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Thread: BF3 Unban Request

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    BF3 Unban Request

    Good evening. I've been playing as [COA] Findme1999, Origin Findme1999.

    TPG's Ranked 64 Conquest BF3 server has been my favorite (and most played server) for several weeks. Earlier this week I was banned by Super_BadACE for intentional TK. I realize this is one of the gravest offenses (short of hacking), and make no claims that it did not happen. I believe this was late Thursday night, early Friday morning. BlackGold may have also be playing along with ElFuriousGato, and ShootyMcStabby.

    I was playing Caspian Border on RU side and being severely overrun at all points because of a lack of teamwork (and few to no RU in TS). After 10 minutes of gameplay and repeated attempts to capture points, I came across an RU sniper just outside the RU base who had not moved since pitching his tent at round beginning. I've previously been temp banned for not pushing objectives myself and have worked hard to break the habit of being a safe base camping sniper with a fair K/D ratio. Seeing someone do the same thing was infuriating, and I now understand why it's ban worthy in a team player server. Frustrated, I lined up a headshot, and let loose, then typed in chat about base camping while we control NO objectives. I then took off in a jeep for another couple of pointless deaths attempting to capture well defended points. After 2-3 more deaths I came across the same sniper, in the same place, again doing nothing (kill count of 1, and 2 deaths, one of which caused by me). Another headshot and off to attempt more points. Another death and I came out of spawn glad to see the sniper no longer in the same place, however, complaining in chat about my TK offense.

    I feel guilty about it, but since he wasn't in the same place also somewhat justified, hoping he had finally moved off to take or at least overlook a capture point where he might be useful. Unfortunately I was paying attention to the chatbox and not where I was driving, I turned suddenly to avoid a tank I was overtaking in a jeep. In my swerve I bounced up the rocks and unintentionally ran over the same sniper. I honestly feel guilty, and wish I could remember the name of the guy to apologize for the TK's, especially the one with the jeep. After another death or two I switched to US team as they were not as numerous and doing much better.

    After several deaths on the US team attempting to hold the capped points (and reclaim the ones the RU had finally seemed motivated to hold) I decided there was too much air power raging against us, and spawned at base to claim the AA vehicle when it spawned next. While waiting another team member spawned, also waiting on the thin selection of vehicles spawning at random. When I hopped in the AA and tried to take off he shot me with a SMAW. I drove off a bit in fear he'd further damage the vehicle and ended up evading a Javelin back into base. The same engineer was there with a repair torch, except he didn't repair. I looked at him and requested repairs, to see him pull out the SMAW again and point it at me. I wasn't going to wait for him to shoot me again, and took preventative action, eliminating him and intentionally TKing. I announced in the server TS that I had intentionally TK'd the player (something Angel name), after he had shot me once and was preparing to do so again. The round ended shortly thereafter.

    While trying to enjoy the beginning of the next map I was ejected from the server and banned. I've not played since thinking the ban was temporary, and I'd rather wait to play in TPG than waste time in other frustrating servers. Today I am still banned (obviously not temporary after 3 days), and still wish to partake in TPG. The small clan that adopted me has started playing in TPG at my request, and has been enjoying it along with friends of mine from other sources that I occasionally play with.

    I'll admit that my TK rate was high the day of my ban even before the intentional TKs, especially on Metro. I'd recently changed my ideas on interrupting an established stream of fire when a teammate (not in TS) obliviously wandered into it. To stop firing more often then not still resulted in the TK as well as my own death. I've been occasionally guilty of the same lack of awareness and never held it against my teammate, I don't expect anyone to apologize to me for my own stupidity. I do try to apologize to teammates which are accidentally killed as a result of my actions (bad nade throws, long mortar shots with bad timing, enemy walks between us, etc.), however, am not always able to type in the chat box. This is another reason why I very much enjoy the TS server attached to the gameplay server, and TPG.

    The intentional TK's on Caspian were out of place, unwarranted, and not in the spirit of TPG. I vow to be more respectful of teammates, and not intentionally TK them regardless of situation. I shall not camp spawn and leave teammates to cap all the points, including air defense roles. Nor shall I become a smacktard inhibiting teamplay, or generally being unproductive.
    As I'm not an admin, nor anything more than a growing regular, it is not my place to enforce the rules. Reminders to other players would be acceptable, however, TK is certainly not the answer. Please consider revoking the ban on me in time for the 2XP next weekend (Fri-Mon), as I plan on being online when I'm not at work, and would like to spend the time in a server I enjoy working as part of a team to be victorious. Thank you for the consideration and opportunity to appeal the ban.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer ZoranDaWicked's Avatar
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    Re: BF3 Unban Request

    Hey Findme. Sorry that your first post has to be here. Sit tight. I'm going to find the admin who banned you and they will get back to you shortly.

    Super_badace is the banning admin. I will notify him of this post.

    Last edited by ZoranDaWicked; 05-05-13 at 09:59 PM.
    "Look at me once means trouble, twice means death"

  3. Registered TeamPlayer SuperBadAce's Avatar
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    Re: BF3 Unban Request

    Hello Findme1999.

    I am the admin who banned you and for the reason you stated. I will put your unban request up for a vote among the BF3 admins. This vote will take no longer than 3 days.

    I saw your complaint in chat about the sniper and was dealing with it. Just remember that TPG doesn't allow ITK's for any reason.

    Sorry your first post had to be here. Please feel free to look around the forums and check back here in 3 days for the results.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: BF3 Unban Request

    Thank you to all the admins for their consideration. I was wondering if the verdict has been returned yet? 2XP is running and I want to get some killing on!

  5. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Re: BF3 Unban Request

    Sorry for the delay. By vote of the BF3 admins your ban has been lifted.

    Keep in mind that mistakes happen and unless overly abundant are usually ignored, but intentional TKs are never tolerated.

    You should be able to get back into the server at this time.

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
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  6. Administrator Kanati's Avatar
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    Re: BF3 Unban Request

    Resolved. Locked.

    Krakkens and shit. stop tempting them.
    -- Bigdog

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