, I know those bats aren't too durable - I don't think he lasted too long. Anyways, we made a big racket trying to catch his attention, but he just shambled along heading towards wherever he wanted to head to. Consequently, we attracted a horde of zombies. Despite Walker's condition, he's still a dang good shot. I wasn't too worried about kills as he and Ficet were (particularly Ficet, he seems to be keeping a running tally...), so I shot to wound them and slow them down with the pistols. These .45's (I don't know what they are, but they're surely not those M1911's I've seen a lot of) tend to slow them down pretty hard or kill them.

    Note: Nothing too important for this entry, but right before we got to the laundry store, I heard a loud, heavy breathing coming from somewhere. It sounded like it was pretty big, whatever was breathing. I don't think we'll have to encounter whatever it is on our way to the Hospital.



    Case Subject: [url=;u=1155]Gr4verunner

    Dec. 11

    Horrible....must have been 200...the scariest thing I've ever seen.

    Frag and I spent most of yesterday walking to AK's house. The closer we got the louder the noises were. Around 2pm we got to his house, just i time I guess. Ak was on his roof, his house was completely surrounded. It must have been 200 of these zombies. I couldn't even distinguish them from each other. Just a mass of writhing arms, legs, and heads. I almost shit my pants and ran. Any option of running flew from my mind as Frag's first cocktail hit the mob, it was now or never.

    We set up a pretty good position, on top of a car, frag tossing his cocktails while I kept the zombies off him. I never thought I'd be in that position, but there I was, firing away at the few infected who took notice of us while Frag rained death upon the rest. AK joined in quickly, firing his UMP at stragglers, making my job easier. Things took a turn for the worst after a while. We'd taken out almost three quarters of them when I ran out of ammo. AK must have seen me hitting them with my rifle, because he went full about after that, and Frag put his last cocktail down between us and the house. two of them made it through before the molotov went off, one went down quickly with a crushed skull, the other one got a hold of me, slashed my chest and gave me a black eye, until Frag kicked him square between the eyes.

    AK-99 started yelling to us, it was hard to hear over the fire. Eventually his constant pointing around the side of the house got through to our adrenaline soaked brains, we made a run for it.

    Thee it was! The fire truck, I sure hoped he could drive it!

    AK jumped off the roof and onto the truck, and got us out of there fast. Now were heading to a military base in New Jersey, we need supplies and ammo bad. AK is still driving, Frag is in the back writing i his own diary. I'll have to take over diving soon, it looks simple enough and there isn't much traffic to worry about these days.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=3705]Walkerxes

    Dec 11th, 12:43AM,

    We've had to barricade ourselves in an office building. We picked a room that was in the corner of the building, so at least we'll have concrete walls on two sides, and only one door to watch, as long as they don't break through the walls. This building was mostly deserted, so it became the logical choice when we realized we would not find a safehouse before I collapsed.

    I wouldn't blame them if they'd left me behind. But instead they practically dragged me along for the past few hours. I've given Allane the M-whatever-it-is sub machine gun. While I can still spray and pray pretty well, I'm too shaky with fever chills to hold it steady for the precise work.. and with its ammo dwindling, precise is what's required.

    He's pretty handy with guns, so I didn't even have to really show him how it worked. It had taken me a good 30 minutes to figure it out when I first got it.

    Today has been... hectic. Too many twists and turns.. and Leaper motherfuckers.. and your average zombie hordes. Most of us have sustained new injuries.. but luckily, nothing major.

    There's something big out there, and it may be following us. I fear it's one of Ficet's Hulk things. I can only hope we dodged it well enough that it won't find us here.. because if it does, we're fucked.


    Case Subject: [url=;u=4369]LuckyDucky

    Dec. 11th 1:57 A.M.

    All four of us are inside an office building, Walker is in the corner writing in his journal, he looks only half conscious. I am sitting near the door, only way in and out of this room...or so we hope it is. Ficet and Allane are near Walker, I'm not sure what they are doing...I don't know how we can help his illness here, he needs medical attention...and at the rate we are going, he won't be the only one.

    For the past five minutes I've been hearing a growling noise from the other side of that door, sounds big, whatever it is. Ficets talked about something, which he said could only be described as the "Hulk". We can't afford to fight anything right now, not with a man down...

