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Thread: Banned

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    #1. Why do you think you got banned?

    I was banned a few days ago for "Excessive Team Killing".

    Situation -

    Entered game, spawned airfield (Wake Island), ran to airstrip for a plane where another player was already waiting on a plane to spawn. I walked to the side of the runway and waited for him to take the first plane and I planned to take the second one that spawned. While waiting, another player ran up and attempted to line jump the player that was already waiting. I drew my weapon and fired two quick bursts as a warning. I was not aware that FF was on and in turn TKed the line jumper. I do not intentionally TK, it was a complete accident (said sorry right after) and play as a team player. I was quite disturbed that this is claimed a "team" oriented server and players find it necessary to work against other team members. After this ordeal, I grabbed a jeep and headed to the south base that was under attack. While defending the gray flag, it was just myself and one enemy at the flag, our Jet bombed and TKed me. Due to the pilots’ irresponsible actions, we lost the south flag, which is a key asset to Wake Island. I, in turn punish for the TK, as there is no reason for a jet to BLINDLY bomb a grey flag with teammates on it. I then attack the north village, grey the flag with one enemy still alive and the same pilot, ONCE AGAIN BLINDLY BOMBS the grey flag TKing me AGAIN. Later the pilot says something insulting, along the lines of "Thanks to the jackasses for the punish". I replied that it was foolish to bomb a grey flag and that they needed to check their mini-map before bombing. We exchanged a few words and I was banned. To note, I had 1 accidental TK for which I apologized and was TKed twice by the same pilot with no apology, just insults.

    #2. What server were you on? What admin do you believe banned you? What admins were there playing?

    Texas Team Players BF2 Server
    I am not familiar with the admins of this server so I cannot guess who banned me.

    BF2 Stats :

    #3. Why should you be unbanned?

    I am a consistent TEAM player and do not intentionally TK. The most important thing for me, is that my team wins, I could care less about high scores. This game is designed (not to mention the most enjoyable) when a team works as a unit and helps one another. If this is indeed the philosophy of this server, then I would like to request to be unbanned. The actions I witnessed on the server were completely of a "Lone Wolf" style of game play with numerous insults and fighting amongst teammates. If this is the SOP, then we can leave it as it is. I am hoping the latter is not the case and assume the mission statements of this community are indeed supporting TEAMPLAY.

    #4. A written statement that you will refrain from doing anything that will get you banned again.
    I will not take actions into my own hands and will request an admins attention if the need ever presents itself again.

    #5. Failure to address all of the above questions clearly will result in your post being locked and/or your unban request to go unprocessed. If you don't care, we don't care.

    Understood and acknowledged.

    #6. If your ban is sustained (upheld by the voting admins), you will have to wait at least 30 days before any additional request to be "unbanned" can be accepted.

    Understood and acknowledged.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: Banned

    Butcher I was your banning admin and you were banned for tk'ing not for conversations you have on the server. How long have you been playing on our server? Wait let me answer that for you. Almost a full hour and you just now realized that FF was on? Seriously.

    One more thing about our server we do not have lines for vehicles so your "warning" shots were enough to get you banned.

    We value teamplay to the utmost. Bombing tk's happen and the "regs" on this server understand that, but if you want to talk about "teamplay" punishing someone on your team for an accidental tk is the epitomy of non-teamplay.

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    Re: Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    Butcher I was your banning admin and you were banned for tk'ing not for conversations you have on the server. How long have you been playing on our server? Wait let me answer that for you. Almost a full hour and you just now realized that FF was on? Seriously.
    As stated above, the TK incident happened right after I joined the server. I had not been on the server for more than 5 mins at the time of the TK. It was only after we had a conversation about you repeatedly TKing me, did you instigate a ban. As you claim, this would have been 55 mins AFTER I TKed, not to mention my TK was an isolated incident. So, you noticed the TK and decided to ban an HOUR after the TK happened? Seriously.

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen

    One more thing about our server we do not have lines for vehicles so your "warning" shots were enough to get you banned.
    I have read the rules and understand there are not lines for vehicles but it is not in the essence of teamplay to push a player out of the way and steal a vehicle from them.

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen

    We value teamplay to the utmost. Bombing tk's happen and the "regs" on this server understand that, but if you want to talk about "teamplay" punishing someone on your team for an accidental tk is the epitomy of non-teamplay.

