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Thread: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Hello everybody,

    I'm fairly new to TTP, but I enjoy playing in a team oriented atmosphere and I believe TTP is trying to achieve this on their COD4 server. However, as an admin myself, I've noticed ridiculously strict rules that hardly make any sense.

    First of all, a sniper does not need to "follow the call" when he or she is sniping at a distance, providing crossfire cover to the other users who are rushing. I was warned for doing this on Strike, where I was covering the street. Seriously? I was told to "follow the call". Had I followed "the call", 3 enemies would've been alive and raped the team.

    Secondly, the "bonus round" on Strike needs to be fixed. It's a joke, really. Braddock attempted to ban me because I TK'ed after a vote had passed and the map was being changed. I NEVER TK during matches, but the map was CHANGING because a vote HAD PASSED. I held a nade, we all blew up and the map changed. Big deal? Apparently so. Having played there for a few weeks without any "offenses" and now I'm suddenly getting banned? Something's not right.

    Braddock is much too quick with the ban hammer, and should respect players who are not fully aware of the strictness of his rules. There's no need to be such an ass, or sit as a spectator and WAIT for someone to slip up (yes, Braddock, you did this on Pipeline. You were a spec and warned someone twice for not "following the call").

    A team atmosphere is fine and welcomed, but an atmosphere where even joking around a bit can get you banned ruins the experience.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Arreo's Avatar
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    Re: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Yes, killing three of your team mates is halarious.

    And yes, we were warned for not following the call. Repeatedly, round after round. The admins were having a tough time of it and we already kicked and warned a handful of others and still you didn't get the message.

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    Re: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by Arreo
    Yes, killing three of your team mates is halarious.

    And yes, we were warned for not following the call. Repeatedly.
    1 - It was during the bugged Strike map which had been voted out to the next map. What difference does it make? The map was over. I've been playing with TTP for a few weeks and playing normally and with the team. This would not have happened during regular, unbugged maps. I'm sorry your sense of humour is so cold.

    2 - I was not warned repeatedly. I was warned once.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Braddoc's Avatar
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    Re: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by liQuid
    Hello everybody,

    I'm fairly new to TTP, but I enjoy playing in a team oriented atmosphere and I believe TTP is trying to achieve this on their COD4 server. However, as an admin myself, I've noticed ridiculously strict rules that hardly make any sense.
    hello liquid. welcome to TTP, and sorry your first visit here is to this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by liQuid
    First of all, a sniper does not need to "follow the call" when he or she is sniping at a distance, providing crossfire cover to the other users who are rushing. I was warned for doing this on Strike, where I was covering the street. Seriously? I was told to "follow the call". Had I followed "the call", 3 enemies would've been alive and raped the team.
    a sniper is part of the team. the call for the team was to go to B, and you decided to move over to A and "provide cover" for the team from there. it's not the fact that players use sniper kits, or that they decide to go the other way to provide cover that is the issue. the issue is that you didn't communicate with the team your intentions. a simple resolution would be to ask, or even to metion, to the team that you were going to distract, or provide cover while they rush the other way. it's about teamwork here. it's about communication. since you didn't do this, you were considered a lone wolf, and were warned for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by liQuid
    Secondly, the "bonus round" on Strike needs to be fixed. It's a joke, really. Braddock attempted to ban me because I TK'ed after a vote had passed and the map was being changed. I NEVER TK during matches, but the map was CHANGING because a vote HAD PASSED. I held a nade, we all blew up and the map changed. Big deal? Apparently so. Having played there for a few weeks without any "offenses" and now I'm suddenly getting banned? Something's not right.
    the "bonus round" is a bug that we are working on, it's not a joke. most people vote it off, true. however, our server does not permit intentional TKs, period. they are not TEAMplay oriented. it doesn't matter if you've played there for years, are a top ranking member of a resident clan, or another admin... we don't allow them.