    I don't know if it has identified us or not but the growling has become more intense with each passing the ground shaking? Whatever is out there it's huge....and it sounds ang-


    Case Subject: [url=;u=2891]FragRaptor

    Dec. 11 1:00 pm...

    A nightmare... Such a painful nightmare... Feet aching... blood covering me... the smell of gunpowder swirling around me... And the stare of a murderer on my face...

    Streets filled with zombies and I am just running them down... I is my turn to drive, AK and grave have already taken their time and both are hurt bad, I may have to take double the time.

    Taking a look at how bad they are hurt I can see that grave has a huge gash down his stomach, and AK has taken blows everywhere, his arm is more blood than arm right now...

    Dec. 11 5:00pm

    We have arrived at the military base AK mentioned. It looks like the infection has gotten through the military... That took some hopes out of us...

    We can see the usual zombies fighting with each other and vomiting all over the place. As we move towards the base zombies come running... As usual... I just grab their neck and put a bullet to their face.

    As we make it to the door of the military base most have been taken out and we prepare to assault the infected inside the base. I open the door and in shock see a large, grotesque, fat, man with a tumor for a chin standing in behind the door. In panic I shoot him and he explodes! EXPLODES?? My vision is covered by some sort of bile, all that is left of the man is a pair of legs.

    As I pick myself up, I see them... a massive horde of zombies coming strait for us... but as they pass strait passed Grave, I realize. THEY ARE COMING FOR ME!!!!! I make a dash for escape but those basturds are all around me... I they are close enough for me to see their crazed, mad, eyes. Eyes full of hate, stuck in an endless, pupilless gaze of tormet. I scream for help, shooting them back with all my ammo. One hits me down, and all I can reach is my pistol shooting any I can AK comes in a shoves them off and send pounds of lead into their damned bodies. I, still in a state of shock, shot at the dead zombies on the ground filled with fear that they are not dead.

    AK helps me up with his usual wise ass remark of "Jeez, Frag, always have to slow us down, don't ya." As we group together and get moving again.

    As we make it the door we hear an ominous sound inside of the base... Desks breaking... Walls crumbling... And a thunderous feeling under our feet and echoing in our ears... Then we see it a mass of muscle stampeding towards us... So much muscle mass that its head melded into it's neck and those tiny feet could not hold up such massive bulk...

    It had one thing on its mind...



    End Case File Entry

    Have you survived the Zombie Apocalypse?

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Chapter 9

    I know this one runs a bit long, but I couldn't NOT end it in Frag's cliff hanger.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Chapter 9

    Thank you, thank you.

    Would you mind checking my entry for grammer issues? I read it this morning and saw a few, I fixed some.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Potemkine's Avatar
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    Re: Chapter 9

    Frag, it would really help the editors if you could point out exactly what errors there are and what it should be.
      ____    U  ___ u _____  U _____ u  __  __    ____    _  __                _   _   U _____ u 
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    (__)__)     (__) (__) (__)(__) (__) (./  \.) (__)__) \.)   (_/ \_)-' '-(_/ (_")  (_/(__) (__)

  5. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Gamertag: FragRaptor Steam ID: FragRaptor

    Re: Chapter 9

    I fixed the ones I could notice.

    But thats why I'm asking you guys. I'll look though it some more and edit this.

    I is my turn to drive
    I -> It

    I they are close enough
    No I, Capital They.

    So much muscle mass that its head melded into it's neck and those tiny feet could not hold up such massive bulk...
    So much muscle mass that its head melded into its neck the whole thing supported by tiny feet that could not possibly hold up such a massive bulk...
    ^ Replace. Makes more sence.

    And go ahead and fix any and all speeling errors.

    Thanks! :9

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Walkerxes's Avatar
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    Re: Chapter 9

    Fixed in the article its self, Frag.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Chapter 9

    Quote Originally Posted by FragRaptor
    ^ Replace. Makes more sence sense.

    And go ahead and fix any and all speeling errors.

    Thanks! :9

    ohh and you're welcome

  8. Registered TeamPlayer IRON MAN 2142's Avatar
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    Re: Chapter 9

    Quote Originally Posted by 33knight33
    Quote Originally Posted by FragRaptor
    ^ Replace. Makes more sence sense.

    And go ahead and fix any and all speeling errors.

    Thanks! :9

    ohh and you're welcome

    you missed one

  9. Registered TeamPlayer FragRaptor's Avatar
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    Re: Chapter 9

    that one was on purpose.

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