    I too value teamplay to the utmost and understand that accidental TKs happen BUT bombing and insulting your teammates REPEATEDLY with no apology is a far cry from "teamplay". Twice you engaged in bombing runs on gray flags with teammates present causing TKs. Is that what you consider "teamplay" or a lone wolf gunning for kills?

  4. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: Banned

    In a jet yes they are unintentional. Sitting on the ground and taking pop shots at some one who "jumped" in line, NO. I'll get you vote up. You will have your results within 3 days. If it is sustained, you can appeal in 30 days.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    In a jet yes they are unintentional.

    Just because you are in a jet does not give you the right to bomb a friendly occupied area, TKing anyone in sight. It makes absolutely no logical sense to risk collateral damages to your "TEAMMATES" on a grey flag, especially when you are bombing blind, with NO TARGETS IN SIGHT. Did you even have a single target? Let me answer that for you, NO YOU DID NOT, there were NO enemy vehicles and just a single infantry hiding in the bush, which if you didn't see the friendly, I highly doubt you saw the enemy hiding in the bush. In both situations there was ONE enemy infantry on the flag and you missed them, ONLY KILLING A TEAMMATE. Due to your irresponsible bombing, you TKed the friendly and allowed the enemy to take control. The mini-map clearly indicates there were friendlies present and you had NO TARGETS. Why in the world would you choose to drop bombs when you KNOW there are teammates present? Obviously this was not an isolated incident for you and you find it acceptable to bomb friendlies under the umbrella of protection of being in a jet. Is that what you consider teamplay? If it were to happen once, yes, I would agree that it could be an accident BUT to do it repeatedly is just plain irresponsible and you deserved the punishment. You were absolutely no help to your team and actually presented a detriment to the team when you engage in BLINDLY BOMBING FRIENDLIES!

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    Sitting on the ground and taking pop shots at some one who "jumped" in line, NO.
    Once again, I will restate this for the LAST TIME. This happened when I FIRST ENTERED THE SERVER, within the first 5 mins and I was NOT AWARE THAT FF WAS ON! It was an ACCIDENTAL TK! To correct your original assumption, I was not on the server for an hour before this happened. Please check the logs as I do not believe my total time on the server was anywhere near an hour. Yes, I shot at him but my intent was not to TK him. Once I was aware that FF was on, I did not run around madly TKing, I apologized and moved on. I'm admitting I was in the wrong for the TK. It was my fault that I was unaware that FF was on and should not have fired at a teammate. His wrong does not justify mine and for my portion of the wrongdoing, I am sorry. I play to win, I play with the team and when I am wrong, I am man enough to admit it.

    It is unfortunate we have different opinions on when a TK is justified, but I'm sure that we can both agree that there is no room for INTENTIONAL TKs and teamplay is the essence of this game.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: Banned

    Well let's see. You've got 73 hours in a jet. Are you saying you are so perfect that you've never bombed a friendly? Bull crap. It happens. HUGE difference between that and what you did. Get off your freaking high horse. Your vote is up and so far it is positive. Don't make it worse.

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    Re: Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    Well let's see. You've got 73 hours in a jet. Are you saying you are so perfect that you've never bombed a friendly? Bull crap. It happens. HUGE difference between that and what you did. Get off your freaking high horse. Your vote is up and so far it is positive. Don't make it worse.
    Of course not, Ive had NUMEROUS accidental TKs, as you know, its the nature of the beast. Im just trying to illustrate that mine was also accidental, not intentional. I honestly dont think you were trying to TK, it was just a bad situation, wrong place wrong time. If you had hit the bad guy, I would have loved you for it, that south base is a key postition on that map. I was a bit hot about the guy stealing the jet, as I do not see that as being a teamplayer and then combine that with getting TKed in a couple of intense situations, was I was ready to explode. My apology for being hotheaded about it, wasn't my day.

    Thanks for posting the vote, greatly appriciated. I understand that your TKs were not intentional and do not hold it against you. Please just check the mm if Im in the bombing path. :P

  8. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: Banned

    Fair enough.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Banned

    Thanks, now off for some BF2 :4

    Have a good one!

  10. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: Banned

    Butcher per the vote of the admins your ban has been lifted. You are free to return to the server. Remember FF is on ;).

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