    the vote hadn't passed, it was simply cast. in fact, the first vote failed. this actually happens more often than you know, because a lot of regulars like to play it just for fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by liQuid
    Braddock is much too quick with the ban hammer, and should respect players who are not fully aware of the strictness of his rules. There's no need to be such an ass, or sit as a spectator and WAIT for someone to slip up (yes, Braddock, you did this on Pipeline. You were a spec and warned someone twice for not "following the call").
    they aren't my rules, they are TTPs rules. i just enforce them. i wasn't an ass about it. in fact, 2 other admins confirmed that it warranted a ban. my being spec on pipeline had to do with other business, which is absolutely none of yours. and yes, i witnessed multiple people not following the call, and warned them. WARNED them, which i'm not obligated to do at any time i witness non-teamplay. i could kick or ban as well. it's my way of giving them a chance to correct themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by liQuid
    A team atmosphere is fine and welcomed, but an atmosphere where even joking around a bit can get you banned ruins the experience.
    a good teamplayer atmosphere is welcomed too. we joke around all the time, but we don't iTK... EVER. sorry you had to learn this the hard way, rather than use common sense.

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    Re: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Well then, sorry if my suicide bombing caused so much tears within your ranks. You need to lay off the ban hammer, or people are just going to start hating you. All you had to do was tell me not to TK even if its during a bugged round. You need to chill man, much too uptight about these "rules". I've been playing there for awhile, and frankly, it's sad to see that you guys have a forum dedicated to people who are being banned.

    I won't babble on and defend my position as a sniper, but I was covering the street and most of you died over at B. I was heading behind B to flank. Ask the person before warning them. You know I play decent, so you need to chill.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Braddoc's Avatar
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    Re: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Quote Originally Posted by liQuid
    Well then, sorry if my suicide bombing caused so much tears within your ranks. You need to lay off the ban hammer, or people are just going to start hating you. All you had to do was tell me not to TK even if its during a bugged round. You need to chill man, much too uptight about these "rules". I've been playing there for awhile, and frankly, it's sad to see that you guys have a forum dedicated to people who are being banned.
    i tried to be polite in my first response, but you just had to come back in here and get on your soap box.

    it's not tears for fucked up. i don't need to A) lay off said ban hammer, or B) listen to any ass hat gamer telling me how to do my job. i shouldn't have to tell every smuck who comes into the server that they should be civil, act like a normal person, and not be the jack off anonymous internet gaming idiot. that's the common sense that most of you just don't have, or fail to use.

    we have THIS dedicated forum to protect the innocent from power hungry ban hammering admins. we police ourselves, and are held to strict rules accordingly. something that you wouldn't know anything about with your 3 post visit to try to whine about my admin services. we also have another dedicated forum for those anonymous gaming idiots that, like you, stumble into our righteous grounds and trip up, not knowing the consequences that follow. feel free to read the stickies about how to correctly post an unban request if you'd like to return to the servers.

    Quote Originally Posted by liQuid
    I won't babble on and defend my position as a sniper, but I was covering the street and most of you died over at B. I was heading behind B to flank. Ask the person before warning them. You know I play decent, so you need to chill.
    you don't have to mention any part of this, because i simply warned you for not following the call. quit being ass sore about it.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Wow, so you really are teared up about all this. Too bad this is just a game, and that your so called rules are absolutely ridiculous. You can insult all me all you want, your rules are the problem, not the gamers.

    And by the way, you're the one who initially asked me to drop by the servers because you thought I gamed well. I since kept coming to your server because I thought it had a good atmosphere of gameplay. Boy was I wrong - slip up and your banned. ROFL.

    You guys must have some serious ego issues to DEMAND that people apologize and that no admin here will apologize, etc. That's hilarious, really.

    It's one thing to "reset the standards", but it's another to take them way the hell too seriously. lmao

    I won't be going back to your server on principle of its douchebageryness.

    Thank you, and goodbye.

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    Re: COD TTP Administrative Abuse

    Isn't it wonderful when the trash takes it's self out the door.

    We keep our servers full of TeamPlayers and don't allow the non-TeamPlaying-garbage that could care less, to stick around and cause grief to the ones that dedicated a certain amount of their time that to enjoy the best gaming experience possible.

    Good riddance.

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